Sierra Vista High School

Mrs. Rebekah Whittenberger

Theatre, Room 405


799-6820 Ext. 4097

Course Description and Student Expectations


Course Scope: Theatre IV

This one-year course is designed for students who have successfully completed the appropriate Theatre III course. Classroom work is more formalized with students participating in theatre, film, television, and electronic media productions. Students will assume leadership responsibilities in preparation for post-high school education/employment. Students are required to be involved in co-curricular theatre experiences. This course will fulfill either the one arts/humanities credit or one of the elective credits required for graduation.

Course Scope: Theatre III

This one-year course is designed for students who have successfully completed Theatre II and/or I, and wish to be further challenged in the world of theatre. Students will demonstrate advanced acting skills through reading, rehearsing, and acting theatre literature. Group interaction and ensemble work will be emphasized. Students must have a grade of ‘B’ or better in Theatre II to take this course. This course will fulfill either the one arts/humanities credit or one of the elective credits required for graduation.

Course Scope: Theatre II

This one-year course is designed to familiarize students with theatre, its intent, structure, effectiveness, and value. Class work focuses on student performance through demonstration of various acting skills. Continuous emphasis will be made to develop awareness and self-expression, to increase general knowledge of theatre, and to encourage social adjustment. This course will fulfill either the one art/humanities credit or one of the elective credits required for graduation

Course Goals:

Please visit the Nevada Department of Education website for a full description

Organization/ Materials:

It is essential to stay organized in this class! You are required to bring your student binder/planner/organizer to class every day to write down assignments and important dates. In addition, you must bring the following to class every day:

3 ring binder w/

Folder for scripts and handouts

Lined Paper

Blue or Black Pen


#2 pencils with erasers

Colored Pencils

Throughout the year, certain projects require specific items (costumes, props, etc.) It is expected that the student obtains any additional material needed.


Students will be using a variety of plays, monologue books, and other supplemental texts.


Student grades are determined in relationship to the course objectives stated in the district curriculum guide. Students must complete the coursework in order to earn credit.(NRS392.122; CCSD Regulation 5121). For a student to meet the curricular requirements of the course, he/she must actively participate in the class in various ways, including but not limited to the following areas: listening, recording notes, responding to and answering questions, participating in large and small group discussions, and completing in-class work activities. This daily participation is part of the student’s grade and their completion of the coursework are the assessments of student progress and understanding such as tests, quizzes, labs, essays, journals, projects, and in-class homework review. (CCSD Standard of Quality V). Regarding this class specifically:

1. Class participation is extremely important (i.e. attendance, punctuality, conduct, and involvement)

2. All assignments in class must be written in standard blue or black ink, unless different instruction is provided. Some assignments and project MUST be typed to receive credit.

3. This is mainly a Performance class. Most assignments will require students to work with one or more of his/her classmates in the development of a scene for performance evaluation. Because of the collaborative nature of the class, each student must contribute equally to the group effort to earn maximum points on an assignment. If one or more students in any given group choose not to contribute, it is the expectation that this conduct will be reported to the instructor so that appropriate measures for intervention and grade calculation can be made. Performances will be graded on the quality of the overall presentation including: set, costumes, memorization, blocking and character. A handout with the breakdown of points for each assignment will be given to the students prior to performing.

4. Students are required to participate in some way in all of the Main Stage shows during the school year. Students must be open to playing any role assigned by Mrs. Whittenberger. If a student cannot participate for reasons deemed excusable by Mrs. Whittenberger, an alternate assignment will be given. Each production will require contractual obligation signed by both parent and student.

5. Assignments will be graded in the following manner:

Full points if completed as directed by the instructor

Partial points if partially completed

Zero points if not turned in

6. Tests, Quizzes, and Projects make up 70%of the Quarter grade, while Classwork and Homework comprise 30%. Active and positive daily Participation counts towards the Classwork grade.

Grading Scale

90- 100% = A

80- 89% = B

70- 79% = C

60- 69% = D

59 & below = F

Semester Grades

1st Quarter = 40% 2nd Quarter = 40% Semester Final = 20%

Minimum Performance Requirements for Grading:

1. Stay in character

2. Blocking

3. Facial expressions and gestures

4. React to other actors and situations

5. Dress basic setting

6. Motivated action

7. Incorporate action and dialogue

8. Exhibit varying emotional intensities

9. Memorize lines as required in scene

Audition Requirements: Students are required to audition for all shows produced at Sierra Vista High School during the school year.

Production Hours:

All students are required to put in after school rehearsal hours for one to two productions per semester. If you are not able to put in these hours and/or be in the shows at this school, do not take this course. If you are not cast in one of the plays, you must work the performances as ushers, ticket sales, or concessions in addition to completing alternative assignments to earn your grade.

