The Quezada International Transportation ProjectImproving Cross-border Movementand Air QualityReport Distributed December 1, 2013Prepared forLuis Torres, Senior Partner with Quezada Management Services (QMS)Padilla & Company4400 South Hillcrest Drive, El Paso, Texas 79936Phone: (915) 550-2349 Fax: (915) 550-2300consultations@November 30, 2013Mr. Louis Torres4140 Quezada DriveEl Paso, Texas 79928Dear Mr. Torres:We at Padilla & Company would like to thank you for the opportunity to respond to your Request for Proposal. We have committed all of our time and effort into presenting you with the best proposal as you have requested. Enclosed with this letter is our Proposal for International Transportation. This proposal offers a plan to improve cross-border movement of the people and goods at the El Paso/Juarez international border. This proposal also considers bettering the air quality within the border area and will help reduce emissions. The Quezada International Transportation Project includes the City of El Paso and the Texas Department of Transportation’s goals in regards to our proposed transportation. The Quezada International Transportation Project also contains information of funding sources, the land requirements, and the benefits the project would bring to the community. Mexican agencies will be involved in the construction due to the location of the project. Recommendations on how to interact with these Mexican agencies are also enclosed within the proposal. Padilla & Company values the trust you have placed in our company with this project. We are invested in delivering the most efficient transportation to the community. Please let us know if there is any further information that your company may need. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Padilla & Company, Consultation and Proposals Divisionconsultations@Enclosure: Proposal for Efficient TransportationExecutive SummaryThe Quezada International Transportation Project will provide an efficient transportation system within the community. This transportation system will reduce the emissions in the air and thus improve the air quality in El Paso and Juarez. The Quezada International Transportation Project introduces the Park & Ride and monorail transportation system to better the community. This system will connect to multiple ports within the city of El Paso and Ciudad Juarez. Implementing this transportation will make traveling across the El Paso/Juarez border safer for citizens. The Quezada International Transportation Project also provides transportation at low cost and an efficient rate of time. With these implementations, this transportation system will cut down the use of fuel-operated vehicles because of the access around the cities and the cheap rates. The Quezada International Transportation Project also implements safety precautions for citizens using this transportation system. It is required that all passengers traveling from Mexico to the United States must possess the SENTRI pass. SENTRI (Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection) is only given to applicants whom receive clearance from the Customs & Border Protection. Applicants must undergo a thorough background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and terrorist indices. They must also receive a 10-fingerprint law enforcement check and a personal interview with a Customs & Border Protection Officer. To provide efficient transportation between the borders, The Quezada International Transportation Project plans to have monorail hubs at each of the 4 ports of entry from Mexico to the United States. Each of these hubs will implement the SENTRI pass to ensure safety. These 4 ports include Santa Teresa Port of Entry (West El Paso hub), Paso del Norte Bridge/Santa Fe Bridge (Downtown/UTEP hub), Bridge of the Americas/”Puente Libre” (Central/Northeast hub), and Ysleta Bridge/Zaragoza Bridge (East hub). These hubs are in all different parts of the city therefore spreading out and increasing the access to this transportation system. This also decreases the amount of people within each hub. Implementing The Quezada International Transportation Project will greatly benefit the citizens and community. The amount of fuel-operated vehicles on the highway and streets will decrease. Pollution from these fuel-operated vehicles will also reduce and keep our air quality cleaner. The project will be costly but in the end will turn the most profit and benefit. Table of ContentsTitle PageCover Letter ………. 2Executive Summary ………. 31.0 Introduction 1.1 Mexican, local, and U.S. Government’s Co-op………. 61.2 International Border Crossing Ports………. 61.3 Park & Ride/Drop Off Stations………. 72.0 Analysis2.1 Statistics of Border Crossing and Population………. 72.2 SENTRI………. 8 Impacts3.1Environmental Impacts.......... 93.2 Economic Impact………. 94.0 Budget/Cost………. 95.0 Conclusion..........13Works Cited………. 