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AppendicesData elements will include but not be limited to the following items. The vendor will consult with the VA on an ongoing basis to meet the VA’s data needs.1.0 VISTA The vendor VistA ETL process will require a real-time data stream from five hospital VistA nodes that will be updated daily at a minimum; Develop a VistA ETL process that does not impact VistA production and network systems; Demonstrate an ability to increase the VistA data load and volume as needed; Provide complete ETL data mapping and documentation support; Provide standard maintenance and support for ETL software; Provide Real-time data updates from VistA and PICIS; Conduct data quality checks for each ETL extraction to correlate with the data sources; and Perform data quality work to normalize, clean and enrich data collected. The ETL process will include but not be limited to extracting and staging the following VistA Tables. Patient Demographics, Main Demographic and Appointments for patientsInpatient (PTF45), Inpatient discharge record for patient episodesSurgery 130, Records surgical procedures by surgeons , date and timeOutpatient Encounter,Patient reason for clinic visitOutpatient Provider List of clinicians that treat outpatientsOutpatient Diagnosis Documented ICD9 or ICD-10 codes during outpatient encounterLaboratory : General Laboratory, Microbiology, Histology, Cytology, Surgical Pathology, Electron Microscopy, Blood Donors, and Blood BankDrugs: Purpose of Visit (POV) ICD9 DescriptionsCPT , Vitals Adverse Reaction Request Consults FEE Basis Payment FEE Basis Patient TIU Document Visit V Provider V CPT V Health Factors 2.0 PICIS: DataThe PICIS ETL will encompass the clinical, reference, and administrative data.SourcePICIS 7.x Palo Alto OR Demo Data (1 Oracle database)PICIS 8.0 V21 ICU, PACU, and OR data (5 Oracle databases)PICIS 8.2 V21 ICU, PACU, and OR data (1 SQL Server database)Clinical data include but are not exclusive of patient demographics, admission, encounter, environment, vital signs, Laboratory, medications, fluids, events, assessment / assessment items, scores, memos, diagnosis, procedure, location, ASA status, and staff. Reference data include but are not exclusive of Item descriptions. Administrative data include but are not exclusive of Interface messages,System messages,Security logs, Frequency, and Production databasesClinical tables should be extracted at least every 5 minutes. Reference tables should be extracted at least weekly. Administrative tables should be extracted at least weekly (?)Non Production database should be at least extracted one time and as needed.3.0 Data Validation Reports A weekly report needs to be provided to VA that ensures the source and destination matching of data elements. The vendor will work with the VA to determine the content of the report. The report should include but not be limited to Number of patientsNumber of admissionsNumber of encountersNumber of environmentsNumber of vital signsNumber of laboratory dataNumber of medicationsNumber of fluidsNumber of eventsNumber of assessment / assessment itemsNumber of scoresNumber of memosNumber of diagnosesNumber of proceduresNumber of locationsNumber of ASAsNumber of staff4.0 Inpatient Evaluation Center (IPEC) ReportsA spreadsheet with a list of all IPEC report items is provided as a separate appendix. See also below for a list of these reports and data elements.?CAUTI Insertion: VISN LOCATION_CDYEARMONTHAUDITSORDER_-WRITTENAsceptic insertion techniqueSECUREDCAUTI Maintenance: VISNLOCATION_CDYEARMONTHAUDITSPERIURETHRAL_CLEANINGSECUREDUNOBSTRUCTED_URINE_FLOWCLOSED_SYSTEMBAG_BELOW_BLADDERCLINICAL_NEEDCLI IPEC :VISNLOCATION_CDYEARMONTHAUDITSHANDS_WASHEDSTERILE_DRAPEMASKHAIR_COVERGOWNCHLORHEXIDINE_SKIN_PREPGLOVESNOT_FEMORALVAP IPEC: VISNLOCATION_CDYEARMONTHAUDITSHOB_ELEVATEDSEDATION_VACATIONREADINESS_TO_WEANPUD_PROPHYLAXISDVT_PROPHYLAXISCHLORHEXIDINE_ORAL_CARESPONTANEOUS_BREATHING_TRIALThese measurements are captured within the assessments area of the electronic record (PICIS).?? Understanding of the tables and assessment boxes in which these reside is required to develop the proper queries/reports.? Queries/Reports also require identifying the in-complete records in order to provide education, corrective actions, and accurate analysis of the mandatory data entry status.??·???????? IPEC/VA Mandated Reports ??(these are usually a group of reports per requirement/Bundles (VAP, CLI, CAUTI, etc.)1.?????? There are precise data elements required (mandatory) for clinicians to enter at the bedside to demonstrate compliance.? The identified data elements are provided by the VA.?2.?????? These mandatory data elements of a Bundle, must be identified within the queries/reports.? Even “contraindicated terms” data elements can count towards meeting compliance, when appropriate.3.?????? Each facility requires the automated reports to be generated at the beginning of every month. ?There are strict time constraints.4.?????? A patient identifier is needed for validation purposes5.?????? Compliance is achieved if the specified indicators are completed ONCE on any given 24 period.6.?????? Reports needed of all data element indicators that were completed at least ONCE, within a 24 hour period7.?????? Reports needed of all data element indicators that were incomplete at least ONCE, (for training & validation)8.?????? Staff identifiers on at least one of the reports is needed for training/education opportunities?·???????? Bundle Triggers for possible in-complete documentation.? These triggers potentially point towards an IN-COMPLETE on the part of the clinicians.? Here are some examples.? These examples demonstrate the need to understand the workflow, and the documentation elements that can be indicators of both accrediting compliance or possibly identifying incomplete documentation.5.0 Management Group Reports The operating room (OR) is a dynamic environment, which requires close monitoring of certain surgical and anesthetic related milestones and events. Many ORs group these indicators together on a single “dashboard” for ease of review. One sample dashboard, created by Scott Gale of the VA Mather, groups several key indicators on a single poster. This dashboard consists of five different data categories displayed as tables, charts, and graphs. The first series is the “First Case Starts.” These display the on-time and within 15 minutes start by surgical specialty. The next series are related to OR Utilization. The “OR Utilization” series display room utilization by surgical specialty. The third and fourth series include surgery cancellation and wait times. The final series displays the turn over times or the time to prepare an OR at the end of a surgical procedure. The vendor will work with the VISN to develop, aggregate and analyze these operating room metrics and create dashboards that can be delivered monthly.6.0 Anesthesia Quality Institute (AQI) reports: Trends and AnalysesThe VISN’s other vendor, PICIS/Optum, will be developing and delivering a series of reports based on metrics that have been developed by the Anesthesia Quality Institute. The vendor will work with the VISN to develop other reports that aggregate and analyze these AQI metrics.7.0 Other relational databasesBased on the data needs of the VISN 21, the vendor will query and collect data from other relational databases including but not exclusive of the regional data warehouse (RDW). RDW elements will include but not be exclusive of DSS National Data Extracts,Inpatient, Lab, Chemistry, Outpatient Encounters, Outpatient, Pharmacy, Inpatient,Patient Demographics, Staff Demographics, Vitals. ................

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