6.4: The Decline of the Roman Empire - Cabarrus County …

6.4: The Decline of the Roman EmpireName:During the Pax Romana, the Romans had 3 important sources of wealth. Eventually all these sources evaporated.Bustling TradeWealth from Conquered LandsFarms with plenty of grainSetting the StageA Century of CrisisRome’s Economy Weakens1. Who disrupted trade?2. Why did Romans lack new sources of gold & silver?3. What is inflation?Military & Political Turmoil 4. What are mercenaries?Emperors Attempt ReformDiocleion Reforms the empire 5. What was Diocletoian’s most significant reform?Constatine Moves the Capital 6. Constantine moved the capital of the empire from Rome to what city? & what name did the city eventually take? 7-10 From each of the categories of contributing causes, circle the factors that were most significant MULTIPLE CAUSES: THE FALL OF THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIREContributing Factors:7. Political:Political office seen as a burden, not rewardMilitary interference in politics Civil war & unrestDivision of empireMoving capital to Byzantium 8. Social:No in interest in public affairsLow confidence in EmpireDisloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruptionContrast b/t rich & poorDecline in population due to disease/ food shortage9. Economic:Poor HarvestsDisruption of tradeNo more war plunderGold & Silver drainInflationCrushing taxesWidening gap b/t rich & poor10. Military:Threat from Northern European Tribes Low funds for defenseProblems recruiting Romans citizensDecline of patriotism & loyaltyImmediate Cause:Invasion by Germanic tribes & the HunsFALL OF ROMEThe Western Empire Crumbles 11. Who/ What caused the final collapse of the Roman Empire? Germanic Invasions 12. Where were the Huns from?Attila the Hun13. Who did the Huns unite under? (he is known as one of the greatest Hun leaders)An Empire No More14. What did the eastern half of the Roman Empire become known as? ................

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