Death Data Dictionary - Wa

Death Statistical File Data Dictionary, 1980-2015

Washington State Department of Health

Center for Health Statistics, July, 2016

The following are NEW beginning with the 2012 death data:

• Files and code tables are being distributed in .csv format: In the .csv flies all dates are in format DD-MMM-YY and include separate month, day, and year fields. Other differences are noted in the field description section (page 10).

• Place External Injury Occurred: The National Safety Council Place Code for place an external injury occurred (injplace)is no longer available. The National Center for Health Statistics code for place an external injury occurred (injpnchs) is still available.

• NCHS Bridged Race: The variable sum_race, available since 2004, is based on all races reported (with editing to remove duplicate race groups) and allows for multiple-race reporting. It is based on 1997 OMB standards. The NCHS bridged race (brg_race) variable bridges multiple-race reporting back to one of four race categories (White, Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian/Pacific Islander) and includes single race reporting. This variable allows estimation of race-specific statistics based on the four race categories used in the 1977 OMB standards of four race categories. Many national health statistics, including birth and death, continue to be reported using the 1977 OMB standards.

The following items are NEW beginning with the 2011 death data:

• Disposition Facility Code: It is a four digit code representing the place of disposition.

The following items are NEW beginning with the 2010 death data:

• New City Codes: The following cities now have populations large enough to have city codes: Kalama (Cowlitz county, code 0805), Okanogan (Okanogan county, code 2404), Moxee (Yakima county, code 3911)

• Federal Occupation Codes: The federal occupation(occ_fed)and industry (ind_fed)codes are no longer available.

The following items are NEW beginning with the 2007 death data:

• Marital Status: A new code was added beginning July 2007 to include an option for domestic partner.

The following items were new beginning with the 2006 death data:

• Reported Manner of Death: Beginning with the 2006 death file we have added the reported manner of death (rinj_caus) to the end of the file.

The following sections were changed beginning with the 2004 data dictionary:

• Milham occupation codes: The file to define codes has been updated

• New State of Birth Codes: There are two new NCHS state of birth codes.

• New ICD-10 codes: New ICD-10 code I27.2: “Other secondary pulmonary hypertension”

• New Variables: 32 new variables have been added to the end of the layout reflecting the changes in the revised 2004 death certificate.

• Changes to Variables: There have also been changes to the following variables: Education, Marital Status, Hispanic Origin, Race, Length of time at Residence, Place of death, Manner of Death, and Tobacco Use.

All data files are .csv format. The record length for the 1980-1987 files is 212, for the 1988-2003 files is 328, for the 2004-2005 files is 423, for the 2006-2010 files is 425, for the 2011 files is 429, and for the 2012 files is 431.

INDEXES - To help you find the variable you need, four separate indexes are listed at the beginning of this data dictionary. The four indexes are:

INDEX BY FIELD NUMBER - numeric 3-digit field number

INDEX BY DESCRIPTION - alphabetical by descriptive title

INDEX BY FIELD NAME - alphabetical by 8-digit field name

INDEX BY CATEGORY - alphabetical by groups of related fields


Field Field

Description Number Name Columns

Certificate Number 1 certno 1-10

Sex 2 sex 11-11

Date of Death 3 dth_date 12-19

Race 4 race 20-20

Type of Age Unit 5 ageunit 21-21

Number of Age Units 6 ageunum 22-23

Hispanic Origin 7 hisp 24-24

Date of Birth 8 dob 25-32

County and City of Occurrence 9 city_occ 33-36

County of Occurrence 10 cnty_occ 33-34

Facility or Institution of Death 11 facility 37-39

State of Birth 12 statebir 40-41

High School Graduate 13 hs_grad 42-42

Marital Status (new code added 2007) 14 married 43-43

County and City of Residence 15 city_res 44-47

County of Residence 16 cnty_res 44-45

Contributory Cause of Death 17 contrib 50-50

Underlying Cause of Death 18 underly 51-54

Autopsy 19 autopsy 55-55

External Cause 20 inj_caus 56-56

Injury Date 21 inj_date 57-64

Injury Hour 22 inj_hour 65-66

Injury Minute 23 inj_min 67-68

Injury at Work 24 injatwrk 69-69

Place External Injury Occurred 25 injplace 70-70

County/City External Injury Occurred 26 city_inj 71-74

County External Injury Occurred 27 cnty_inj 71-72

Smoking Status 28 smoking 75-75

Death Hour 29 dth_hour 76-77

Death Minute 30 dth_min 78-79

Classification of Attendant at Death 31 attclass 80-81

Usual Occupation - Milham's Code 32 occ_sam 82-84

Facility Type for Place of Death 33 fac_type 91-91

ZIP Code of Residence 34 zipcode 92-96

Occupation - Federal Code 35 occ_fed 97-99

Industry - Federal Code 36 ind_fed 100-102

Education Level 37 educ 103-105

Length of Residence, Unit Type 38 resunit 106-106

Length of Residence, Number of Units 39 resunum 107-108

State of Residence 40 st_res 109-110

State of Occurrence 41 st_occ 111-112

Death AM or PM 42 dth_ampm 114-114

Citizenship status 43 citizen 115-115

Age in Years 44 age 116-118

Occupation - Literal 45 occ_lit 119-148

Industry - Literal 46 ind_lit 149-178

Emergency Care Code 47 emergent 179-179

Injury Time, AM or PM 48 inj_ampm 180-180

State of External Injury Occurrence 49 st_inj 181-182

Armed Forces Code 50 armforce 187-187

Inside City Limits Flag 51 incity 188-188

Disposition Type (new codes for 2004) 52 disptype 189-189

Disposition Date 53 dispdate 190-197

Funeral Home Code 54 funeralc 198-201

Coroner Referred 55 referred 202-202

County Receive Date 56 rcvdt 203-210

NCHS New Record Flag 57 nchsnew 211-211

External Event Code 58 ecode 212-212

TRANSAX Conversion Flag 59 transax 213-213

Injury Flag for up to 20 conditions starts 60 injflg1-20 214+

ICD Cause of Death Code starts 61 mltcse1-20 215+

NCHS Place of Injury Code 100 injpnchs 314-314

Birth Country Code 101 bcountry 315-317

County File Number (blank as of 2004, see field 138)

