ESU #16 Technology Enhanced Spanish Program

Elementary Training June 2008

1. What is your Gender?

Male (2 teachers, 8%) Female (23 teachers, 92%)

2. What is the name of the school where you currently teach?

Arthur (3 teachers, 12.0%)

Brady (6 teachers, 24.0%)

Hershey (6 teachers, 24.0%)

South Platte (4 teachers, 16.0%)

Sutherland (6 teachers, 24.0%)

3. Which grade do you currently teach?

Kindergarten (2 teachers, 8.0%)

1st Grade (3 teachers, 12.0%)

2nd Grade (3 teachers, 12.0%)

3rd Grade (4 teachers, 16.0%)

4th Grade (4 teachers, 16.0%)

5th Grade (2 teachers, 8.0%)

6th Grade (3 teachers, 12.0%)

1st - 2nd Grades (1 teacher, 4.0%)

5th - 6th Grades (2 teachers, 8.0%)

5th - 12th Grades (1 teacher, 4.0%)

4. How long have you taught this grade (in years)?

Average = 7.64 years

5. How long have you been teaching overall (in years)?

Average = 13.96 years

6. How long have you been teaching at this school (in years)?

Average = 8.12 years

7. How many students are in your class?

Average = 15.7 students

8. Approximately what percentage of children in your classroom during the past year were bilingual English/Spanish speaking?

Only one teacher responded that he/she had bilingual students and he/she estimated that 5% of the class was bilingual.


9. As a student, did you have any training in Spanish during:

a. Elementary school Yes=(3 teachers, 13%) Average of 4 semesters of training

b. Middle school Yes=(2 teachers, 8.7%) Average of 2.5 semesters of training

c. High School Yes=(15 teachers, 62.5%) Average of 2.43 semesters of training

d. College Yes=(5 teachers, 22.7%) Average of 1.60 semesters of training

e. Other workshops/training Yes=(4 teachers, 18.2%) Average of 1 semester of training

Please answer the following concerning your understanding and use of the Spanish language.

10. How would you rate your overall exposure to the Spanish language?

Average = 2.26

1= No exposure to Spanish (3 teachers, 13%)

2= Limited exposure to Spanish (12 teachers, 52.2%)

3= Some exposure to Spanish (7 teachers, 30.4%)

4= Moderate exposure to Spanish (1 teachers, 4.3%)

5= Extended exposure to Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

PRE -- How would you rate your overall exposure to the Spanish language?

Average = 1.17

0= No exposure to Spanish (3 teachers, 12.5%)

1= Limited exposure to Spanish (16 teachers, 66.7%)

2= Some exposure to Spanish (3 teachers, 12.5%)

3= Moderate exposure to Spanish (2 teachers, 8.3%)

4= Extended exposure to Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

11. How would you rate your confidence in listening to and understanding the Spanish language?

Average = 2.6

1= No confidence in my ability to understand Spanish (1 teacher, 4.0%)

2= Limited confidence in my ability to understand Spanish (12 teachers, 48.0%)

3= Somewhat confident in my ability to understand Spanish (8 teachers, 32.0%)

4= Fairly confident in my ability to understand Spanish (4 teachers, 16.0%)

5= Totally confident in my ability to understand Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

PRE -- How would you rate your confidence in listening to and understanding the Spanish language?

Average = 0.71

0= No confidence in my ability to understand Spanish (9 teachers, 37.5%)

1= Limited confidence in my ability to understand Spanish (13 teachers, 54.2%)

2= Somewhat confident in my ability to understand Spanish (2 teachers, 8.3%)

3= Fairly confident in my ability to understand Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

4= Totally confident in my ability to understand Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

12. How would you rate your confidence in use (verbal) of the Spanish language?

Average = 2.16

1= No confidence in my ability to speak in Spanish (2 teachers, 8.0%)

2= Limited confidence in my ability to speak in Spanish (18 teachers, 72.0%)

3= Somewhat confident in my ability to speak in Spanish (4 teachers, 16.0%)

4= Fairly confident in my ability to speak in Spanish (1 teacher, 4.0%)

5= Totally confident in my ability to speak in Spanish; can speak Spanish fluently

(0 teachers, 0%)

PRE -- How would you rate your confidence in use (verbal) of the Spanish language?

Average = 0.45

0= No confidence in my ability to speak in Spanish (14 teachers, 63.6%)

1= Limited confidence in my ability to speak in Spanish (6 teachers, 27.3%)

2= Somewhat confident in my ability to speak in Spanish (2 teachers, 9.1%)

3= Fairly confident in my ability to speak in Spanish (0 teachers, 0%)

4= Totally confident in my ability to speak in Spanish; can speak Spanish fluently

(0 teachers, 0%)

13. In the last academic year, did you incorporate any Spanish language activities into your classroom?

Yes (12 teachers, 48.0%) No (13 teachers, 52.0%)

If yes, please explain the activities that you conducted:

• We included the days of the week and counting days on monthly calendar in Spanish daily.

