Open-enrollment Program Selection Guide - 2007


Open-enrollment Program Selection


leadership solutions

For more than three decades, the Center for Creative Leadership has provided thousands of managers and executives with the time, tools and setting needed to explore and strengthen their leadership skills through our portfolio of open-enrollment programs. Over the years the impact of our programs on individuals and teams has repeatedly been described as powerful and life-changing.

Program Selection Guide All programs are 5 days in length unless otherwise specified.


Leadership at the Peak

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Senior executives with 15-plus years of management experience who typically are in the top three tiers of the organization, have leadership responsibility for 500 or more people, and/or executive staff functions. Admission is by application only.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Focuses exclusively on the demands of top executives and gives them a comfortable, secure retreat in which to evaluate their leadership style and effectiveness in the company of their peers. This highly individualized program addresses both the leadership development and fitness needs of senior-level executives.

TUITION $10,100 9500

Leadership Development Program (LDP)?


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Mid- to senior-level managers who are willing to listen to what others say about them -- and take positive action based on that feedback -- in exchange for becoming a more effective leader.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides a variety of in-depth self-awareness tools and activities to enhance leadership capabilities. Participants learn strategies for continuous development through extensive assessment, group discussions, self-reflection, small-group activities and personal coaching.

TUITION $6,800 6700

The Looking Glass Experience

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Mid- to senior-level managers who oversee people, projects or both, who want to improve their leadership abilities by participating in a feedbackintense, action-learning organizational simulation.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Offers behavioral assessment through a realistic action learning process. Participants gain key insights into their leadership strengths and development needs in an organizational setting using a hands-on, in-depth organizational simulation, group discussion, assessment and peer feedback.

TUITION $6,200

Foundations of Leadership

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Newly promoted managers early in their careers, along with more experienced managers who would benefit from training on the fundamentals of leadership development.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Teaches effective leadership, focusing on personal awareness and growth, effective working relationships, influence skills, and handling conflict in the workplace. Participants receive honest evaluations of their leadership styles and behaviors and come away with realistic development direction. (3-day program)

TUITION $3,700 3600


Developing the Strategic Leader


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Upper-level executives and senior leaders whose work has long-term strategic implications for their organizations.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Focuses on thinking systemically to understand the organization and set strategy, acting decisively on strategic issues, and influ encing others to set and implement long-range organizational objectives. Designed for executives who want to contribute to their organizations' enduring success and whose actions and decisions impact several functional areas. Participants explore their personal effectiveness as strategic leaders, and learn ways to improve the strategic functioning of teams and the organization overall.

TUITION $6,900

Leadership and High-Performance Teams


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Leaders of high-level teams, individuals responsible for creating team-based work systems, or intact teams of up to five members.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Explores the challenges teams face, such as conflicting agendas and personalities, and draws from the Center's extensive research on teams to provide knowledge, tools and strategies that can be put to immediate use.

TUITION $5,500

CCL Program Facilities

Our open-enrollment programs are offered at one or more of these CCL locations. Visit our Web site for details on the services available to you during your stay. You will also find a variety of links -- for hotels, airports, weather conditions and more -- to help you plan your visit.




We also offer selected programs through network associates -- organizations throughout the world who are licensed to conduct CCL programs. For additional information, please visit locations



For more information or to register, contact Client Services at +1 336 545 2810 or visit programs

(continued on following page)

Program Selection Guide (continued)


Navigating Complex Challenges

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Senior leaders who work across organizational boundaries to address strategic issues -- and who are currently facing a complex challenge that defies previously tested approaches.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides leaders with the opportunity to address a workplace challenge that has no clearly identified solution. Over the course of 12 weeks -- including three days in the classroom -- participants acquire skills and strategies to better understand their challenge, their leadership role in relation to the challenge, and the influencing dynamics within their organization.

TUITION $5,200

Coaching for Development

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Individuals responsible for managing, developing, coaching or leading others.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Teaches how to coach others through the use of multiple videotaped practice sessions and intensive small group time with a certified CCL coach. The program applies the Center's developmental framework to assess personal style and increase the ability to carry out the effective coaching. It includes a telephone follow-up session with a CCL coach 30?45 days after the program to reinforce and extend classroom learning. (3-day program)

TUITION $3,600 3600

The African-American Leadership Program


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Mid- to senior-level AfricanAmerican managers who want to strengthen their leadership effectiveness through personal assessment and a feedbackintense learning experience.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides a safe environment for participants to explore how their leadership style impacts managerial effectiveness. Through a frank and supportive peer discussion of concerns and development needs, participants create realistic and effective strategies for personal and professional growth.

