Expert Team on National Networks and Observations in ...

Expert Team on National Networks and Observations in Support of Climate Activities

Plan 2004-05


1) Complete the Statements of Guidance with respect to climate monitoring and applications from a CCl perspective.

2) Develop guidelines for the access to data

3) Develop guidance on designing national climate networks

Tasks and specific outputs:

Task 1: Completion of the Statements of Guidance

Brief description

Coordinate with the other CCl OPAGs and ETs to ensure that the Statements of Guidance for climate monitoring and applications take into account the needs of regional and national network characteristics and service programs.

Specific outputs

Memorandum documenting review.

Lead Coordinator and contributors

Raino Heino, Finland – Lead

Other CCl and ET members as assigned by the OPAG and ET Chairs

Linkages with other groups

Other CCl OPAGs and ETs

Target date for completion

January 2005

Task 2: Develop guidelines for the access to data

Brief description

With respect to data access, develop an overall plan for implementing a more

open and prompt response to accessing data that addresses the issue of real-time access; and yes, the emphasis here is to encourage countries to make their data accessible and to provide the guidelines for them on how to access data from other countries, data centres, etc.

Specific outputs

A set of guidelines for the more real-time access of retrospective and real-time climate data to aid in scientists in the access to data that heretofore has been difficult to get vis-à-vis the problems with GCOS Surface Network data.

Lead Coordinator and contributors

Howard Diamond, U.S. – Lead

Other CCl and ET members as assigned by the OPAG and ET Chairs

Linkages with other groups


Target date for completion

May 2005

Task 3: Develop guidance on designing national climate networks.

Brief description

This activity involves the development of guidance on how to ensure that national networks are appropriate for climate monitoring (linking in with RCSs, RBCN and GCOS stations). As this is developed some guidance on selecting and maintaining stations for national, regional and global networks would be appropriate but this goes a bit further in covering broader climate data and monitoring needs.

Specific outputs

A set of guidelines related to the design of national climate networks as outlined in the description.

Lead Coordinators and contributors

Raino Heino, Finland - Lead

Other CCl and ET members as assigned by the OPAG and ET Chairs

Linkages with other groups


Target date for completion

September 2005



Statements of Guidance (SOGs)

1. The AOPC reiterated the importance of maintaining close links between the Panel and the CBS Expert Team on Observational Data Requirements and Redesign of the Global Observing System (ET-ODRRGOS). It requested the Chairman to ensure that AOPC is appropriately represented at ET-ODRRGOS sessions and to liaise with the Chairman of the ET-ODRRGOS to optimize future involvement of the Panel in the SOG and similar processes.

2. The AOPC requested that the SOG on Seasonal-to-Interannual Forecasts (SIA) reviewed at this session be provided to the CBS OPAG on Data Processing and Forecasting Systems (DPFS) for comment and subsequent presentation to the CBS ET-ODRRGOS, and that ownership of this SOG be formally retained by that OPAG.

3. The AOPC requested that the SOGs on Monitoring Climate Change and Monitoring Climate Variability reviewed at this session be provided to CCl for further review by appropriate CCl Expert Teams (ETs) and individuals, and subsequently be submitted through these ETs to the CBS ET-ODRRGOS. It noted that CCl was in the process of developing additional SOGs for climate applications and agreed that it should review these as appropriate as part of the process of submitting them to the ET-ODRRGOS. The Panel further recommended that formal ownership of these SOGs reside within the CCl structure.


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