MGD School,Jaipur

INDEX1 English2 Biology3 Biotechnology4 Chemistry5 Physics6 Maths7 CSC8 IP9 Home Science10 Accountancy11 BST12 Economics13 EP14 History15Geography16 Political Science17 Psychology18 Sociology 19 Hindi20 Sanskrit21 PE22 Painting & Commercial ArtsMGD Girls' School, JaipurHoliday Home-workMGD Girls' School, JaipurHoliday Home-workEnglish Class XIIGeneral Instructions-1) Read activity wise details and do as directed.2) All assignments and activities will be done in a separate file/folder, titled ‘Portfolio’.3) The Personal information page as attached should be printed, filled and put at the beginning of your file/folder.4) The Portfolio and home-work will be submitted when the school reopens and will be an important component for Internal assessment for English.-6667504419600 Tell About Yourself..Tell About Yourself..Photo Full Name:____________________________________________________Town and Street where you live:___________________________________Names of members of your family:_________________________________Best Friends:_____________________________________________________________________Sports you like to play and/or watch:_________________________________________________Favourite sportsman or sportswoman:________________________________________________Special Interests:__________________________________________________________________Favourite Colours:________________________________________________________________Favourite Food:__________________________________________________________________Favourite Music:_________________________________________________________________Favourite TV Shows/Films:________________________________________________________Favourite Film Stars/ Pop Stars/Groups:_____________________________________________Favourite Books:_________________________________________________________________Favourite Animal or Pet:__________________________________________________________Activity 1. Print the passage given below, read it carefully, put it in Portfolio with answers as directed:Fasting is said to bring a host of benefits, provided it is done under medical supervision. Doctors explain how to go about it. Food is to the body what fuel is to a motor vehicle. It provides energy, helps repair and rejuvenates and confers many other benefits. A lot of research has been done and is being done on fasting. When one fasts, the digestive organs get rest and all body mechanisms are cleansed. While fasting, the natural process of toxin removal continues, while the entry of new toxins is reduced. The energy usually used for digestion is redirected to immune system and cell growth. Fasting helps you lose excess weight and water, flushes out toxins, helps you heal at greater speed, cleanses your liver, kidney and colon, purifies your blood, clears the eyes and tongue and cleanses the breath.Another research says fasting, even occasionally, helps in de-toxification. Through fasting we restrict digestive activity and so energy is utilised to cleanse different systems. Fasting improves metabolism, sharpens the senses, calms the mind, improves general immunity, improves concentration and mental clarity. Fasting has tremendous benefits and impacts one at various planes; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Specifically it helps in de-toxification, repair and rejuvenation, gives rest to the gastro-intestinal system and promotes mobilisation of excess fat.The crucial point to note is the difference between fasting and starvation. Research suggests there are other benefits of fasting. It slows down the aging process, stress resistance, increased insulin sensitivity and increases lifespan. On the other hand, starvation occurs when the body begins to use protein for fuel and may lead to death in some cases.(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four). Also supply an appropriate title to it.(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.Activity 2. Print the passage given below, read it carefully, put it in Portfolio with answers as directed:This isn’t a mountain region of mere subjective beauty. Nor one, which claims its greatness, based on just an overwhelming opinion of a large majority. For, Sikkim is a treasure that few know about. However, the facts of its remarkable geography bear enough testimony to pitch Sikkim in a slot that no other mountain region, anywhere in the world, could duplicate or rival. What Everest is to peaks, Sikkim is to the mountains. Tragically, a region so wild and exotic and with such geographic and climatic extremes, that its amazing wilds and not its unremarkable hill stations, ensure its accessibility to the adventurous only.Just delve on these facts a bit. From the plains, in a mere 80 kms as the crow flies, the altitude reaches 28,168 feet at the very top of Kangchenjunga, the third highest peak in the world. Such a sharp elevation is unrivalled anywhere else and is the first geographical claim of Sikkim.The second is an offshoot of the first. Nowhere