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Name: ________________________________ Date:_____________________AP Biology: Ch. 45 Endocrine System Study Guide1. The hormone primarily responsible for setting the basal metabolic rate and for promoting the maturation of the brain is:A. cortisol B. ACTH C. TSH D. thyroxine E. none of the preceding.2. Many nonsteroid hormones act upon their target cells by causing:A. cyclic AMP to become ATPB. the inactivation of adenylate cyclaseC. cyclic AMP to become protein kinesesD. the activation of adenylate cyclaseE. both A and D apply.3. Which of the following would result from a thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland)?A. decreased TSH secretionB. increased T3 and thyroxine secretionC. increased calcitonin secretionD. increased TSH secretionE. both B and C apply.4. Steroid hormones are secreted by:A. the adrenal cortex B. the gonads C. the thyroid D. both A and B E. both B and C.5. The secretion of which hormone would be increased in a person with endemic goiter?A. TSH. B. thyroxine C. triiodothyronine; D. all of the preceding apply6. Which of the following hormone pairs is not produced by the same endocrine gland?A. LH/FSH B. ACTH/ADH C. prolactin/GH D. CRH/PIH. E. all of the preceding are correctly paired.7. Oxytocin:A. allows milk secretion or "milk let-down"B. is stored in the pars nervosa (posterior pituitary)C. is produced by cells in the diencephalon (hypothalamus)D. exerts important effects during childbirthE. all of the above.MATCHING.( Items A through E may be used more than once.) A. Hypothalamus B. hypophysis C. adrenal D. thyroid E. parathyroid.8. Located in the sella turcica of the spheroid bone9. Contains groups of cell bodies called nuclei10. Located on the superior border of each kidney11. Contains two structures: adeno- and neurohypophysis12. Located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland13. Contains an outer cortical region and an inner medullary region14. Located inferior to the larynx15. Contains chromaffin cells which produce catecholamines16. Produces releasing and inhibiting hormones17. Produces calcitonin18. Contains oxyphil and chief cells19. It secretes some androgens20. Contains chromophil and chromophobe cells.MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer.21. A tumor of the beta cells of the pancreatic islets would probably affect the body's ability to:A. lower blood glucose levelB. lower blood calcium levelC. raise blood calcium levelD. raise blood glucose levelE. raise blood sodium level.22. Removal of the adenohypophysis would affect all except:A. adrenal cortex B. adrenal medulla C. ovaries D. mammary glands E. thyroid gland.23. Which hormone stimulated the production of erythrocytes in myeloid tissues?A. GH B. progesterone C. ICSH D. ADH E. none of the preceding.MATCHING.A. Cushing's syndrome B. cretinism C. myxedema D. Endemic goiter E. Addison's disease24. Hyposecretion of thyroxine in adult25. Hyposecretion of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids26. Hypersecretion of glucocorticoids27. Lack of iodine28. Hyposecretion of thyroxine during childhood.MULTIPLE CHOICEThe endocrine system: a) releases chemicals into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body b) releases hormones that alter the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs c) produces effects that can last for hours, days, or even longer d) can alter gene activity of cells e) all of the above?Each of the following hormones is an amino acid derivative EXCEPT: a) epinephrine b) melatonin c) thyroxine (T4) d) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) e) norepinephrine?When adenyl cyclase is activated: a) cAMP is formed b) cAMP is broken c) G-proteins bind to cAMP d) steroid hormones enter the cell?Which of the following hormones does NOTact by a second messenger system: a) glucagon b) epinephrine c) growth hormone d) testosterone e) ACTH?This hypophyseal structure receives signals from the hypothalamus via the hypophyseal portal vein: a) follicles b) adenohypophysis c) neurohypophysis d) pars intermedia e) supraoptic nucleus?Low blood glucose level typically results in the secretion of all of the following EXCEPT: a) glucagon b) thyroxine (T4) c) hGH d) PTH e) none of the above?The action of glucocorticoids involves many functions, but only one of the following is a correct one: a) increases inflammatory responses b) decreases lipid hydrolysis (lipolysis) c) increases glucose levels d) retention of electrolytes by the kidneys e) increases osteoclast activity?This hormone acts on the intestines and causes increased calcium absorption: a) calcitonin b) calcitriol c) thyroxine d) pancreatic polypeptide e) corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)?Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) causes all of the following EXCEPT: a) activation of thyroid follicular cells b) increased iodide trapping in thyroid follicles c) increased thyroglobulin synthesis d) increased release of T3/ T4 e) all of above are correct?The pancreatic cells that secrete insulin are the: a) F-cells b) principal cells c) alpha cells d) beta cells e) delta cells?The general adaptation syndrome (GAS) is activated by the: a) hypothalamus b) adrenal gland c) pituitary gland d) thyroid gland e) release of glucocorticoids?If you were to eat four sugar glaze doughnuts and a large pepsi, which hormone would you expect to be secreted at higher levels: a) insulin b) epinephrine c) glucagon d) cortisol e) oxytocin?Somatostatin is secreted by the: a) pancreatic F-cells b) pancreatic delta cells c) zona fasciculata d) parafollicular cells e) posterior pituitary?Hyposecretion of cortisol can cause: a) cretinism b) diabetes mellitus c) diabetes insipidus d) Addison’s disease e) Grave’s disease?A tumor in the adrenal zona glomerulosa can cause hypersecretion of hormones produced in that region. Which of the following might you expect to find in a patient with such a tumor: a) increased blood sodium levels b) increased blood glucose levels c) decreased blood calcium levels d) increased dehydration e) increased ketoacidosis?Oxytocin is secreted by the:a) adenohypophysisb) neurohypophysisc) zona glomerulosad) pars intermediae)?cervixYou can do in an in the in and the in the in the in the in the long and in A lack of or decrease in insulin hormone receptors on cells can result in:a) diabetes insipidusb)?type I diabetes mellitusc) type II diabetes mellitusd) insulin-dependant diabetes mellitus (IDDM)e) juvenile diabetes?Vasopressin is the same hormone as:a) cortisolb) epinephrinec) ADHd) hGHe) oxytocin?The general adaptation syndrome (GAS):a) is a mechanism to maintain homeostasis under stressb) resets the levels of controlled conditions in the body in response to stressc) is a part of the sympathetic (fight or flight) responsed) reduces the amounts of stress your body encounterse) none of the above?Which of the following characteristics is the same for the nervous and endocrine systems:a) target cells affectedb) time to onset of actionsc) duration of actionsd) mechanism of signalling and communicatione) none of the above?The endocrine system: Releases chemicals into the bloodstream for distribution throughout the body Releases hormones that can alter the metabolic activities of many different tissues and organs Produces effects that can last for hours, days, or even longer Can alter the gene activity of cells All of the above Top of FormBottom of FormEach of the following is an amino acid derivative EXCEPT: Epinephrine Melatonin Thyroxine TSH Top of FormBottom of FormWhen adenyl cyclase is activated: cAMP is formed cAMP is degraded G proteins are replicated in a semiconservative fashion Steroid hormones enter the cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis None of the above Top of FormBottom of FormWhich of the following hormones does not act via a second messenger system? Glucagon Epinephrine GH Testosterone ACTH Top of FormBottom of FormWhat hypophyseal structure receives signals from the hypothalamus via the hypophyseal portal system? Follicular medulla Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis Pars intermedia Suprachiasmatic nucleus Top of FormBottom of FormLow blood glucose typically results in the secretion of all of the following EXCEPT: Glucagon Thyroxine hGH PTH 3 of the above Top of FormBottom of FormWhich of the following is a function of glucocorticoids? Increased inflammatory response Increased blood [glucose] Decreased lipolysis Increased creatinine hydrolysis by osteocytes Increased osteoclast activity Top of FormBottom of FormWhat hormone increases intestinal calcium absorption? Calcitriol Calcitonin Parathormone Pancreatic polypeptide GnRH Top of FormBottom of FormWhich of the following is a function of TSH? Activation of thyroid follicular cells Increase of iodine trapping in follicular cells Increased thyroglobulin synthesis Increased release of T3 Increase release of T4 All of the above Only 4 of the above Top of FormBottom of FormThe ______ cells of the pancreas secrete insulin. F Chief Principal Alpha Beta Delta Top of FormBottom of FormThe general adaptation syndrome is activated by the: Hypothalamus Adrenal gland Pituitary gland Thyroid gland Epinephrine release Top of FormBottom of FormSay you ate 25 sugar cubes and then drank a liter of Mountain Dew, which hormone might be secreted in large amounts as a result? Insulin Glucagon Prolactin GnRH Somastinin Top of FormBottom of FormSomatostatin is secreted by the: Pancreatic F cells Pancreatic delta cells Zona fasciculata Parafollicular cells Bronchial clara