102 cntyfile 318-323

Zip code assigned by GIS software 103 geozip 324-328

**** New Variables Beginning in 2004***********

Zip Code of Death Occurrence 104 zip_occ 329-333

Education Years If LE 8th Grade 105 edu_le8 334

Hispanic Origin, Not Hispanic 106 hisp_no 335

Hispanic Origin, Mexican 107 hisp_mex 336

Hispanic Origin, Puerto Rican 108 hisp_pr 337

Hispanic Origin, Cuban 109 hisp_cub 338

Hispanic Origin, Other Hispanic 110 hisp_oth 339

Race, White 111 race_wht 340

Race, Black 112 race_blk 341

Race, American Indian/Alaska Native 113 race_ami 342

Race, Asian Indian 114 race_asi 343

Race, Chinese 115 race_chi 344

Race, Filipino 116 race_fil 345

Race, Japanese 117 race_jap 346

Race, Korean 118 race_kor 347

Race, Vietnamese 119 race_vie 348

Race, Other Asian 120 race_oas 349

Race, Native Hawaiian 121 race_haw 350

Race, Guamanian or Chamorro 122 race_gua 351

Race, Samoan 123 race_sam 352

Race, Other Pacific Islander 124 race_opi 353

Race, Other 125 race_oth 354

Residence Tribal Reservation Code 126 res_trbc 355-357

Length of Residence at Address, Unit type 127 res_lena 358

Length of Residence at Address, # units 128 res_auni 359-360

Informant Relationship 129 informrl 361-390

Autopsy Available 130 autopava 391

Zip Code Where Injury Occurred 131 zipinjoc 392-396

Pregnancy Status 132 pregstat 397

Tobacco Use Contributed to Death 133 tbcontri 398

Transport Injury Role 134 transinj 399

Date of Death Modifier 135 dod_modi 400

Occupation - Federal Code 2004 Revision 136 occfed04 401-403

Industry – Federal Code 2004 Revision 137 indfed04 404-406

County File Number(new 2004-longer length)138 cntyfile 407-421

Decedent’s Summary Race 139 sum_race 422-423

*** New Variable Beginning in 2006***

Reported Manner of Death 140 rinj_caus 424

**** New Variable Beginning in 2011****

Disposition Facility Code 141 disp_fac 426-429

**** New Variable Beginning in 2012****

NCHS Bridged Race 142 brg_race 430-431



Field Field

Description Number Name Columns

Age in Years 44 age 116-118

Armed Forces Code 55 armforce 187-187

Autopsy 19 autopsy 55-55

Autopsy Available 130 autopava 391

Birth Country Code 101 bcountry 315-317

Certificate Number 1 certno 1-10

Citizenship status 43 citizen 115-115

Classification of Attendant at Death 31 attclass 80-81

Contributory Cause of Death 17 contrib 50-50

Coroner Referred 55 referred 202-202

County and City of Occurrence 9 city_occ 33-36

County and City of Residence 15 city_res 44-47

County External Injury Occurred 27 cnty_inj 71-72

County File Number(blank as of 2004) 102 cntyfile 318-323

County File Number(new 2004-longer length)138 cntyfile 407-421

County of Occurrence 10 cnty_occ 33-34

County of Residence 16 cnty_res 44-45

County Receive Date 56 rcvdt 203-210

County and City External Injury Occurred 26 city_inj 71-74

Date of Birth 8 dob 25-32

Date of Death 3 dth_date 12-19

Date of Death Modifier 135 dod_modi 400

Death AM or PM 42 dth_ampm 114-114

Death Hour 29 dth_hour 76-77

Death Minute 30 dth_min 78-79

Decedent’s Summary Race 139 sum_race 422-423

Disposition Date 53 dispdate 190-197

Disposition Facility Code 141 disp_fac 426-429

Disposition Type 52 disptype 189-189

Education Level 37 educ 103-105

Education Years If LE 8th Grade 105 edu_le8 334

Emergency Care Code 47 emergent 179-179

External Cause 20 inj_caus 56-56

External Event Code 58 ecode 212-212

Facility or Institution of Death 11 facility 37-39

Facility Type for Place of Death 33 fac_type 91-91

Funeral Home Code 54 funeralc 198-201

High School Graduate 13 hs_grad 42-42

Hispanic Origin 7 hisp 24-24

Hispanic Origin, Cuban 109 hisp_cub 338

Hispanic Origin, Mexican 107 hisp_mex 336

Hispanic Origin, Not Hispanic 106 hisp_no 335

Hispanic Origin, Other Hispanic 110 hisp_oth 339

Hispanic Origin, Puerto Rican 108 hisp_pr 337