else do so many 7,000 metre plus peaks crowd up such a confined space. And the third is really a consequence of the first and the second with the sharp gradation creating the most variegated flora and fauna possible anywhere in the mountains. The fourth uniqueness is also a consequence of the first and the second and lies in the extremes of the climate which ranges from the tropical to the typical arctic type. And the fifth claim is its thin permanent population and relatively fewer travellers by virtue of its remote far-eastern Himalayan location.The startling facts about Sikkim never seem to end. For starters, all of Sikkim lies in a mere 110 kms by 65 kms of mountains, peaks, glaciers, rivers and forests. A little dot on the map at a latitude 27 degrees North and longitude 88 degrees East. Its 7,000-sq kms make it about as large as the National Capital Region of India! To the North and extending to the East of Sikkim, is Tibet / China and to the West is Nepal. To the South are the Himalayan and sub Himalayan regions of West Bengal.It is, in fact these geographical extremes and the resulting ambience, that makes mountaineers trek here, when they are not climbing, besides fuelling mountaineering dreams in the minds of trekkers, what with the closest possible proximity to magnificent peaks while trekking.On the subject of trekking here, it is strange but true that acclimatisation is much tougher in Sikkim than elsewhere. It may have something to do with being closer in latitude to the Tropic of Cancer, besides the rather sharp stages involved in each day of trekking. The closeness to the Tropic of Cancer has meant that the snowline will always be much higher and therefore human settlements are seen even at altitudes of 16,000 feet! (473 words) Adapted from a travelogue by Ashish Kaul, Travel Writer(a) On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum four). Also supply an appropriate title to it.(b) Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words.Activity 3. Listen to the Earth Song by Michael Jackson on the following link and write an article for the school magazine on the global environmental problems faced by the current generation. (150 to 200) Activity 4. Write a letter to the Editor appreciating the efforts put in by the Corona Warriors to ensure the smooth supply of essential goods to our doorsteps, despite the constant threat posed to their lives. (120 to 150 words)Activity 5. You are the Head girl of Arcadia Public School, Dehradun. In the wake of the recent Corona crisis you have been asked by the Principal to address the students at the morning assembly advising them to take protective measures. Draft the speech in 150 to 200 words. __________________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-2021CLASS –XII SUBJECT – BIOLOGYInstructionsNote the following experiments in the biology practical file.While writing the experiment, the diagrams should be drawn on the left side blank sheet and the written matter should be on the ruled sheet( right side).The content can be written using the given link – on opening..___________________________________________________________________Prepare a temporary mount to observe pollen germination.Flowers adapted to pollination by different agencies (wind, insects, birds)Pollen germination on stigma through a permanent slide or scanning electron micrograph.Identification of stages of gamete development, i.e., T.S. of testis and T.S. of ovary through permanent slides (from grasshopper/mice).Meiosis in onion bud cell or grasshopper testis through permanent slides.T.S. of blastula through permanent slides (Mammalian).Controlled pollination - emasculation, tagging and bagging------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD Girls’ School, JaipurHoliday Home work (20-21)Class-XIISubject-BiotechnologyPrepare an investigatory or experimental project on a topic selected from the CBSE Class XII ,Biotechnology bookPrepare a mind map for Chapter 1-Recombinant DNA technologyVisit the NCBI site to get familiar with different databases and tools used in Bioinformatics. .in MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK- 2020-21SUBJECT : CHEMISTRY CLASS –XII INSTRUCTIONS:1. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are doing your HOME WORK2.Do the given assignment in any sheets and make folder for the same. 3.Submission on opening -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Practical records to be completed:A) Write the analysis of the given salts (Preliminary examinations to be written once for each salt, first you need to write the acidic radical followed by basic radical in continuation. No need to write the preliminary examinations again. This write up is available in XI class practical records). 