cells Top of FormBottom of FormA tumor in the adrenal zona glomerulosa may cause hypersecretion of the hormones in that region. Which of the following might you expect to find in a patient with such a tumor? Increased blood sodium levels Increased blood glucose levels Decreased blood calcium levels Increased dehydration Increased ketoacidosis Top of FormBottom of FormOxytocin is secreted by the: Adenohypophysis Neurohypophysis Zona glomerulosa Pars intermedia Cervical stretch receptors Top of FormBottom of FormA lack or decrease in insulin hormone receptors on cells can result in: Diabetes insipidus Type I diabetes mellitus Type II diabetes mellitus Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Gestational diabetes Top of FormBottom of FormVasopressin is the same hormone as ____________. Top of FormBottom of FormThe general adaptation syndrome: Is a mechanism to maintain homeostasis when under stress Resets the levels of controlled conditions in the body in response to stress Is part of the sympathetic response Reduces the amount of stress encountered None of the above Top of FormBottom of FormWhich of the following characteristics is the same for the nervous and the endocrine systems Target cells affected Latent period for onset of actions Duration of actions Mechanism of signalling None of the above Top of FormBottom of FormHyposecretion of cortisol can cause: Cretinism Diabetes mellitus Diabetes insipidus Addison's disease Grave's disease Top of FormBottom of FormDuring hyperglycemia, pituitary GH secretion will __________________. Top of FoBottom of FormAs blood [somatomedin] increases, pituitary GH secretion will _______________. Top of ForBottom of FormAs GH secretion increases, liver glycogenolysis will _______________.Top of ForBottom of FormAs GH secretion decreases, fat catabolism will ______________. Top of ForBottom of FormAs thyroid hormone levels increase, tissue O2 consumption will _____________. Top of ForBottom of FAs thyroid hormone levels increase, pituitary TSH secretion will ______________. Top of ForBottom of FAs hypernatremia progresses, cortisol secretion will __________________. Top of FormBottom of FormAs hypoxia progresses, cortisol secretion will _________________. Top of FormBottom of FAs cortisol secretion increases, blood [glucose] will _________________. Top of FormBottom of ForAs cortisol secretion increases, protein anabolism will _______________.Top of FormBottom of ForAs PTH levels increase, plasma [Ca2+] will ________________. Top of ForBottom of FoAs plasma [Ca2+] increases, calcitonin secretion will ___________. Top of FormBottom of FormStress causes the adrenal medulla to release: Norepinephrine and ANP Epinephrine and vasopressin Epinephrine and norepinephrine Epinephrine, norepinephrine and vasopressin Top of FormBottom of Form82) The two systems that act to control all body activities are the nervous and _____ systems.??A)circulatory??B)exocrine??C)endocrine??D)muscular?83) The _____ system includes the glands that release their secretions directly into the blood.??A)exocrine??B)endocrine??C)circulatory??D)excretory?84) Which of the following glands does not belong to the endocrine system???A)pituitary??B)thyroid??C)parathyroid??D)salivary?85) Which of the following is not a chemical class of hormones???A)protein??B)steroid??C)glycoprotein??D)carbohydrate?86) Which of these is not a steroid???A)adrenalin??B)cholesterol??C)progesterone??D)cortisone?87) Which of the following is the precursor that will result in the synthesis of the others???A)testosterone??B)cholesterol??C)vitamin D??D)estrogen?88) Which of these is not produced by the anterior pituitary???A)ACTH??B)follicle-stimulating hormone??C)somatostatin??D)somatotropin?89) Which of the following is not a pancreatic hormone???A)glucagon??B)aldosterone??C)insulin??D)somatostatin?90) Which of the following is not a hormone function???A)increase cellular oxygen consumption??B)cause osteoblasts to divide??C)convert fibroblasts to osteoblasts??D)alter genetic expression?91) Prostaglandins are _____ that affect various functions.??A)proteins??B)carbohydrates??C)nucleotides??D)lipids?92) Which factor is a direct cause of the rheumatoid arthritis symptoms???A)prostaglandin??B)cortisone??C)cortisol??D)arachidonic acid?93) Which of the following is not a property of prostaglandins???A)regulate blood pressure??B)effect reproductive functions??C)influence kidney Na+ movement??D)all of these are functions?94) Which of these is an example of negative feedback???A)insulin lowers blood sugar??B)GH causes osteoblast division??C)PTH raises blood calcium levels??D)low blood sugar inhibits insulin?95) Releasing hormones are produced by the _____.??A)hypothalamus??B)pituitary??C)thyroid??D)adrenal cortex?96) Which hormone controls the ability to