Rehearsal/Performance Expectations:

Unless PRIOR authorization has been given, students are required to attend every rehearsal and performance they are called for. Failure to do so may result in the student being dropped from the cast and the class. If a student is ill and unable to attend school on a required rehearsal day, the student MUST call Sierra Vista HS at 702-799-6820 x4097 and notify Mrs. Whittenberger as early in the day as possible so the rehearsal schedule could be modified, if need be.

It is expected that students will demonstrate appropriate behavior and conduct during all rehearsals and performances. Anyone who violates school and classroom rules during the long extra-curricular hours may be dropped from the cast and class, and will face progressive discipline.

It is understood that all other appointments, trips and sports commitments will be arranged around the performance and rehearsal dates and schedule. If a student is unable to meet this requirement, they are ineligible to audition for a roll in the current production and alternative assignments will be provided.

A great deal of extra curricular time is required of the 6th Hour Theatre Arts student, especially the last 3-4 weeks of each 2-month rehearsal schedule. Students are strongly encouraged to use all “offstage” time to keep up with their homework in their other classes.

Depending on the production, a fee of no more than $40 may be required for costume rentals & purchases. Other items, such as makeup kits, wigs, etc. that are required for specific characters may also incur a production fee of no more than $40.

Theatre Community Calls: All SVHS Advanced Theatre students are required to attend one Theatre Community Call each semester. Theatre Community Calls are advanced level calls in which students work as teams to enrich and promote the culture of theatre at SVHS. Students will be graded on the quality of work they do. Students who arrive late or leave early will earn late credit for these assignments. Students not attending or being asked to leave due to behavior will receive a missing assessment grade.

I. Semester 1 Theatre Community Calls (Must attend one)

o Thursday, October 24th 1:30 to 3:30pm

o Thursday, December 5th 1:30 to 3:30pm

II. Semester 2 Theatre Community Calls (Must attend one)

o Thursday, February 6thth 1:30 to 3:30pm

o Thursday, April 30tth - 1:30 to 3:30pm

Citizenship Grades: Students are expected to participate and will be held responsible for their behavior in all class activities. Failure to comply with behavioral expectations will result in the lowering of your citizenship grade, and may result in the denial of an honor cord for graduation.

Dress Code: The Clark County School District Code policy will be followed at all times. Students not following dress code will be sent to the Dean’s office on referral. In addition, costumes must be appropriate to character and within dress code. If you question something see me!

Movie Policy: We may occasionally watch a film or video in class that illustrates some important points of our curriculum for the year. Some films may be rated PG. Following CCSD rules, you must give permission for your son or daughter to watch these films. If you wish your child to have an alternate writing/reading assignment during the viewing, please leave a comment on the parent signature page. Advance notice will be given to students to inform parents of each particular movie viewing so that parents may make written a decision on an individual movie basis.

Homework: I expect you to utilize the time given to you in class for preparation. It is up to you to prepare scenes for performance and critique. If additional time is needed, beyond the time allotted in class, it will be your responsibility to prepare on your own. There will be homework assigned in this class, but it will not be every day. Homework assignments are expected to be completed as assigned. Failure to do so will slow down the class and prevent you from reaching your potential.

Make Up Work: All work is due on the due-date. Work or tests due the day a student is absent is due the day the student returns. If you are absent, it will be your responsibility to find out what you have missed. You will be given one day for each day you are absent to make up any incomplete assignment, only if it is an EXCUSED absence. Scenes for presentation in class will be assigned at least two days in advance. You must perform on your assigned day. If you are not here the saying goes…The Show Must Go On, and your scene will be presented without you. You will receive 0 points for the assignment, and will have to complete an alternative assignment to earn your grade. If a test or quiz is missed, see the teacher to establish a time BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL ONLY to make up the missing assessment.

Late Work: Late work will be accepted with the understanding of an automatic reduction in one letter grade if turned in the next day and one letter grade more per day.

The only exception to this procedure is for school-approved absences, the then the following district policy will apply:

“After any absence, students shall be required to initiate contact with school instructors to obtain appropriate makeup work within three (3) days directly following the absence. Once contact has been made with the teacher, specific make up work and the time interval allowed for completion of make up work will be determined by the teacher (minimum of three days for each day absent).”

Hours of Availability:

With the exception of rehearsal or scheduled events, I am available before and after school for meetings. Please contact me via email with any concerns. My email is willirs@

Behavior Expectations and Consequences:

In order to insure a positive classroom environment and to make sure that everyone has a chance to learn in this subject, the following procedures have been implemented and will be enforced in class. If you decide not to comply, there will be logical consequences.

1. Be On Time and Prepared - Students who are not inside the theatre and engaged in work on the daily question when the tardy bell rings will be considered tardy. The Sierra Vista tardy policy will be strictly enforced! Students are expected to bring required materials to class daily. Students will be notified in advance when special items are required.

2. Be Respectful – Students will display respect to themselves, other students, the teacher, equipment and THE THEATRE at all times!! Inappropriate language or hateful comments will not be tolerated. Physical contact of any kind is not permitted and will be punished. If you need to use the restroom or leave class for any reason ASK THE TEACHER!!!

