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Antebellum Reform Movement ProjectDirection: You, along with a group, will be assigned a reform movement that played a role in Antebellum American from 1790-1860. You will research and create a presentation on the reform movement that you will share with the entire class. You will have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to work on this project in class together. You will be presenting your project to the class on Tuesday, November 12.The reform movements that we will be covering are:Religious Revivalism/Second Great AwakeningTranscendentalismUtopian CommunitiesPrison and Mental Illness ReformTemperance MovementEducational ReformWomen’s Rights MovementAbolition Movement Your project will be comprised of multiple sections. Listed below are all of the elements necessary for a complete project:2-3 page paper providing a narrative overview of the movementInclude causes of the movement, goals and objectives of the movement, significant milestones of the movement, tactics or strategies used by the reformers, at least TWO successful and TWO failures of the movementMust be typed, 12 point font (Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri), double spaced, standard marginsInclude all citations in MLA or Chicago format (must include a minimum of THREE outside sources, one must be print)Create a Twitter Account or Facebook page for ONE influential reformer in your movement. You will need to create this using either a Microsoft word document or the program “Fakebook”What would their basic profile information say?Who would be followers/friends with this reformer? (include at least FIVE)What would their tweets/status updates say? (includes at least FIVE)Who would they follow/what pages would they like? (Include at least FIVE)Find and analysis TWO primary sources about/from your movementUse the provided document analysis worksheet to complete this part of the assignmentMust include citations, in MLA or Chicago format, of where your located this primary sourceCANNOT be the primary sources that we analyzed in classMake a creative presentation of the information researched for the classListed below are acceptable formats for your presentationGlogster (only if you already have an account)Poster/BrochurePowerPointStorybird (cannot import Images from outside of the program)PreziAntebellum Reform Movement ProjectDirection: You, along with a group, will be assigned a reform movement that played a role in Antebellum American from 1790-1860. You will research and create a presentation on the reform movement that you will share with the entire class. You will have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to work on this project in class together. You will be presenting your project to the class on Tuesday, November 12.The reform movements that we will be covering are:Religious Revivalism/Second Great AwakeningTranscendentalismUtopian CommunitiesPrison and Mental Illness ReformTemperance MovementEducational ReformWomen’s Rights MovementAbolition Movement Your project will be comprised of multiple sections. Listed below are all of the elements necessary for a complete project:2-3 page paper providing a narrative overview of the movementInclude causes of the movement, goals and objectives of the movement, significant milestones of the movement, tactics or strategies used by the reformers, at least TWO successful and TWO failures of the movementMust be typed, 12 point font (Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri), double spaced, standard marginsInclude all citations in MLA or Chicago format (must include a minimum of THREE outside sources, one must be print)Create a Twitter Account or Facebook page for ONE influential reformer in your movement. You will need to create this using either a Microsoft word document or the program “Fakebook”What would their basic profile information say?Who would be followers/friends with this reformer? (include at least FIVE)What would their tweets/status updates say? (includes at least FIVE)Who would they follow/what pages would they like? (Include at least FIVE)Find and analysis TWO primary sources about/from your movementUse the provided document analysis worksheet to complete this part of the assignmentMust include citations, in MLA or Chicago format, of where your located this primary sourceCANNOT be the primary sources that we analyzed in classMake a creative presentation of the information researched for the classListed below are acceptable formats for your presentationGlogster (only if you already have an account)Poster/BrochurePowerPointStorybird (cannot import Images from outside of the program)PreziPowToonAutoTap (write and perform a song/rap)Any other method approved by your teacher)Due Date: _________________________________________Grading Rubric2-3 Page Paper:Possible PointsPoints GainedFulfills all basic requirements10 ______Causes of the movement5 ______Tactics/strategies5 ______Milestones of the movement5 ______Successes of the movement5 ______Failures of the movement5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Proper Citations10 ______Twitter/Facebook Account:Possible PointsCreates a properly formatted page10 ______Basic information profile10 ______Friends/followers10 ______Tweets/updates10 ______Pages followed/liked5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Primary Sources Analysis:Possible PointsAccurate primary sources20 ______Completed document analysis worksheets20 ______Proper citations5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Creative Presentation:Possible PointsComprised of accurate information20 ______Used one of the approved formats10 ______3-5 minutes in length10 ______Creativity5 ______Organized/easy to follow5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes10 ______Total Possible Points: ___________/ 200 pointsPowToonAutoTap (write and perform a song/rap)Any other method approved by your teacher)Due Date: _________________________________________Grading Rubric2-3 Page Paper:Possible PointsPoints GainedFulfills all basic requirements10 ______Causes of the movement5 ______Tactics/strategies5 ______Milestones of the movement5 ______Successes of the movement5 ______Failures of the movement5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Proper Citations10 ______Twitter/Facebook Account:Possible PointsCreates a properly formatted page10 ______Basic information profile10 ______Friends/followers10 ______Tweets/updates10 ______Pages followed/liked5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Primary Sources Analysis:Possible PointsAccurate primary sources20 ______Completed document analysis worksheets20 ______Proper citations5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes5 ______Creative Presentation:Possible PointsComprised of accurate information20 ______Used one of the approved formats10 ______3-5 minutes in length10 ______Creativity5 ______Organized/easy to follow5 ______No grammatical, spelling, mechanical mistakes10 ______Total Possible Points: ___________/ 200 points ................

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