produce milk???A)ACTH??B)PRL??C)FSH??D)melanocyte?97) Which of the following directly influences or controls the other areas???A)anterior pituitary??B)thyroid gland??C)hypothalamus??D)ovary and testis?98) Which of the following directly stimulates mitosis???A)insulin??B)somatotropin??C)corticotropin??D)growth hormone releasing hormone?99) The condition called _____ occurs in adulthood and is evidenced by thickened skull bones and distortions in the arms and hands.??A)dwarfism??B)giantism??C)myxedema??D)acromegaly?100) The hormone _____ causes the breast to increase its synthesis of milk.??A)PRL??B)oxytocin??C)PRF??D)PIF?101) Which of the following is not produced by the pituitary???A)ACTH??B)FSH??C)ICSH??D)GnRH?102) Which hormone decreases the production of urine???A)ADH??B)adrenalin??C)oxytocin??D)thyroxine?103) Oxytocin is most closely related chemically to _____.??A)antidiuretic hormone??B)prolactin??C)follicle stimulating hormone??D)luteinizing hormone?104) ADH has the ability to increase blood pressure by constricting blood vessels and is therefore also called _____.??A)oxytocin??B)vasopressin??C)angiotensin??D)adrenocorticotropin?105) Which hormone plays the greatest role in the contractions that occur in the uterus during labor???A)ADH??B)estrogen??C)oxytocin??D)prostaglandin?106) Which hormone is most closely involved with ovulation???A)prolactin??B)LH??C)FSH??D)estrogen?107) Which hormone exerts the greatest influence on metabolism???A)thyroxine??B)cortisone??C)insulin??D)parathormone?108) Which of the following is not true of thyroxine???A)needed for normal mental growth??B)increases carbohydrate utilization??C)decreases lipid synthesis??D)decreases protein synthesis?109) Which of the following is not true of calcitonin???A)increases bone calcium deposition??B)increases blood calcium??C)decreases blood calcium??D)inhibits osteoclasts?110) Which of the following is not a symptom of hyperthyroidism???A)loss of weight??B)increased mental awareness??C)increased heart rate??D)increased ability to sleep?111) Graves disease can cause all of these except which one???A)exophthalmos??B)a positive autoimmune test??C)general edema??D)intolerance to heat?112) Which gland is assessed by the use of radioactive iodine???A)parathyroid??B)thyroid??C)ovary??D)pituitary?113) The ______ directly antagonizes the effect of calcitonin.??A)thyroxine??B)parathormone??C)insulin??D)glucocorticoid?114) Osteoporosis most likely results from _____.??A)a deficiency of dietary calcium??B)increased calcitonin levels??C)increased PTH secretion??D)osteitis fibrosa?115) Which of the following is the last step in the sequence of hormone synthesis in the adrenal medulla???A)tyrosine??B)dopamine??C)epinephrine??D)norepinephrine?116) Which of the following is not true of aldosterone???A)secreted from the zona glomerulosa??B)decreases blood Na+ levels??C)stimulated by angiotensin II??D)raises blood volume?117) Which of these is not true of cortisol???A)stimulates gluconeogenesis??B)decreases blood glucose??C)decreases protein synthesis??D)stimulated by ACTH?118) The following relate to Cushing's syndrome except which one???A)moon face and buffalo hump??B)under-secretion of ACTH??C)over-secretion of ACTH??D)hyperglycemia?119) The following are true of insulin except which one???A)can cause hypoglycemia??B)can cause hyperglycemia??C)produced in the islets of Langerhans??D)antagonized by glucagon?120) The hormone melatonin is secreted from the _____ gland.??A)pituitary??B)pineal??C)thyroid??D)thymus?121) The _____ gland is important for producing immunity.??A)thyroid??B)pituitary??C)thymus??D)pancreas?122) Which gland produces a hormone that stimulates the production of blood cells???A)kidney??B)heart??C)liver??D)pancreas?123) In the general stress syndrome, all of the following are increased except which one???A)blood sugar??B)heart rate??C)blood pressure??D)digestion?124) Where are the posterior pituitary hormones manufactured???A)in neurosecretory cells that originate in the hypothalamus??B)in the posterior pituitary??C)in the anterior pituitary??D)in the brain stem?125) Which one of these anterior pituitary hormones shows increased secretion in response to stress???A)thyroid-stimulating hormone??B)adrenocorticotropic hormone??C)luteinizing hormone??D)prolactin?126) Drinking alcoholic beverages on hot days is not safe because alcohol inhibits the release of ____________ which normally helps to conserve water during dehydration.??A)antidiuretic hormone??B)oxytocin??C)thyroxine??D)triiodothyronine?127) The thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating metabolic rate and calcium and phosphate ion concentration in the blood. Which thyroid hormone lowers calcium and phosphate ion concentration in the blood???A)thyroxine??B)triiodothyronine??C)calcitonin??D)thyroid-stimulating