J - Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N. 96/08 22.2.2008

Sh. Parth Sharma

B1/311, 4th Floor, Manbhavan Apartments,

Sec.-10, Plot No. 26, Dwarka ,

New Delhi -110075.

Sub: Request of Sh. Parth Sharma under RTI Act.


With reference to your letter dated 31.1.2008 requesting therein for verification report of your certificates, I am to inform you that as per practice prevalent in this office all the verification reports are sent by post to the concerned Department from where the documents are received for verification. The report is not given to the candidate in any case due to its confidentiality.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N. 99/08 10.3.2008

Sh. Vijay Babbar, Advocate

F-32, West Patel Nagar,

New Delhi.

Sub: Request of Sh. Vijay Babbar under RTI Act.


With reference to your request received in this office on dated 14.2.2008 regarding supply of information under RTI Act, in this connection, I am to inform you that the information sought by you is not specific pertaining to a particular matter. Hence, it cannot be supplied to you. However, your attention is invited to the CBSE rules on the subject, which produces as under:-

No change in name/surname once recorded in the Board’s records shall be made. However, correction in name to the extent of correction in spelling errors, factual typographical errors in candidate’s name/surname, father’s name/mother’s name or Guardian’s name to make it consistent with what is given in the school record or list of candidates (LOC) submitted by the school may be made.

Yours faithfully,




NO. ROD/ADMN.&ACCTTS./2008 Date: 05.02.2008


Subject: Acceptance of RTI cases and depositing the RTI fees at CBSE

Regional Office Delhi at I.P. Extension Patparganj Delhi.

The Regional Office Delhi has been functioning from its premises located at P.S. -1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension, Patparganj, Delhi-110092. It has been decided that applications of those seeking information under ‘Right to Information Act’ (RTI), pertaining to activities about the conduct of examination- pre and post in respect of schools located in Delhi and outside India shall be received in the Regional Office. The Regional Office shall maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed in a manner and the form which facilitates the ‘Right to Information’ under this Act. The scope of work shall be, all main activities pertaining to Regional Office Delhi:

1. Conduct of Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations

2. Issuance of Marks Statements and Migration Certificates and allied works

3. Appointment of – Centre Superintendents

- Head Examiners and Examiners

- Fixation of Examination Centres

- Fixation of Nodal Centres.

4. Payments to all functionaries involved in the conduct of examinations

5. Evaluation of Answer Sheets both for Secondary and Sr. Secondary Examination and

6. Declaration of results etc.

The applications of the persons who desires to obtain any information under this act shall be received in writing at the Central Board of Secondary Education, Regional Office, Delhi at reception counter by Shri S.P. Singh, Telephone Operator. He shall be diarising the request of the individual in a register to be prepared exclusively for such applications in the enclosed format and put Sl. No. on it and the individual shall be directed to deposit the requisite fee of Rs. 10/’- in the office of the cashier.

Cashier after taking the requisite fee shall endorse the receipt number and date on the application with signature and forward it to the Assistant Secretary Shri K.K. Jain and who shall act as APIO and who shall be co-ordinating as expeditiously as possible with the concerned branches for quick reply to be sent for approval of the competent authority. The co-ordinator shall ensure that the reply is given to the applicant within the prescribed limit of 30 days of the receipt of the request.



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-89/07 14.2.2008

Sub: Appeal of Mr. Himanshu Rawat.



Mr. Himanshu Rawat vide request dated 6.11.2007 has requested the Board to furnish the information of candidate Ms. Mona, class X against Roll No. 6411878 appeared in the year 1993.

The reply of this request was sent to Mr. Himanshu Rawat on 20.12.2007. Thereby the informing the applicant that the candidate has passed out Sec. School Examination from the Board at that time when the percentage of marks was calculated of best four subjects.


The applicant’s request was replied as per the scheme of examination of the Board. In this connection, this is to inform you that as per the scheme of examination for Sec. Schools pertaining to year 1993, the candidate would be declared “pass” if, the candidate is pass in four subjects. This candidate has been declared passed on the basis of passing marks secured by her in other four subjects except English. (The photocopy of pass criteria prevailed at that time in the Board is annexed herewith for your reference).


In view of the fact, that the appellant Mr. Himanshu Rawat has preferred to go for an appeal. In view of above-mentioned facts, as photocopy of the curriculum 1993, it is clearly indicates that a candidate shall obtain a grade higher than E (i.e. at least 33% marks) in four other subjects will be declared as pass. As per point no. -3.3(6), it is also indicates that no overall division/distinctions/aggregate will be awarded.

Yours faithfully,



Sh. Himanshu Rawat

C/o Sparsh Computers

Mandir Marg Gopeshwar

Distt.- Chamoli, Uttarakhand.

CBSE/ROD/LEGAL&RTI/F.N.-97/08 13.3.2008

Sh. Nirmal Singh

B-19, Swasthaya Vihar


Sub: Request of Sh. Nirmal Singh under RTI Act.

Dear Applicant,

This has reference to your request under RTI Act wherein you have requested the Board to provide information under RTI Act. This is to inform you that the required informations are given as under:-

1. At least 75% of attendance in the classes held, counted from the date of commencing teaching of classes X/XII up-to the 1st of month preceding the month in which the examination of the Board commences is required as per Exam-Bye-Laws.

2. Attendance is counted from the date of commencing teaching of class X/XII up-to 1st of month preceding the month in which the examination of the Board commences is required as per Exam- Bye-Laws.

3. The Chairman is the Competent Authority to relax the shortage of attendance up-to 15% and cases of candidates with attendance below 60% in class X or XII, as the case may be , shall be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance by the Chairman only in exceptional circumstances created on Medical grounds such as candidates suffering from serious diseases like cancer, AIDS, T.B. or similar serious diseases requiring long period of hospitalization. The following is also considered valid reasons for recommending the cases of the candidates with attendance less than the prescribed percentage.

a) prolonged illness

b) loss of father/mother or some other such incident leading to his absence from the school and meriting special consideration; and

c) any other reason of similar serious nature

d) Authorised participation in sponsored tournaments and sports meets of not less than inter school level and at NCC/NSS campus including the days of journeys for such participation shall be counted as full attendance.

4. Total number of schools have requested for relaxation/condonation of shortage of attendance in the year 2007 and 2008 for class XII are as under:-

Year No. of School

i) 2006-2007 40

ii) 2007-2008 41

5. Action is taken immediately for disposing the requests for relaxation attendance.

6. Total number of students who have been relaxed in 2006-07 and 2007-08 shortage of attendance for class XII are as under:-

Year No. of cases received No. of cases relaxed

2006-07 323 268

2007-08 245 214

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-101/08 18.3.2008

Sh. Jitender Singh Thakur

A-224/3, Vijay Vihar Phase-I

Rohini, New Delhi-85.

Sub: Request of Sh. Jitender Singh Thakur under RTI Act.


Please refer to your request dated 26.2.2008 for providing the information under RTI Act. In this connection, it is to inform you that in reference to your previous request dt. 10.1.2008, a letter was sent to Mother Divine Public School, Sec. – 3, Rohini on dt. 11.1.2008 to produce the original school record along with attested photocopies. But till date reply of the school is awaited. However, your attention is invited to the CBSE rules on the subject, which produces as under:-

No change in name/surname once recorded in the Board’s records shall be made. However, correction in name to the extent of correction in spelling errors, factual typographical errors in candidate’s name/surname, father’s name/mother’s name or Guardian’s name to make it consistent with what is given in the school record or list of candidates (LOC) submitted by the school may be made.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-103/08 18.3.2008

Sh. C.K. Sharma

D-35, Gharonda Apartments

Shrestha Vihar,


Sub: Request of Sh. C.K. Sharma under RTI Act.


With reference to your request dated 4.3.2008 for providing the information under RTI Act. In this connection, it is to inform you that the information sought by you is confidential and there is no provision in the Board to provide the photocopies of the answer sheets.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-98/08 15.3.2008

Surender Kumar

B-9, Suvidha Apartments,

Plot No.-25, Sec.-13, Rohini


Sub: Request of Sh. Surender Kumar under RTI Act.