ICD Cause of Death Code starts 61 mltcse1-20 215+

Inside City Limits Flag 51 incity 188-188

Industry - Federal Code 36 ind_fed 100-102

Industry – Federal Code 2004 Revision 137 indfed04 404-406

Industry - Literal 46 ind_lit 149-178

Informant Relationship 129 informrl 361-390

Injury at Work 24 injatwrk 69-69

Injury Date 21 inj_date 57-64

Injury Flag for up to 20 conditions starts 60 injflg1-20 214+

Injury Hour 22 inj_hour 65-66

Injury Minute 23 inj_min 67-68

Injury Time, AM or PM 48 inj_ampm 180-180

Length of Residence, Unit Type 38 resunit 106-106

Length of Residence, Number of Units 39 resunum 107-108

Length of Residence at Address, Unit type 127 res_lena 358

Length of Residence at Address, # units 128 res_auni 359-360

Marital Status 14 married 43-43

NCHS Bridged Race 142 brg_race 430-431

NCHS New Record Flag 57 nchsnew 211-211

NCHS Place of Injury Code 100 injpnchs 314-314

Number of Age Units 6 ageunum 22-23

Occupation - Federal Code 35 occ_fed 97-99

Occupation - Federal Code 2004 Revision 136 occfed04 401-403

Occupation - Literal 45 occ_lit 119-148

Place External Injury Occurred 25 injplace 70-70

Pregnancy Status 132 pregstat 397

Race 4 race 20-20

Race, American Indian/Alaska Native 113 race_ami 342

Race, Asian Indian 114 race_asi 343

Race, Black 112 race_blk 341

Race, Chinese 115 race_chi 344

Race, Filipino 116 race_fil 345

Race, Guamanian or Chamorro 122 race_gua 351

Race, Japanese 117 race_jap 346

Race, Korean 118 race_kor 347

Race, Native Hawaiian 121 race_haw 350

Race, Other 125 race_oth 354

Race, Other Asian 120 race_oas 349

Race, Other Pacific Islander 124 race_opi 353

Race, Samoan 123 race_sam 352

Race, Vietnamese 119 race_vie 348

Race, White 111 race_wht 340

Reported Manner of death 140 rinj_caus 424

Residence Tribal Reservation Code 126 res_trbc 355-357

Sex 2 sex 11-11

Smoking Status 28 smoking 75-75

State of Birth 12 statebir 40-41

State of External Injury Occurrence 49 st_inj 181-182

State of Occurrence 41 st_occ 111-112

State of Residence 40 st_res 109-110

Tobacco Use Contributed to Death 133 tbcontri 398

TRANSAX Conversion Flag 59 transax 213-213

Transport Injury Role 134 transinj 399

Type of Age Unit 5 ageunit 21-21

Underlying Cause of Death 18 underly 51-54

Usual Occupation - Milham's Code 32 occ_sam 82-84

ZIP Code of Residence 34 zipcode 92-96

Zip code assigned by GIS software 103 geozip 324-328

Zip Code of Death Occurrence 104 zip_occ 329-333

Zip Code Where Injury Occurred 131 zipinjoc 392-396



Field Field

Name Description Number Columns

age Age in Years 44 116-118

ageunit Type of Age Unit 5 21-21

ageunum Number of Age Units 6 22-23

armforce Armed Forces Code 50 187-187

attclass Classification of Attendant at Death 31 80-81

autopava Autopsy Available 130 391

autopsy Autopsy 19 55-55

bcountry Birth Country Code 101 315-317

brg_race NCHS Bridged Race 142 430-431

certno Certificate Number 1 1-10

citizen Citizenship Status 43 115-115

city_inj County and City External Injury Occurred 26 71-74

city_occ County and City of Occurrence 9 33-36

city_res County and City of Residence 15 44-47

cntyfile County File Number(blank as of 2004) 102 318-323

cntyfile County File Number(new 2004-longer length)138 407-421

cnty_inj County External Injury Occurred 26 71-72

cnty_occ County of Occurrence 10 33-34

cnty_res County of Residence 16 44-45

contrib Contributory Cause of Death 17 50-50

disp_fac Disposition Facility Code 141 426-429

dispdate Disposition Date 53 190-197

disptype Disposition Type 52 189-189

dob Date of Birth 8 25-32

dod_modi Date of Death Modifier 135 400

dth_ampm Death AM or PM 42 114-114

dth_date Date of Death 3 12-19

dth_hour Death Hour 29 76-77

dth_min Death Minute 30 78-79

ecode External Event Code 58 212-212

educ Education Level 37 103-105