• Spanish teacher came 20 minutes a week.

• Counting to 30, days of the week, months

• We had a Spanish teacher come in once a week for 15 min.

• Numbers, Days of week, Months of year, Animals, Colors

• Taught simple vocabulary - color words, months of the year, parts of the body.

• Months of year

• I try to teach 100 words per year in Spanish - days of week, months of year, numbers 1-20, count by 10's to 100, colors, family names, weather words.

• Christmas customs - a play, acting out las posados, making pinatas, Gods eyes

• Extra activities for high ability student. Basic words

• Playing and singing selections in Spanish

• Listened to and read (unclear word) and counted to 10

14. What challenges or concerns do you have with Spanish being incorporated into your classroom?

• Proper pronunciation from myself to the model for students

• Parents and knowledge

• I hope I don’t teach it the wrong way.

• I do not have any concerns except with the technology working.

• That our school will have technology support as we do not have a technology person yet.

• Parent understanding

• Time to incorporate it.

• Time (3 responses combined said time)

• The technology in our school, time constraints, my ability to speak it and stay one step ahead.

• Time, Resources

• That students will want to use Spanish in every subject.

• That I won't say it right.

• Limited time and knowledge of the subject

• Being able to be confident enough to make it interesting and fun.

• That I pronounced the words correctly and that I don't teach bad Spanish.

• No challenges where students are concerned. Sometimes I have parents who refuse to let kids speak Spanish at home.

• Fitting it all in with all the required assessments at grade 4.

• That I can stay at least one step ahead of my students to keep them challenged.

• Lack of my own knowledge of the language.

• Saying the words correctly, being able to answer questions

• None

• Lack of knowledge for Spanish and technology. Making sure everything’s working when I need it.

15. What excites you about incorporating Spanish instruction into your classroom?

• It is a very important part of our world and students need to be exposed to it.

• Getting my students (and children) ready for a changing world.

• Opportunities for my students

• I have always taught young children and know how quickly they learn when exposed.

• Children will be excited to learn Spanish.

• It's new and fun for kids.

• I now know some of it.

• I like the fact that it will be interactive with no pressure.

• Broadening student knowledge

• Fluency fast, using tech.

• Kids reactions

• Broadening their language experience

• How excited the kids will be to learn it and speak it.

• That everything with this program is all laid out.

• Improving with the class

• It will be fun to communicate (in a relaxed way) with your students in a different language.

• I look forward to learning right along with the kids. I think my lessons with them will be fun!

• I strongly believe a successful future for our children requires them to be fluent in Spanish. I've always believed schools wait way too long to begin foreign language programs.

• Kids will love it. I feel fortunate that our kids will get this exposure at a young age.

• Challenging students and preparing them to enter a global society - broadening their horizons (and mine!)

• Learning myself and watching the growth of my students

• Being able to share another language with students

• I hope to carry over my personal excitement from Karen. I know the students will enjoy learning Spanish.

• I have always wanted to be fluent in Spanish. It will be exciting to share my enthusiasm with my students

• The kids will be very excited and I like the format of the Pod casts. Very excited to get started!


16. Have you used iTunes?

Yes (11 teachers, 44.0%) No (14 teachers, 56.0%)

16a. If yes, assess your comfort level in use of iTunes:

Average = 3.27

1= Very uncomfortable (2 teachers, 18.2%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (3 teachers, 27.3%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (0 teachers, 0%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (2 teachers, 18.2%)

5= Very comfortable (4 teachers, 36.4%)

17. Have you used an iPod or other MP3 device?

Yes (18 teachers, 75.0%) No (6 teachers, 25.0%)

17a. If yes, assess your comfort level in use of iPod or other MP3 device:

Average = 3.28

1= Very uncomfortable (3 teachers, 16.7%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (4 teachers, 22.2%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (1 teacher, 5.6%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (5 teachers, 27.8%)

5= Very comfortable (5 teachers, 27.8%)

18. Have you downloaded music from an internet source?

Yes (12 teachers, 48.0%) No (13 teachers, 52.0%)

18a. If yes, assess your comfort level in downloading music/ podcasts:

Average = 3.67

1= Very uncomfortable (1 teacher, 8.3%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (2 teachers, 16.7%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (1 teacher, 8.3%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (4 teachers, 33.3%)

5= Very comfortable (4 teacher, 33.3%)

19. Have you recorded using an iPod?

Yes (5 teachers, 20.0%) No (20 teachers, 80.0%)