hormone?128) Hypothyroidism in infants can result in _______________.??A)Grave's disease??B)cretinism??C)Hashimoto's disease??D)myxedema?129) The hormone _______________, which is secreted by the adrenal _______________, causes the kidney to conserve sodium and excrete potassium ions and indirectly helps to maintain systemic blood pressure.??A)aldosterone; cortex??B)angiotensin I; medulla??C)cortisol; cortex??D)epinephrine; medulla?130) Sex hormones are secreted by ________________.??A)all endocrine tissues of the body??B)the inner cortex of the adrenal gland??C)the inner cortex of the adrenal gland and the gonads??D)the gonads?131) In the pancreas, ______________ cells secrete insulin, which ____________ blood levels of glucose.??A)delta; raises??B)alpha; lowers??C)beta; raises??D)beta; lowers?132) What seems to be the cause of juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)???A)The receptors on the target cells become no longer responsive to insulin.??B)Immune cells attack the pancreas that can then no longer produce insulin.??C)The individual consumes too much sugar, which causes an overload in the bloodstream.??D)Obesity seems to be the most common cause of IDDM.?133) The endocrine gland responsible for the body's circadian rhythm is the ______________ gland.??A)thymus??B)pineal??C)parathyroid??D)pituitary?134) Which of these is not an endocrine property???A)hormones reach targets through the blood??B)effects are slow and cyclic??C)rapid acting effects??D)effects caused by chemicals?135) Which of these is not an endocrine gland???A)pancreas??B)testes??C)salivary gland??D)parathyroid?136) Which is not a function of the hypothalamus???A)affect heart rate??B)control temperature??C)affect water balance??D)secrete FSH?137) Which of these hormones is released into the blood from the posterior pituitary???A)FSH??B)LH??C)ACTH??D)ADH?138) Which hormone directly affects blood pressure???A)ADH??B)insulin??C)PTH??D)ACTH?139) The hormone _____ causes the contractions of labor.??A)prolactin??B)estrogen??C)oxytocin??D)progesterone?140) Which hormone has the greatest influence on the ability to produce milk???A)oxytocin??B)estrogen??C)prolactin??D)progesterone?141) Which hormone causes excessive skeletal growth or giantism???A)somatotropin??B)testosterone??C)insulin??D)somatostatin?142) Which of these does not directly stimulate the gonads???A)FSH??B)TSH??C)LH??D)ICSH?143) Which hormone has the greatest effect on metabolism???A)GH??B)thyroxine??C)TSH??D)ACTH?144) The cells that are stimulated by hormones are referred to as its receptors.??A)True??B)False?145) An organ can belong to the digestive and endocrine systems simultaneously.??A)True??B)False?146) Hormones secreted by the adrenal gland can have direct neurological effects.??A)True??B)False?147) Oxytocin is a protein secreted by the posterior pituitary.??A)True??B)False?148) Prostaglandins are considered hormones, which are stored within cells and released on demand.??A)True??B)False?149) Prostaglandins are known to cause the smooth muscle of the uterus or intestines to contract.??A)True??B)False?150) The levels of insulin in the blood are maintained at constant, stable, homeostatic levels.??A)True??B)False?151) The pituitary and adrenal gland can be controlled by the direct influence of the nervous system.??A)True??B)False?152) As blood levels of thyroid hormones increase, the secretions of TRH and TSH are reduced.??A)True??B)False?153) Alcohol is known to be a potent anti-antidiuretic.??A)True??B)False?154) The hypothalamus of the brain has osmoreceptors, which are sensitive to changes in blood concentration.??A)True??B)False?155) Diabetes insipidus is a condition that results in edema and swelling because of an excess of ADH.??A)True??B)False?156) Cretinism is a condition of physical and mental retardation that is the result of a deficiency of thyroxine.??A)True??B)False?157) It is possible to have high levels of TSH but a decrease in the levels of thyroxine.??A)True??B)False?158) Thyroxine production can be increased by TSH or antibodies.??A)True??B)False?159) Male sex hormones can be produced by the testes or adrenal glands.??A)True??B)False?160) Cortisone can either cause or inhibit inflammation.??A)True??B)False?161) The pancreas is an endocrine and exocrine gland that secretes insulin from the alpha cells.??A)True??B)False?162) It is possible to find all the hormones in a blood sample taken from the arm.??A)True??B)False?163) All hormones secreted by the pituitary actually came from the hypothalamus.??A)True??B)False?164) Diabetes insipidus results from an excess production of ADH.??A)True??B)False?165) High levels of TSH would suppress thyroxine by negative feedback.??A)True??B)False??? ................

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