With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the questions asked by you is given as under point-wise:-


|No. | | |

|1 |What is the criteria for appointment |Appointment of Examiner: The Head of the |

| |of examiner for practical and theory |affiliated institutions shall recommend, |

| |especially in Science subject at Sr. Sec. |every year, the names of teacher in their |

| |level i.e. Physics, Chemistry & Biology. |respective institutions, eligible for appointment |

| | |as an examiner in accordance with the |

| | |Provisions of these Bye-Laws. |

| | |a) An examiner shall hold at least a post |

| | |graduate degree in case of Sr. Sec. level and a |

| | |graduate degree in case of Sec. level in |

| | |the concerned/allied subject ; |

| | |b) Have at least three years teaching years at |

| | |Sec./Sr. Sec./Higher Education level; and |

| | |c) Be a practising teacher, the same subject |

| | |in a school affiliated to this Board or any |

| | |other recognised Board/University/Institution |

| | |or a person working in the state national |

| | |level educational organisations set up by the Govt. |

| | |and are actually involved in the organisation |

| | |of in service training programmes/development |

| | |of study materials for the Sec./Sr. |

| | |Sec. students/teachers or research work or a |

| | |retired teacher from a CBSE affiliated school |

| | |(PGT for class XII and TGT for class X) teaching |

| | |the same subject prior to his/her retirement and has |

| | |not attained the age of 65 years on 1st of April of |

| | |the year of evaluation work. |


| | |No person shall be appointed as an Examiner |

| | |in a subject if: he/she has been under suspension |

| | |from service; and/or a departmental enquiry is |

| | |either pending or is envisaged against him/her or |

| | |has earlier been debarred from any work of the |

| | |Board or his/her integrity is doubtful in the |

| | |opinion of the Chairman. |

| | |No person shall be appointed as an examiner |

| | |for more than one subject or for more than |

| | |one examination simultaneously. |

|2 |Is the criteria set in strictly followed. | Yes, the criteria is strictly followed while |

| | |Appointing theory examiners. |

|3 |Is there any provisions with CBSE | If the matter of exaggerated experience in r/o |

| |to take action against the person |teacher come in the notice of CBSE, actions as |

| |who mention exaggerated experience |per norms of Board can be taken. |

| |to get this examiner ship. | |

|4 |Provide a list of examiner for all the | Regarding providing of list of examiners, the list |

| |three subjects i.e. code no. 042,043, |cannot be provided due to confidential matter. |

| |and 044 for practical in Govt & |The appointments of examiners are made on the |

| |Aided Schools with then present |basis of data provided by the school authority |

| |schools, no of years of experience as |and if any complaint received against any |

| |T.G.T. and as P.G.T. in respective |teacher, action is initiated against the particular |

| |Subjects. (As mentioned in their |teacher and is debarred from the evaluation work. |

| |application forms). | |

| | | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL&RTI/F.N.-87/07 28.3.2008

Md. Huzair Tauhidi

S/o Md. Javed Tauhidi

C/o Akbar Ali, G-191,

Dilshad Colony Delhi-110095.

Sub: Appeal of Md. Huzair Tauhidi under RTI Act for inclusion of new practical marks instead of old marks.


Kindly refer to your letter no. Nil dated 17.3.2008 wherein you have requested to incorporate fresh practical marks in r/o Roll No. 5681540 in the practical subjects instead of old practical marks. As per Examination Bye-Laws which reads like this.

“A candidate who has failed in examination in the first attempt shall be required to reappear in all the subjects at the subsequent annual examination of the Board. He/She shall appear only in theory part and his/her previous practical marks will be carried forward and accounted for if he/she has passed in practical. In case a candidate has failed in practical, he/she shall have to appear in theory and in practical both. If he/she fails to pass the examination in three consecutive years, after the first attempt he/she shall have to reappear in all these subjects including practical”.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL&RTI/F.N.-104/08 31.3.2008

Sh. Lalit Mohan Gupta

E-5, Kanchan Appartment

Geeta Colony, Delhi-31.

Sub: Irregularities in appointing of Head Examiners/Examiner- Information sought under RTI Act.


This has reference to your request/complaint dated 6.2.2008 against Sh. Rakesh Rastogi in this office and your appeal dated 12.3.2008 also received in this office under RTI Act. In this connection, this is to inform you that an Enquiry Committee on this issue has been set up and action is being taken on the report of Enquiry Officer. The teacher concerned has however, been debarred w.e.f. 2008 examinations from the examinership of the Board.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL&RTI/F.N.-103/08 2.4.2008

Mrs. Nirmala sharma


Jagirity Mahila Samiti (Regd.)

198-G (MIG) Flats , Rajauri Garden,

New Delhi-110027.

Sub: Fake certificates of CBSE in connection with Govt. Sarvodaya Coed Sr. Sec. School Jaffarpur Kala New Delhi issued to Momin, bearing Roll No. 6664116 of Delhi Sr. Sec. School Examination 2006 to be verified and verification report be sent, the action taken report may also be sent.

This has reference to your letter dated 7.3.2008 under RTI Act. In this regard, it is to inform you that CBSE verifying the documents which are received in the office from various agencies like, Education Institutionals, Office/Organizations those are providing Employment, police and other related departments. If, any fake agency issued fake documents to any one their may be lodged complaint against the defaulters to the police for necessary legal action.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-102/08 1.4.2008

Sh. R.D. Jain

9-A , Golden Park

Rohtak Road


Sub: request of Mr. R.D. Jain under RTI Act.


This has reference to your application under RTI Act regarding payment to Invigilators of Compartment Examination August 2003 of Govt. Boys Sr. Sec. School, Sarai Rohilla, Delhi.

Since, the information sought by you relates to payment to the individuals, so you are hereby informed that, the information sought by you is not related with you, so the concerned information can not supplied.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-105/08 9.4.2008

Seema Kumar

29, Ground Floor,

Kailash Enclave, Pitam Pura,

New Delhi-110034.

Sub: Request of Seema Kumar under RTI Act.


With reference to your request received in this office on dated 3.4.2008 under RTI Act. In this connection, I am to inform you that the information sought by you pertains to procedure of change of name. Therefore, your attention is invited to the CBSE rules on the subject, which produces as under:-

“No change in name/surname once recorded in the Board’s records shall be made. However, correction in name to the extent of correction in spelling errors, factual typographical errors in candidate’s name/surname, father’s name/mother’s name or Guardian’s name to make it consistent with what is given in the school record or list of candidates (LOC) submitted by the school may be made”.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N. -106/08 11.4.2008

A. Azholi

R/o Flat No. 1404, Udaigiri Tower,

Kaushambi Ghaziabad,


Sub: Request of A. Azholi under RTI Act.


With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the questions asked by you is given as under point-wise:-


|No. | | |

|1 |The procedure for obtaining the |Candidate who is appearing at the examination |

| |duplicate Admit Card of a student |for class XII can obtain duplicate admit card |

| |who had passed the class XII exam. In |from the concerned Regional Office of CBSE. |

| |the year 2006. (kindly do not advice | |

| |that as the exams are over, it is not | |

| |required) | |

|2 |Name of the dealing clerk/officer to |All the dealing clerk of respective section of |

| |whom one should approach for |examinations for class XII can issue duplicate |

| |seeking the duplicate Admit Card. |admit card through the concerned officer |

| | |of the concerned Region. |

|3 |Any/all information related to or |Obtaining of duplicate admit card can be had |

| |required for obtaining the duplicate |from the section concerned for class XII. |

| |Admit card. | |

|4 |Documents and other necessary fees |Prescribed fee for obtaining duplicate admit card |

| |required for seeking the duplicate Admit |is Rs. 20/- on the prescribed application form |

| |Card. |which are available in the examination section. |

|5 |The application format for seeking the |There is prescribed format in the examination |

| |duplicate admit card. |section (copy enclosed) for seeking duplicate |

| | |admit card. |


|6 |If the duplicate admit card can not be |Duplicate admit card can be issued till the |

| |issued, the reason why it can not be |Examination is over. If the admit card |

| |provided. |is lost, duplicate copy of it can be obtained |

| | |from the Regional Office which should |

| | |be duly forwarded by the Head of the Institution |

| | |Concerned. The admit card should be |

| | |preserved till Marks Statement/qualifying |

| | |Original certificate is received. |

|7 |The rules and regulations related to |Duplicate admit card can be issued till the |

| |issuing duplicate certificate for a |examination is over on a prescribed form |

| |student who had passed the examination |(copy enclosed). |

| |already. | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N. -107/08 22.4.2008

Sh. Zafar Masood Advocate

R/o 208/2 Lane No.-4,

Sir Syed Road Jogabai Ext.

Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25.

Sub: Request of Sh. Zafar Masood under RTI Act.

With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the questions asked by you is given as under :-


|No. | | |

|1 |Criteria for appointing Nodal Head |A Principal of an affiliated school |

| |Or H.E. for evaluation work. |is appointed as chief Nodal Supervisor. |

| | |The Head Examiner is appointed |

| | |amongst the senior person in the rank |

| | |of Principal, Vice Principal, PGT of |

| | |an affiliated school or a lecturer in a |

| | |college has a subject/papers. |

|2 |Is Co-ordination work can do any |The Coordinators are appointed by the |

| |teacher not subject concern ? |H.E.’s as per norms from the list of |

| | |examiners appointed by the Board and in |

| | |case of non availability he/she shall |

| | |appoint coordinator locally at his/her |

| | |level who should be a PGT in case of |

| | |class XII and TGT in case of class X. |


|3 |If subjects are based for |Referred to para 1 &2 above. |

| |evaluation/co-ordination work. | |

| |Then why Mr. K.P. Sharma is | |

| |appointed Nodal Head? | |

| |C-1082, Sh. K.P. Sharma (Nodal | |

| |Head) Kendriya Vidyalaya Gole | |

| |Market, New Delhi. | |

| |While don’t concerned with any | |

| |Social Science subject. | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-109/08 7.5.2008

Mohd. Safeeq

R/o 2340, Gali Dugdoogi Shah

Kalhen, Chitri, Quber


Sub: Request of Sh. Mohd Safeeq under RTI Act.

With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the questions asked by you is given as under:-


|No. | | |

|1 |Whether Km. Sadia Refeeque |As per CBSE records, Km. Sadia has |

| |D/o Smt. Mahejebeen |passed Sec. School Examination in |

| |and Sh. Mohd.Rafeeque has |the year 2005 bearing Roll No.-6423650 |

| |passed Sec. School |and her Date of Birth is 16.2.1990. |

| |Examination in the year 2005 | |

| |Vide Roll No.-6423650 | |

| |and her Date of Birth is | |

| |16.2.1990. | |

|2 |Whether Mr. Mohd. Masood |As per CBSE record, Mr. Mohd. Masood |

| |S/o Smt. Mahejabeen and Sh. |Has passed Sec. School Examination in |

| |Mohd. Rafeeque has passed |the year 2005 bearing Roll No.- |

| |Sec. School Examination |6340502 and his Date of Birth is |

| |in the year 2005 vide Roll |16.2.1990. |

| |No.- 6340502 and his Date of | |

| |Birth is 16.2.1990. | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.106/2008/Legal/ Dated: 20.05.2008

Shri A.Azholi

Plot No.20/9, Site IV,

Sahibabad industrial Area


Sub:- Request for providing information under RTI Act.


With reference to your application dated 6.5.2008 on the subject cited above, vide which you have sought information for issuance of duplicate admit card after the exam is over.

In this regard it is to inform you that this office has already given point wise information vide this office letter dated 11.4.2008 in response to your application dated3.4.2008 and so far as the information sought by letter dated 6.5.2008 is concerned, it is also inform that there is no provision to issue duplicate admit card to the candidate after the exam is over. However, if a candidate required to submit the same to any university, a written communication can be given to the concerned university.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N. -112/08 16.5.2008

Shri Bhupender

285A , DDA MIG,Metro Apartment,

(Behind Babu Jagjivan Ram Hospital)


Sub: Request of Sh. Bhupender under RTI Act.


With reference to your application received by the this office on 28.4.2008 for providing the information under RTI Act. The point-wise reply of the questions is given as under :-

1. Candidates have to pass five subjects to be eligible to be declared Pass. He must get grade higher than E in all subjects & internal assessment.

2. As per Rule-40.1 (III) no overall division/distinction/aggregate shall be awarded.

3. A candidate may offer an additional subject which may either be a language at Elective or any other Elective subject, if he /she desire. The candidate can opt any five subjects including one compulsory language.

4. Maximum marks in each subjects are as per the curriculum indicated in each subject theory/practical.

5. As per pass criteria the candidate is required to pass the examination in 5 subjects for obtaining the pass certificate. The selection of best five is not related with CBSE.

6. As per Rule-40.1 (III) no overall division/distinction/aggregate shall be awarded.

Yours faithfully,



ROD/RTI/2008/Legal/F.N.-116/08 17.05.2008

Shri S.S.Pawar,


Chamber, No.880,

Patiala House.

NEW DELHI-110001.

Sub:- Information Required under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated nil vide which you have sought information about the procedure of change in name in Board’s certificates. In this regard, it is to inform that there is no provision in CBSE Examination Bye Laws for change in name on the basis of request of a candidate in his/her class 10th & 12th certificates, however correction is allowed in name to the extent of correction in spelling errors, factual typographical errors in candidate’s name/surname father’s name/mother’s name or Guardian’s name to make it consistent with what is given in the school record or list of candidates(LOC) submitted by the school within ten years from the date of declaration of result.

Yours faithfully,



No.CBSE/ROD/F.No. 108/2008/RTI/Legal/ Dated: 20.05.2008

Shri A.K.Kapoor,

28/178, Vikram Vihar,

Lajpat Nagar-IV,

NEW DELHI-110024.

Sub:- Providing of information under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter received by this office on 7.5.2008 vide which you have sought some information and in this regard the parawise reply of your questions are given hereunder:-

1. As per Examination Bye Laws Rule 7.4 admission to class XI in school is open to such a student who has passed class X Examination conducted by CBSE or an equivalent Examination conducted by any other recognised Board of Secondary Education/Indian university and recognised by this board as Equivalent to its secondary School Examination.

2. The candidate can offer any five subjects.

3. All the Schools are required to follow the Examination Bye Laws for admission in class XI. The same is also indicated in the Examination Bye Laws and Curriculam for Sr. School Examination.

4. All the subjects are required to follow the Examination Bye Laws for admission in the school.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.111/2008/Legal/ Dated: 20.05.2008

Ms. Vaanchhita Bhatia,


Vasant Kunj,



With reference to your application received by this office through Central Information Commission, New Delhi vide their letter dated 04.04.2008, vide which you have sought information about your result of practical & theory marks(Roll No.6249704/2007). In this connection it is to inform that the practical exams are being conducted by the external examiners appointed by the CBSE in the concerned schools with the help of concerned subject teachers and you have been awarded 30 marks in Physical & Chemistry and 29 marks in Biology. It is also pertinent to mention here that you had applied for verification of marks in all subjects i.e. 41, 42, 43, 44 & 301 on dated 1.6.2007 and there was no mistake. Accordingly, the result was communicated to you vide despatch No.3858 dated 12.6.2007.

Yours faithfully,



Copy to:- The Dy.Secy. & Jt. Registrar, Central Information Commissioner, for information in response to their letter No.CIC/32439 dated 04.04.2008 please.


CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.110/2008/Legal/ Dated: 20.05.2008

Shri Surender Kumar

B-9,Suvidha Appartments,

Plot No.25, Sector-13, Rohini,


Sub:- Request for providing information under RTI Act.


With reference to your application received by this office on 16.04.2008 on the subject cited above, vide which you have sought information about the date of practical exams of Biology (12th) of S.B.B.M.S.V. Shankaracharya Marg, Delhi held in Feb., 2006 as well as the number of student in each batch and name of the external examiner with his/her school address. You have stated that this information is needed in a vigilance case.

