The Episcopal Church of the Advent

-914401524000THE ADVENT CHRONICLEOur Purpose: Love God, Love One Another, Make Disciples2108200123190Office HoursMon., Wed., Thurs., 9:00am – 12:00pmTuesday 9:00am – 4:30pm00Office HoursMon., Wed., Thurs., 9:00am – 12:00pmTuesday 9:00am – 4:30pm4572011049011251 SW Hwy 484Dunnellon, FL 34432(352) 465-727202000011251 SW Hwy 484Dunnellon, FL 34432(352) 465-7272November 2020episcopalchurchadvent@318452543180A message from Fr. BarrettThe Lord be with youLike much of America, our family plans changed this year with the virus. We were scheduled to take a cruise with my oldest son and his wife in the summer. They were going to treat us to a gondola ride in Venice for our 50th anniversary. Labor Day weekend we had planned to visit my daughter in Philadelphia. I have not seen either granddaughter in over a year. In fact I have only seen my youngest granddaughter once. Then we had planned to spend Thanksgiving with my oldest son, daughter and all the grandchildren in Philadelphia. I realize that these are small irritations compared to so many families who are mourning this year. The virus did touch our family, but thank God my son, daughter in law, and grandchildren all recovered.So what are we to say about these things? Dare we hope in the middle of a pandemic? November is the month preceding Advent. Just as the church year is coming to a close, the gospel readings for this month indicate Jesus’ ministry coming to a close. After All Saints Sunday, we seem to descend on a path of bad news. Mt. 25:1-13 describes the plot against Jesus and his anointing for death. Mt. 25:14-30 describes Jesus’ betrayal and the Last Supper. Mt. 25: 31-46 describes Peter’s denial of Jesus and Jesus’ agony in the garden as he sees his impending torture and death.00A message from Fr. BarrettThe Lord be with youLike much of America, our family plans changed this year with the virus. We were scheduled to take a cruise with my oldest son and his wife in the summer. They were going to treat us to a gondola ride in Venice for our 50th anniversary. Labor Day weekend we had planned to visit my daughter in Philadelphia. I have not seen either granddaughter in over a year. In fact I have only seen my youngest granddaughter once. Then we had planned to spend Thanksgiving with my oldest son, daughter and all the grandchildren in Philadelphia. I realize that these are small irritations compared to so many families who are mourning this year. The virus did touch our family, but thank God my son, daughter in law, and grandchildren all recovered.So what are we to say about these things? Dare we hope in the middle of a pandemic? November is the month preceding Advent. Just as the church year is coming to a close, the gospel readings for this month indicate Jesus’ ministry coming to a close. After All Saints Sunday, we seem to descend on a path of bad news. Mt. 25:1-13 describes the plot against Jesus and his anointing for death. Mt. 25:14-30 describes Jesus’ betrayal and the Last Supper. Mt. 25: 31-46 describes Peter’s denial of Jesus and Jesus’ agony in the garden as he sees his impending torture and death.4729743529CONTENTSMessage from Fr Barrett ? ? ? ? ? ?1 Holiday Food Baskets? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2Backpacks4Kids Schedule? ? ? ? ? ?3Sunrise Hats and Mittens ? ? ? ? ? 4Aluminum “Pull Tabs”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4DAG Board? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4 Milestones ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?6Up Coming Events ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7Humor of the Day? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?7Weekly EventsTuesday: 2nd Tues. Vestry Meet at 5:30pm Wednesday: 1st Wed. of the month is Advents Food Pantry 9 to NoonThursday:9:30am EFM Class Saturday: 1st Saturday of the Month DOK Meet at 10:30am00CONTENTSMessage from Fr Barrett ? ? ? ? ? ?1 Holiday Food Baskets? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2Backpacks4Kids Schedule? ? ? ? ? ?3Sunrise Hats and Mittens ? ? ? ? ? 4Aluminum “Pull Tabs”? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4DAG Board? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?4 Milestones ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?6Up Coming Events ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7Humor of the Day? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?7Weekly EventsTuesday: 2nd Tues. Vestry Meet at 5:30pm Wednesday: 1st Wed. of the month is Advents Food Pantry 9 to NoonThursday:9:30am EFM Class Saturday: 1st Saturday of the Month DOK Meet at 10:30amOK now let’s break for Thanksgiving! Perhaps at no other time in the church year do the church and world collide and diverge so much. The lectionary of course is preparing us for Advent and the new church year which starts three days later. Advent is all about repentance and preparing for the return of Jesus.So the readings that precede the secular holiday of Thanksgiving are quite appropriate as a prelude to Advent. They confront us with the sacrificial love of God and our need for a Savior. Indeed we repeat the disciple’s betrayal of Jesus whenever we allow our priorities about time, talent, and money to place gifts to God as leftovers or after thoughts. They are also related to the secular holiday. As we give thanks once again this year, we rejoice that we serve a God who sees us not as we are, but as he wants us to be and acts to bridge the gap between us with his own precious blood.Happy Thanksgiving and praise the Lord for his deeds are marvelous in our eyes!Father BarrettHOLIDAY FOOD BASKETSDelivery date is NOVEBER 18, 2020. We will meet here at the church at 8:00 AM Many volunteers are needed to assist with; unloading the truck, organizing the tables, packaging the boxes as well as making some deliveries.I do not have a final count