International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene

Colds, flu and other respiratory infections in the home

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|Respiratory infections are the most common illnesses in people of all ages. Good respiratory hygiene can help to reduce the |

|spread of these diseases. This briefing material has been produced for those who work in healthcare professions, the media and|

|others who are looking for background understanding of hygiene and hygiene issues and/or those who are responsible for |

|providing guidance to the public on how to reduce the risks of spread of respiratory infection in their homes. |

Worldwide, respiratory tract (RT) infections are the most common illnesses in people of all ages. Data from the United States, suggest that the mean number of respiratory illnesses experienced per year in adults is around 2-5, and in children under 5 years around 4-8. About 80% of upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses. Winter months see increased viral respiratory infections, which are caused by many different viruses. The common cold, influenza and other respiratory infections may occur concurrently and, as the symptoms are similar, it is often difficult to assess the relative impact of each virus during an outbreak situation.

Authorities world-wide remain concerned about the possibility of a global influenza pandemic. Pandemics arise when a new virus emerges which is capable of spreading in the world-wide population. Across the world, health agencies have been focusing on improving preparedness for a future influenza pandemic. This information and advice sheet however, deals mainly with colds and “seasonal influenza”.

How do I recognise a viral respiratory infection?

Common colds

Colds tend to begin slowly, with the first symptom usually a sore throat, followed by sneezing, a runny nose and nasal congestion. Children may also develop a slight fever (raised temperature). Symptoms usually last around 7 days, but may last longer in some people. Viral shedding in nasal secretions can continue for up to 3 weeks.

The common cold, a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, can affect all age groups and can be caused by any of up to 200 different viruses. Rhinoviruses cause up to 40% of common colds. Coronaviruses are responsible for up to one-third of common colds. Other causative viruses include parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and adenovirus. Rhinoviruses and coronaviruses have been found to cause a greater disease burden in elderly people living at home, compared to influenza virus or RSV. Rhinoviruses cause infections all year round, with one peak in the autumn, usually as a result of children returning to school.

Although colds are generally mild and self-limiting, they represent a significant economic burden due to loss in productivity and medical costs. Furthermore, secondary infections produce complications, such as otitis media, sinusitis, or lower respiratory infections including pneumonia, with its risk of mortality, particularly in the elderly. Studies have demonstrated that colds are also a trigger for asthma. RSV is the major cause of viral RT infection in young children worldwide. Child daycare attendance in North America carries with it a very high risk of RSV infection within the first 2 years of life, and may account for 0.5-1.0% of hospitalised infants in the USA.

Seasonal Influenza

Influenza, is a more serious RT illness, although there is a wide spectrum of severity of illness ranging from minor symptoms through to pneumonia and death. Common symptoms of flu include sudden onset of fever, headache, chills, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, runny nose, sore throat and dry cough. The symptoms quickly become more severe than those of a common cold.

Influenza occurs mostly in the winter months, normally peaking between December and March in the Northern hemisphere. Risks are highest among persons >65 years, children 38.0°C]. Other symptoms include headache, an overall feeling of discomfort and body aches. After 2-7 days, patients may have a dry cough and have trouble breathing. The incubation period for SARS is typically 2 to 7 days, but may be as long as 10 days.

SARS is caused by SARS coronavirus (SARS CoV). It was first recognised in Guangdong Province in China in November 2002, and spread worldwide before being contained by July 2003. Between July 2003 and May 2004, four small and rapidly contained outbreaks of SARS were reported; three of which appear to have been linked to laboratory releases of SARS. The source of the fourth outbreak remains unclear. The possibility of SARS re-emergence remains, and there is a need for continuing vigilance.