15IntroductionThis report proposes the idea of several Park & Ride stations as well as a monorail system to connect Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua with the city of El Paso, TX in a more efficient and eco friendly manner. As well as using these means of transportation to improve local traffic flow and economize the consumption of fuel on vehicles. This will lower the amount of pollution created by fuel-operated vehicles in the city as well as having a positive impact on local economy. This project will ensure an eco-friendly environment while transporting a large quantity of the public to different destinations around the city at a lower cost and at an efficient rate of time. Mexican, local, and U.S. Government’s Co-opThere are government agencies that have to be in cooperation in order for this proposal to succeed. These branches include:Ciudad Juarez Director of Financial and Economic DevelopmentThe Texas Department of TransportationDepartment of Homeland SecurityCity of El PasoThis includes and is not limited to Customs and Border protection immigration process, land acquisition, city planning, and the development of transportation flow and traffic. International Border Crossing PortsEl Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua is one of the largest borders that exist between Mexico and the United States. There are four major ports of entry that will be covered in this proposal. Santa Teresa Port of Entry-West El Paso hubPaso del Norte Bridge (Santa Fe Bridge)-Downtown/UTEP hubBridge of the Americas (“Puente Libre”)-Central/Northeast hubYsleta Bridge (Zaragoza Bridge)- East hub(map of hubs)At these ports of entry, there will be monorail hubs that cross directly from Cd. Juarez to El Paso using Department of Homeland Security’s SENTRI (Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection) Program. The target land acquisitions will be in the area of the present ports of entries so that technology and the workforce can coincide with the current port of entries. These hubs will be located in the Mexican side of the ports and will load people to the American side for rapid and efficient immigration processing. Once every passenger has been processed and verified using the SENTRI program, the monorail will start its course around the designated Park and Ride stations around each hub’s assigned area of El Paso.Park & Ride/Drop Off StationsA Park and Ride Station is a fraction of land that is purchased to make a parking lot or a parking garage. The purpose of these multi-level, 100+ vehicle, parking garages, is to allow passengers to park their personal vehicles and wait for the monorail of their choice to transport them to their destination. These stations are strategically placed around the El Paso metro area so that the monorail is time efficient and has a well organized coverage area. The monorails will give roundtrip transportation so that passengers will always be able to return to their home Park & Ride location. The hours of operation will run from 5am to 11:30pm, everyday, and to be adjusted according to traffic. The locations of these Park & Ride sites are arranged so that passengers will be able to travel throughout the city, without having to stop frequently like the local bus transportation. There will be Connection Park & Ride stations that will overlap the other hub’s monorail to give access to passengers boarding to other parts of the city. (picture of P&R concept)(map of P&R locations in El Paso)2.0 Analysis2.1 Statistics of Border Crossing and PopulationAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of last year, El Paso County has an estimated 827, 398 people living in the area. (cite USCB) Also, as stated by INEGI (Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Geografia- National Institute of Statistics and Geography) Ciudad Juarez has an estimated population of 1, 332, 131 (cite INEGI), which brings the total El Paso/Juarez metropolitan area to an estimated population of 2.2 million inhabitants. This metropolitan area is more populated than the city of Houston Texas, which is the fourth largest city in the United States (cite Houston chronicle). In an area so densely populated, there should be choice for means of transportation. The El Paso/Juárez region already is the second largest metropolitan area on the U.S./Mexico border, with a combined population of approximately 2.2 million, and is expected to grow to more than 3.4 million by 2035 (site Cambridge Sytematics). In the first 8 months of this year alone, according to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, there were 3.8 million pedestrians crossing from Ciudad Juarez into El Paso. Also, there were more than 7.3 million passenger vehicles entering our ports of entries here in El Paso (cite CBP). The construction of a monorail would not only minimize traffic flow through the ports of entries, it would also minimize the wait times and pollution emissions. (TABLE OF TRAFFIC IN ALL PORTS IN EL PASO-from PDF)2.2 SENTRIALL passengers that are traveling from Mexico to the United States via the proposed Monorail system, MUST posses the SENTRI