Meghan Barton | Artist & Educator
The Familiars:Written by Epstein and JacobsonA Unit Plan by Meghan Barton(Above: are paintings of the familiars, drawn by my C2 class)Ongoing UNIT Activities One tip is to design the classroom around the book. Make a WORD WALL to display new vocabulary words that the students were learning. Use a personal vocabulary log sheet, and ask students to underline new words as they found them in the chapter. Phonetic instruction should be a part of each class. We would practice our vowel and consonant sounds in order to perfect our reading. Simply chant and review long and short vowel sounds and work the positioning of our mouths and the sounds we produced. Additionally dedicate at least 30-40 minutes to student reading, so that you can monitor their individual pronunciation and keep track of their progress. Also this give you a chance to give them feedback and correct some speaking/reading issues as they arise.( some examples are R/L sounds, the emphasis on words, the speed of reading, and the comprehension of the text)Additionally design a PLOT wall where the students are responsible for keeping track of the story with simple key words and phrases that summarized each chapter. This will keep all students on track, and help the students who are falling behind, or having more difficulty.Create a PLACES and CHARACTER wall that enabled the students to stay on track in the same manner that the PLOT wall works. (This is our Places wall)Then we produced a GALLERY on one of the classroom walls. I brought in coloured paper, pastels and painting supplies to help the students visually depict the story. The students really took the time to think about what they were reading, and it was an easy and efficient way to check in with their comprehension of the plot.Teacher Assessments:Give the students ongoing oral examinations. Break their reading skills down into:Vowel sounds/speed of speech/intonation/ r & l sounds/ d & t sounds/punctuation sounds/Consonant blend sounds/and understanding of the text. There may be other issues and point that arise with your specific group, but this has worked for the current C2 class(All students are measured against a Native English Speakers Reading Skills with a 1-4 grading system; not each other.) Visual TestVisual Literacy is an excellent way to monitor student comprehension, and the Gallery wall was a large part of these tests. I often get the students to sketch the plot, design a set, or draw an answerIn Marzano’s book: “Classroom Instruction that works” he promotes using Mind Maps, and they seem to work quite well in the class room. When testing for comprehension start by: Ask the students to chart out their ideas with a Venn Diagram (compare/Contrast chart) that gets them to think about the characters and plot more critically. OrSketch (quickly) the major plot of the chapterOrMake a key word list for each storyOrCreate a mind mapped diagram to help them individually chart their own understanding. As a whole group we will also make a group mind map that will lead to an outline and eventually a chapter summary, or character summary.(This model is taken directly from the Language Arts Curriculum documents that can be found on the NB Portal).Creating pictures, paintings and photo projects with the students:Gives every student the ability to follow along with the book, and not get frustratedHelps check for real comprehension/understanding; if the student does not understand the text, they will not be able to draw itGive you, the instructor, a chance to work with the student’s one on one and have them talk to you about the story, and use the new vocabulary words they are using.Allows for opportunities where the students need to work together to use their English speaking and writing skillsFinal Test: I avoided a matching and true /false approach in this unit. Instead I had the students choose between some questions in two final tests. I wanted to see how the students writing was taking shape, giving them descriptive feedback on their grammar, verb tense, articles, prepositions, and verb choices. I marked the writing individually, as each of my 3 students were at various ESL levels.In week 2 of the unit I had the students choose 2 out of 3 of the following questions in a take home test.Summarize your favourite chapter. Tell me why you enjoyed it so much, ( 1/2page)Draw me a Venn Diagram and tell me how Skylar and Aldwyn are similar and differentWho is your favourite character and why. ( ? page)In the final week, the final test was given, students were told to:Summarize the final chapter of the book.Tell me what the most exciting part of the final section of the book was ( chapters15-19)(They were not given a choice on this test)(Both Tests were open book, and the students were encouraged to use the PLACES/PLOT/CHARACTER charts on the classroom walls to help them answer their questions.)The FUN PROJECT Making a photsynth movie was really easy and fun. First you need the software:( Photosynth software can be downloaded online very simply, it is a really easy way to use pictures in literacy classes). Then document with photographs each of our classestake pictures of the students writing, of the images they drew and painted, of teh class word walls and take as many pictures