1. Lead Nitrate 2. Magnesium Sulphate3. Calcium Carbonate4. Aluminum Chloride5. Barium Acetate.B) Identification of the functional groups : Alcohols ,Acids, Aldehydes, Ketones and Phenols Pl use Olabs for the analysis of these groups and learn the tests required. You can also refer Lab manual for the same.C) Project : Select a topic from the list of projects and prepare the write up for the same.1.Study the presence of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and vegetables.2.Extraction of caffeine from tealeaves.3.Study of the quantity of casein in different samples of milk.4.Preparation of soya milk.5.analysis of different samples of cold drinks.6.Preparation of Rayon thread from filter papers.7.Analysis of Honey /tooth paste .You are free to select any topic of your choice also but get it approved by your chemistry teacher before working on it.Investigatory projects:You need to select one topic of your choice and send a write up on it for approval by your subject teacher. Two to three students can select one topic and give a write up for approval. You can either chose a topic from the list below or choose any other project topic of your choice but please discuss the selected topic with your subject teacher before working on it.1. Study of the quantity of casein in different samples of milk.2. Preparation of Soya bean milk.3. Analysis of honey.4. Analysis of different samples of cold drinks.5. Preparation of Rayon thread from filter papers.6. Study the presence of insecticides and pesticides in fruits and vegetables.7. Extraction of caffeine from tea leaves.8. Analysis of vegetables and fruit juice.TheoryStudents to follow the links given in the mail and work out the NCERT questions of following chapters:1.Solutions2.General principles and processes of isolation of elements__________________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK- 2020-21SUBJECT : PHYSICS CLASS –XII INSTRUCTIONS:1. Write your Name, Class and Section on the top right side corner of the sheet where you are writing HOME WORK (Project work/activities)2.Do the given assignment in any sheets and keep all the sheets in a folder. 3.Submission on opening. A.Activity record to be completed.Write the following activities in a separate practical record(thin one).Which is to be submitted at the time of opening.Link is provided for the following activities )To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on a glasss lab. b)To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs,three (ON/OFF) switches,a fuse and a power source.c)To study the variation in potential drop with length of wire for a steady current.For writing following order should be followed.Aim,Material required,Theory/Principle,Procedure,Coclusion(Ruled side)Neat diagram and observation table (leave it blank ) on Blank side-(plain one).B.Following are the list of projects suggested by CBSE.You have to select a topic from the list after discussion with the subject teacher, you have to prepare a write up for the same.Write up should have - Aim,principle,procedure,diagram,Observation table,Required result with steps of calculations must be mentioned.You can choose any other topic for your project but it should be Investigatory and related to XII syllabus like TIR,EMI,OPTICAL FIBRE,Conversion of G into Voltmeter ,Spectrometer .You can refer link the same.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MGD Girls’ School, JaipurHoliday Homework 2020-21Subject: MathematicsClass: XIIInstructions1. Do the questions in the notebook you’ve been doing the home assignments till now.2. Do corrections of all four home assignments, if possible redo them properly.3. For any queries, contact your subject teacher.4. Revise all the syllabus covered till now.5. Submission on school reopening.-86677512064900Frame 10 objective type questions with answers (not from the textbook) from each of the following chapters-Linear ProgrammingContinuity and DifferentiabilityMatricesDeterminantsThis worksheet has to be printed (questions can be MCQs, fill in the blanks, etc.)Do Miscellaneous exercises and examples of the chapters mentioned above.Draw the graphs of the following trigonometric functions from -2 ∏ to 2 ∏. Also write domain and range of each of these.sin xcos xtan xcosec xsec xcot xleft10032900 MGD Girls’ School, JaipurHoliday Homework 2020-21 Subject : CS Class : XII INSTRUCTIONS: Read the chapter - from the NCERT book (Download the chapters from the class group)Unit 1, Unit 3 & Unit 5 Also, access for Support.Do the given assignment in the Notes Register(Hard Bound- both sides lined, well-indexed) Submission on opening.