
ROYAL OAK INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLSR. SEC. CBSE AFFILIATEDHOLIDAY HOME WORK (SESSION 2019-20)Class - VIIPlease note the following:HHW of 5 marks will be added as a subject enrichment activity marks in Term I, hence submission of work post summer vacation is compulsory for all the students.Schedule for the Submission of HHW for all classes is as follows:English:3/07/2019Hindi:4/07/2019Math:5/07/2019Science:8/07/2019Social Studies :9/07/2019Submission dates for Computer, G.K., Sanskrit, Art & Craft will be in the 2nd week of July. Wishing you all a very fruitful and enjoyable vacations. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!FOR THE PARENTSSummer Vacations are here. A few vital suggestions are listed below to make the vacations more exciting and fruitful than ever before:Keep at least half an hour a day for sharing experiences with your child.Encourage your child to speak in English. Fix one hour in a day when you communicate with your child only in English.Tell your child different stories regularly and encourage him/her to describe what he/she would do in a similar situation. Here are few suggested titles which you can read with your child.a. Lacey-the little mermaid fairy d. Giraffe can’t danceb. I like myself e. Dolphins at the day break c. Panchatantra storiesLet your child colour, draw, paint, Play, Dance etc.Restrict his/her television watching, confining it to interesting children’s program, cartoon films, discovery channel etc.To improve the formation of letter, make your child write a page every day.Develop self helpskills: Let your child dress and feed on his/her own.Make him/her understand the importance of cleaning his/her room and putting away toys and belongings after use.Take your child out for picnics and to other places of his/her interest. Ask him/her to make a note of all the places he/she visits and things he/she sees so that he/she is able to discuss his/her experience in class after vacations. Have a nice time!PRINCIPALENGLISH India is famous for its mouth-watering cuisine. The staple diet in India changes in every state. Each place offers its own yummy delicacy to treat your taste buds with. Write a letter to your friend who is of another country about it. (Do it in English notebook 2)You are Astha/Ashish , the head girl/head boy of XYZ school, New Delhi. Your school is soon going to publish school magazine in the month of July. Write a notice on the notice board inviting the students to come up with their write-ups. Mention the necessary details too.(Do it in Eng. notebook 2)Read Ch-1 to 7 of the novel (Alice in Wonderland) carefully. Get ready for the speaking skill test to be taken on the scheduled date. (Topic: The character you liked the most)4. ‘On the grasshopper and the cricket’ is one of the most loved nature poems of John Keats. Read some more poems of Keats and Wordswoth as well. Write any one of them on A-4 size sheet with a beautiful picture.WORKSHEET (GRAMMAR)Note : To be done in the given sheet only.Q1.Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences.?Top of Form1. We all told the boss that we wanted to have ---- salaries paid in advance but he just ignored ----. a)Ours b)His c)Ourd)us2. When the man asked me how I had got ---- address, I told him that I was given it by a relative of ----.a)My/meb)His/hisc)Him/him3. Although ---- in the room seemed to follow ---- said by the speaker, he never intended to simplify his language.a)No one/anythingb)Anyone/nothingc)Anybody/anything4. I hope you will enjoy ---- at the re-union party this weekend because I won't be able to be there ----.a)You/ myselfb)Yourself/ myselfc)Yours/mine5.We decided to do all the cooking ---- instead of hiring a catering company for the party.a)Oneselfb)Eachotherc)By ourselves6. You and ---- brother need to take time to prepare ---- for the long journey which will start next month.a)Your/yourselfb)Their/youc)his/yourselfQ2.Fill in the blanks with the correct options.1. When I opened my eyes, I ………………. a strange sight.(saw/was seeing/have seen)2. Every morning she …………….. up early and gets ready for work.(is waking/wakes/has woken)3. If I knew what he wanted, I ………………. this.(will not permit/would not permit/would not have permitted)4. I ………………….. anything from her in a long time.(didn't hear/haven't heard/am not hearing)5. The headmaster ……………… to talk to you.(want/wants/is wanting)6. Jane ………………. with her parents.(is living/lives/has lived)7. We ..................... Greece next month.(visit/will visit/would visit/are visiting)8. The moon …………….. around the earth.(is revolving/has revolved/revolves)9. She ………………… a novel.(wrote/writes/has written)10. All students ………………. in their work.