pass. SENTRI (Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection) provides expedited CBP (Customs & Border Protection) processing for pre-approved, low-risk travelers. Applicants must voluntarily undergo a thorough biographical background check against criminal, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and terrorist indices; a 10-fingerprint law enforcement check; and a personal interview with a CBP Officer.Applicants may not qualify for participation in the SENTRI program if they:Provide false or incomplete information on the application;Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges to include outstanding warrants;Have been found in violation of any customs, immigration, or agriculture regulations or laws in any country;Are subjects of an ongoing investigation by any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency;Are inadmissible to the United States under immigration regulation, including applicants with approved waivers of inadmissibility or parole documentation;Cannot satisfy CBP of their low risk status or meet other program requirements. (cite CBP)This process will help speed up the process of all pedestrians entering the United States and may encourage others to use the monorail system to travel within El Paso in which will not only lower vehicle traffic and air pollution, but it will also generate revenue. ImpactsA project of this magnitude will impact the community in more ways than one. To make an efficient transportation system from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua into the city of El Paso, TX and to also make transportation faster and cheaper around the El Paso County will create great impacts on the population of these two cities. The idea of the monorail and the Park and Ride are tied into providing a new system for transportation that will be efficient, faster and environmental friendly. Environmental ImpactsNowadays, the interests in eco-friendly products have been implemented into everyday life. Ciudad Juarez and El Paso are both large cities with a great numbers of occupants that use means of transportation, which are usually fuel-operated vehicles. There were more than 7.3 million passenger vehicles entering our ports of entries here in El Paso (cite CBP). This is an astounding number and not counting pedestrians. 7.3 million vehicles, fuel-operated vehicles, which are polluting our cities. By this project coming into action creating an eco-friendly environment in our cities will be easier to obtain. A car produces approximately 3.8 grams of volatile organic compounds are released on a daily basis, even when not being in operation. Multiplying this by 7.3 million vehicles gives a grand total of twenty-seven million seven hundred forty thousand grams of pollution that are being produced. Monorails are in fact environmental friendly; they are electrically powered which means they are non-polluting agents (cite MONORAIL SOCIETY). They run on rubber tires, which makes them rather quiet. By not running on fuel we will be able to not also help our community with faster and easier transport, but by reducing money spent on fuel for fuel-operated vehicles. Economic ImpactMonorails are cost effective. For example the Tokyo-Haneda Monorail has been in operation since 1964. It is privately owned and generates a profit each year. The money spent on fuel each year is increasing and increasing. In the city of El Paso, TX on average a two-driver household paid $658 more per year than two years ago (cite SPERLING). With the monorail and Park and Ride, this cost can be greatly reduced. Cost efficiency is one of the main goals with this project. To be able to reduce the amount of money spent on fuel on average to the population will help improve the economy of the population as a whole and benefit the city by becoming a more easy access community. 4.0 Budget/CostSo the big question…How much? Unfortunately there is no simple answer to this question. According to the Monorail Society, there are way too many variables which influence the price of building a monorail system (and most forms of rail transit). Such factors include and are not limited to:?Total length of the system:?In many cases, costs can be reduced the longer a system is.?Topography:?Is the terrain flat or hilly, are there many roads or rivers to cross?Location:?What is the access for construction equipment? Will there be heavy traffic or other impediments to construction?Utilities:?Relocation of water mains, power lines, telephone lines, etc. can have a significant effect on cost increases.Land:?What amount of land needs to be purchased or easements need to be acquired?Passenger requirements:?What size and number of vehicles are required? How much time will they wait at stations?Speed:?What are the speed requirements of the system? Are there long enough distances between stations so that a higher speed is desired?Number of Stations:?Each additional station adds to the cost.Special Structures:?Will tunnels, bridges, overpass reconstruction