edu_le8 Education Years If LE 8th Grade 105 334

emergent Emergency Care Code 47 179-179

fac_type Facility Type for Place of Death 33 91-91

facility Facility or Institution of Death 11 37-39

funeralc Funeral Home Code 54 198-201

geozip Zip code assigned by GIS software 103 324-328

hisp Hispanic Origin 7 24-24

hisp_cub Hispanic Origin, Cuban 109 338

hisp_mex Hispanic Origin, Mexican 107 336

hisp_no Hispanic Origin, Not Hispanic 106 335

hisp_oth Hispanic Origin, Other Hispanic 110 339

hisp_pr Hispanic Origin, Puerto Rican 108 337

hs_grad High School Graduate 13 42-42

incity Inside City Limits Flag 51 188-188

informrl Informant Relationship 129 361-390

ind_fed Industry - Federal Code 36 100-102

indfed04 Industry – Federal Code 2004 Revision 137 404-406

ind_lit Industry - Literal 46 149-178

inj_ampm Injury Time, AM or PM 48 180-180

inj_caus External Cause 20 56-56

inj_date Injury Date 21 57-64

inj_hour Injury Hour 22 65-66

inj_min Injury Minute 23 67-68

injatwrk Injury at Work 24 69-69

injflg1-20 Injury Flag for up to 20 Conditions starts 60 214+

injplace Place External Injury Occurred 25 70-70

injpnchs NCHS Place of Injury 100 314-314

married Marital Status 14 43-43

mltcse1-20 ICD Cause of Death Code starts 61 215+

nchsnew NCHS New Record Flag 57 211-211

occ_fed Occupation - Federal Code 35 97-99

occfed04 Occupation - Federal Code 2004 Revision 136 401-403

occ_lit Occupation - Literal 45 119-148

occ_sam Usual Occupation - Milham's Code 32 82-84

pregstat Pregnancy Status 132 397

race Race 4 20-20

race_ami Race, American Indian/Alaska Native 113 342

race_asi Race, Asian Indian 114 343

race_blk Race, Black 112 341

race_chi Race, Chinese 115 344

race_fil Race, Filipino 116 345

race_gua Race, Guamanian or Chamorro 122 351

race_jap Race, Japanese 117 346

race_kor Race, Korean 118 347

race_haw Race, Native Hawaiian 121 350

race_oth Race, Other 125 354

race_oas Race, Other Asian 120 349

race_opi Race, Other Pacific Islander 124 353

race_sam Race, Samoan 123 352

race_vie Race, Vietnamese 119 348

race_wht Race, White 111 340

rcvdt County Receive Date 56 203-210

referred Coroner Referred 55 202-202

res_auni Length of Residence at Address, # units 128 359-360

res_lena Length of Residence at Address, Unit type 127 358

res_trbc Residence Tribal Reservation Code 126 355-357

resunit Length of Residence, Unit Type 38 106-106

resunum Length of Residence, Number of Units 39 107-108

rinj_caus Reported Manner of Death 140 424

sex Sex 2 11-11

smoking Smoking Status 28 75-75

st_inj State of External Injury Occurrence 49 181-182

st_occ State of Occurrence 41 111-112

st_res State of Residence 40 109-110

statebir State of Birth 12 40-41

sum_race Decedent’s Summary Race 139 422-423

tbcontri Tobacco Use Contributed to Death 133 398

transax TRANSAX Conversion Flag 59 213-213

transinj Transport Injury Role 134 399

underly Underlying Cause of Death 18 51-54

zipcode ZIP Code of Residence 34 92-96

zip_occ Zip Code of Death Occurrence 104 329-333

zipinjoc Zip Code Where Injury Occurred 131 392-396



Category/Description Field Field

Number Name Columns


Certificate Number 1 certno 1-10

Citizenship Status 43 citizen 115-115

County File Number(blank as of 2004) 102 cntyfile 318-323

County File Number(new 2004-longer length) 138 cntyfile 407-421

Date of Death 3 dth_date 12-19

Date of Death Modifier (new in 2004) 135 dod_modi 400

Death AM or PM 42 dth_ampm 114-114

Death Hour 29 dth_hour 76-77

Death Minute 30 dth_min 78-79

NCHS New Record Flag 57 nchsnew 211-211


Age in Years 44 age 116-118

Armed Forces Code 55 armforce 187-187

Birth Country Code 101 bcountry 315-317

Date of Birth 8 dob 25-32

Education Level 37 educ 103-105

Education Years If LE 8th Grade 105 edu_le8 334

High School Graduate 13 hs_grad 42-42

Hispanic Origin 7 hisp 24-24