Other viral infections of the respiratory tract

A variety of other respiratory viruses can cause ‘flu-like’ symptoms, sometimes with infection of the lower respiratory tract. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) can infect the same person several times during a lifetime. It causes more severe illnesses (e.g. bronchiolitis, pneumonia) in children, but only a ‘common cold-like infection’ in adults. It can also produce a flu-like illness indistinguishable from influenza. RSV affects about 90% of children by the age of 2 years. It is often carried home by school children and passed onto their siblings in the home. Infections occur mainly in winter to early spring and are associated with high incidence of secondary pneumonia and death in the elderly. Human metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a closely related to RSV. It was only recently identified in 2001. It is associated with mild respiratory infections as well as severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia. hMPV infections are thought to occur mostly during winter. The number of people that suffer from hMPV each year is still to be determined. Infection occurs in infants and young children but hMPV has been found in older children and adults suggesting re-infection may occur later on in life.

Parainfluenza viruses (PIV) are a major cause of acute respiratory tract infections. They may cause lower respiratory illnesses (LRTI) (bronchitis, pneumonia) in young children. In older children and adults, parainfluenza virus causes upper respiratory illnesses (URTI) (e.g. common colds) which are usually only mild. Parainfluenza peaks in the late autumn to early winter. Most LRTI due to adenoviruses are mild and indistinguishable from other viral respiratory infections. Adenoviruses are a less frequent cause of LRTI in children than RSV or PIV, but can cause epidemics of severe LRTI in young children. Adenoviruses are implicated in 5-11% of URTI, and are also implicated in pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis and croup in children.[i]

How are respiratory viruses spread?

The mode of transmission of colds and influenza remains highly contentious. There are 3 possible routes of transmission:

Droplet transmission occurs when the infected individual directly sprays large droplets (droplets of size > 5µm) of infected mucous by coughing or sneezing, which propels the droplets onto conjunctiva of the eye (the virus enters the tear fluid and drains down a duct into the nose) or the lining of the nose of a susceptible host, where the virus then infects the mucous membranes.

Airborne transmission involves droplet nuclei (droplets of size < 5µm) and does not require face-to-face contact with the infected individual. Droplet nuclei settle from the air slowly and are respirable i.e. the virus can be drawn down directly into the alveolar region of the lungs where they infect the tissue of the lungs.

Contact transmission involves hands and surfaces. Infected droplets of mucous are deposited on surfaces either by settling of airborne droplets or being touched with contaminated fingers. An individual can pick up the virus if they touch a contaminated surface or shake hands with an infected individual with contaminated hands. They can then become infected if they rub their eyes or nose with contaminated hands when the virus infects the nasal mucosa.

It is probable that colds and flu can be transmitted by all 3 pathways, but there is considerable disagreement as to the relative importance of each pathway.

Spread of cold viruses

A significant amount of investigation was carried out during the 1970s and 80s to better understand the mode of transmission of cold viruses. The findings of these investigations are comprehensively reviewed by Goldmann[ii] as summarised in Appendix 1.

The commonly held belief is that colds are spread by particles of infected mucous generated by coughs and sneezes. However, increasingly, there is evidence that colds are transmitted via hands and surfaces. Infection can spread when fingers become contaminated by contact with the infected nose, or when surfaces such as handkerchiefs and tissues, tap and door handles or telephones become contaminated by droplets of infected mucous shed from the nose. The virus is passed onto another person either by handshaking or when contaminated surfaces are touched by that person. Individuals then infect themselves by touching their own nose or eyes with contaminated hands. Cold viruses deposited on surfaces can remain viable, in large numbers, for several hours and the ‘infectious dose’ (the number of viral particles required to cause infection) may be very small. For rhinovirus the infective dose may be less than ten particles.

Some investigators maintain that inoculation of the eyes or nose by contaminated hands is of paramount importance. Others maintain that the evidence favours droplet and droplet nuclei transmission as the most important mode of spread. Goldman maintains that, since coughs and sneezes tend to spray saliva from the pool at the front of the mouth (as opposed to mucous droplets from the nose), and saliva contains little or no cold virus, coughs and sneezes are unlikely to spread infection. Since saliva contains very little cold virus, it is also unlikely that colds are caught by kissing.

For RSV, there is general agreement that the hands are the primary route for the spread of infection.