(handed/have handed/hand)Q3. Edit the following. (Error correction)IncorrectCorrectThere are much animals and birds,____________which are slow becoming extinct. They ____________are dying out but we may never see____________them again once it become extinct. These______ ______species are call endangered species. Future____________generations must only be able to see____________pictures of these beautiful creatures. ______ ______# Revise Tenses and do Exercises in BBC Compacta (Page no. 129-141) # Preposition (page no 305)MATHSRevise all chapters which are already done in class : Ch.1 Integers , Ch-2 Fraction & Decimal . Ch-3 Data Handling. Do all worksheets of the above said chapters in your A P C Drill Exercises book which is provided by the school in book set.Write tables from 2 to 25 in the last two pages of your fair note book. Activities : (a). Make a small spiral note book of 25-30 pages in which you write tables in different Method like (i) Dosing tables (ii) by skipping methods (iii) by Repeating addition. Learn all tables from 2 to 25 by heart. (b). Performs two Activities given in your syllabus in April & May Months in your (classmate) practical Note book , Activities given below: Activity 1: To Subtract integers. Activity 2: : To find fraction equivalent to given fractionSCIENCENote : please do Science Holiday Homework in a separate notebook.Work sheet 1 Topic: Fibre to FabricsI) Fill up the blanks :1. Wool is obtained from the ______________ of the sheep or yak.2. __________ is the name of the breed of sheep from which we get Kashmiri shawls.3. By the process of _____________ we get off springs with special characters.4. Washing of sheared skin is known as ______________5. In __________ the hairs of different textures are separated.6. Silk fibre is made up of a __________7. The silk fibre is obtained from the covering of pupa known as _____________8. The larva of silk worm are called______________9. Inside cocoon, the pupa develops into ______________II) Name the following:1. Two wool giving animals.2. Two Indian breeds of sheep.3. Two types of silk.4. Name the most common silk.5. Bacterium which causes sorter’s disease.6. Process of taking out silk – threads from cocoon.III) Write true or false:1. Soft silk yarn is strong as comparable thread of steel.2. Shearing hurts the sheep.3. Small fluffy fibres are called burrs.IV) Answer briefly:1. Name the country which leads the world in silk production2. Cultivation of mulberry leaves is called3. Rearing honey bees is called4. Name three animals which yield wool5. Name 4 major wool producing countries6. The process of removing fleece from the body of sheepV) Answer the following questions: 1. Describe how silk worm enters the pupa stage. 2. Describe how silkworms are reared for their cocoons. 3. What are caterpillars?Worksheet2: Topic: RevisionQ1. Define the following terms Nutrition , Scouting , Sericulture , Sorting , Symbiotic Relationship , Conduction , Convection shearing , Radiation Q2. Write two examples of each of the following— a) Useful fungi b) Insectivorous plant c) Organism showing symbiotic relationship d) Types of silk e) Two scale of measuring the temperatureQ3. Give reasons for the following a) Organisms need to take food. b) We prefer to wear light – colored clothes in summer and dark - colored clothes in winter. c) Digital thermometers are used now – a - days to measure body temperature.Q4. Differentiate between the followinga) Autotrophs and heterotrophs.b) Parasites and saprotrophsc) Clinical and laboratory thermometerd) Sea breeze and land breeze Q5. Answer the following questions a) Name the modes of transfer of heat.b) Write two examples of conductors and insulators.c) Write the precautions to be followed during the use of clinical thermometers.d) Why do we wear light colored clothes in summers?e) Write the equation of photosynthesisQ6. Draw labeled diagram of land breeze and sea breeze.ACTIVITY: STAY HEALTHY THE LESS ECONOMIC WAYIdentify the various nutrients present in different sources of food you consume everyday as per the functions they perform. Also paste their pictures. Eg. Nutrient source + Picture Protein & pulses help in growth and building muscles.Search internet/any other source & find out easily available local, cheaper alternative food items that can be included in the diet to make it wholesome and easily affordable. (at least 10 food items along with their pictures) Eg. Guava has more nutrients as compared to expensive kiwi fruit.Revise Unit 1, 2 and 4.SOCIAL STUDIESPrepare a model on any one of the given topic : Buildings of Mughal period. Red FortTaj MahalBuland DarwazaTomb of HumayanDesign a cover page of a S.Sc book on A3 sheet , showing ‘empowerment of women in India’.Prepare complete syllabus for Periodic Assessment I .COMPUTERRoll No. (1 to 11):- Draw different types of charts and explain. Use scrap book.Roll No. (12 to 23):- Make a college of types of Viruses and Anti viruses. Roll No. (24 onward):- Make a college of different type of Windows OS.Create a Spreadsheet in MS Excel on mark sheet and Find out total, percentage, max, min, average, count, grade and Result as pass or fail, Take printout of it.Learn Lesson 1 and 2.-85725-1905G.K.1. Write at least 20 abbreviations with their full forms in your G.K. notebook. (Given in page no. 55)2. a. Certain Memorials in the world have been built in the memory of certain people who sacrificed their lives. On the basis of this paste any 5 pictures of famous monuments around the world on A3 Size Sheet and also write few lines on them. (Roll no. 1-15). b. Paste the pictures of “Top 10 green cities of India” on A3 Size Sheet and write few lines on each of them. (Roll no. 16 onwards).FRENCH Revise all the syllabus done in class.Make 10 sentences with the help of these wordsAllerEtreAvoirFaireVoulvoirPouvoirDo chapter 1-5 in exercise book.ART & CRAFTMake a flower vase by using SHILPKAR/CLAY/ P O P (Plaster of Paris) ................

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