Hispanic Origin, Not Hispanic 106 hisp_no 335

Hispanic Origin, Mexican 107 hisp_mex 336

Hispanic Origin, Puerto Rican 108 hisp_pr 337

Hispanic Origin, Cuban 109 hisp_cub 338

Hispanic Origin, Other Hispanic 110 hisp_oth 339

Industry - Federal Code 36 ind_fed 100-102

Industry – Federal Code 2004 Revision 137 indfed04 404-406

Industry - Literal 46 ind_lit 149-178

Informant Relationship 129 informrl 361-390

Marital Status 14 married 43-43

NCHS Bridged Race 142 brg_race 430-431

Number of Age Units 6 ageunum 22-23

Occupation - Federal Code 35 occ_fed 97-99

Occupation - Federal Code 2004 Revision 136 occfed04 401-403

Occupation - Literal 45 occ_lit 119-148

Pregnancy Status 132 pregstat 397

Race 4 race 20-20

Race, White 111 race_wht 340

Race, Black 112 race_blk 341

Race, American Indian/Alaska Native 113 race_ami 342

Race, Asian Indian 114 race_asi 343

Race, Chinese 115 race_chi 344

Race, Filipino 116 race_fil 345

Race, Japanese 117 race_jap 346

Race, Korean 118 race_kor 347

Race, Vietnamese 119 race_vie 348

Race, Other Asian 120 race_oas 349

Race, Native Hawaiian 121 race_haw 350

Race, Guamanian or Chamorro 122 race_gua 351

Race, Samoan 123 race_sam 352

Race, Other Pacific Islander 124 race_opi 353

Race, Other 125 race_oth 354

Sex 2 sex 11-11

Smoking Status 28 smoking 75-75

State of Birth 12 statebir 40-41

Decedent’s Summary Race 139 sum_race 422-423

Type of Age Unit 5 ageunit 21-21

Usual Occupation - Milham's Code 32 occ_sam 82-84


County and City of Residence 15 city_res 44-47

County of Residence 16 cnty_res 44-45

Inside City Limits Flag 51 incity 188-188

Length of Residence, Unit Type 38 resunit 106-106

Length of Residence, Number of Units 39 resunum 107-108

Residence Tribal Reservation Code 126 res_trbc 355-357

Length of Residence at Address, Unit type 127 res_lena 358

Length of Residence at Address, # units 128 res_auni 359-360

State of Residence 40 st_res 109-110

ZIP Code of Residence 34 zipcode 92-96

Zip code assigned by GIS software 103 geozip 324-328


Classification of Attendant at Death 31 attclass 80-81

County and City of Occurrence 9 city_occ 33-36

County of Occurrence 10 cnty_occ 33-34

County Receive Date 56 rcvdt 203-210

Disposition Date 53 dispdate 190-197

Disposition Facility Code 141 disp_fac 426-429

Disposition Type 52 disptype 189-189

Emergency Care Code 47 emergent 179-179

Facility or Institution of Death 11 facility 37-39

Facility Type for Place of Death 33 fac_type 91-91

Funeral Home Code 54 funeralc 198-201

State of External Injury Occurrence 49 st_inj 181-182

State of Occurrence 41 st_occ 111-112

Zip Code of Death Occurrence 104 zip_occ 329-333

Zip Code Where Injury Occurred 131 zipinjoc 392-396

Underlying Cause

Autopsy 19 autopsy 55-55

Autopsy Available 130 autopava 391

Coroner Referred 55 referred 202-202

County and City External Injury Occurred 26 city_inj 71-74

County External Injury Occurred 27 cnty_inj 71-72

External Cause 20 inj_caus 56-56

External Event Code 58 ecode 212-212

Injury at Work 24 injatwrk 69-69

Injury Date 21 inj_date 57-64

Injury Hour 22 inj_hour 65-66

Injury Minute 23 inj_min 67-68

Injury Time, AM or PM 48 inj_ampm 180-180

NCHS Place of Injury Code 100 injpnchs 314-314

Place External Injury Occurred 25 injplace 70-70

Reported Manner of Death 140 rinj_caus 424

Tobacco Use Contributed to Death 133 tbcontri 398

Transport Injury Role 134 transinj 399

Underlying Cause of Death 18 underly 51-54

Multiple Cause

Contributory Cause of Death 17 contrib 50-50

ICD Cause of Death Code and starts 61 mltcse1-20 215+

Injury Flag for up to 20 Conditions starts 60 injflg1-20 214+

TRANSAX Conversion Flag 59 transax 213-213

Field Field Column Field Data

No. Name Loc. Len. Type Description


1 certno 1-10 10 C Certificate Number

The first four digits indicate the year of death.