-28638511938000Answer the following based on Unit–1: Review of Phython–(a)Differentiate between break and continue statement with the help of an example. (b) Identify and write the name of the module to which the following functions belong: i. ceil( ) ii. findall() (c) Observe the following Python code very carefully and rewrite it after removing all syntactical errors with each correction underlined. (d) Write the output of the following Python code: (e) Write the output of the following Python program code: 3 Study the following program and select the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) following it. Also, write the maximum and the minimum values that can be assigned to the variable Y. i) 0 : 0 ii) 1 : 6 iii) 2 : 4 iv) 0 : 3 2 Write the output of the following Python program code: (f)Study the following program and select the possible output(s) from the options (i) to (iv) following it. Also, write the maximum and the minimum values that can be assigned to the variable Y. i) 0 : 0 ii) 1 : 6 iii) 2 : 4 iv) 0 : 3 Answer the following based on Unit 3Consider the following relation MobileMaster & MobileStock:- MobileMaster M_Id M_Company M_Name M_Price M_Mf_Date MB001 Samsung Galaxy 4500 2013-02-12 MB003 Nokia N1100 2250 2011-04-15 MB004 Micromax Unite3 4500 2016-10-17 MB005 Sony XperiaM 7500 2017-11-20 MB006 Oppo SelfieEx 8500 2010-08-21 MobileStock S_Id M_Id M_Qty M_Supplier S001 MB004 450 New Vision S002 MB003 250 Praveen Gallery S003 MB001 300 Classic Mobile Store S004 MB006 150 A-one Mobiles S005 MB003 150 The Mobile S006 MB006 50 Mobile Cent Write the SQL query for questions from (i) to (iv) & write the output of SQL command for questions from (v) to (viii) given below:- Display the Mobile company, name & price in descending order of their manufacturing date. (ii) List the details of mobile whose name starts with ?S? or ends with “a”. (iii) Display the Mobile supplier & quantity of all mobiles except “MB003”. (iv) List showing the name of mobile company having price between 3000 & 5000. (v) SELECT M_Id, SUM(M_Qty) FROM MobileStock GROUP BY M_Id; (vi) SELECT MAX(M_Date), MIN(M_Date) FROM MobileMaster; (vii) SELECT M1.M_Id, M1.M_Name, M2.M_Qty, M2.M_Supplier FROM MobileMaster M1, MobileStock M2 WHERE M1.M_Id=M2.M_Id AND M2.M_Qty>=300; (viii) SELECT AVG(M_Price) FROM MobileMaster; 3. Answer the following based on Unit 5Sanskar University of Himachal Pradesh is setting up a secured network for its campus at Himachal Pradesh for operating their day-to-day office & web based activities. They are planning to have network connectivity between four buildings. Answer the question (i) to (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus & other details which are given below: 444500138430AdminMain BuildingAcademicsFinance00AdminMain BuildingAcademicsFinanceBuilding 1 Building 2 Distance(in mtrs.) Main Admin 50 Main Finance 100 Main Academic 70 Admin Finance 50 Finance Academic 70 Admin Academic 60 Building No. of Computers Main 150 Admin 75 Finance 50 Academic 60 As a network expert, you are required to give best possible solutions for the given queries of the university administration:- (a) Suggest cable layout for the connections between the various buildings.(b) Suggest the most suitable building to house the server of the network of the university.(c) Suggest the placement of following devices with justification: 1. Switch/Hub 2. Repeater (d) Suggest the technology out of the following for setting-up very fast Internet connectivity among buildings of the university 1. Optical Fibre 2. Coaxial cable 3. Ethernet CableII.Differentiate between hacking and crackingIII Mona is confused between the terms Domain name and URL. Explain the difference with the help of suitable example.IV Identify the Domain name and URL from the following.. Rohan wants to prevent unauthorized access to/from his company's local area network. Write the name of the system, which he should install to do the same.-62801527940000MGD Girls’ School, JaipurHoliday Homework 2020-21 Subject : IP Class : XIIINSTRUCTIONS; Select a project and write detailed algorithm to solve it. It must include :-Aim or Proposal statement i.e what output is desired?What inputs you need to develop the desired project.What queries your project will solve?Identify the entities /Tables required to shape up your project.Clearly mention the attributes(along with their respective constraints) for each Table .Also mention in the group-Project you choose to work upon.Whether you are developing the project singly or as with a partner. Mention your partner name in the latter case.-60706058039000 MGD Girls’ School , Jaipur Holiday Home Work 2020-21Subject- HOME SCIENCE Class-XII INSTRUCTIONS Students to perform the following practical work in the HOME SCIENCE OBSERVATION NOTEBOOK.1. Record a day’s diet/ food intake for an adult, modify it to a soft diet for an elderly person. [CH 2]2. Plan one recipe each rich in –protein, energy, iron, vitamin-A, calcium. [CH 3]3. Planning a menu for four(4) days for a school canteen.[CH 4]4. Understand Sewing Machine parts ( using a PHOTOGRAPH pg-261) and the functions of different parts of machine.[CH 13]REFERENCE: NCERT BOOKS OF HOME SCIENCE AS HUMAN ECOLOGY AND FAMILY SCIENCE PART I AND II on website on opening. ___________________________________________________________________________________MGD Girls School, JaipurHoliday Homework 2020-2021Subject: Accountancy. Class: XIISubmission -when school reopensINSTRUCTIONS:COMPREHENSIVE PROJECT (BUSINESS IDEA) Story line of your Business Transactions Journal Ledger Trial Balance Trading and Profit & Loss Account Balance sheetDiagram related to the Project.HAPPY VACATIONS ……ENJOY, CREATE SWEET MEMORIES. STAY SAFE STAY INDOORS.