TUITION $6,200

The Women's Leadership Program

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Mid-to senior-level women managers who want to become stronger leaders through a feedback-intense learning experience.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides insight, through an intensive assessment and-feedback process, about each woman's leadership strengths and development needs in the context of her professional and personal life. Participants weigh choices and trade-offs to build a plan for the future, and examine the unique challenges they face in using personal power and influence.

TUITION $6,200


Developing Leadership Talent: Strategies and Tools


WHO SHOULD ATTEND People in any organization charged with organizational learning or leadership development.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides the tools to create a development system that links directly with organizational business strategies and goals. The program is relevant for organizations creating their first leadership development initiatives and processes as well as those that are updating and refocusing existing systems. It allows participants to develop an actionable plan mapping out what needs to be developed, who needs to be developed, and how development will be implemented and evaluated. (3-day program)

TUITION $3,600 3600

Assessment Certification Workshop

WHO SHOULD ATTEND Human resource managers, executive coaches and consultants who want to facilitate feedback using products from the CCL Assessment Suite.


PROGRAM OVERVIEW Certifies participants to administer all of the 360 degree assessments in the CCL Assessment Suite, including Benchmarks?, 360 BY DESIGN?, Executive Dimensions?, and Prospector?. Blends pre-program work, classroom presentation and hands-on practice to prepare participants to structure, design and implement a 360-degree process in their company or organization. (2-day program)

TUITION $1,800

Leadership Development for Human Resource Professionals


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Experienced human resource professionals and executives interested in improving their individual leadership performance.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Offers an intensive learning experience aimed at giving human resources professionals the information, tools, practice opportunities and self-confidence to become organization leaders and more effective managers of people and processes.

TUITION $6,600

Coaching for Human Resource Professionals


WHO SHOULD ATTEND Mid- to executive-level human resource professionals who are responsible for coaching others and/or creating a coaching environment in their organization.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Teaches human resource professionals how to coach others by first using time-proven assessment tools to determine where they are -- and intensive feedback overseen by a certified CCL coach to help them learn where they need to be. (3-day program)

TUITION $3,600

Tuition amounts are subject to change.

To advance the understanding, practice, and development of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide.


One Leadership Place Post Office Box 26300 Greensboro, NC, USA 27438-6300

Telephone Facsimile E-mail Internet

+1 336 545 2810 +1 336 282 3284 info@


CCL ? NORTH AMERICA Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA Greensboro, North Carolina, USA San Diego, California, USA

CCL ? EUROPE Brussels, Belgium

CCL ? ASIA Singapore


The mission of the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL?) is to advance the understanding, practice and develop ment of leadership for the benefit of society worldwide. We conduct research, produce publications, and provide a wide variety of educational programs and products to leaders and organizations in the public, corporate and nonprofit sectors.

Funding is derived primarily from tuition, sales of products and publications, royalties and fees for services. In addition, the Center seeks grants and donations from corporations, foundations and individuals in support our educational mission.

Each year, some 20,000 individuals from more than 1,000 organizations partici pate in Center programs worldwide. These organiza tions include more than two-thirds of the Fortune 100 and approximately 200 institutions from across the nonprofit, government and education sectors.

The Center for Creative Leadership is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity for the admission of all students regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability, and does not discriminate on any such basis with respect to its activities, programs, or policies.

As a nonprofit educational institution, the Center for Creative Leadership offers open-enrollment and custom programs to meet the unique developmental needs of its clients.

Center for Creative Leadership?, its logo, CCL?, Benchmarks?, Executive Dimensions?, Leadership Development Program (LDP)? and 360 BY DESIGN? are registered trademarks owned by the Center for Creative Leadership.

Prospector? is a registered trademark owned by Morgan W. McCall Jr., Gretchen M. Spreitzer, and Joan Mahoney.

069 ? 2006 Center for Creative Leadership. All Rights Reserved.

Client Priority Code: OEPSG07


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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