.csv file also has cernum field with year and lead zeros dropped.

2 sex 11-11 1 C Sex


F - Female

M - Male

U - Unknown

3 dth_date 12-19 8 N Date of Death



99999999 - Unknown/Not Stated

4 race 20-20 1 C Race

Coding of race follows the National Center for Health Statistics(NCHS)guidelines. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Race/Hispanic Ethnicity”.


Uses race assigned by NCHS bridging methods (see Death Statistical File Data Notes for description). Coding same as in previous years, plus:

Blank – Not processed by NCHS


1 – White

2 - Black

3 - Native American

4 - Chinese

5 - Japanese

6 - Other Non-White

7 - Filipino

8 - Refused to State

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

A - Hawaiian

B - Other Asian/Pacific Islander

C - Mexican/Chicano/Hispanic

D - Asian Indian

E - Korean

F - Samoan

G - Vietnamese

H – Guamanian/Chamorro


1 - White

2 - Black

3 - Native American/Alaska Native

4 - Chinese

5 - Japanese

6 - Other Non-White

7 - Filipino

8 - Refused to State

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

A - Hawaiian

B - Other Asian/Pacific Islander

C - Mexican/Chicano/Hispanic

Note: Code ‘C’ has different meaning in 1980-1987.


1 - White

2 - Black

3 - Native American

4 - Chinese

5 - Japanese

6 - Other Non-White

7 - Filipino

8 - Refused to State

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

A - Hawaiian

B - Other Asian/Pacific Islander

C - Mexican/Chicano

Note: Code ‘C’ has different meaning in 1988-1991.

5 ageunit 21-21 1 C Age Unit Type

Indicates the unit in which age was reported (e.g., years,months,etc.). To determine age of decedent at time of death use this field with the number of age unit (ageunum). Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Age at Death.”


0 - Years 1 to 99

1 - Years 100 or more

2 - Months

4 - Days

5 - Hours

6 - Minutes

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

6 ageunum 22-23 2 N Age, Number of Units

Use number of age units (ageunum) with the age unit (ageunit) field to determine age of decedent at time of death. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Age at Death.”

Range of correct values are:


01-99 - Years 1 to 99

00-99 - Years 100 or more

01-11 - Months

01-03 - Weeks

01-31 - Days

01-23 - Hours

01-59 - Minutes

99 - Unknown/Not Stated*

*Note: Age is unknown if ageunit=9 and ageunum=99.

7 hisp 24-24 1 C Hispanic Origin

Coding follows NCHS guidelines.

Note: Hispanic ethnicity data are not complete for 1988. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes - Race/Hispanic Ethnicity.”


Uses Hispanic ethnicity assigned by NCHS bridging methods (see Death Statistical File Data Notes for description). Coding same as in previous years, plus:

Blank – Not processed by NCHS


0 - Non-Hispanic

1 - Mexican

2 - Puerto Rican

3 - Cuban

4 - Central or South American

5 - Other and Unknown Hispanic

9 - Unknown/Not Stated


0 - Non-Hispanic

1 - Mexican

2 - Puerto Rican

3 - Cuban

4 - Central or South American

5 - Other Hispanic

6 - Unknown Hispanic

9 - Unknown/Not Stated


Blank Field

8 dob 25-32 8 N Date of Birth



99999999 - Unknown/Not Stated

9 city_occ 33-36 4 C County and City of Occurrence

City in which the death occurred. If the death occurred in Washington State, this field will be greater than “0000.”

If a death occurs in a place with a population less than 2,500, it is assigned to the rural portion of the county.

Note: Use this field to select deaths occurring in a specific county or city. See the County and City of Residence (city_res) to select by place of residence. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes- City/County/State of Residence and Occurrence.”