___________________________________________________________________________MGD Girls’ School,JaipurHoliday Homework 20-21Submission on opening Subject: Business Studies Class-XII Instructions:Revise chapter 1, 2, and 3 taught to you.Make a list of important Key-words for each concept given in the chapter1, 2, and 3.Solve board asked Questions, especially case studies based on these chapters in your plete the project work assigned to you following the board guide lines and as per the instructions given to you. Holidays. Stay safe and healthy_________________________________________________________________________________M.G.D Girls' School, JaipurHoliday Homework 2020-21Submission on OpeningClass-XIISubject-Economics Instructions1. Revise the chapters taught online from lndian Economic Development (Chapter 1,2,3,7,10, &12).2. Prepare synopsis for the project on any of the given topicsPoverty in IndiaProblem of unemployment GST-Goods & services taxDemonetisation Corona and it's impact on Indian Economy Indian Monetary system-Functions of Central bank & Commercial banksGovernment budgetIndia’s Foreign Trade Environment and Sustainable development NITI AayogInfrastructural growth in India (Social and Economic) The synopsis should be made on A-4 size sheets and submitted in a folder.3. Watch the Hindi movies like Do Beegha Zameen, Roti, Kapda aur Makaan, Shor (Old version), Mother India understand various socio- economic problems of India such as Zamindari system, Poverty and unemployment, Noise pollution etc. Enjoy holidays. Stay safe and healthy. Stay Indoors______________________________________________________________MGD Girls School, Jaipur.Holiday Homework 2020-2021Submission on OpeningSubject: Entrepreneurship. Class: 12INSTRUCTIONS:Design a logo and a tagline for the product or service you have selected for your project. (on a a4 size plain sheet).Also write a jingle/paridy/poem... for its advertisement.During this pandemic situation all businesses are affected. Study the impact of it on general business by speaking to your family,friends,relatives,neighbours etc and write a report of 200 words.HAPPY SUMMER VACATIONS. MAKE THE MOST CREATIVE AND PRODUCTIVE USE OF YOUR VACATIONS..JUST LIKE SUNRISE IS IMPORTANT TO FEEL THE SUNSET AND VICE VERSA. THIS IS ALSO A NATURES OWN CALL OF REVIVING ITSELF. ENJOY AND MAKE THE BEST MEMORIES.STAY SAFE STAY INDOORS._______________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21SUBMISSION ON OPENINGSUBJECT: HISTORYCLASS-XII Email ID: hist12mgd@Book: Themes in Indian History (part 1)Read these chapters after watching the videos accompanying the mentioned links and frame 1-mark questions. Chapter 1: Bricks, beads and bones 2: Kings, farmers, and towns 3: Kinship, caste and classWatch Mahabharata on DDChapter 4: Thinkers, beliefs and buildings work- Watch episodes of Bharat ek Khoj, epic channel, Ramayana and Mahabharata, and stories by Devdutt Pattanaik, and topics from NCERT books, discuss and finalize topics for the project.STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY STAY HAPPY _______________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21SUBMISSION ON OPENINGSUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY (029)CLASS-XIIChoose any one topic out of the 7 topics.Draft an outline for the topic.Get it approved by Dr Rashmi Pareek on Whatsapp group or send an rmation can be collected from?E Newspaper,Magzines,Online Survey.*Topics for geography survey *1.Pollution?2.Ground Water Changes3.Land use and land use changes4.Poverty?5.Energy issues?6.Soil degradation?7.Impact of floods and Drought? Any one topic may be taken.?Make Chapterisation?Chapter 1- Introduction?Chapter 2-Physical Background of the Study area .Chapter 3.Climatic Conditions?Chapter 4. Demography?Chapter 5.Suggestions and Conclusion (Questionnaire can be attached in this part and Data Analysis can be added where ever it is required)BibliographySTAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY STAY HAPPY ___________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21SUBMISSION ON OPENINGSUBJECT: POLITICAL SCIENCE (028)CLASS-XIIRevise the four chapters with reference to the links shared in the four Home Study Assignments. Contemporary World Politics: 1.The Cold War Era 2.The End of Bipolarity Politics in India Since Independence: 1.Challenges of Nation Building 2.Politics of Planned DevelopmentA reminder to complete from every page of these lessons at least 2 to 5 fill in the blanks and email it to polsc12mgd@ Complete all the chapters based questions as given in the WhatsApp group in your register or copy.Keep a sharp eye on the changing international politics in the challenging period of COVID-19.Project Work /20 MARKS/ Refer to the CBSE site for further details Out of 20 marks, 10 marks are to be allotted to viva voce and 10 marks for project work. The project can be individual/pair/group of 4-5 each. The Project