from as many angles as possible( the directions on the photosynth website should be read, as they will describe the software better than I can. It was very important that the students took the photographs themselves so that they could evaluate and review the images and sets that they had designed. Also, the students had to learn photography vocabularyThis project helped motivate them to work, turning them into photojournalists.Below the following book has been broken down into each chapter’s main points:Keywords: (The words I placed on the word wall, as they were new to many of the students, and they also were integral to the chapter, and were important for the students to understand)Characters: (The characters are included as they appear/or reappear in the story.Places:( We did create a places wall, to help the students keep track of the story, and there were a lot of new lands, and castles and travelling that took place in this story.)Comprehension Questions/Activities:These can either be discussed allowed, written on the board and done as a whole group, individually, or in pairs. These questions can even be collected and turned into a test.Chapter GuideChapter 1Key words:Fish Monger/Hail Storm/Cat trap/HarvestPlaces:Bridge towerCharacters:Aldwyn /Raccoon/ Fish monger/Rats/Grimslade/Black Dog/Worshiper Comprehension Questions/ActivitiesWho do you think the main character might be, and why?What kind of story do you think this may be? Non Fiction, Fantasy, Folk Tale and why?Chapter 2Key wordsFamiliars: definition given on page 24Loyal: Aldwyn was described this way Places: Magic shopCharactersPg 21: list of odd animals/ Kalstaff: wizard/Shop keeperComprehension Questions/Activities:When you look at the definition of a familiar on pg 24, what do you think it means? Do you think Aldwyn is a familiar or just a cat?Chapter 3KeywordsTravelling merchants or drift folk/ Barley stalks/Odd eyeball tadpolesCharactersMarianne/Dalton/Jack/Skylar/GilbertPlacesStone RunletComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhy do you think Jack chose Aldwyn to be is familiar?What do you think the floating eyeballs might be about?Chapter 4KeywordsDream/Pick berriesOther:Skylark appears to be magicPg 62 Aldwyn and Jack talk to each otherComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhy is it a special moment when Jack and Aldwyn speak to each other?Chapter 5KeywordsWalk about/Jack gets some clover/ Aldwyn wonders if he has POWERS or notCharactersGundabeast baby: Pg 87 description of monsterComprehension Questions/ActivitiesThe Gundabeast description is really fun. Use this excerpt to make a comprehension drawing. Then use the drawing to get the kids to summarize the chapter.Ask the students to pretend that they are the writers of the book, and get them to describe a different monster, a monster they have to create on their own. Make sure to correct, in detail, this written assignment, so that you can keep track of their writing abilities, and so that they receive detailed feedback on their writing.Chapter 6KeywordsWake up scared- Kalstaff/Hoofs were heard in the sky/Grabbed POTIONS/WEAPONS/Aldwyn had to get WORMSCharactersLoranella ( queen)PlacesRun to the CELLARComprehension Questions/ActivitiesDid you expect the Queen to be this way? If so tell me why.Why was Aldwyn so scared when he woke up?Chapter 7KeywordsHeart ached ( pg 120 description)Puddle viewingRecoiled (pg 123)Aldwyn had to decide if he was going to HELP Jack or LEAVETelekinetic LieCharactersSorceress Edna (possibly able to help them)Comprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat is a puddle viewing? Describe Sorceress Edna, in your own words, and if there is time sketch an image of her.Chapter 8KeywordAldwyn SMELL fish/Attacked the Sorcerers’ home/Sorcerer attacked the familiars with a spell/ Aldwyn CURSE the spell. (3 leaf cloves)CharacterOctopotSpy eyeballs in the air (like the tadpoles)PlacesWeed Barrons (the witches home)Comprehension Questions/ActivitiesIf you were Aldwyn, do you think you would have tried to get rid of the octopot the same way, or would you have tried something different?Who is the real hero of this Chapter?Do you think Aldwyn is a real familiar now, or still just a regualar cat?At this point in the story you can probably start to summarize the main events. Use a chart like this below to help keep track of the plot.Chapter 9KeywordFrogs are psychic (can predict the future)/puddle viewingCharacterGilberts Mom/Gilberts DadPlacesSunken Palace/Swamps of Daku Comprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat kind of relationship does Gilbert have with his mom?What kind of relationship does Gilbert have with his Dad?Draw a Venn Diagram to describe the differenced in these relationshipsChapter10KeywordLie/Wanted poster/Bounty/DisguiseCharacterInn keeper/TammyPlacesInn/BarnComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat kind of relationship does Aldwyn have with Tammy?How are these relationships important to the plot/storyline, and why?Chapter11KeywordVoices in their headsCharacterBilly Goat: spiritual guidance/2 Hunters/ GrimsladePlacesBridge of BetrayalComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat is so special about the bridge of betrayal? What do the animals feel and hear on this bridge?Draw