or urban structures be a factor?Geotechnical conditions:?What are the subsurface conditions? They can have a major impact on foundation costs.Environmental Mitigation:?Will restoration, wildlife protection or sound walls be required?No matter what the cost is of building one,?monorail has the one of the best chances of all transit modes of turning a profit. (TMS). For this proposal we are implementing a 10, 2 or 3-car train with 100-130 mile guideway system with about 20 stations located around El Paso and and the port of entries. All these variables can change to be more cost effective, while maintaining the project feasible. The Urbanaut Monorail is one the most cost effective Monorail systems in the market.ELEMENTS OF AN “URBANAUT” MONORAIL PROJECT (urbanaut)Relative Cost of Each ElementCivil Works: Guideway, Stations, Switches, Maintenance BuildingsRolling Stock: Trains and special vehiclesSignaling:? Train Control System (TCS) and other controlsEnergy: Energy SupplyTelecom: Communication Depot: Equipment and Control CenterAFC: Automated Fare Collection SystemThe "Core System"?for the Urbanaut, a prototype of monorails built,?represents close to 85% of the total project and costs. It embraces:1.????????????????????????????The Civil Works (Elevated Guideway)2.????????????????????????????The Rolling Stock (Vehicles)3.????????????????????????????Signaling (Automatic Control)The "Fixed E&M" (Electrical & Mechanical) integrates and overlaps with the Civil Works. The "Movable" (Rolling Stock) includes operational trains and vehicle. URBANAUT SYSTEM TYPE IIAPPROXIMATE COST ESTIMATE PER MILE (1.6 KM)?OF DUAL ELEVATED GUIDEWAYFixed Costs:A.? Elevated Guideway, Including Foundations ??????????????????????41.8%??? =?? $11.70 MillB. ?Passenger Loading / Unloading Facilities (2 Stations)?????????????? 8.5%??? =???? $2.40 MillC.? Maintenance Yards & Operational Control Facility???????????????????? 7.2%??? =???? $2.00 MillD.? Electrical Power, Signals, and Moving Block Control??????????????? 7.2%??? =???? $2.00 MillE.? Rolling Stock (3 Single Vehicles or 3 Car Train)??????????????????????? 26.8%??? =???? $7.50 MillF.? Fees & Contingencies of A, B, C, & D??????????????????????????????????????????? 8.5%??? =???? $2.40 MillTotal cost of INTERMEDIATE SIZE PER MILE (1.6 km)??????????????????? 100%??? =?? $28.0 Mill??URBANAUT SYSTEM TYPE IIIAPPROXIMATE COST ESTIMATE PER MILE (1.6 KM)OF SINGLE GUIDEWAY AT SURFACE(For USA and Canada)Fixed Costs:?????????? ? A.? Excavation, drainage, sub-ballast, foundation'?????????22%??? =???? $2.00 Mill????????????????? slab, guide rail B.? Passenger Loading / Unloading Facilities (2 Stations)????? 4%??? =???? $0.40 MillC.? Maintenance Yards & Operational Control Facility????????? 12%??? =???? $1.05 MillD.? Electrical Power, Signals, and Moving Block Control???? 10%??? =???? $0.90 MillE.? Rolling Stock (3 Single Vehicles or 3 Car Train)?????????????? 42%??? =???? $3.75 MillF.? Fees & Contingencies of A, B, C, & D?????????????????????????????????10%??? =???? $0.90 MillTotal cost of INTERMEDIATE SIZE PER MILE (1.6 km)????? 100%??? =???? $9.00 Mill????Variable Cost Items Not Included in Cost EstimatesLand acquisition (if necessary public right-of-way not available)Improvements such as relocation of underground and aerial utilitiesAerial right-of-way and underground expropriationParking lots, park-ride facilitiesStations built into existing facilities (buildings)Foundations for poor soil conditions and unforeseen underground conditionsSpecial elevated structures that deviate from standard prefabricated designsLegal fees and feasibility studiesUnexpected delays and obstructions encounteredFinancing, interest and loan costsMobilization costs (Contracts for Design, Engineering, Built proposal)Analyzing the data given by Urbanaut, we can reach a conclusion that our cost of the International Monorail system for the El Paso/Juarez metropolitan area is about $1.5 to $2.5 billion dollars (too many factors to contribute). This long-term project can find funding through private investors as well as government funding. 5.0 Conclusion Unlike the current system of transportation, the monorail and the Park and Ride will be an improvement from crossing from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua into El Paso, TX. It will also improve transportation within the city of El Paso. This project will improve the economy of both cities participant and make them eco-friendly. WORKS CITEDEl Paso Regional Ports Entry Plan Operations Plan, Cambridge Systematics. June 2011. 20 Nov. 3012. <; SENTRI Program Description. Customs & Border Protection. 3 Sep. 2013. 20 Nov.2013< wins census appeal; count adjusted. Houston Chronical. 3 Dec. 2013. 20 Nov. 2013 <; Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia. INEGI. 2013. 20 Nov. 2013. < States Census Bureau. 27 Jun 2013. 20 Nov. 2013. < Monorail Society. 20 Nov. 2013.<; Sperling’s Best Places. 2013. 20 Nov. 2013. <; (Urbanaut) (TMS) ................

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