Spread of influenza

Prompted by concerns about the possibility of a flu pandemic, a considerable amount or work has been carried out to try and establish the relative importance of the different routes of transmission. The findings of these investigations are summarised in Appendix 1.

Influenza virus is shed in large numbers from an infected person. Survival times for aerosolized influenza vary between 1 and 24 h. The virus can also survive on surfaces such as stainless steel and plastic for 24-48 hours, and for up to 12 hours on soft surfaces such as cloth, paper and tissues. By contrast the virus survives only short periods of time on the hands; investigations suggest that, after transfer to hands from surfaces, viable virus falls to a low level within 5 min.

It is probable that flu can be transmitted by all 3 pathways, but there is considerable disagreement as to the relative importance of each pathway. Whereas some investigators believe that droplet transmission is the major pathway for spread of flu and airborne transmission is of minor importance, others maintain that the role of droplet transmission has been overrated and that airborne transmission is a potentially important transmission pathway in indoor environments. Like colds, flu can also be spread via the hands by contact with objects that an infected person has contaminated with infectious nose and throat secretions, although there is less supporting evidence for this mode of spread than for colds.

Current WHO and ECDC recommendations on measures to reduce the spread of influenza are based on the supposition that influenza mainly spreads from person-to-person by large droplets from an infected person coughing and sneezing, and by contact transmission.

Understanding the relative importance of the different routes of transmission is key for development of strategies for containing a flu pandemic in the early stages, when a vaccine is not yet available. Recommending the use of face masks only makes sense if airborne or droplet transmission are important. Handwashing promotion is only worthwhile if contact transmission is significant. A 2007 analysis of measures such as isolation, quarantine, social distancing, barriers, personal protection and hygiene to prevent the spread of viruses such as influenza and SARS[iii], indicated that handwashing and wearing masks, gloves and gowns were effective individually in preventing the spread of respiratory viruses, and were even more effective when combined. Evidence that measures such as hand hygiene, can reduce spread of influenza comes from the SARS outbreaks in Hong Kong, which coincided with the latter part of influenza season, when it was observed that, as extensive personal and community public health measures took place, influenza case numbers fell significantly, more so than usual for the time of year.[iv]

Spread of SARS virus

Based on current evidence, close contact with an infected person poses the highest risk of cross infection from one person to another. Infectious mucous droplets are produced by sneezing, coughing etc. These droplets may contaminate the hands or can settle on nearby objects or surfaces. It is thought the virus may remain infective for up to 24 hours on dry surfaces. Other coronaviruses studied to date have not remained viable beyond 3-4 hours.[v] As with the common cold, it is thought that the virus can be spread by inhalation of infected droplets, or by people touching other people, or objects and surfaces that are contaminated with infectious droplets. Infection then occurs by transferring the virus from the hands to the eye(s), nose, or mouth. It is also possible that SARS is spread more broadly through the air or by other ways that are currently not known. SARS, like colds, appears to be less infectious than influenza.

Indications are that spread from faecal matter infected with the virus was the cause of the majority of the 300+ SARS cases in the apartment block outbreak in Hong Kong. An official investigation concluded that leaking sewage pipes and inadequate seals on U-bends were major contributors to the outbreak and that airborne particles carried the virus throughout the complex.

Nine out of 10 studies carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of hand hygiene showed that handwashing was protective against SARS transmission, but only in 3 studies was this result statistically significant. The authors concluded that the evidence was “suggestive, but not conclusive”, although the small size of the studies may have been an important factor. [vi]

If I get a cold or the flu, will it help to build my immunity against further colds or flu?

Unfortunately, one of the main problems with cold and flu viruses is the way in which new strains are continuously developing which means that immunity built against one strain will not protect us against the next one that appears.

Spread of common cold infections is dependent on viruses circulating around the community and a supply of susceptible noses to infect. In isolated communities that do not have regular contact with the rest of the world, the community can be free of colds until visitors introduce new viruses. There are many reports of epidemics of colds occurring in isolated island communities after the landing of a ship that brought in visitors with colds, but the colds die out as the population develops resistance.