the bridge on some paper and sketch or act out what the animals did on the bridge.Chapter12KeywordThunder storm/ Magic Potion (makes you grow like Alice in Wonderland)CharacterDog wizard (proves that animals are very powerful/Cave Troll/Rock CreaturePlacesCave Drawings ( pg 237 pic)/ Kailasa MountainsComprehension Questions/ActivitiesDescribe the Cave Troll and the Rock Creatures in Your own words, and sketch the monsters.Or:Re-write this chapter so that the outcome/ending is different.Chapter13KeywordHiking/Mysteries of tomorrow lifeCharacterMountain Alchemist/ Places/ Cottage illusionComprehension Questions/ActivitiesHow did the Mountain Alchemist help the Familiars?Explain, in your own words, what happened in the cottage illusion.Chapter14KeywordVial/potion/ Hurt+ 7 headed dragon/ Need Aldwyns telekinesis/ Gilbert bit by leaches: got very sick/ Desert heat: does not affect Aldwyn/ Aldwyn told the truthCharacterMaidenmere cats/ Edan the turtle: Alchemists’ familiarPlacesMaidenmere: Aldwyns home (the one he lied about)/Mountain alchemist’s layerComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat is is about Maidenmere that makes us, the readers start to believe that Aldwyn may be magic.Do you think that his telekinesis could be real?What do we learn about Gilbert in this chapter? (hint leaches and venom)Chapter15KeywordSkylar = danger/ Aldwyn saved Skylar/ Sling for skylarPlacesWater fall/ Torentea FallsComprehension Questions/ActivitiesCan you make a Chart describing the similarities and differences between all three familiars, Aldwyn, Skylar and Gilbert. ( A 3 way Venn diagramIn this activity look past just their magic abilities, and the storyline, and tell me what you think these characters feel, and how they are to each other.Chapter16KeywordMitesSkylark spellCharacterOgre myth: curse of the dragon/ Bugs attack/ 7 headed dragonPlacesSunken PalaceComprehension Questions/ActivitiesWhat kind of story is the Oger Myth folk Lore, love story? Describe why you think this.What kind of a monster is the 7 headed Dragon.Guess what will happen in the next chapter. Write a 5 sentence summary of what you think chapter 17 should be.Chapter17KeywordCrossbow/ Acid venom/ Gilbert=immune to poison/ Sleeping powder (from alchemist)CharacterGrimslade found them/ Hydra of mukreteComprehension Questions/ActivitiesHow do the familiars fight the monster? Sketch it, or act it out.Do you think they could have beaten the monster without the sleeping powder? Tell me why.Chapter18KeywordTelekinesis actually workedCharacterPaksahara the bunny Queen Loranella’s familiars/ Found the student wizardsPlacesTunnelComprehension Questions/ActivitiesHow does Paksahara trick the heroes?What is so special about Aldwyn in this chapter, what does he overcome. Have you ever had doubts or not believed in yourself the way that Aldwyn does, can you relate to this story line?Chapter19KeywordPractising magic/ Prophesized 3= not wizards; but familiars/ New adventureCharacterThe real Queen LoranellaPlacesRock gardenComprehension Questions/ActivitiesThis is a perfect opportunity to ask for a formal book reportorFinish the photosynth projectorAdminister the final test, mentioned in the summary of the unitorSketch the final chapters of the bookAdditional exercises includeAsking the students to give an alternate ending to the story.Write the first chapter of the sequelCompare their favourite charactersCompare this book to another book they have readTrue or FalseAldwyn question his magic powersJack and Aldwyn did not have a special bondThe Queen really was evil all alongAldwyn fell in love in the storyGilbert and Aldwyn were not always friendlySkylar loved Aldwyn, that is why she was mean to himKalstaff was never really hurtJack was really the main character.The old mural on the cave suggested that the animals were once the true wizards;not peopleThe bridge of betrayal was a very dangerous placeThe hunter Grimslade was a very good hunterPakasahar escapedAldwyn discovered where he was really fromThe floating eyeballs were spys of the enemyThe fish monger was actually friends with AldwynThe familiars never disguised themselves in this story.Fill in the BlanksAldwyn/ Skylar/ Gilbert/ Fish Monger/ Octopot/ Queen/ Jack/ Grimslade/ Gilberts Father/ Kalstaff/ Bridgewater/ Maidenmere/ Sunken palace/ puddle viewing.Other magical cats lived in this land_______________________.______________________actually did have telekinetic powers._______________________ was saved by Aldwyn in the river.____________________________was Aldwyns home, or the place where the story began._________________________ tried to get rid of Aldwyn because he was eating all of the fish._______________________ ____ made a special puddle viewing to find the familiars wizards...he discovered they were being kept at the ___________________________._______________________-was really good at eating bugs and ________________________._______________________ almost caught the animals on the bridge of betrayal. ____________________ was killed by the Queen.__________________________ could speak with _____________________ because they had a connection.______________________________ was a monster that Aldwyn destroyed at the Sorcerers home. ................
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