Exam 2100 points* Must be in class

Coastal Carolina UniversityDepartment of Recreation and Sport ManagementRSM 337 – Legal Issues in Recreation & Sport (3 credits)Spring 2016Professor: Prof. Amanda Siegrist, J.D.Class Number: 337.01Office: Williams Brice 151BClass Location: WB 118Office Hours: MTW 10-12, F 12-1pm or by appointmentMeeting Time: MWF 1-1:50pmEmail Address: asiegrist@coastal.eduOffice Phone: 843-349-6693 TextCotten, D. J, & Wolohan, J.T. (2010). Law for recreation and sport managers (6th Edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. Course DescriptionAn overview of the role local, state and federal governments have in the provision of recreation and sport services. Provide the basic understanding of legal liability, risk management, negligence, standard of care, safety regulations, and other legal subjects as they apply to recreation and sport.Course Objectives Introduce students to legal aspects of sport and recreation Examine legal aspects, such as the courts system, tort law, constitutional law, risk management, and negligence law, as each component impacts the recreation and sport management field Cultivate critical thinking through the evaluation of real world legal cases Expand legal lexicon Provide opportunities to develop presentation skills Learn the basics of drafting, negotiating and interpreting industry contractsDevelop professional writing skills and integrating of applied legal theoriesStudent Learning OutcomesThe student will:Define and give examples of key legal terminology (NASSM Standard 9)Identify parts of the legal system, their functions and jurisdiction. (NASSM Standard 9.7)Explain principles of negligence and intentional torts for sport organizations; be able to develop strategy to limit liability. (NASSM Standard 9.1)Describe product liability as is relates to sport. (NASSM Standard 9.3)Apply principles of contract law to Sport organizations. (NASSM Standard 9.5)Discuss how constitutional law relates to sport and the field of sport management. (NASSM Standard 3.1)Demonstrate understanding of federal statutes related to discrimination in employment for sport organizations including Title VII, Title IX, ADA, and Equal Pay Act. (NASSM Standard 9.6)Describe anti-trust and labor law as they relate to intercollegiate and professional sport. (NASSM Standard 9.6)Be able to identify issues in risk management including crowd control and develop strategies to limit liability. (NASSM Standard 9.2 & 9.8)Conduct basic legal research (NASSM Standard 9)Critically discuss legal issues in sport and analyze legal cases as they relate to sport (NASSM Standard 9)*Quick facts: Be professional and respectful.Classroom Policies and Student Obligations: Statement of Community Expectations (See “Code of Student Conduct”)Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of academic honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and reporting the inappropriate actions of others and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.Statement of Community Standards: "Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility.As members of this community, we are accountable for our actions and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.Respect: In order to maintain a positive learning environment, the following ground rules will be followed:Personal perspectives will be valued. Degrading or discriminatory remarks or behaviors are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Discussions will reflect an exchange of information, experiences, ideas, opinions, etc. For group projects, it is the responsibility of group members to delegate work. If a student's behavior in the classroom is disruptive, the instructor will give him/her an opportunity to correct the behavior without penalty. If the student's behavior continues to be disruptive, he or she will be asked to leave or stay after class and speak with the professor about the behavior so the future behaviors may be avoided. Additionally, points will be deducted from student’s participation/professionalism grade. *Quick facts: Don’t cheat, don’t ask others to cheat, don’t plagiarize. I am NOT lenient with this and it WILL NOT be tolerated.I have yet to go a semester without catching it and it never turns out well for the student(s).Honor Pledge: (required of all entering CCU students)On my honor, I pledge: That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code of Student Conduct. From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and other work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge.Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception and is an educational objective of Coastal Carolina University. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabrication of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. This policy will be observed in this course as well as all RSM courses. Failure to abide by the policy will result in the offending student receiving a “0” for the assignment and disciplinary action as prescribed in the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility (Current Coastal Carolina University Student Handbook). *Quick facts: In order to keep up, read the book. Study for exams. Come to class and participate. Leave your electronics alone for 50 minutes.Reading Assignments: It is required that all class readings be completed on time given that they are part of class lectures, discussions, and assignments. Exams, etc. will only be given on the scheduled dates. Exam questions will be taken from the text, lectures, handouts, videos, discussions and assignments. If a study guide is given, it is no manner an all-inclusive representation of what will be tested on the exam. Students are responsible for all materials throughout the duration of the semester, regardless of their attendance for the material.Phones, iPads, headphones, laptops, and all other electronics are NOT permitted in class, unless otherwise specified by the Professor ahead of time. All devices must be switched off and put away at all time during class. If you are caught using a device in class you will be given one (1) warning before being docked points from your participation/professionalism grade. If it becomes a continual problem or a distraction, student may be asked to leave the class and will therefore receive an absence for the day. Class Participation: For this to be a rewarding academic experience, everyone must contribute to class discussion. This requires that EVERYONE come to class prepared (reading and written assignments completed), attend class regularly/punctually, bring your textbook and actively participate in all assignments and activities. The success of this class depends on your willingness to participate and ask questions!*Quick facts: Check the calendar attached to the sign-in sheet. Assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class.I need a note to excuse an absence and allow make-up exams.If you know of an upcoming excused absence (athletes!!!), turn in assignments and take exams PRIOR to you leaving.Also, follow the 5 minute rule: see below in attendance.Attendance:Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. The professor will usually take attendance by passing around a sign-in sheet at the beginning of each class, attached to the monthly calendar for the course. It is the responsibility of each student to sign in each class. Failure to sign in will result in being counted as absent from class on the given day. Students who acquire more than seven (7) absences for the semester will automatically fail the course. I will take your number of absences and tardiness into account in regards to your participation and professionalism points as part of your overall grade. Walking into class late is distracting to both the professor and the other students; however, I understand this may occur from time to time. If you walk into class late, do not hand in an assignment that I have already collected, or ask a question regarding information I covered prior to you walking in. Class begins at the scheduled time, and normally the first 5 minutes are when important announcements and assignments are given.By signing in to class, students acknowledge they are present, prepared, and willing to participate. They also acknowledge they have reviewed and understand the monthly calendar for the course, to which the sign-in sheet is attached. If a student signs in but is evidently unprepared, they will be counted as absent for the day. Students with extenuating circumstances (e.g., are serving as an official representation of university) that are in conflict with this set policy must contact the instructor prior to the office hours or by appointment.Excused absence: Student must bring a doctor’s note, police report or university document establishing their reason for missing the actual date and time of class. Proof of an excused absence must be given to the professor as soon as reasonably possible once the student has returned back to campus. No make-ups will be given without proof of an excused absence, and only if handled in an appropriately timely manner. Missed class for either excused or unexcused reasons is the responsibility of the student. Student is responsible for any and all materials, assignments and due work. STUDENT-ATHLETES: Athletics and other university sponsored events: Students should inform the professor ahead of time that they will be missing class on said date, and should turn in any assignments PRIOR to their departure, and should arrange to take any tests/in-class essays or assignments PRIOR to their departure as well. Professor reserves the right to not accept work turned in after the student’s return… the same goes for exams and other make-ups. *Quick facts: Please be professional and informative in your communication with me, in person, via email and on social media.Contacting the professor:All communication with the professor should be handled in a professional manner. * MORE quick facts: The Ryan Weiss Rule: If you email me at 9pm at night and don’t get a response (particularly regarding an assignment that is due the next day…) do NOT direct message me on Twitter asking about the assignment. I will not respond… or if I do, it won’t be the response you’re looking for!Social Media: Speaking of Twitter and all other forms of social media, if you request me as a friend or to follow, it means you give me permission to follow or friend you back… thus, meaning your social media is APPROPRIATE, professional and LEGAL! (Which is