Practical advice to prevent the risk of infection within the home

There has been a tendency to assume that, since nothing can be done to cure colds or flu, that catching these viruses is inevitable. We can seek vaccination that provides effective protection against the most likely strains of flu, but otherwise, colds and flu advice tends to be focused on how to cope once infected.

Avoidance of cold and flu viruses is worthwhile, but trying to prevent the spread of cold and flu germs through good respiratory hygiene also reduces the risks of infection. Good respiratory hygiene is particularly recommended in families where there are people more vulnerable to infection, something that is becoming more and more common. For these people the consequences of catching a cold may potentially be much more serious. Adopting good hygiene measures will reduce the chances of spreading infection in the home, particularly when someone in the family is already infected.

If you are already infected

“Good respiratory hygiene” reduces the risks or spread of infection to others. The key to good respiratory hygiene (as promoted in the 2007 winter communications campaign[vii]) is “catch it, bin it, kill it” which means:

• avoid touching your nose as much as possible. Block coughs or sneezes preferably with a tissue, or with your hands - but remember they are now contaminated and could spread infection.

• use disposable tissues rather than a cotton handkerchief to blow your nose. Dispose of tissues immediately and ‘safely’. DO NOT leave them lying around for other people to pick up and become infected.

• wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water. Make sure you use good mechanical action and rinse your hands under clean running water to remove any infected mucus. Make sure your hands are dry, as wet or moist hands are more likely to spread germs.

• alternatively if a washbasin is not available, use a alcohol ‘wet wipe’ tissue or a suitable waterless hand sanitiser* to clean your hands.


• think before you shake hands with anyone.

• remember that you can transmit the virus to other people via computer keyboards, TV remotes, telephones, door handles tap handles etc. – so wash your hands frequently

• cleaning cloths and sponges can readily spread germs from one surface to another. Make sure that cloths are disinfected immediately after use using a bleach disinfectant or other disinfectant that is capable of killing cold and flu viruses**, and thoroughly dried until next use. Alternatively use a disposable cloth or wipe to clean surfaces.

• do not share your towels, facecloths, toothbrushes, eating utensils, etc. with other family members.

• wash your laundry (especially handkerchiefs, towels, face-cloths) used by ill people separately from other laundry, and at a higher temperature (at least 60ºC) to ensure viruses are inactivated.

• if you are infected with influenza, stay indoors and keep contact with other people to a minimum until seven days after your symptoms have improved and you have had no fever for at least 48 hours.

Advice for carers and the family

• Treat your hands as potentially contaminated and avoid touching your nose and eyes.

• If someone leaves a tissue lying around on surfaces be aware that your hands will be contaminated after touching it – so wash them immediately whenever possible.

• Wash your hands thoroughly using soap and water after touching any suspect item. Rinse them under running water to remove any infected mucous. Make sure your hands are dry, as wet or moist hands are more likely to spread germs.

• Alternatively if a washbasin is not available, use an alcohol ‘wet wipe’ tissue or a suitable waterless hand sanitiser* to clean the hands.

• When looking after a baby with a continually runny nose, keep a plastic bag with you to collect tissues until you have the opportunity to dispose of them.

• Be aware that you and other family members could pick up infection from hand contact surfaces around the home. Ensure that surfaces frequently touched by different people are regularly cleaned and disinfected, e.g. door and cupboard handles, toilet flush handles, wash basin taps, telephones, computer keyboards and TV remotes. Where possible, use a bleach-based cleaner or other disinfectant/cleaner that is capable of killing viruses* but take with e.g. co,puter keyboards which could become damaged.

• Cleaning cloths and sponges can readily spread germs from one surface to another. Make sure that cloths are disinfected immediately after use using a bleach disinfectant** and thoroughly dried until next use. Alternatively use a disposable cloth or wipe to clean surfaces.

• Do not share towels, facecloths, toothbrushes, eating utensils etc. with an infected person.