at this time, but it appears as thou we will be doing about 95 boxes.If all goes as planned, we should all be back home no later than noontime.This is a ministry has its own rewards and appears to be enjoyed by all that participate, won't you please consider coming out and assisting us.All monies that are left from Thanksgiving will go directly towards the Christmas baskets.Yours in ChristAl Sickle`BackPack 4 Kids ScheduleSunrise Hats and MittensIn late October, I contacted Sunrise Elementary School to discuss their Covid-19 requirements and to confirm their acceptance of our hats and mittens. Happily, we are a go! Please place your finished items in the large blue plastic container, located in the Narthex, by Sunday, November 15th. Any item submitted after this date will be held for next year’s effort.On behalf of the children, thank you for all your hard work in making the hats and mittens—they will keep the children much warmer on the chilly days to come. On a related note, after 7 years of leading the Sunrise effort, I have decided to retire from it effective December 1, 2020. Please contact Fr. Bill if you would be interested in leading this ministry or, if you have any questions as to what it entails, feel free to give me a call at (352) 502-3448.Karin RobertsAluminum “Pull Tabs”Five years ago this month, we started to collect aluminum “pull tabs” and forward them to a recycling program that benefitted the Ronald McDonald House in Gainesville. With your help in pulling tabs, it has been a great success. However, the time has come for our tab collecting to end.Please place your collected “pull tabs” in the small brown plastic container, located in the Narthex, by Sunday, November 15th. No more tabs will be collected after this date. Again, thank you for all the tabs you have donated over the years!Karin RobertsHi Everyone -DAG BoardI hope that all is well is with each of you and your families.? I have been in constant communication with Sarah Caprani, the Bishop's Administrative Assistant, regarding Diocesan activities.? As a Diocese we will be slow to return to more normal worship services and church activities.? Per Sarah a few decisions have been made.? Most church services will remain as they have been in recent weeks.? The 2021 Annual Diocesan Convention will be held via Zoom on Saturday, February 6th with no Eucharist.? Thus, we will have nothingto do for the Convention.?Although I do not wish to change our Annual Meeting, but because of the median age of our Altar Guild members, I want us to consider the possibility of having a meeting via Zoom. ?The Diocesan Office has a Zoom account that will permit 100 people to sign in.? We could hold our business meeting, have a video message from the Bishop (which he has done for other meetings) and perhaps have a speaker, presentation, or a question & answer session.? Rather than an exchange table perhaps we could have photos of some larger items with contact information.? I am open to other ideas. ?Basically, it would be less than a 2 hour meeting if we started around 10:00 am.OR, we can go ahead with the initial plans we have made and hope that situation gets better and that the CDC guidelines change allow gatherings of more than 50 people without social distancing.I know we talked about a meeting in October but my husband and I are traveling up to WV and OH for relatives' birthdays - especially for one who turns 94.? If I think I can handle a Zoom meeting on the road, I will probably do it between October 22 - 24.? In the meantime, if you have any ideas or comments, please reply to all so we all ?receive input.?I will keep in touch.? Thanks for all you do for our DAG Board, your church and your Altar Guild.Blessings.Kathy************************Kathy ShearerPres. DAG BoardRep. Central Florida Deanery407-230-4350wwdassoc@MilestonesIf your birthday or anniversary is not listed or is incorrect please contact the office and let us know– we want to include you with our blessings and best wishes on your special day.BirthdaysDiane Hutchinson11/01Avis Nettles11/02Wayne Baker11/05Joe Brandt11/05Irma McNeal11/05Bob Petkanics11/05Debra Lord11/12Jules Poirier11/13Mary Lou Matteo11/14Daniel Wilson11/18Charles Strauss11/22Bruce Monforte11/27AnniversariesWayne & Geraldine Baker11/06Charles & Shirley Strauss11/07Paul & Marion Glanden11/15Dave & Gloria Wilberg11/17Bill & Linda Kenefick11/18Fr. Bill & Gaye Barrett11/21________________________________________________________________________If anyone is interested in the Psalm 121 Ministry (Pray Warrior’s) please speak to or call Alice DePerna at 352-489-1335The Church is in need of Acolytes, Altar Guild helpers and Ushers. If anyone would like to volunteer or be a substitute please give Liz Herrick a call for Acolyte at (352) 291-4878 or e-mail her at tinlizziehr@, For Altar Guild, please call Lynn Johns at (305) 240-0163 or e-mail her at lajohns1@, Dick & Bonnie Purnell for Ushers. Call Bonnie at (386) 559-2491 or email: Purnell.bonnie@. Dick at (727) 992-2397 or email: Purnell.rt@Upcoming Events DO NOT FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ON Saturday, October 31st November 4th, Food Pantry at the Advent 9:00am to NoonNovember 5th, EfM Class at 9:30am to NoonNovember 7rd, Daughter of the King Meeting at 10:30amNovember 10th, Vestry Meet at 5:30pm all are welcomeLet’s have some Humor of the DayCorrectionsIf you see that an error was made, please let me know, so that I have the right info.Thank you, Lesley Ciullo _____________________________________________________________________883920055054540000200005975350-2540914400118745The Advent ChronicleEpiscopal Church of the Advent11251 SW Highway 484Dunnellon FL 34432-64134000020000The Advent ChronicleEpiscopal Church of the Advent11251 SW Highway 484Dunnellon FL 34432-6413 ................

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