a necessity for you guys at this point… let’s be realistic!)During regular academic school periods, on Monday through Friday, the professor will respond to emails within 24-48 hours; thus, please do not send multiple emails inquiring about the same topic within a 48-hour time span, unless otherwise notified. *Quick facts: It is rude, unprofessional and very forward to send the same email multiple times in a 24-hour period and you will get a lecture from me on professionalism if you do so. Give people a reasonable amount of time to respond to you… don’t wait until the last minute and it won’t be an issue. Instant gratification is not reality. Important Note: When contacting the professor students should send a formal email addressing the professor as Dr. or Professor, state your name, which course you are in, and then state what your email is concerning. Students should begin getting into the habit of all correspondence being professional and respectful. If it is a question that can be answered from the syllabus, a rubric or instructions that I have handed out, I may simply direct you to that information. *Quick facts: I DO NOT ACCEPT ELECTRONIC VERSIONS OF ASSIGNMENTS. It will be counted as never received.All assignments are to be TYPED, printed in hard copy and stapled. I will not accept it otherwise.LATE WORK: Oh yeah, one more thing… I DO NOT accept late work after the day it is due.Assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class… if you miss the turn in time during class (even by a few minutes), you may bring it to me by the end of the day (5PM) for a 20% deduction. If I am not in my office when you go to turn it in, you MUST email me and inform me that you left it with Miss Pam or Miss Cheryl to be put in my mailbox so that I can confirm it was before 5PM.ONE EXCEPTION: Notebook checks are not accepted after class. Turn it in prior if you know you will be gone.I DO NOT ACCEPT ELECTRONIC COPIES OF ASSIGNMENTS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY ARRANGED OTHERWISE. I also do not accept handwritten assignments. All assignments should be TYPED and printed out in hard copy, and STAPLED. This includes assignments you are turning in to me outside of the classroom (early or late). The Professor reserves the right to not accept an assignment if it does not meet these requirements.Late work:All assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class. If class begins at 1pm, and a student walks in at 1:05 to hand in an assignment which has already been collected, it will be counted as late. This is to avoid the student who runs to the library to print out their work or staple it last minute, while other students have been responsible enough to do so ahead of time. I DO NOT ACCEPT LATE WORK after the day on which it is due. No exceptions. If you fail to turn in an assignment in hard copy on the day it is due, I will not accept it and the student will receive a 0 for the assignment. If you will be absent due to an excused absence or university sponsored event, you are to turn the assignment into me PRIOR to the due date, this includes bonus points for Notebook Checks. *Quick facts: If the library printers are broken or you are out of money to print, or aliens abducted your neighbor’s dog that ate your homework, it will still be considered late. Make sure you have worked on assignments well enough ahead of time to avoid missing deadlines. This is to help prepare you for the real world! LATE WORK FOR UNEXPECTED EXCUSED ABSENCES: If it is an excused absence that unexpectedly prevents you from making it to campus on a due date, I will accept the assignment on your FIRST day back to campus (not necessarily to class). Example: If you are sick on Tuesday when we took a test or handed in an assignment, and you bring a doctor’s note showing you were sick on TUESDAY, Wednesday I expect the assignment to be turned in in hard copy, and/or to hear from you in regards to when you will make up the test… don’t wait for the next class period. It is also a good idea to email the Professor and let them know the situation and when you expect to return.*Quick facts: If you have a documented disability requiring assistance, let me know the first week of class.Statement of Student Rights and Disability Services Any student in this course who has a disability that prevents the fullest expression of abilities should contact the instructor within the first week of class so that class requirements and accommodations can be discussed. Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss specific needs. The Office of Accessibility and Disability Services is relied upon for assistance in verifying the need for accommodations and developing accommodation strategies. Please contact the following individuals in the Office of Accessibility and Disability if you have any questions. Jennie Cassidy, Interim 504 CoordinatorDirector of Counseling ServicesPhone: 843-349-2503 *Quick facts: USE THE WRITING CENTER! It’s free, helpful & improves grades.Free assistance with writing is available to CCU students through the Student Academic Support Services. For more information please visit our updated website at coastal.edu/advising or email Matthew Wood, Academic Advisor at mwood@coastal.edu . This is a great resource… please utilize it!TechnologyThe use of web technology will be employed in this course for the dissemination of some course materials through Moodle, but most will be handed out in class. Additional means of communication between the instructor and students is available through the use of web-based email. Course Evaluation Point TotalNotes________________________Terms Quiz 50 pointsRisk mgmt. activity 10 pointsIndividual Case Brief 50 points* Make edits then put in PortfolioGroup Case Brief Presentation 50 points* Must be in classMoney Out of Class Activity 20 pointsNegligence Essay 40 pointsContracts HW 10 pointsExam 1100 points * Must be in classExam 2100 points* Must be in classFinal Exam150 points* Must be in classTake Home Drafting Assignment 70 points * Make edits then put in PortfolioPortfolio 100 points Participation/Professionalism 50 pointsTotal Points900 pointsPossible Bonus Points - Composition Notebook25 points (results in an appx. 3% curve)*Quick facts: DO THE NOTEBOOK CHECKS! It’s free points… and helps you study!Also, I DO NOT ROUND, so take all the bonus points you can get Grading Scale90.00% - 100.00%= A87.00% - 89.99%= B+80.00% - 86.99%= B77.00% - 79.99%= C+70.00% - 76.99%= C67.00% - 69.99%= D+60.00% - 66.99%= D≤ 59.99%= FPlease Note: Grades will NOT be rounded up due to the opportunity for bonus points. For example, students finishing with an 89.99% will receive a B. Participation/Professionalism (50 points) Rubric AttachedParticipation: You are required to read the assigned material prior to class and participate in class discussions and in-class assignments. Participation means more than simply showing up for class. You will be graded on your contributions to class discussions, your reflections, and your contribution to group work. Additionally, on any given day, the professor may give in class quizzes, assignments, group work, etc. Your completion and success on these in-class activities will affect your participation grade in the course. Professionalism: Students are required to handle themselves at all times in a professional manner. Students will be graded on their professionalism, which includes:- attendance and punctuality - class participation - class preparation- ability to cope- positive attitude- interpersonal skills- responsible for choices/actions- organizational skills- appropriate verbal skills- appropriate writing skills- acceptance of constructive criticism- enthusiastic & positive - emotional stability & maturity - level of initiative- attentiveness (It is unacceptable to do coursework for other classes during class time)Portfolio (100 points) Requirements:Binder PreparationPurchase a white or other color, 1-3inch, 3-ring binder with a clear plastic cover and spine for inserts. Make an insert for the cover of your binder with the following: your name, your major, and your school. Remember that you will be using this binder as a professional. In addition, you will add pages to your portfolio in your future RSM classes. Also, you should have a table of contents page with section numbers (not page numbers… this will allow you to move materials easily in the future)Professional Resume and Cover LetterCreate your resume listing your personal contact information, career goals, education, work experience, skills, student activities/honors, professional presentations/publications, volunteer experience, references, etc. The CCU Career Services is available to assist you with your resume and cover letter.Professional PhilosophyWrite a personal essay about why leisure, recreation, sport, and play are important in our society. In this essay, you should discuss why you feel this field plays a significant role in our society. For example do you feel it provides a means to make a difference in people’s lives or is do you feel it is a means of making money. Throughout your RSM coursework, we discussed the philosophies of recreation and sport; this is your opportunity to elaborate on how you feel about the professional field. As you grow professionally, your beliefs may change, so it is important to revisit your professional statement yearly. This essay will also help to provide you guidance as you pursue a job and undertake the interview process.If you have had other RSM courses or are currently taking other RSM courses, you should add any material to the portfolio from those courses.NOTEBOOK CHECKS: Composition Notebook (Potential 25 Bonus Points)Students have an option to earn bonus points if they participate in Notebook Checks on the designated days as listed on the calendar. A student will earn 4 points for each of the 5 notebook checks, for a possible 20 points. If a student completes ALL 5 notebook checks on time, they will receive an additional 5 bonus points, for a total of 25 points. PLEASE NOTE: Each week the notebook builds, so if you skip a notebook check, you must complete it before the next one, although you will not receive points for it. For example: If you complete NB check 1, you get 4 points. If you do not complete NB check 2, you get 0 points for that check. If you want to complete NB check 3, you MUST complete NB check 2 in your notes as well in order to get points for check 3 (but you will still not receive points for check 2…) and you would also