• Wash any laundry (especially handkerchiefs, towels, face-cloths) used by ill people separately from other laundry, and at a higher temperature (at least 60ºC) to ensure viruses are inactivated.

• Make sure that as far as possible the home is kept well ventilated, and avoid spending time in rooms which are poorly ventilated.

*Waterless hand sanitisers (also called hand rubs) which are effective in inactivating cold and flu viruses on the hands are alcohol-based gels (or other products) containing not less than 62% v/v alcohol. For inactivation of cold and flu viruses on hands. An alternative formulation is also available which is a pyroglutamate/succinate buffering system (pH 3.) in a topical foam formulation. The formulation also contains a polymer that physically traps viral particles, reducing transfer from hands to the nasal mucosa or conjunctiva of the eye. The effect is thus achieved through a combination of virus entrapment and low pH inactivation of the virus. The action is sustained on hands for a few hours after application which helps protect against ongoing exposure to respiratory viruses.

**Disinfectants and disinfectant cleaners - Make sure you use a disinfectant or disinfectant/cleaner such as a bleach-based product, which is active against respiratory viruses. For more details on choosing the appropriate disinfectant, see the IFH information sheet “Cleaning and disinfection: Chemical Disinfectants Explained”. Consult the manufacturers’ instructions for information on the “spectrum of action”, and method of use (dilution, contact time etc). For bleach (hypochlorite) products, use a solution of bleach, diluted to 0.5% w/v or 5000ppm available chlorine. Household bleach (both thick and thin bleach) for domestic use typically contains 4.5 to 5.0% w/v (45,000-50,000 ppm) available chlorine. Bleach/cleaner formulations (e.g. sprays) are formulated to be used “neat” (i.e. without dilution). It is always advisable, however, to check the label as concentrations and directions for use can vary from one formulation to another.

You should also be aware that:

• although mucous in the nose and throat can be a source of infection for others, the production of mucous helps the patient because it traps bacteria and viruses and limits their spread in the body.

• hot tasty drinks and spicy foods increase mucous production and this can help relieve symptoms of sore throat and cough. In contrast, a hot dry atmosphere in a room can dry up mucous in the nose and throat and make us more vulnerable to infection.

• a flu injection can greatly reduce your chances of catching flu. The best time to get a flu injection is during October and November. Flu injections are most important for people of 65 years or older, people with health problems such as asthma or heart disease, or people who care for the elderly or sick

• antibiotics do not work against colds and flu.

In response to the need for education on respiratory hygiene, ECDC has produced an “Influenza Communication Toolkit”. The aim is to assist health communicators in devising communication campaigns to tackle seasonal influenza. The toolkit can be found at:

Other Resources

• CDC. Seasonal influenza basics.

• WebMD How flu spreads

• ECDC. Seasonal influenza.

• WHO Europe. Influenza.

• WHO. Influenza.

IFH teaching/self-learning resources on home hygiene

• Home hygiene - prevention of infection at home: a training resource for carers and their trainers. (2003) International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene. Available from:

Home Hygiene in Developing Countries: Prevention of Infection in the Home and Peridomestic Setting. A training resource for teachers and community health professionals in developing countries. International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene. Available from: best-practice-training/home-hygiene-developing-countries-prevention-infection-home-and-peri-domestic. (Also available in Russian, Urdu and Bengali)

Appendix 1 How are colds and flu spread? – supplementary information

Spread of cold viruses

A significant amount of work was carried out during the 1970s and 80s to find out how cold viruses are spread. These studies were reviewed by Goldmann in 20003:

• studies showed that colds can be induced by inoculating secretions from infected patients into the nose or eyes of healthy volunteers.

• studies showed that it is difficult to transmit the infection orally or by kissing. When volunteers with colds kissed ‘cold free’ volunteers for up to 1.5 minutes, only one case of cross infection occurred in 16 trials.