In this regard it is to inform that as per rules of the Board, the practical exams are being conducted in the schools with the help of external examiners appointed by the CBSE and internal examiner who is teaching the concerned subject in the school.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.113/2008/Legal/ 29.05.2008

Shri Jai Prakash,

WZ-525, Nangal Raya

New Delhi-110046

Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


With reference to your application received by this office on 8.5.2008 for providing the information under RTI Act. The point-wise reply of the questions is given as under :-

1. A senior person in the rank of Principal, Vice Principal, PGT of an affiliated school or a lecturer in a College is appointed as Head Examiner. A practicing teacher teaching the same subject in an affiliated school or other recognized Board having sufficient teaching experience as per Examination Bye Laws and retired PGT/TGT is appointed as Examiners.

2. As referred at para No.1 above, as per the date forwarded by the school both the teachers fulfil the required norms.

3. A teacher is appointed as an Examiner in the subject forwarded by the Principal of the school in the data of teachers which is asked by the Board from the schools every year.

4. A student is allowed to appear in X & XII Exams. of the Board in the subjects forwarded by the Principal of the school in the List of Candidates as per norms.

5. Special Leave can be granted to a teacher for the period in which he/she has worked as an examiner at a Nodal Evaluation Centre as certified by the Head Examiner under whom the teacher has worked as an examiner.

Cont. P/2…


6. There is no fix limit. However, a teacher is paid remuneration as per the work allotted to him/her during the year.

7. The teachers are appointed as examiners on the basis of Nodal Evaluation Centres of the subject concerned fixed in their district in which they can be appointed for Main & Compartment Exam as per their seniority.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.118/Legal/2008/ 16.06.2008

Shri Gunjan Singh


Sector-8,RK Puram


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 28.05.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that there is no provision to provide photo copy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that you have applied for re-checking in Maths and Computer Science. The result of re-checking would be informed to you shortly.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.123/Legal/2008/ 12.06.2008

Shri Vijay Bhatnagar,

57, Partap Nagar,


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act in respect of status of result of Mr.Zain Abbas, bearing Roll No.6231103/2008.


Kindly refer to you letter dated 28.05.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection it is to inform you that the result of Mr Zain Abbas has been withheld by the Board due to non-submission of Migration Ceritificate by the school from wherein he has appeared at Board’s Examination-2008. The result of the said candidate will be declared as soon as the Migration Certificate is received from the school concerned.

Yours faithfully,


CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.125/Legal/2008/ 16.06.2008

Shri Kapil Manchanda,

C-720, Sarojini Nagar,


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 23.05.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that there is no provision to provide photo copy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that you have applied for re-checking in Maths and Chemistry. The result of re-checking would be informed to you shortly.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.128/Legal/2008/ 16.06.2008

Shri Subodh,

H.No.4658, Gali No.7,

Old Silampur(West)

Gandhi Nagar,


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 28.05.2008 on the subject above. In this connection it is to inform you that there is no provision to provide photo copy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that you have applied for re-checking in Chemistry, Physics, English Core, Biology and Maths. The result of re-checking would be informed to you shortly.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.130/Legal/2008/ 13.06.2008

Shri B.B.Kathpalia

64, Pragati Apartment,

Club road, Paschim Vihar,


Sub: - Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to you letter dated 2.6.2008 on the subject above. In this connection, it is to inform you that there is no provision to provide photocopy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that you have applied for re-checking in Math, Physics and Chemistry. The result of re-checking would be informed to you shortly.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.117/2008/Legal/ 05.06.2008

Mr.A.K. Barua,

National School of Drama,

Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road,

NEW DELHI-110001.

Sub: Information sought under RTI Act regarding facility to dyslexia students for admission.


With reference to your application dated 14.5.2008 on the subject cited above and in this connection it is to inform you that as per Examination Bye Laws of the Board, a candidate having passed the Class 10th Exam from CBSE/State is eligible for admission in Class 11th . He can offer the Stream as per criteria by the State Govt./KVS/School concerned and so far as the admission rules for Dyslexia candidates is concerned, the facilities for the students having Audio-Visual, Physical Impairment and Dyslexia, the following is as under:-

1. Exemption from third language upto middle school level(i.e.class VIII)

2. Option of studying on compulsory language instead of two.

3. permission to use an amanuensis

4. Additional time of 60 minutes(1 hour) in each paper. Sitting arrangement for the dyslexic, blind, physically handicapped and spastic candidates on the ground floor, as far as possible.

5. Alternative type question are provided in lieu of question having visual inputs for the blind candidates appearing in class X in English course A and Social Science and in class XII in History, Geography and Economics.

6. Separate question paper are provided specially in enlarged print for Maths and Science in class X.

7. To facilitate easy access, a few selected schools are made examination centres for special students.

8. Blind candidates from Delhi have the facility to write answers on a computer or a typewriter.

9. In case of blind students teachers from same schools are appointed as invigilators at the examination centres. However, teachers of same subjects are not appointed on the day of that subject exam.

10. A separate column is provided on the title page of the answer book for indicating the category of physically challenged candidates so that these answer books can be segregated for separate evaluation.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.119/200/Legal/ 04.06.2008

Shri Mukesh Mittal,

3501/5, Regar Pura,

Karol Bagh,

NEW DELHI-110005.


With reference to your application dated 23.05.2008, vide which you have sought a photo copy of evaluated marks sheet of your papers of Maths, Chemistry and English bearing Roll No.6232263. In this connection it is to inform that there is no provision for providing photo copy of any evaluated answer sheet to the students/candidates and if you want for re-checking your answer sheets/books, you will have to deposit fee Rs.100/- per subject. The information about obtaining re-checking form and depositing the fee at the centre, the name of nearest centre can be known from your school from where you have appeared at Board’s Exam.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.No.114/2008/Legal/ 05.06.2008

Mr. Rajneesh Kr.Sachdeva,

EU-26B, Uttri Pritam Pura,


Sub: Information sought under RTI Act regarding fee benefits to handicapped

Children granted by Govt. of India.


With reference to your application on the subject cited above and in this connection it is to inform you that as per Affiliation Bye Laws of the Board there is no provision for concession of tuition fee for the physically handicapped children. And so far as the information about Dyslexia candidates is concerned the facilities for the students having Audio-Visual, Physical Impairment and Dyslexia, the following is as under:-

1. Exemption from third language upto middle school level(i.e.class VIII)

2. Option of studying on compulsory language instead of two.

3. permission to use an amanuensis

4. Additional time of 60 minutes(1 hour) in each paper. Sitting arrangement for the dyslexic, blind, physically handicapped and spastic candidates on the ground floor, as far as possible.

5. Alternative type question are provided in lieu of question having visual inputs for the blind candidates appearing in class X in English course A and Social Science and in class XII in History, Geography and Economics.

6. Separate question paper are provided specially in enlarged print for maths and Science in class X.

7. To facilitate easy access, a few selected schools are made examination centres for special students.

8. Blind candidates from Delhi have the facility to write answers on a computer or a typewriter.

9. In case of blind students teachers from same schools are appointed as invigilators at the examination centres. However, teachers of same subjects are not appointed on the day of that subject exam.

10. A separate column is provided on the title page of the answer book for indicating the category of physically challenged candidates so that these answer books can be segregated for separate evaluation.

Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/F.N.150/08/ SPEED POST 24.07.2008

Prashant Kaul

H.N. 1291

Sector – 4,

R.K. Puram,


Sub: Information sought under Right to Information Act 2005.


Please refer to your application dated 17.07.2008 received on 22.07.2008 regarding to show the Answer Sheets of Maths Theory and Science of AISSE – 2008 bearing Roll No. 6162653.

1. The information asked for cannot be supplied due to following reasons.

i. The information asked by you is exempted under section 8(1) (e) since CBSE Shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

ii. The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information desired by you.

iii. Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure.



2. As per Section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first appellate authority whose particulars are given below: if desired.

The Regional Officer

Central Board of Secondary Education,

PS, 1-2, Institutional Area,


Delhi – 110092.