can be made on any of the topics given in the syllabus.The suggestive list of activities for project work is as follows:- Role Play, Skit, Presentation, Model, Field Survey, Mock Drills/Mock Event, File Presentation etc. The topic/s for Project Work taken up by the student must be discussed in detail and then finalized. Collect adequate information available on the topic(Maps/pictures/events/cartoons/leaders/countries/graphical presentations or any other relevant information)Once approved then collect data.STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY STAY HAPPY _________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL,JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21SUBMISSION ON OPENINGSUBJECT: PSYCHOLOGYCLASS-XIIChoose your case profile topic, get it approved and collect secondary data.Answer all questions given in the register # Make as many as possible one mark questions answers in brackets# Read Chapter 1 and 3 thoroughly .STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY STAY HAPPY ___________________________________________________________________________MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPURHOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-21SUBMISSION ON OPENINGSUBJECT: SOCIOLOGYCLASS-XIITo revise the below mentioned chapters with reference to the links shared in all the home studiesThe Demographic Structure of Indian SocietySocial Institutions: Continuity and ChangeThe Market as a Social InstitutionTo make 1 Mark Fill in the Blank questions from all the three chaptersTo complete the assignments givenProject Work:To shortlist a relevant topic for research.To collect adequate information available on the topic ( Not to exceed more than 5-6 pages)To prepare the Research Design for the topic( Objectives, Hypothesis, Research Method and tool for data collection, Sample Site and Size)If using Survey, prepare the Questionnaire / Interview Schedule to be distributed/ askedIf using Case Study (Comparison) then identify 5 cases to be studied in depth. All matter to be collected in detail for the same.If using Observation- make a list of things to be observed( Participant or Non Participant) in the research*** Send the above at sociology12mgd@ for approval.Once approved then collect data.Collected information to be tabulated for inferencesConclusions to be drawnSuggestive remedies to be providedLimitations to be mentioned.STAY SAFE STAY HEALTHY STAY HAPPY _________________________________________________________________ ???????????? ???????? ?????-XII ????- ????? ??? ??? :- ??? ???????? ?? ????? ????? -- 1.- ?????????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?????? –* "?????? ???????" ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ???????????, ????? ???????????, ????????? ???? ?? ??? ??????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????????????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?* ???????? ?? ????????? ?? ???????? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ????? ?* ?? ??? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?? ???, ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ????? ?? ?? ???? ????? ?* ????? ???? ??? 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(??) ______ ????? |_______________________________________________________ MGD GIRLS’ SCHOOL, JAIPUR HOLIDAY HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT -2020-21 SUBJECT- PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASS-XII RESOURCE MATERIAL-*Any physical education reference book ( Ratna Sagar) which you can easily get.*You can download from the website GENERAL INSTRUCTION--Submission on opening.-Students can contact for any doubt through email-pe12mgd@ or dr.monikamathur9@ HOLIDAY HOME WORK ASSIGNMENTMake a Record file:Any one game of your choice out of the list-Basketball, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Hockey, Cricket.-Labeled diagram of field and equipment-History of the game-Rules and regulation of the game-Terminologies of the game-Fundamental skill of the game-PersonalitiesAdministration of AAPHERD YOUTH FITNESS TEST ………………………………………. *Tournament-Knock-out, League or Round Robin and Combination *Intramural and Extramural- Meaning, objectives and its significance *Specific Sports ProgrammeUNIT-2: SPORTS AND NUTRITION *Balanced diet and nutrition- macro and micro nutrients *Nutritive and Non-Nutritive components of diet *Eating for weight control- A healthy weight, The pitfalls of dieting and food mythsKINDLY NOTE--You are allowed to submit your work through email mgdclass12-pe@________________________________________________________________________MGD Girls` School, JaipurHoliday AssignmentSubject: Painting and Commercial Arts Class: XII Instructions: Make all layouts of the topics given for practical submissions Learn all theory potion which has been plete the practical assignments. ________________________________________________________________ ................

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