• studies show that the virus can be recovered from objects in the surroundings of people with rhinovirus colds, and that clean hands can pick up the virus by touching such objects. A study showed that most subjects with colds had rhinovirus on their hands, and virus could be recovered from 43% of surfaces they touched. For people with rhinovirus colds, virus was found on 39% of hands and 6% of objects in their immediate environment.

• in a study where asthmatic children were trained not to touch their nose and eyes so frequently, a 47% reduction in cold infections and 45% reduction in cold-associated asthma attacks was noted.

• after handling contaminated coffee cup handles, 50% of subjects developed an infection.

• mothers who regularly disinfected their hands with dilute iodine solution had a slightly lower infection rate than mothers using an inactive hand wash.

• Volunteers with colds played cards with healthy volunteers for 12 hours whilst prevented from touching their nose or eyes by a neck collar and arm brace. Over half of healthy volunteers developed colds, indicating that the infection could only have occurred via aerosol transmission.

• volunteers suffering from colds were recruited to stay overnight in hotel rooms. After checkout, virus was found on 35% of objects, including door handles, light switches, pens, faucet and toilet handles, and television remote controls. In a second study where the same subjects stayed overnight in a hotel room where hand contact surfaces (light switch phone button and handset) had been contaminated with rhinovirus-contaminated mucus, 60% of subjects became contaminated with rhinovirus.[viii]

• Homes of subjects with rhinovirus colds were tested. Sixty-seven (42%) of 160 surfaces were positive for rhinovirus. Surfaces most frequently contaminated were doorknobs (6/18), refrigerator door handles (8/14), TV remote controls (5/10), and bathroom faucets (8/10). Infected nasal mucus from 6 subjects was deposited on household objects. Infectious rhinovirus was detected on 23.5%, 4% and 0% of fingertips following contact with these objects which had been contaminated 1, 24 and 48 hours previously.[ix]

Some investigators maintain that contamination of the hands followed by innoculation of the eyes or nose is of paramount importance and that there is little evidence that rhinovirus colds can be transmitted orally or by kissing, and little evidence of droplet or droplet nuclei transmission. Others maintain that the evidence favours droplet and droplet nuclei transmission as the most important mode of spread.[x]

Spread of influenza

The mode of transmission of influenza remains highly contentious. The relative ability of the virus to cause infection by airborne, droplet or contact transmission is determined by a number of factors including the number of virus particles shed from the infected person, the distance which infected airborne particles can travel, the extent to which the virus can survive in the environment and the infective dose. It also depends upon how people behave. The available data is reviewed in a 2008 report by Weber et al, commissioned by the European Commission[xi]:

Shedding of virus particles from the infected person,

• People infected with influenza viruses shed large quantities of virus-laden mucous. Up to 107 infectious influenza particles per ml has been detected in nasal secretions.[xii]

Transmission of infected airborne particles

• Coughing and sneezing produces droplets in size range from 3m to contaminate surrounding surfaces.

• The ability of particles to penetrate into the lungs decreases with particle size. Weber concludes that most particles expelled by coughing or sneezing are not inhaled into the lungs, because they are too large or because they have settled quickly after expulsion.

Virus survival in the environment

Pathogen-loaded mucous can only cause disease if the pathogens survive in the airborne state or on surfaces. Inactivation rates vary by several orders of magnitude. On inanimate surfaces and in aerosols, daily inactivation rates are in the order of 1-102. On hands the daily inactivation rate is of the order of 103. This means that the influenza virus can survive in aerosols for several hours, on hands for only a few minutes. Nasal mucous has a survival-enhancing effect, which may explain why the virus can be found on surfaces in homes and daycare centers. Investigations have shown that:

• maximum survival times for aerosolised influenza vary between 1 h (80% RH) and 24 h (20% RH). Several investigators found that aerosolised influenza virus survives well at low RH and is inactivated quickly at medium and high RH, whilst others identified a survival minimum at middle RH and an increase in survival at high RH. Low temperatures increase survival.

