
-Transparency “A”

When finding the cause or the effect, the reader is usually answering the questions “why?” or “how?” or “what is the result?” about something. In order to best find the cause or effect, the reader must first determine what event he or she is being asked to analyze. A cause makes some event happen. An effect is a change that takes place after the event. These two things usually work together. The cause tells why; the effect tells what.

Activity I

Model for students the cause /effect relationship

|CAUSE (Why it happened) |EFFECT (what happened) |

|The boy kicked the ball. |The ball rolled. |

|The girl teased the cat. |The cat growled. |

|Sally studied hard for a test. |Sally earned an A on her test. |

|Joe became really tired. |Joe went to sleep early. |

Activity II

Teacher will review signal words for Cause-and-Effect

Teacher might say: Now, using these clue words, let’s think of some ideas that might be used for cause. Then, let’s think about what effect may have resulted.

|Cause: |

|because bring about contributed to due to |

|the reason for give rise to led to since |

|on account of created by |

|Effect: |

|as a result consequently hence so |

|outcome therefore effect thus |

|finally for this reason then |

Activity III

Directions: Read the following sentence while I read them aloud. Let’s think about cause and effect using the signal words above to help us determine them. To help me identify the signal word I am going to put a box around it. Then I will underline the cause and circle the effect. Watch me as I model for you.

1. The sky was dark and I heard thunder in the distance, so I took my umbrella with me.

2. Fried foods are high in fat content; as a result, they are bad for your health.

3. Rylan is a great dancer because of the many hours he spends practicing.

4. Daily exercise strengthens the heart so many people who exercise have healthy hearts.

5. I had to restart my computer due to it freezing.

Transparency “B”

Guided Practice (We Do)

Activity I

Identify Cause / Effect by matching the cause and effect in the matching game see

Activity II

Signal Words for Cause-and-Effect

|Cause: |

|because bring about contributed to due to |

|the reason for give rise to led to since |

|on account of created by |

|Effect: |

|as a result consequently hence so |

|outcome therefore effect thus |

|finally for this reason then |

Directions: Read the following sentence while I read them aloud. Let’s think about cause and effect using the signal words above to help us determine them. To help us identify whether it is a cause or an effect we can look for and identify the signal word by placing a box around it. As we identify the cause and effect we will underline the cause and circle the effect. Lets try these together.

1. The car would not start because the battery was dead.

2. My highest grade is in biology due to science being my favorite subject.

3. I did not clean my room; hence, I could not go to the movies.

4. The moon has a gravitational pull; consequently, there are ocean tides

Answer Key for teacher modeling (I DO) Attachment “A”

Activity II

1. The sky was dark and I heard thunder in the distance , for this reason

I took my umbrella with me.

2. Fried foods are high in fat content; as a result, they are bad for your health.

3. Rylan is a great dancer because of the many hours he spends practicing.

4. Daily exercise strengthens the heart; therefore, many people who exercise have healthy hearts.

5. I had to restart my computer due to it freezing.

Answer Key for teacher guided practice (We Do) Attachment “B”

Activity III

1. The car would not start because the battery was dead.

2. My highest grade is in biology due to science being my favorite subject.

3. I did not clean my room; hence, I could not go to the movies.

4. The moon has a gravitational pull; consequently, there are ocean tides.


Cause is underlined

Effect is italicized and circled

Cause signal word is in blue

Effect signal word is in red

Answer Key for teacher/student practice (We Do)

Activity I

|A |B |

|out in the rain |got wet |

|dropped pencil |leaned over to pick it up |

|stubbed toe |OUCH! |

|fell off bicycle |scrapped knee |

|wandered off the trail |got lost |

|missed bus |walked home |

|misbehaved on playground |got punished |

|jumped lunch line |teacher put me at the end of line |

|didn't know math facts |can't do math problems |

|fought on the school bus |had to sit in front seat |

|didn't listen to instructions |didn't know how to do work |

|forgot to bring lunch |had to eat in cafeteria |

|typed password wrong |didn't get into the computer |

|didn't wash hands |got sick |

|ate healthy food |stayed well |

|didn't clean my room |couldn't find my shoes |

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Attachment “C”

Student Independent Practice (You Do)

Look at the following examples of Cause and Effect using the graphic organizer below; identify the cause, effect or event, and the signal word in the sentences below.

1. Because of the road construction, hundreds of people were delayed on the highway.

2. Melissa was chosen as homecoming queen, due to her beauty and personality.

3. As a result of voter fraud, the election had to be held again.

4. Janice worked seven days a week; therefore, she was able to buy a new car.

|Cause |Signal Word |Effect |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Answer Key Student Independent Practice

1. Because of the road construction, hundreds of people were delayed on the highway.

The event is people being delayed on the highway. The cause is the road construction. Notice the clue word—because.

2. Melissa was chosen as homecoming queen, due to her beauty and personality.

The event is Melissa being chosen as homecoming queen. The cause is her beauty and personality. Notice the clue words—due to. Also notice that this time, the cause comes after the event.

3. As a result of voter fraud, the election had to be held again.

The event is voter fraud. The effect of this is that the election had to be held again. Notice the clue words—as a result. Notice this time that the effect is first, then the event follows.

4. Janice worked seven days a week; therefore, she was able to buy a new car.

The event was Janice working seven days a week. The effect was that she could buy a new car. Notice the clue word—therefore.

Notice that this time the event is first and the effect follows.

Transparency “D”

Pesticides in Our Food

Many Americans are unaware of how pesticides affect our food supplies. Health risks are the inevitable result. Pesticides can run off into groundwater and run off into nearby streams, where they are carried from their original dispersal site. This is how pesticides end up in drinking water, fish, and game. And because of wind, rain, and evaporation, residues routinely show up in animals in the remotest parts of the world. For example, if grain fields or rough lands are sprayed with pesticides, residues can show up in poultry, eggs, milk, and butter. The end result is that every food we eat carries pesticides as the inevitable consequence of spraying crops with these poisons. And human exposure doesn’t even end there; residues are transferred from mother to child through the placenta and mother’s milk.

-Citizen Action News, Summer 1995

1. List some of the health risks caused by Pesticides:




Pesticides in Our Food

Many Americans are unaware of how pesticides affect our food supplies. Health risks are the inevitable result. Pesticides can run off into groundwater and run off into nearby streams, where they are carried from their original dispersal site. This is how pesticides end up in drinking water, fish, and game. And because of wind, rain, and evaporation, residues routinely show up in animals in the remotest parts of the world. For example, if grain fields or rough lands are sprayed with pesticides, residues can show up in poultry, eggs, milk, and butter. The end result is that every food we eat carries pesticides as the inevitable consequence of spraying crops with these poisons. And human exposure doesn’t even end there; residues are transferred from mother to child through the placenta and mother’s milk.

-Citizen Action News, Summer 1995

List some of the health risks caused by Pesticides:

(Possible student answers)

•Pesticides get into the water supply and land used for crops and


•Pesticide residues accumulate in foods that human eat such as poultry

eggs milk and butter.

•The pesticides are carried in to the human body and can be transferred

from the unborn child or infant by way of mother either by placenta or

the mother’s milk.


Level C Unit 1 Cluster 3

Cause/Effect Relationships/Independent Reading

Name: ___________________________________Date: ____________________________________

Cause Effect








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