19a. If yes, assess your comfort level in recording using ipod:

Average = 2.60

1= Very uncomfortable (1 teacher, 20.0%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (1 teacher, 20.0%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (2 teachers, 40.0%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (1 teacher, 20.0%)

5= Very comfortable (0 teachers, 0%)

20. Have you listened to a podcast?

Yes (13 teachers, 52.0%) No (12 teachers, 48.0%)

20a. If yes, assess your comfort level in using podcasts:

Average = 2.83

1= Very uncomfortable (2 teachers, 16.7%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (3 teachers, 25.0%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (4 teachers, 33.3%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (1 teacher, 8.3%)

5= Very comfortable (2 teachers, 16.7%)

21. Have you used an LCD projector in your classroom?

Yes (11 teachers, 44.0%) No (14 teachers, 56.0%)

21a. If yes, assess your comfort level in using an LCD Projector:

Average = 4.20

1= Very uncomfortable (0 teachers, 0%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (2 teachers, 20.0%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (0 teachers, 0%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (2 teachers, 20.0%)

5= Very comfortable (6 teachers, 60.0%)

22. What technology do you use in your classroom? Please list.

• Lap tops, desk tops, LCD projector, iPods, smart boards, CD player, overhead

• LCD projector, smart board

• PC, TV, VCR, DVD, Tape Recorder, CD player

• Internet

• Computer, TV, VCR, Cassette player, Overhead projector

• LCD, Laptop, Overhead, MP3 player, smartboard

• Computer for internet, Accelerated Reader with kids

• Desktops, Laptops, LCD

• Computer, TV, VCR, Overhead

• Computer, overhead

• Computer, LCD

• Computer, various other gadgets

• Computer, IPod, Laptops

• Computer and sometimes smartboard

• Computer, IPod - limited amount

• Smart board

• Smart boards, computers

• Internet, computer programs

• Computers, videos (making imovie of classroom using scientific methods), making DVD from field trip pictures

• Computer, printer, TV, VCR, Overhead

• Computer, overhead, CD player

• ELMO, LCD, CD player

• Computer, overhead projector, CD player

• CD player, computer research, computer testing

• CD player, overhead, cassette player

23. Assess your comfort level in using technology in your classroom:

Average = 3.68

1= Very uncomfortable (0 teachers, 0%)

2= Somewhat uncomfortable (5 teachers, 20.0%)

3= Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (4 teachers, 16.0%)

4= Somewhat comfortable (10 teachers, 40.0%)

5= Very comfortable (6 teachers, 24.0%)

24. What challenges or concerns do you have with the technology that will be used to deliver the Spanish lessons in your classroom?

• None (4 responses said None)

• I hope we have the right equipment in our classroom to make everything work.

• We do not currently have a tech support person. Classroom computer is dated.

• If we will have a technology person at our school.

• Bad tech support with in school.

• I know I will be comfortable using the podcasts after I get used to it. Don’t anticipate too many problems. It's just getting started

• My computer is too old to run and operate the projector. I-pod and podcasts efficiently.

• Learning to use new stuff.

• Having the correct programs to play podcasts/media. Being instructed how to use new technology.

• I just wanted to make sure I learned to use it correctly.

• I am concerned with: Technology not working, not having knowledge of understanding, everything they can do

• I'm not sure yet!

• That the technology works!

• With five other teachers right nearby using the same technology, I think I'll be fine.

• Time...Time...Time. I really don’t have concerns about the technology as long as we have some help with the iPods at first.

• That it will actually work when I need it to!

• Only that the technology works

• None - show me how it is done!

• I think I'll be able to get it.


25. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the Fluency Fast training:

Average = 4.88

1= Very dissatisfied (0 teachers, 0%)

2= Somewhat dissatisfied (0 teachers, 0%)

3= Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (1 teacher, 4.0%)

4= Somewhat satisfied (1 teacher, 4.0%)

5= Very satisfied (23 teachers, 92.0%)

26. What did you enjoy most about the training over the last five days?

• The approach

• Karen did and excellent job

• the teacher

• The actual learning with Karen and the method of delivery which I know now is TRS.

• Learning was made fun.

• The atmosphere, presenter

• It was pretty comfortable learning and fun. I really didn’t want to go very badly. All great people to work with. Weren't made to feel like we didn’t know much when we spoke Spanish.

• The interactive "fun" style of learning. - the right amount of time in class each day.

• Karen - she was fun and I learned a lot. stipend.

• Relaxed atmosphere, amount of info. learned

• Repetition

• Learning commands.

• The presenter/methods used.

• The enthusiasm of Karen.

• Method used - interaction and repetition. Teacher (Karen) was great!

