Context Clues Worksheet 1 - Commonly Confused Word …

Context Clues Worksheet 2

Signal words you might see

Type of clue if this clue is being used

Definition this means, that is, or, also know as, also called, defined as

Restatement is, are, meaning, in other words

Comparison like, as, similar to, not unlike, resembling, reminiscent, similarly

Contrast unlike, but, in contrast to, different

from, instead, on the other hand, except for

Cause and Effect since, because, so, as a result, due to, thus

Example such as, especially, like, for instance, for example, including

Part I: Read the passage below. Answer the questions that follow the selection.

A Staten Island couple is suing New York City after certating, in other words discovering, that their son’s brain was on hilatation, or display, at a city morgue. His parent say they had no idea his brain was couphled, for instance thrown out or expunged, during an autopsy until some of the teen’s classmates spotted it floating in a cruet, like a large beaker, while on a field trip. After the incident, the city returned the brain. Unlike putting him to rest, the family disacquined their son, so they could bury him with his missing organ. A city attorney says officials are filerizing the family’s legal options because of someone’s oversight and disrespect, and hope to resolve the case.

1) What is the meaning of the word “certating”?

* learning * eliminating * reading * researching

2) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

3) What is the meaning of the word “hilatation”?

* side show * broadcast * presentation * visual aid

4) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

5) What is the meaning of the word “couphled”?

* kept * expelled * removed * both expelled and removed

6) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

7) What is the meaning of the word “cruet”?

* barrel * box * coffin * all of these

8) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

9) What is the meaning of the word “disacquined”?

* exhumed * buried * exorcised * blessed

10) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

11) What is the meaning of the word “filerizing”?

* investigated * filing * explored * both investigate and explore

12) Which type of clue was used to determine the answer? (use the list above)

Part II: Choose the word from the list below that best defines each bold word in the sentences below. You will use each word only once.

stunned echoed defined conceited one-sidedness

brainy high discordant impermanent ecstasy

continually neglected controversial eulogy

13) When the team’s owner hired his cousin to be coach, cries of nepotism, or favoritism to ones relatives,

echoed through the community.

14) Unlike deciduous trees, the fir tree doesn’t lose all its leaves at a certain time.

15) I though that buying the house was a foolish decision, but it turned out to be financially astute.

16) Because the reporter persistently questioned, he finally got some answers.

17) After Mr. Lopez finished his speech, his powerful message resonated in the people’s minds.

18) The abandoned house had become dilapidated; for instance, the windows were broken, the paint was

peeling, and the porch was sagging.

19) The original price if the computer was exorbitant, but the sale price was quite reasonable and


20) Unlike my parents, who are known for being disputatious, I try to be agreeable.

21) Egotistical behavior, especially bragging and showing off, really annoys me.

22) Like a person who had won the lottery, the winning candidate was in a euphoric mood.

23) She looked aghast, like someone who had just seen a ghost.

24) One of Aunt Emma’s abiding interests is necrology—fascination with newspaper obituaries—and she

seems to have almost everyone’s history as a result.

25) The music was jangled and dissonant like the sounds of drivers blowing their horns in a traffic jam.

26) The shrubs delineated the playground from the pool area so that young children would not wander too

close to the deep water.


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