Yours Faithfully


Asstt. Public Information Officer

Assistant Secretary (Admn.)

CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-129/08 11.7.2008

Sh. A.K. Sharma

R/o D-11/03, Road No.–I,

Andrews Ganj,

New Delhi – 110049. 00

Sub: Request of Sh. A.K. Sharma under RTI Act.

Kindly refer to your letter dated 30.05.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that the candidate Ajita Sharma has appeared at class XII Examination 2008 against Roll No.- 6249339 and applied for verification of marks in Maths and Accountancy. But there is no change in marks in Maths, however, there is a increase of only one mark (01) in Accountancy. In this regard, he might have received result of re-checking vide another letter issued by this office. However, it is also to inform you that there is no provision for providing photocopy of answer books to any candidates who appeared at class 10th/12th examination.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.N.-124/Legal/2008/ 11.7.2008

Sh. Praveen Bhatnagar

B-190, Lok Vihar,


Sub:- Information sought by Praveen Bhatnagar under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 23.05.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that there is no provision for providing photo copy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that you have applied for re-checking in English and after verification it is found that there is no mistake and you might have received information about your re-checking result vide another letter issued by this office.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/RTI/F.N. - 108/08 19.6.2008

Sh. Basant Singh

G/106, Subhash Nagar

New Delhi-110027.

Sub:- Request of Sh. Basant Singh under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your request dated 16.5.2008 received on 21.5.2008 in this office in which you have sought some information under RTI Act. The question-wise reply of your questions is given as under:-

1. The salary for the month of April 2008 has already been passed and lying undisbursed with the Cashier, R.O. Delhi. You may receive the same from cashier ROD between 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. on any working day.

2. As per information given by the branch incharge where you were posted, you have marked attendance in the register on 16,17,21,22,23,24 & 25.4.2008 without permission and in absence of branch incharge. The act for marking attendance without attending the office without permission of branch incharge is a serious misconduct.

3. The allegations made in para No. - 3 are false and fabricated.

4. This is an administrative matter.

5. The allegations made in para no. 5 are false and fabricated.

6. The allegations made in para no. 6 are false and fabricated.

7. The incumbent did not work for the said period. Hence as his services are utilized on D/w basis, no pay for the said period, is liable to be paid by CBSE.

8. It is incorrect that you have qualified the test. The result as per Hon’ble Delhi High Court’s order dated 26.03.2007 has been communicated by the order passed by Secretary, CBSE vide communication dated 18.07.2007. Your performance in both the test are specified in the said order. You have neither qualified for Jr. Asstt’s post nor Executive Assistant’s post.

9. The result has been communicated by the Secretary, CBSE vide order No. CBSE/HQ/LEGAL/F.3933/2007/909 dated 18.07.2007.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/F.N.-126/08 19.6.2008

Dr. Joseph Abraham,

D-II/234, Kidwai Nagar (West)


Sub: Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 30.5.2008 regarding providing of information about the candidate who has got the highest marks in XII CBSE Examination 2008 in the subject of History in Delhi Region.

In this regard, it is to inform you that you have not informed the purpose for which you are in need to have this information. It is therefore, requested to apprise this office about the purpose to have this information so that we would be in a position to give this information. D

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.131/Legal/2008/ 24.06.2008

Shri Dharmendra Singh Bhadauria

C-110, Maharana Pratap enclave,



Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 03.06.2008 on the subject above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that there is no provision to provide photo copy of answer sheet to any candidate/students who has appeared at Board’s class 10th/12th examination. However, it is also inform that the reply for re-checking in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English Core and Physical Education in respect of Shubhank Singh, bearing Roll No.6225717 would be informed to him shortly.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/LEGAL/RTI/F.N.-132/08 31.07.2008

Sh. B.R. Sabharwal

SU-17, Vishakha Enclave,



Sub:- Request of Sh. B.R. Sabharwal under RTI Act.


This is with reference to your letter dated 15.07.2008 received in this office on 17.07.2008, whereby you have desired to know about the result of class 10th & class 12th for the last three years in the prescribed format enclosed with your application.

The information desired by you is enclosed on the format. Hence, the case under RTI Act is disposed off.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.- 157/08 05.08.2008

Arpita Sharma

B-3/284, Sec.-6,

Rohini Delhi nearby

Rohini West Metro Station


Sub: Request of Km. Arpita Sharma under RTI Act.

This is with reference to your application seeking information under RTI Act for non-receipt of re-verification result and supply of photocopy of answer sheets of Mathematics and Biology bearing Roll No.-6646348 for All India Sr. Sec. School Examination 2008.

In this connection, I am to inform you that after verification of marks no mistake has been detected in the above subjects. You have also been informed by this office no. - AB CELL/RO-DELHI/RECH/0423/10799/08339/MAIN/2008 dated 21.06.08 (photocopy enclosed). As regards the information to provide the photocopy of answer sheets, these cannot supplied due to the following reasons.

i) The information asked by you is exempted under section 8 (I) (e) since CBSE shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

ii) The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information desired by you.

iii) Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure.

As per section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first appellate authority whose particulars are given below : if desired.

The Regional Officer

CBSE, Regional Office

PS 1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension

Patparganj, Delhi-110092.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-158/08 6.8.2008

Tusharkanti Nanda


T-II/507, Parsvnath Majestic

18A Vaibhav Khand

Indira Puram,

Ghaziabad-201010, U.P.

Sub: Information sought under Right to information Act 2005.

Please refer to your application dated 23.07.2008 received in this office on 28.07.2008 regarding to provide the copy of evaluated answer sheet showing question wise marks of your son Master Rit Nanda bearing Roll No.- 6254466 for Economics paper appeared Sr. School Certificate Examination held in March 2007.

The information asked for cannot be supplied due to the following reasons:-

i) The information asked by you is exempted under section 8 (I) (e) since CBSE shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

ii) The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information desired by you.

iii) Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure.

As per section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first appellate authority whose particulars are given below : if desired.

The Regional Officer

CBSE, Regional Office

PS 1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension

Patparganj, Delhi-110092.

Yours faithfully,



:ROD/RTI/F.N.146/2008/ : 24/07/08

Sh. Amril Lal Chawla

S/o Hari Chand Chawla

F-204 Prince Apartments

Plot No.54, I.P.Extn.


NEW DELHI -110092.

Subject: Information under RTI Act 2005.


This is with reference to your letter requested thereby for some information on certain issues under RTI Act 2005. The reply is as under:

i) Computer Science/Information Practice as a subject taught at +2 level.

ii) The matter relates to Director of Education(East Zone) to how many schools have granted permission to teach Computer Science/Information Practice at +2 level. However, I enclose herewith a list of the Schools on the basis of subject offered in the Schools for Examination, 2008.

iii) I enclosed data of both the subjects from the year 2003 to 2008 as available as per record.

In view of above, your request is disposed-off. However, as per Section 19 of


- 2-

Right to Information Act 2005 you may like to file an Appeal within 30 days of the issue of this letter to the First Appellate Authority whose particulars are given below, if desired:

The Regional Officer

Central Board of Secondary Education

PS-1-2, Institutional Area,

I.P.Extn., Patpar Ganj,

DELHI – 110092.

Yours faithfully,




Encl.: As above.

ROD/RTI/F.N.121/2008/ SPEED POST : 24/07/08

Sh. Basant Singh

G/106, Subhash Nagar

New Delhi -110027.

Subject: Information sought under Right to Information Act 2005.