• The relaxed atmosphere!

• It was fun and I learned a lot!

• Actually understanding so much Spanish!

• Fast paced - total involvement by all classmates. Lots of repetition. Fun - mostly stress free.

• Great presenter. intense, but not pressure filled.

• Learned a lot of Spanish and being able to comprehend it.

• Learning a lot of Spanish in a short amount of time

• Karen was fantastic. Here classes are fun and low stress. I learned so much in such a short time.

• Amazed at amount of Spanish I have learned.

• It's been a lot of fun - laughing and it's been fairly effortless!

27. What did you enjoy least about the training over the last five days?

• Missing a day

• intense learning

• Enjoyed everything.

• Learning what I learned in June and having to learn again in Aug

• The first day of Assessment.

• Assessments - driving through hail.

• Nothing (3 responses)

• Sometimes it went to fast but she (Karen) always slowed it down.

• I only attended three days and I felt behind.

• The last day and having to fill out more paperwork.

• Cant think of anything

• Classroom was cold - I enjoyed the training.

• Being away from family.

• Acting in front of the class

• Lots of sitting time

• Paperwork

• Role Playing

28. How could this training experience be improved?

• Making sure we can pronounce things correctly

• Being done closer to school starting

• training during the school year

• Another day closer to

• Move to end of the summer.

• Not so much noise next door.

• Overall good. No complaints.

• Let others know how useful and good it is.

• Have more food at lunch time

• Have more food available several days it ran out and people at the end of the line didn’t get much.

• Have more days.

• Maybe practice teaching the material more. This helps with our confidence in teaching to students.

• Practice with technology

• More advanced training with Karen.

29. What supports/ training would you like in the next academic year?

• More Spanish Classes

• Kathy D. will be a great support. Our online info. will work too.

• More with Karen after we have had a chance to work with our class.

• Spanish refresher, learn more Spanish

• Review, refreshers. Probably new ideas.

• Timely contact with mentor.

• Technology

• Tech.

• Follow up fluency classes

• More materials prepared for us to use in the classroom/children's books.

• A day or two per semester of "reteaching" the Spanish or adding more words.

• Classroom materials - literature books

• I am not sure yet, ask me when school starts.

• More fluency Spanish classes for teachers. My goal is to consider myself fluent in Spanish.

• Continued updates on podcasts, etc. hopefully shared by instructors and other teachers.

• email reminders on assessments

• More training in Spanish

• More Spanish training

• Another workshop with Karen.

• Sharing of websites; encouragement; refresher course?

• Sharing and discussing a story with my class.

30. Any additional comments or suggestions that you would like to share about the workshops?

• Why don’t you burn a CD with age appropriate songs for use with this class instead of purchasing 3 CD's with a couple of songs on each.

• Karen was very good with all of us - fun to work with.

• What an excellent opportunity. Thanks.

• Thank you to Jan and all the implementers for your hard work.

• Maybe do an example of a whole pod cast/assessing the class and then charting/recording results and filling out paperwork.

• Thank you.

• It was fun!

• I like the efforts made to make this experience easy for teachers to implement. I've been longing for a program like this.

• The amount of time in class was perfecto! Any longer and I wouldn't be able to concentrate. Chairs were comfortable. Good food.

• This has been great!

Results from New York State Language Assessment

Administered at the beginning of the week (PRE) and end of week (POST), following 4 days of Fluency Fast.

• Table 1 below indicates the total possible items that teachers could score correct, their average score on the pretest as well as the range of scores that teachers obtained on the pretest, the final average post test scores, a well as the range of scores teachers obtained for each section on the post-test. 52% improved by 24 points or more on the total assessment.

Table 1.

|Section |Total Possible | PRE Average | | POST Average |POST |Average % Correct PRE|Average % Correct POST|

| | |(n=25) | |(n=26) |(Range of Scores) | |(n=26) |

| | | |PRE | | | | |

| | | |(Range of Scores) | | | | |

|2B |10 |3.6 |0 - 8 |7.4 |2 - 10 |36.0% |73.9% |

|2C |10 |4.2 |0 - 8 |8.1 |6 - 10 |42.4% |80.8% |

|Total 2 |40 |17.1 |0 - 32 |34.4 |28 - 40 |42.8% |86.0% |

|3B |8 |1.9 |0 - 8 |4.9 |2 - 8 |24.0% |61.5% |

|Total 3 |20 |8.6 |

|2A |46.4% |94.6% |

|2B |36.0% |73.9% |

|2C |42.4% |80.8% |

|Total 2 |42.8% |86.0% |

|3A |56.0% |92.3% |

|3B |24.0% |61.5% |

|Total 3 |43.2% |80.0% |

|Total |42.9% |84.0% |


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