• at 35-40% RH, typical for indoor environments, influenza A virus survived for more than 24-48 h on stainless steel and plastic surfaces. Transfer from stainless steel to hands occurred for up to 24 h

• at 35-40% RH influenza A virus dropped to undetectable levels after 8-12h on porous surfaces such as paper tissue, pajamas or paper. Transfer of viable influenza A virus from paper tissue to hands was only possible for 15 min,

• after the transfer to hands from both surface types, viable virus fell to a low level within 5 min.

• on Swiss banknotes influenza A viruses of the subtypes H1N1 and H3N2 have very low inactivation rates. H1N1 shows a low inactivation rate of approximately 0.05 day_1.

• in a study of US daycare centres and domestic homes, influenza A virus was detected on 23% of daycare centre surfaces sampled during the fall and 53% of surfaces sampled during the spring. Whilst no influenza was detected on home surfaces during the summer, influenza was detected on 59% of surfaces sampled during March in 5 homes where there was an influenza-infected child. No virus was recovered from 3 other homes where household members were healthy. Influenza virus was recovered most frequently from telephone receivers (80%) and least frequently from computer keyboards (40%). Other surfaces found to be contaminated included refrigerators, kitchen taps, light switches, microwaves, TV remote controls, door knobs, baths and taps and toilet handles. Influenza virus was recovered from 69% of the daycare centre nappy changing areas indicating presence of virus in infant faeces.

The infective dose

• It is assumed that infection can occur via both upper and lower respiratory tract down to the alveoli, although the nasal infectious dose of influenza A is several orders of magnitude larger than the airborne infectious dose. The nasal infectious dose ID50 (the dose that infects 50% of the exposed persons) is in the range of 100-1000 TCID50, whereas the airborne ID50 is in the range of 0.6-3.0 TCID50. A rough calculation based on volumes of droplets and virions suggests that between 103 and 107 virions fit into droplets with diameters between 1 and 10µm. i.e. an infective dose could easily fit into one droplet.

• There are no estimates for the ocular infectious dose of influenza A; it remains to be seen whether viruses inoculated in the eye could find their way to the nasal mucosa through the lacrymal ducts in sufficient amounts to initiate an infection.

• The ability of particles to penetrate into the lungs decreases with particle size. Weber concludes that most pathogens expelled by coughing or sneezing are not inhaled into the lungs, either because they are too large or because they have settled quickly after expulsion.

The evidence suggests that flu can transmit by all 3 pathways, but there is considerable disagreement as to the relative importance of each. Whereas some investigators believe that droplet transmission is the major route of spread of flu and airborne transmission is of minor importance, others maintain that the role of droplet transmission has been overrated and that airborne transmission is an important transmission pathway especially in indoor environments. The data and arguments for and against are summarised in a number of publications.[xiii],[xiv],[xv],[xvi],[xvii],[xviii], [xix],[xx]

WHO,[xxi] and ECDC[xxii] recommendations are based on the supposition that viral respiratory infections mainly spread by large droplets from an infected person coughing and sneezing and by contact transmission. ECDC currently consider that fine droplet and aerosol spread may occur, but is a possibility only in a minority of infections e.g. in healthcare settings where medical procedures can generate aerosols containing virus. From a 2007 systematic literature review, Brankston et al21 also conclude that, in reality, transmission occurs at close range rather than over long distances, suggesting that airborne transmission, as traditionally defined, is unlikely to be of significance, but this conclusion is contested by others.20,22

By contrast, Weber et al.13 conclude the following:

• with regard to airborne transmission of droplet nuclei, the biology of virus inactivation and the physics of aerosols make it likely that this is an important transmission pathway in indoor environments, especially in unventilated conditions. Under these conditions influenza A virus may remain infectious for a considerable time in the airborne state. Whereas large droplets expelled by coughing or sneezing are not inhaled into the lungs, because they are too large or have settled too quickly, it is estimated that 103 to 107 virions could easily fit into the smaller droplet nuclei which can be inhaled into the lung. Since the airborne infectious dose is around 0.6-3.0 (compared with 100-1000 for the nasal infectious dose) transmission through fine droplets becomes more plausible.

