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The School District of Collier County Code of Student Conduct applies to all school-related activities, including virtual learning.STUDENTSBefore Class Begins:Create a dedicated space for learning that is free from distractions. Consider using headphones to maintain focus.Choose a location for at-home learning that is most like the learning environment at school, such as a desk or table.Dress according to the District’s dress code policy. School uniforms are notrequired unless otherwise specified by your school.Log in with materials ready prior to the beginning of class. You must be logged in by the tardy bell for each class. Consider having your schedule with start and end times in a visible location to ensure you are on time toeach class.Log into your laptop with your SCHOOL username at least FIVE minutes prior to class beginning.Enter each WebEx virtual classroom by accessing the appropriate Canvas Classroom and clicking on the link provided at the top of the screen under the class name.Follow teacher’s expectations regarding use of Webcam and turn OFF/MUTE your microphone. If you have a question, you can ask it in the chat or you can click and hold the spacebar to temporarily unmute yourself.During Class:The Chat feature is for ACADEMIC purposes only. Use it to ask questions and make comments about the lessonIf you have a question or comment, type in the chat and wait patiently to be acknowledged by the teacher. If the teacher does not respond within 1-2 minutes, ONE person may politely call out to theteacher. Again, you can click and hold the spacebar to temporarily unmute yourself.Use your webcam following teacher’s expectations, follow along, and participate in thelearning.You must attend the entire class, just as you would on campus, unless otherwise instructed by your teacher. Some courses, such as electives, may only require a check-in followed by an assignment. Your teacher will provide specific expectations.If the teacher has other specific rules for learning during the virtual class, follow the teacher’srules.Between Classes:When dismissed, make sure you leave the WebEx virtual classroom for each class before joining the next classUse this time for a restroom break, a snack/water break, or a stretch break.Be prompt for the start of your next class.Tips for Success:Be on time, participate, and complete all work by the due date.In addition to asking questions during class, email teachers through Canvas.Check your Canvas courses for assignments and instructions.Review your grades on FOCUS each week for your current progress.PARENTSTo maintain a positive, productive learning environment and assure confidentiality for students and teachers in virtual models, all parents/guardians are asked to follow the following privacy guidelines.WebEx live classes are designed for students. To prevent disruptions to the learning environment, parents/ guardians should not actively participate in classes, although parents/guardians may assist their child with technology and/or remain nearby.Parents should NOT video record, audio record, photograph, live stream, or transmit in any other way any part of a WebEx live classroom. This includes posting on any social media platform.Any confidential or personally identifiable information related to students participating during WebEx classes should not be collected, discussed, or shared since such information is unique to each student and protectable under federal and state law.Parents/guardians should not engage with students or teachers during WebEx live classes. Please refrain from speaking with your child during a live classroom. If you need to speak with your child during a class session, first mute your child’s microphone.If a parent/guardian has a question, comment, or concern for the teacher, please email your child’s teacher or call the school just as if in an on campus environment.Parents/guardians should contact the school administration with any questions or concerns regarding student privacy or virtual classroom expectations.EnvironmentProvide a quiet, appropriate, and optimal work environment for your child near an outlet for charging the District device.Ensure background is appropriate and does not distract from learning.Honor the school day hours and bell schedule.Allow virtual classroom students to learn uninterrupted and without municate and/or meet with the teacher outside of class periods and schedulea meeting with the teacher during school hours.Ensure students have breakfast and lunch. Please see Grab and Go location information for Classroom Connect students ()InvolvementReview the 2020-2021 Code of Student Conduct.Ensure that your phone numbers and email addresses are current in the FOCUS portal.Review your child’s attendance daily in FOCUS to ensure they are logging on and following attendance guidelines. ................

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