Kindly refer to your Appeal dt.30/06/07 received in this office through PRO, CBSE, Rouse Avenue on 02/07/08 seeking information under RTI Act for non reply of the questions are as under:


|NO. | | |

|01. |Salary for the month of April, 2008 has not been paid yet to him. Has copy of his|He has attended the office for 13 days in the|

| |attendance sheet given or not? |month of April 2008 and he has been paid |

| | |salary accordingly. |

|02. |LSA for the month of January 2008 to March 2008 also has not sanctioned/paid to |If he sat late after office hours he may |

| |him while he has sat late hours? |contact concerned Section Officer for |

| | |claiming LSA/Conveyance on prescribed format |

| | |through S.O. if due . |

|03. |Late sitting conveyance allowance for 27, 28 and 29 Feb.2008 is pending as he has |As above. |

| |worked with Mr.S.U.Sorte, D.S.(ROD) (i.e. Rs.450/-) | |

|04. |His early morning coming conveyance of 1,3,4,5 and 7th March 2008 has not been |He was not asked to attend the office early |

| |paid yet which is pending last long with Mr. S.U.Sorte, D.S.(ROD) (i.e. Rs.750/-) |in the morning hence question does not arise |

| | |for making any conveyance. |

|05. |According to Hon’ble Delhi High Court’s order dated 26th March, 2007, his salary |The incumbent did not worked for the said |

| |is pending to be paid with Admn.II Section which is not given Feb. to March 2007. |period. Hence as your services are utilized |

| | |on D/w basis, no pay for the said period, is |

| | |liable to be paid by CBSE. |

|06. |He is at Sl.No.1 in list of Seniority but Mr. Ravi Kumar at Sl.No.150 is working |No Seniority list of D/w defined. |

| |after 30th June, 2007. Doing complete of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court’s order | |

| |first come last to on opposite side.Why? | |

|07. |He has already qualified written test of Executive Asstt. and Jr.Asstt. But no |It is incorrect that you have qualified the |

| |answer sheet were shown to him after making requests. Why? |test. The result as per Hon’ble Delhi High |

| | |Court’s order dated 26.03.2007 has been |

| | |communicated by the order passed by |

| | |Secretary, CBSE vide communication dated |

| | |18.07.2007. Your performance in both the |

| | |tests are specified in the said order. You |

| | |have neither qualified for Jr.Asstt’s post |

| | |nor Executive Asstt’s post. |

| | |Answer-sheet can not be shown as per rules. |

|08. |Why should not paid National Holidays since last 7 years. |The matter has been forwarded to Regional |

| | |Labour Commissioner(Central), Curzen Road, |

| | |New Delhi. On receipt of reply, the matter of|

| | |payment of National Holiday may be taken-up. |

| | | |

In view of above, the request may be disposed off.

Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/F.N.126/2008/ SPEED POST : 24/07/08

Dr. Joseph Abraham,

D-II/234, Kidwai Nagar(West)


Subject: Information sought under RTI Act.


This is with reference to your appeal under RTI Act for non-supply of information by APIO with regard to Name, Roll No. and Name of the School of those students who have secured 98 marks and above out of 100 marks in Class XII CBSE Examination 2008 in History in the Delhi Region.

In this connection, as an Appellate Authority, I am to inform you that Master Merin Joseph Roll No.6266649 of Convent of Jesus & Mary School, Bangla Sahib Marg, New Delhi has secured 98 marks in History.

In view of supply of desired information, the request is disposed off.

Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/F.N.152/2008/ SPEED POST : 24/07/08

The Dy.Director,

Directorate of Education,

North Zone,

Rajkiya Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya,

Lucknow Road, Timar Pur,


Subject: Request for information under RTI Act 2005.


Please find enclosed herewith application in original received from Sh. Suresh Kumar Gaur seeking information under Right to Information Act 2005. The information relates to your Department.

You are therefore requested to send information directly to the applicant within the stipulated time under intimation to this office.

Yours faithfully,




Copy to:

i) Sh.Suresh Kumar, New Delhi for information and with the request to directly deal from the above said department.



ROD/RTI/F.N.147/08 SPEED POST : 23/07/08

Mr. K.C. Meena

R/o 25/12, Sector-1,

Pushp Vihar, M.B. Road,

New Delhi-110017.

Subject: Information sought under Right to Information Act 2005.


With reference to your application received on 08/07/2008 on the subject cited above. In this connection, I am to inform you that Answer-book of Mathematics of your Son Master Avinash Meena bearing Roll No.6249985 for AISSCE-2008 has been checked and found that there is no mistake. A letter has already been issued by the concerned Branch which might have been received by now.

However, As per Section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first Appellate Authority whose particulars are given below: if desired.

The Regional Officer

Central Board of Secondary Education

PS, 1-2, Institutional Area, Patparganj,


Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/F.N.141/08 SPEED POST :23/07/2008

Rahul Katna

S/o R.K.Katna

Type-3/507, Ayurvigyan Nagar

New Delhi-110049

Sub.: Information sought under Right to Information Act 2005.


Please refer to your application dt.02.07.2008 seeking information under RTI Act 2005. In this connection, I am to inform you that your rechecking case in the subject Biology on the Roll No.6260342 for the AISSC Examination, 2008 has been checked thoroughly as per norms of the marking scheme of the Board and found that there is no mistake. A letter in this regard has already been sent you by the concerned Branch which might have been received by now.

As regards information asked under Point A,B,C,D the answer-book have been checked and all the marks of main answer-book and supplementary answer-book has been transferred on title page and no question is remain unevaluated. In view of this, the case is disposed off. However, As per Section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first appellate authority whose particulars are given below: if desired.

The Regional Officer

Central Board of Secondary Education

PS, 1-2, Institutional Area, Patparganj,


Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/F.NO.136/2008/ : 14/07/2008

Mr. Rajeev Sharma

F/o Gaurav Sharma,

H.No.E/358(A), Mandir Marg,

Chhjjupur, Shahdara,

DELHI – 110032.

Subject: Appeal under Section 19 of RTI Act


This is with reference to your letter dt.07/07/08 wherein you have informed that you are not satisfied with the information supplied by PIO with regard to supply of attested copies of answer-books or inspection of answer-books or details of question-wise marks obtained by your son Master Gaurav Sharma at AISSC Examination,2008 under Roll No.6619692 in English Core.

In this connection, I am to inform you that I agree with the information supplied by the PIO as the information asked by you is exempted under Section 8(1) (e). Since, it is not a case of one individual or personal as stated in your letter as CBSE take as a whole examinations of all candidates.

I enclose herewith a copy of extract of the judgement dt.23/04/07 delivered by CIC which also ruled out such disclosures.

Yours faithfully,




Encl.: as above.

ROD/RTI/F.NO.150/2008/ SPEED POST : 29/07/08

Sh.T.S. Anand

F/o Rinith Anand


Model Town, Second Floor,


Subject: Appeal under RTI against rejection orders No.ROD/RTI/F.N.150/2008/22 dt.14/07/2008.


Please refer to your appeal against the orders of AIPO dt. 15/07/08 whereby you have requested to allow to see Answer-sheet of English Core or provide a photo-copy of it in respect of your Son Master Rinith Anand who appeared for the AISSC Examination, 2008 bearing Roll No.6270317.

In view of the foregoing facts and on perusal of your request, it has been observed that you are not satisfied with the reply of APIO. As a Appellate Authority, I am to inform you that the reply sent by the APIO is correct since the information asked by you is exempted under Section –8(1)(e) and C.I.C. has also ruled out in his judgement that a Citizen of India can not see the evaluate answer-sheet and copy of it also will not be provided under the RTI Act-2005. Copy of the extract is enclosed herewith for the ready reference. Further more, you had also filed a writ petition before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court on the same matter i.e. revaluation/production of Answer-sheets in subject English Core.


- 2 -

Accordingly, the case is under process for final decision and you may be informed by the concerned Branch shortly with regard to issue revised Mark-sheet by increasing 1(one) mark in English Core.

Yours faithfully,




ROD/RTI/ADMN./F.N.-160/08 21.08.2008

Mr. Jagat Singh

93, Phase-II, Prem Nagar


New Delhi-11043.

Sub: Information sought under right to information act 2005.


Kindly refer to your application dated 29/7/08 received in this office on 5/8/08 through PRO Unit, CBSE, Rouse Avenue New Delhi regarding seeking information under RTI Act 2005 as per details given below para-wise:-

|Name of Govt. Sr. Sec. |This information may be obtained |

|Schools affiliated in the subject |from the Dy. Director, North Zone, |

|of Sociology from |New Delhi |

|Delhi Administration. | |

|No. of student appeared in the |List enclosed (4 pages) |

|subjects Sociology with the name | |

|of school during March 2008 | |

|under Delhi Administration. | |

|Name of schools since year when |As above |

|their students are appearing in | |

|this subject Sociology | |

|(Delhi Administration) | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-154/08 06.08.2008

Shivali Rai

D/o Rakesh Kumar Rai,

R/o B-6, B.K. Dutt Colony,

New Delhi-110003.