• Since large droplets travel only short distances and infection depends on direct deposition on the mucosa of a susceptible person, droplet transmission will only occur if infected and susceptible persons are in close contact (several tens of cm apart), of comparable height and the sneeze or cough is directed in the ‘‘right’’ direction. Weber argues that the aerodynamics of large droplets show that even a close cough is unlikely to cause infection, and only a close, unprotected, horizontally directed sneeze could be enough to cause droplet transmission. It remains unknown how commonly this occurs, but such sneezes are probably quite rare. Droplet transmission is also constrained by the fact that the nasal infectious dose is around 100-1000 TCID50. Weber et al. thus conclude that “transmission through this pathway is most likely a rare event”.

Assuming that contact transmission involves hand transfer to nasal mucosa or conjunctiva of the eye, inactivation on environmental surfaces and human skin are the major limiting factors. Since inactivation occurs very rapidly on hands, this appears to be the most important. If, however, virus on surfaces is being constantly renewed and there is frequent hand contact with these surfaces, then even short survival times on human skin make contact transmission probable. The data suggest that if people are not being watched, nose-picking and eye-rubbing occur at a rate of approximately 0.4 h-1, although if people are facing each other the rate is 10 times less. The fact that influenza virus shows high stability on non-porous surfaces such as door handles, light switches or telephone buttons increases the possibility of contact transmission in highly frequented public settings such as hotel rooms, public transport, public toilets etc. Transmission via hands has been demonstrated by hand hygiene intervention studies; a systematic review showed that hand cleansing can cut the risk of respiratory infection in home and community settings by up to 23%.[xxiii] Weber concludes that contact transmission could be a key transmission mode.

A further analysis published in 2008[xxiv], involving a detailed mathematical model of influenza transmission infection risk in a four-person household, also concluded that “droplet transmission might also be possible but the results strongly indicate a dominance of airborne transmission for influenza”.

Overall, the question as to which transmission mode/s is responsible for most influenza infections remains controversial. For influenza, none of the three possible transmission modes has unambiguously been demonstrated to be responsible for most infections. There appears to be agreement that airborne transmission is at least possible, but strong disagreement about its importance relative to droplet and contact transmission. Given the need to formulate robust and efficient non-pharmaceutical control measures in case of a new pandemic, more quantitative estimates for the importance of the different transmission modes are called for.

This fact/advice sheet was last updated in 2015



[i] Cherry JD. Adenoviruses. In Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Vol 2. Ed Feigin RD and Cherry JD. pp1666-84. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1998. 8.

[ii] Goldmann D. Transmission of viral respiratory infections in the home. Paediatr Infect Dis J 2000;19:S97-S102.

[iii] Jefferson T, Foxlee R, Del Mar C,\\\\\\\ et al. Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses: systematic review. British Medical Journal 2007;336:77-80. doi:10.1136/British Medical Journal.39393.510347.BE

[iv] Lo JY, Tsang TH, Leung YH, Yeung EY, Wu T, Lim WW. Respiratory infections during SARS outbreak, Hong Kong, 2003. Emerg Infect Dis 2005;11:1738-41.

[v] Sizun J, Yu MWN, Talbot PJ. Survival of human coronaviruses 229E and OC43 in suspension and after drying on surfaces: a possible source of hospital-acquired infections. J Hosp Infect 2000;46:55-60.

[vi] Chun-Hai Fung I, Cairncross S. Effectiveness of handwashing in preventing SARS: a review. Tropical Medicine and International Health 2006;11:1749-58.

[vii] Catch it, Bin it, Kill it - Respiratory and hand hygiene campaign 2007-2008. UK department \of Health.

[viii] Winther B, McCue K, Rubino J and Hendley JO. Environmental Contamination With Rhinovirus and Transfer to Fingers of Healthy Individuals by Daily Life Activity J. Med. Virol. 79:1606–1610, 2007\

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