now be ineligible for the extra 5 for completing all checks. THE NOTEBOOK MUST BE A COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK (Not spiral bound). STUDENTS MUST WRITE IN PEN. WRITE ONLY ON THE FRONTS OF PAGES. WRITE NEATLY and the content of the notes must be SUBSTANTIALLY covered. Students are to take notes during class time on their own paper/ in a separate notebook. If students want to partake in the possible bonus points, they are to then REWRITE their class notes OUTSIDE OF CLASS in an organized manner into their Composition Notebook (feel free to highlight, underline, cut out unimportant things, etc.) Students should go back to the PPT’s and textbook to fill in gaps in their notes and clarify any material.Students should NOT write in their Composition Notebook during class time. If the Professor sees this happening, student will not be eligible for the bonus points that week. Class notes should be taken on scrap paper, thus allowing a student to make corrections, cross things out, draw arrows, etc. The purpose of the Notebook Check is to facilitate repetition of the class notes and to provide students with an organized resource for class material. For all other assignments mentioned in this syllabus, you will receive separate instructions and/or a grading rubric with more detailed expectations and information.Syllabus Disclaimer:The above schedule, policies, procedures, and assignments in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances, by mutual agreement, and/or to ensure better student learning. Total overall points may change due to dropped test questions, changed assignments or Professor discretion.LEGAL DISCLAIMER:While I am a licensed attorney, please DO NOT COME TO ME FOR LEGAL ADVICE. I cannot give you legal advice. It is a conflict of interest and I am an Ohio attorney. I am not familiar with South Carolina laws and I can lose my license for “practicing” law in another state, which entails giving legal advice. *Quick facts: I am an Ohio contract attorney, so I do not know what to tell you if your landlord is kicking you out or if you were arrested over the weekend. If you come to me for any sort of legal advice, I am simply going to tell you to contact a local attorney. FINAL EXAM IS SCHEDULED PER UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION SCHEDULE FORRSM 337.01 = Friday April 29th at 1:30 pmandRSM 337.02 = Wednesday May 4th at 1:30 pmin our normal classroomBelow you will find the participation/professionalism rubric, as well as a tentative course calendar for intended subjects and important dates.MWF Participation/Professionalism Rubric?PointsAttendanceParticipation/ProfCommunity17-15Perfect attendance & on time to every classNo texting or sleeping.max. 16 ptsConsistently engaged in class and answers questions/asks questions/ partakes in discussions. All communication with Professor & all assignments were a professional representation of yourself and obvious effort was given.Expressed an interest in other students' points of view & encouraged others to participate. Volunteers consistently. Displayed a positive attitude throughout the semester.14-12Missed 0-1 classes and/or was never-rarely tardy to classes.No texting or sleeping.Consistently engaged in class and participated in class discussions. Most to all communication with Professor & all assignments were a professional representation of you & obvious effort given and were turned in on time.Expressed an interest in other students' points of view & volunteered often.Displayed a positive attitude throughout the semester.11-9Missed 1-2 classes and/or was rarely tardy to classes.And/or occasionally seen texting, sleeping, doing other work or not paying attention.Occasionally engaged in class. Only some communication with Professor & some assignments were a professional representation of you. Lack of effort was evident through timeliness, lack of proofreading & poor grammar.Inconsistentlyinvolved; Often distracted.Displayed a neutral attitude throughout the semester.8-5Missed 3+ classes and was frequently tardy.And/or often seen texting, sleeping, doing other work or not paying attention.Rarely engaged in class or had limited participation inclass discussions and/or questions posed by theProfessor. Demonstrated little professionalism in communication with Professor & in regards to proofreading, timeliness & details of assignments. Did not complete all assignments.Disinterested in other students' points of view, rarely volunteered.Displayed at best a neutral attitude throughout the semester.4-0Missed 4+ classes and/or was frequently tardy. And/or often seen texting, sleeping, doing other work, or not paying attention.More than 7 unexcused missed classes will result in an automatic “F”Avoided engagement in class & had limited participation in activities and discussions.Would frequently leave class.Demonstrated little professionalism in communication with Professor and in regards to proofreading, timeliness and details of assignments. Did not complete all assignments.Disruptive & disrespectful. Avoided answering questions or assisting the class.Displayed a somewhat negative attitude throughout the semester45720000022860011430000 ................

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