Sub: Information sought under Right to information Act 2005.

This is with reference to your application dated 22.07.2008 regarding to reveal the answer sheet of English subject bearing Roll No.-6411947 DSSE 2008. On verification of rechecking in English, no mistake has been detected. You have been informed by the concerned branch. Marking scheme cannot be disclosed as per norms.

1. However, the information asked for cannot be supplied due to following reasons.

i) The information asked by you is exempted under section 8 (I) (e) since CBSE shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

ii) The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information desired by you.

iii) Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure.

As per section 19 of Right to Information Act 2005, you may like to file an appeal within 30 days of the issue of this order to the first appellate authority whose particulars are given below : if desired.

The Regional Officer

CBSE, Regional Office

PS 1-2, Institutional Area, I.P. Extension

Patparganj, Delhi-110092.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.- 164/08 26.08.2008

Sh. Ishwar Singh

F/o Deepika

R/o 73-D/3, Railway Colny,


New Delhi-110044.

Sub: Request of Ishwar Singh F/o Deepika under RTI Act.


Please refer to your pplication dated 09.08.2008 received in this office on 12.08.2008 regarding supply of photocopy of answer sheet of Hindi Course A bearing Roll No.-6174688 in AISSE 2007.

The information cannot be supplied due to the following reason.

i) The information asked by you is exempted under section 8 (I) (e) since CBSE shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

ii) The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information as desired by you.

iii) Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./RTI/F.N.-163/08 26.08.2008

Mr. Bimal Bahadur

1664,C-1, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi-110070.

Sub:- Request of Sh. Bimal Bahadur under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 5.8.2008 received in this office on 8.8.2008, whereby you have desired to know the personal detail of Miss. Nivedita Srivastawa bearing Roll No.- 6164077/2008.

In this regard, you are requested to mention the purpose and relation for which you want to have this information, so that your case could be put up before the competent authority of the Board for taking necessary action.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-166/08 02.09.2008

Mr. Abhimanyu Bhardwaj

B-I/1163, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi-110070.

Sub: Information sought under RTI Act 2005.


Please refer to your application dated 20.08.2008 regarding supply of photocopy of answer sheet of Mathematics bearing Roll No. - 6253720 for examination 2008

iv) The information asked by you is exempted under section 8 (I) (e) since CBSE shares fiduciary relationship with its evaluators and maintain confidentiality of both manner and method of evaluation.

v) The larger public interest does not warrant the disclosure of such information desired by you.

vi) Central Information Commission on appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 dated 10.02.2006 and judgment dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out such disclosure (copy enclosed).

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-168/08 02.09.2008

Master Paras

15/51, Old Rajinder Nagar

New Delhi – 110060.

Sub: information sought under RTI Act 2005.


This has reference to your letter dated 18.08.2008 wherein you have sought the information under RTI Act.

In this connection, it is to inform you that your request for correction of photographs on passing certificates of Master Paras bearing Roll NO.- 6427615/2006 has not been received in the concerned section (M&M Branch).

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-165/08 02.09.2008

Sh. Ashok Kumar Gupta

R/o 4663/15, Jai Mata Market, Tri Nagar,


Sub: Information sought under RTI Act 2005.


This has reference to your application dated 12.08.2008 wherein you have sought the information under RTI Act.

In this connection, it is to inform you that the information desired by you i.e. CBSE class X & XII result for the year 2007-08 for Delhi Region for Govt. Schools and Private Recognized unaided school is enclosed at annexure ‘A’.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-167/08 29.08.2008

Master Sana Ansari

S/o Sh. Sadaqat Ali

R/o A-2/16 A, Inderlok, DDA Flats,

New Delhi – 110035.


This has reference to your application dated 5.8.2008 received in this office on 21.08.2008 wherein you have sought the information under RTI Act.

In this connection, it is to inform that you can appear at AISSCE 2009 with Chemistry (043) as a private candidate as an additional subject. The Examination form can be had from the nominated branches of syndicate bank on payment of Rs. 10/- only (photocopy enclosed).

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-141/08 26.08.2008

Rahul Katna

S/o Sh. R.K. Katna

Type 3/507, Ayurvigyan Nagar,

New Delhi-49.

Sub: Appeal under Section 19 of RTI Act.


This is with reference to your letter dated 8.8.2008 wherein you have been shown that you are not satisfied with the reply of APIO with regard to provide the information on marks awarded to each answer as transferred to title page in subject of Biology bearing Roll No.-6260342 who appeared for AISSCE 2008.

In this connection, I am to inform you that the reply of APIO is correct. The information asked by you is exempted under section 8(1) (e). Since, it is not a case of one individual or personal as stated in your letter. CBSE take whole examination of all candidates.

I enclose herewith a copy of extract of the judgement dated 23.04.2007 delivered by CIC which also ruled out such disclosures.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.- 113/08 25.08.2008

Sh. Jai Prakash

WZ – 525, Nangal Raya

New Delhi-110046.

Sub: Appeal of Sh. Jai Prakash under RTI Act.

This is with reference to your appeal dated 28.07.2008 which was received in this office on 6.8.2008 seeking information under RTI Act for non-receipt of reply of appeal dated 2.6.2008.

In this connection, I am to inform you that the reply has already been sent to you vide letter dated 29.05.2008 (Photo copy enclosed).

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-153/08 04.09.2008

Sh. Prashant Kaul


Sec.-4, R.K. Puram

New Delhi-22.

Sub: Appeal under Section 19 of RTI Act.


This has reference to your letter dated 23.8.2008 showing that you are not satisfied with the reply of APIO with regard to evaluation of answer sheet of Maths theory and Science bearing Roll No.-6162653/2008.

In this connection, I am to inform you that the reply already sent by APIO is correct. The information asked by you is exempted under section 8(1) (e). Since, it is not a case of individual or personal as stated in your letter, CBSE conducts examination of all candidates and not individual one.

I enclose herewith a copy of extract of the judgement dated 23.04.2007 delivered by CIC which also ruled out such disclosures.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-158/08 04.09.2008

Sh. Tusharkanti Nanda


T-II/507, Parsvnath Majestic

18AVaibhav Khand, Indira Puram

PO : Shipra Sun City-201014

Ghaziabad, U.P.

Sub: Appeal under Section 19 of RTI Act.


This has reference to your letter dated 27.8.2008 showing that you are not satisfied with the reply of APIO with regard to supply a copy of evaluated answer sheet of Economics bearing Roll No.-6254466/2007.

In this connection, I am to inform you that the reply already sent by APIO is correct. The information asked by you is exempted under section 8(1) (e). Since, it is not a case of individual or personal as stated in your letter, CBSE conducts examination of all candidates and not individual one.

I enclose herewith a copy of extract of the judgement dated 23.04.2007 delivered by CIC which also ruled out such disclosures.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.162/ADMN./2008/ 04.09.2008

Sh. R.C. Gupta

F/o Vinit Gupta

Flat No.-135, Pocket C-8,

Sec. 8, Rohini


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 02.08.2008 received in this office on 07.08.2008 on the subject cited above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that the information sought vide your application is under process for seeking information from concerned units. However, it is also informed that the reply for re-checking the copy in respect of Vinit Gupta, bearing Roll No.- 6221055/2006 you might have received.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-87/08 04.09.2008

Mohd. Huzair Tauhidi

C/o Akbar Ali

G-191, Dilshad Colony,

Delhi -110095.

Sub: Inclusion of new practical marks instead of old - delay therein causing Academic loss of two Academic Sessions.


Kindly refer to your letter/reminder - I dated 28.08.2008 on the subject cited above .

