National Health Information Survey (NHIS) 2001

National Health Interview Survey: Adult/Core: AIDS-Section

2000 – 2006

TBHRD The next questions are about tuberculosis, or TB. Have you ever heard of tuberculosis?

1) Yes (ADS.210)

2) No (A_AIDS_END)

3) Refused (A_AIDS_END)

(9) Don’t know (A_AIDS_END)

TBKNOW Have you ever personally known anyone who had TB?

1) Yes

2) No

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know

TB How much do you know about TB – a lot, some, a little, or nothing?

1) A lot (ADS.230)

2) Some (ADS.230)

3) A little (ADS.230)

4) Nothing (ADS.250)

(7) Refused (A_AIDS_END)

(9) Don’t know (A_AIDS_END)

TBSPRD How is TB spread? (PROBE: Can TB be spread in any other way?)

FR: Show Flashcard A17. Mark all that apply. Enter (N) for no more.

1) Breathing the air around a person who is sick with TB

2) Sharing eating/drinking utensils

3) Through semen or vaginal secretions shared during sexual intercourse

4) From smoking

5) From mosquito or other insect bites

6) Other

7) Refused

9) Don’t know

TBCURED As far as you know, can TB be cured?

1) Yes

2) No

7) Refused

(9) Don’t know

TBCHANC What are your chances of getting TB? Would you say high, medium, low or none?

1) High

2) Medium

3) Low

4) None

5) Already have TB

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know

HOMELESS Have you ever spent more than 24 hours living on the streets, in a shelter, or in a jail or prison?

1) Yes

2) No

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know


If a member of your family were diagnosed with TB, would you feel ashamed or embarrassed?


If you are or member of your family were diagnosed with TB, would you feel ashamed or embarrassed?

1) Yes

2) No

(7) Refused

(9) Don’t know



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