The Economic Causes and Consequences of the First World War

[Pages:348] The Economic Causes and Consequences

of the First World War

EDITORS: Ivan Vujaci Mihail Arandarenko

Publisher Publishing Center Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade Kamenicka 6, tel. 3021-045, faks 3021-065 E mail:

Dean of the Faculty of Economics Prof. Branislav Borici, PhD

Director of the Publishing Centre ore Mitrovi, PhD

Designed and formatted by CUGURA PRINT, Beograd

Printed by CUGURA PRINT, Beograd

Year 2015

Reviewers Milica Uvali Slobodan G. Markovi Bozidar Cerovi

Circulation 300

ISBN: 978-86-403-1451-0

Publishing and printing supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

? 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording scanning or otherwise, except with a prior written permission of the publisher or authors.


1 Chapter1 The Economic Causes and Consequences of the First World War: Introduction and Overview Ivan Vujaci, Mihail Arandarenko


13 Chapter2 Stabilizing Southeastern Europe, Financial Legacies and European Lessons from the First World War John R. Lampe

33 Chapter3 Theories of Imperialism and the First Globalization ? Any Relevant Analogies? Ivan Vujaci

73 Chapter 4 A Critical Appreciation of Schumpeter's Theory of Imperialism Kosta Josifidis, Alpar Losonc

91 Chapter 5 International Business and Investments at the Time of the First World War Sandra Stojadinovi Jovanovi, Milena Jaksi

105 Chapter 6 Causes and Consequences of the First World War: The Agony of the Laissez-Faire Aleksandra Prascevic



131 Chapter 7 The First World War and Processuality in the World System Miomir Jaksi

149 Chapter 8 Global Monetary Policy Challenges After WWI Dejan Soski

165 Chapter 9 Economic Possibilities for Keynes's Grandchildren Mihail Arandarenko


181 Chapter 10 The Political Economy of the Cooperative Movement Before and After the First World War Will Bartlett

199 Chapter 11 The Economic Development of Serbia Between the Great War and the Great Depression Biljana Jovanovi Gavrilovi, Gojko Rikalovi, Dejan Molnar

219 Chapter 12 Pyrrhic Victory: The Great War and its Immediate Consequences for Serbia's Economy Milos Jagodi, Ognjen Radonji

237 Chapter 13 The Economic Problems of Bulgaria During the First World War and Changes in its Economic Policy Rumen Andreev

253 Chapter 14 The Causes and Consequences of the Customs War Between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, 1906-1911 Radovan Kovacevi


Contents 267 Chapter 15

The Consequences of World War One on the Foreign Trade of the Kingdom of SCS and Bulgaria 1919-1929 ? The Case of the Textile Industry Jelena Rafailovi 287 Chapter 16 The History of Money in Montenegro from 1906?1918 Nikola Fabris 297 Chapter 17 Exploring the Development of Audit Practice Through Critical Events: Lessons Learned and Not Learned Miroslav Todorovi, Savka Vuckovi Milutinovi 315 Chapter 18 Institutional Work Blending Commercial and Social Entrepreneurship: Djordje Weifert and the Formation of Banking Associations during Early Serbian Industrialization Dragan Loncar, Dragan Budi



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