Check Blood Review Sheet

Check Blood Review Sheet

Gap-Fill Exercise

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1. [pic]are a type of nongranular leukocyte that protect against disease by

producing an immunity to previous invaders.

2. [pic]are leukocytes that help protect the body from irritants that cause


3. [pic]cell anemia is caused by inheritance of an abnormal type of hemoglobin

which distort the RBC's into sickle shapes.

4. [pic]is any of a number of different conditions caused by an inability to carry

sufficient oxygen to the body cells.

5. [pic]fetalis is a disease caused by the reaction of an Rh negative

mother carrying an Rh positive child.

6. [pic]is a malignant blood cancer that causes increase of leukocytes

7. [pic]are leukocytes that also help with allergic reactions, and produce a

chemical called HEPARIN which prevents clotting of blood.

8. [pic]is a condition that produces too many RBC's

9. [pic]are leukocytes that engulf and digest microbes.

10. [pic]anemia is caused caused by a defiency of RBC's due to lack of B12.

11. A blood clot is called a [pic].

12. A blood test that separates and measures the different portions of blood is called a


13. A dislodged clot is called an [pic].

14. A low white count (under 5,000/dl of blood) caused by diseases of the immune

system is called [pic].

15. A substance that reacts to an antigen, usually causing them to clump together is

called a/an [pic].

16. After clots have formed and been removed from the plasma only the [pic]is left.

17. An abnormally high white count, usually because of infection, is called [pic]

18. Any substance that stimulates the production of antibodies is called a/an [pic].

19. Approximately [pic]% of the population have type A blood.

20. Approximately [pic]% of the population have type AB blood.

21. Approximately [pic]% of the population have type B blood.

22. Approximately [pic]% of the population have type O blood.

23. As platelets collect around an injured vessel, some break up and release platelet


24. Blood is produced in myeloid tissue, which is also known as red bone [pic].

25. Lack of iron in the diet causes lack of hemoglobin, lack of oxygen, lack of energy

and is known as [pic]anemia.

26. Leukocytes may be granular or [pic]

27. Normal blood contains approx. [pic]% red blood cells.

28. Platelet factors combine with [pic](a protein found in the plasma) to form


29. Platelets are called [pic].

30. RBC's live only about [pic]days.

31. Red blood cells are called [pic].

32. Rh FACTOR is an antigen found in [pic]% of human blood.

33. The body produces [pic]million RBC's each second.

34. The clumping of antibodies and antigens is called [pic].

35. The condition of having a blood clot is called [pic].

36. The condition of having a dislodged blood clot is called [pic].

37. The iron containing protein that combines with oxygen is called [pic].

38. The liquid part of the blood that has not clotted is called [pic].

39. The major function of the RBC's is to transport [pic].

40. The most numerous of the granular leukocytes are a type of phagocyte called


41. The number one function of blood is [pic].

42. The unique structure and tremendous numbers RBC's give them a total surface

area larger than a [pic]field.

43. The universal donor is type [pic]

44. The universal recipient is type [pic]

45. Thrombin changes fibrinogen into [pic], a gel-like fiber that catches RBC's and

forms the clot.

46. Vitamin [pic]stimulates liver to increase production of prothrombin and aids in blood


47. White blood cells are called [pic].

48. Your body contains approx. [pic]pints of blood.

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|  10     10-12     120     2     4     40-45     41     45     85     AB     agglutination     Anemia     antibody     antigen   |

|  Basophils     embolism     embolus     Eosinophils     Erythroblastosis     erythrocytes     factors     fibrin     football   |

|  hematocrit     hemoglobin     iron deficiency     K     Leukemia     leukocytes     leukocytosis     leukopenia     Lymphocytes   |

|  marrow     neutrophils     nongranular     O     oxygen     Pernicious     Phagocytes     plasma     Polycythemia     prothrombin   |

|  serum     Sickle     thrombocytes     thrombosis     thrombus     transport      |

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