In this connection, it is to inform you that this office has already given reply to the applicant vide our office letter dated 28.03.2008 copy of which is enclosed for your kind perusal.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.170/ADMN./2008/ 16.09.2008

Sh. Chander Kant Sharma

R/o D-35, Gharonda Apartments,

Shrestha Vihar,


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 11.8.2008 received in this office on 27.08.2008 on the subject cited above. In this regard, it is to inform you that the point wise reply of the questions asked by you are as under:-

1. The date of sending the Registration Forms by the DAV Pub School Shrestha Vihar to the Board is 01.08.2008.

2. We have not received any case for change of surname of any candidate from DAV Shrestha Vihar.

3. Yes, the candidate can request the CBSE through the DAV Pub School for changing the surname of IX class student and the request will be considered by the Board only on the basis of school record. But no request for change in surname of class IX candidate on the Registration Form has been received so far.

4. With regard to procedure to make amendment in the Registration Form of class IX, it is done as per Examination Bye Laws.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-169/08 16.09.2008

Mr. Abhimanyu Bhardwaj

B-I/1163, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi-110070.

Sub: Information sought under RTI Act 2005.


Kindly refer to your request dated 25.08.2008 received under RTI Act. In this regard it is to inform you that as per rule 44.1 (IV) a candidate appearing for improvement of performance in one or more subjects cannot appear for additional subjects simultaneously as per Examination Bye Laws.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.163/ADMN./2008/ 16.09.2008

Mr. Bimal Bahadur

1664, C-1, Vasant Kunj,

New Delhi.

Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 3.9.2008 received in this office on 9.9.2008 on the subject cited above.

In this regard, it is to inform you that the point wise reply of the questions asked by you are as under:-

1. Yes, Ms. Nivedita Shree Vastava is a student of Carmel Convent School Malcha Marg, Chankya Puri, New Delhi had appeared for class X examination 2008.

2. The total marks obtained by her in the Science and Social Science are 74 and 84 respectively.

3. After checking of her marks in both the subjects there was found to be in order.

4. It is neither possible to provide you a copy of her answer sheet nor to allow to inspect the answer sheet as per rules.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.- 173/08 25.09.2008

Mr. V.K. Jain

Under Secretary

M/o Railway, (Railway Board)

Room No.-101C, Rail Bhawan,

New Delhi-110001.

Sub: Request of Mr. V.K. Jain under RTI Act.

With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the question asked by you is given as under:-


|No. | | |

|1 |The applicant has requested to know |The candidate has been issued |

| |The exact rank in the merit list of |merit certificate in Maths subject |

| |Roll No.-6166886/2008 in r/o Ayush |only. As per CBSE policy no |

| |Jain. |over all merit/rank lists are |

| | |prepared. |

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.- 172/08 25.09.2008

Mr. Masroor Javed

F/o Musheer Ahmed Qureshi

I-22, Jangpura Extension,

New Delhi-110014.

Sub: Request of Mr. Masroor Javed under RTI Act.

This has reference to your application dated 17.09.2008 for seeking information under RTI act wherein you have requested to show the answer sheet of French Foreign language bearing Roll No.- 6161666/2008. In this connection, the relevant information are as under :-


|No. | | |

|1 |The applicant wants to see |The information asked by you is |

| |the answer sheet of |exempted under section 8 (I)(e) |

| |French Foreign Language, |since CBSE shares fiduciary |

| |in r/o Musheer Ahmed |relationship with its evaluators |

| |Qureshi bearing Roll No. – 6161666/2008 for compartment|and maintain confidentiality of |

| |examination 2008. |both manner and method of evaluation. |

| | |The larger public interest does not |

| | |warrant the disclosure of such |

| | |information desired by you. |

| | |Central Information Commission on |

| | |appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 |

| | |dated 10.02.2006 and judgment |

| | |dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out |

| | |such disclosure. |

|2 |Has the paper been | Yes. |

| |thoroughly checked? | |

Yours faithfully,



ROD/RTI/ADMN./F.N.-160/08 13.10.2008

Mr. Jagat Singh

93, Phase-II, Prem Nagar


New Delhi-110043.

Sub: Information sought under right to information act 2005.


Kindly refer to your application dated 15.09.08 received in this office regarding seeking information under RTI Act 2005 as per details given below para-wise:-

|Name of Govt. Sr. Sec. Schools under | |

|Delhi Administration affiliated in the | |

|subject of Sociology at Sr. Sec. Level. |1 and 2. The school |

| |list enclosed at page no. 1-4. |

|Name of schools since years | |

|their students are taking | |

|examination norms Sociology | |

|The required result sheet for |The requisite information |

|two years Exams. March 2007 |is enclosed at |

|& 2008 at Sr. Sec. Level |page no 5 and 6. |

|only mentioned schools. | |

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/F.162/ADMN./2008/ 13.10.2008

Sh. R.C. Gupta

F/o Vinit Gupta

Flat No.-135, Pocket C-8,

Sec. 8, Rohini


Sub:- Information sought under RTI Act.


Kindly refer to your letter dated 02.08.2008 received in this office on 07.08.2008 on the subject cited above.

In this connection, it is to inform you that the reply has already been sent to you on 15.05.2008 which is correct and in order. A copy of letter is enclosed for your kind perusal.

Yours faithfully,




CBSE/ROD/RTI/ADMN./F.N.-174/2008 13.10.2008

Sh. Ajai Kumar

R/o A-75, Fateh Nagar,

New Delhi.

Sub: Information sought under RTI Act 2005.


This is with reference to your letter dated nil received in this office on 16.09.2008.

It is informed that the attested copies of each & every noting, drafting, enclosures of the file bearing No. CBSE/H.Q./LEGAL/F.N. 226/2008 in r/o Sh. Mukul Singhal for correction in Date of Birth can not be given since it is personal information about third party. However, it is intimated that the case has been rejected.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-175/08 30.09.2008

Mr. Mansoor Elahi,

H.No. 1154, Gali No. 37, Jafrabad,

Delhi – 110053.

Sub: Information sought under RTI Act.


With reference to your request for providing the information under RTI Act. The reply of the questions asked by you is given as under:-


|No. | | |

|1 |The applicant wants to provide |The information asked is exempted |

| |the attested photocopy of |under section 8 (I)(e) since CBSE |

| |answer sheet of English |shares fiduciary relationship with |

| |subject bearing |its evaluators and maintain confidentiality |

| |Roll No. –6210000 for Compt. |of both manner and method of evaluation. |

| |examination 2008. |The larger public interest does not warrant the |

| | |disclosure of such information desired by you. |

| | |Central Information Commission on |

| | |appeal No. ICPB/A-3/CIC/2006 |

| | |dated 10.02.2006 and judgment |

| | |dated 23.04.2007 has also ruled out |

| | |such disclosure. |

|2 |He wants to inspect the answer | No, there is no provision to inspect the |

| |Sheets Of (English) of all the |answer sheet as per norms of CBSE. |

| |students who appeared in | |

| |Compt. Exam. 2008 | |

| |from Seth Bhagwan Dass School, | |

| |Maujpur, Delhi. | |

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-136/08 23.10.2008

Mr. Rajeev Sharma

R/o H.No.-E/358(A) Mandir Marg,

Chhajjupur, Shahdara,



This is with reference to your appeal dated 07.10.2008 received in this office on 16.10.2008 requesting again for supply of attested copy of the answer book of Gaurav Sharma bearing Roll No.- 6619692 who appeared in DSSCE 2008 and details of question wise marks obtained by the candidate or inspection of the answer book and its award list.

It is informed that the reply already sent to you vide our letter No. ROD/RTI/F.NO. 136/2008/27 dated 16.07.2008 is correct and as such no further correspondence will be entertained in this matter.

Yours faithfully,



CBSE/ROD/ADMN./F.N.-121/08 : 23.10.2008

Sh. Basant Singh

R/o 6/106 Subhash Nagar,

New Delhi-110027.

Sub: Request for information under Right to Information Act (case No.- 893).


This is with reference to your letter dated 2.9.2008 on the subject cited above.

It is informed that the reply already sent to you vide our letter No. ADMN-II/24(1)/893/2008/ dated 03.10.2008 is correct and in order.

Yours faithfully,




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