3. Abide by Yondr Pouch Rule - Yondr Pouches will be a requirement and classroom rule. Students will be required to lock their phones in a Yondr pouch at the beginning of class, and unlock their phones at the end of class. Students will be allowed to keep their pouched phone in their possession during the class period

4. Be Safe – Safe conduct is a priority in a theatre. Students must follow theatre safety procedures at all times. These procedures will be fully outlined in a tech theatre safety contract. Students who are unable to participate in activities appropriately will receive a zero for the assignment.

5. Leave Food at Home – Students may NOT eat or drink in the theatre (including backstage, scene shop and class area) Water is permitted.

6. Leave Personal Drama at the Door – Collaboration is key for a successful classroom environment. Although this is a Drama class, please leave all personal drama at the door so as not to negate the creative environment of the class.

7. Be Honest – All students involved in copying, plagiarizing, or cheating or any kind will receive a zero on the assignment. In addition, students may face additional consequences based on the severity of the incident.

8. Be Present – Students are expected to be present in the classroom from bell to bell. Attendance will be taken at the beginning and end of class. Students caught hiding in the wings, lobby, adjoining hallways, vestibule, back of the house, in between seats, dressing rooms, or any other area away from the class and teacher will face disciplinary action and may be marked absent. Students who leave class before the bell rings will be marked absent.

9. School Rules – All school rules listed in the Sierra Vista Handbook will be strictly enforced within the theatre.

10. NO FOOD, DRINKS, OR GUM ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN THE THEATRE! Please leave these items at home.

Violation of classroom rules will result in the following:

 1st violation- verbal warning/teacher-student conference

2nd violation- parent contact

3rd violation- teacher detention

4th violation- referral to dean


Possession of weapons, theft, fighting, possession or use of narcotics, gross insubordination (threatening or cursing the teacher) will result in immediate referral to the dean on the 1st offense and RPC-also possible suspension, arrest, and/or expulsion.


Detention – Detentions will be served in the theatre before school, after school, or during lunch. One day of notice will always be given. Students who fail to come to detention will gain additional time in detention or a Dean’s referral.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is an essential part of the educational setting and lack thereof can seriously affect a student’s grade. Consistent with the Clark County School District’s attendance policy, students who exceed ten (10) unapproved absences will not earn credit. Students must present notes to the attendance office within three days of their return from any approved absence or the absence is considered unapproved. The attendance note should state the reason for absence, the student name and student ID number, and dates of absence.

School-wide Tardy Policy:

The faculty of Sierra Vista strives to create a student-friendly and self-managed environment for all students. This process includes the modeling of social and professional skills, including positive greetings, appropriate affirmations, and personal accountability. Establishing positive relationships and a culture of trust is the foundation of our social and academic programming. Students are encouraged to create social contracts within each classroom with the goal of maintaining the boundaries of acceptable behaviors while preserving relationships. We invite all families to learn more about this philosophy and join our efforts to bring out the best in your student. The school-wide policy regarding tardiness to class will be distributed separately.

Detention – Detentions will be served in the theatre before and after school. One day of notice will always be given. Students who fail to come to detention will gain additional time in detention or a Dean’s referral.

Grades Online

The Infinite Campus portal allows students and parents to login and access grades, class attendance, assignment information and related messages from the teacher. The portal is designed to increase communication with teachers, allow you to check progress, to see what’s due and when, and be more successful in school.

 Computer Related Responsibilities:

• All students are required to complete the Acceptable Use Policy portion of the online registration process in order to have network access.

• Do not change desktops, alter or download programs or otherwise tamper with the computer system or equipment in any way.

• Any tampering with the configuration of the computer will result in an immediate dean’s referral.

• Playing computer games and/or using the Internet is a privilege.

• Students who commit intential damage to school computers and mobile devices will be responsible for the cost of replacement of the item.

• If an accidental situation occurs with a computer/mobile device, Sierra Vista will cover the first repair. Any additional occurrences will be the responsibility of the student.


Tips for Success

L - Listen attentively and look at the teacher or speaker.

I - Intentional participation

O - Organize you materials and your calendar to be sure not to miss any assignments

N - Nod in agreement and know how to politely disagree with your peers


Instructor reserves the right to modify any and all procedures to ensure everyone SUCCEEDS!

Course Expectations Agreement


Advanced Theatre Mrs. Whittenberger

Student Name: (print) ________________________________

Grade: __________ Student Number: __________________ Period: _____


Student Signature: _____________________________________

Date: _________________


Mother/ Guardian Name: (print) _________________________

Mother/ Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Date: ____________________

Contact Phone Number: _____________________

Contact Email Address: _______________________________________

Father/ Guardian Name: (print) _________________________

Father/ Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Date: ____________________

Contact Phone Number: _____________________

Contact Email Address: _______________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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