0000 - Non-Washington State or Unknown

0100 - Adams County rural

0103 - Othello

0200 - Asotin County rural

0203 - Clarkston

0300 - Benton County rural

0301 - Kennewick

0302 - Richland

0303 - Prosser

0304 - West Richland(1981-Present)

0305 – Benton City (2001-Present)

0400 - Chelan County rural

0402 - Wenatchee

0403 - Chelan

0404 - Cashmere (1992-Present)

0500 - Clallam County rural

0501 - Forks(1981-Present)

0502 - Port Angeles

0503 - Sequim

0600 - Clark County rural

0602 - Vancouver

0603 - Camas

0604 - Washougal

0605 - Battle Ground

0606 – Ridgefield (2006-Present)

0607 – La Center (2009-Present)

0700 - Columbia County rural

0703 - Dayton(1980-1989, 1992- Present)

0800 - Cowlitz County rural

0802 - Longview

0803 - Kelso

0804 - Woodland(1984-Present)

0805 – Kalama(2010-Present)

0900 - Douglas County rural

0901 - East Wenatchee(1992-Present)

1000 - Ferry County rural

1100 - Franklin County rural

1102 - Pasco

1103 - Connell (1994-Present)

1200 - Garfield County rural

1300 - Grant County rural

1304 - Ephrata

1305 - Moses Lake

1306 - Quincy

1307 – Mattawa (2001-Present)

1308 – Warden (2001-Present)

1400 - Grays Harbor County rural

1401 - Aberdeen

1402 - Hoquiam

1403 - Montesano

1404 - Elma(1980-1984,1992-Present)

1405 - Ocean Shores(1993-Present)

1500 - Island County rural

1503 - Oak Harbor

1600 - Jefferson County rural

1603 - Port Townsend

1700 - King County rural

1701 - Seattle

1702 - Renton

1703 - Auburn

1704 - Enumclaw

1705 - Kent

1706 - Kirkland

1707 - Bellevue

1708 - Normandy Park

1709 - Mercer Island

1710 - Redmond

1711 - Bothell

1712 - Clyde Hill(1981,1987, 1992 Present)

1713 - Des Moines

1714 - Issaquah

1715 - Lake Forest Park(1987- Present)

1716 - Medina

1717 - Tukwila

1718 - Pacific(1986-Present)

1719 - Federal Way(1990-Present)

1720 - SeaTac(1990-Present)

1721 - Duvall(1992-Present)

1722 - North Bend(1992-Present)

1723 - Burien(1993-Present)

1724 - Woodinville(1993-Present)

1725 - Newcastle (1995-Present)

1726 – Shoreline (1997-Present)

1727 – Black Diamond (1998-Present)

1728 – Covington (1998-Present)

1729 – Maple Valley (1998-Present)

1730 – Kenmore (2000-Present)

1731 – Sammamish (2000-Present)

1732 – Algona (2001-Present)

1733 – Snoqualmie (2001-Present)

1800 - Kitsap County rural

1802 - Bremerton

1803 - Port Orchard

1804 - Poulsbo

1805 - Bainbridge Island(formerly Winslow)(1985-Present)

1900 - Kittitas County rural

1903 - Ellensburg

2000 - Klickitat County rural

2003 - Goldendale

2100 - Lewis County rural

2103 - Centralia

2104 - Chehalis

2200 - Lincoln County rural

2300 - Mason County rural

2303 - Shelton

2400 - Okanogan County rural

2403 - Omak

2410 – Okanogan(2010-Present)

2500 - Pacific County rural

2503 - Raymond

2600 - Pend Oreille County rural

2700 - Pierce County rural

2701 - Tacoma

2702 - Puyallup

2703 - Sumner

2704 - Buckley

2705 - Fircrest

2706 - Bonney Lake

2707 - Milton

2708 - Steilacoom

2709 - Gig Harbor(1984-Present)

2710 - Fife(1987-Present)

2711 - Edgewood (1996-Present)

2712 - Lakewood (1996-Present)

2713 - University Place (1996- Present)

2714 – Orting (1997-Present)

2715 – Du Pont (2001-Present)

2716 – Auburn (2006-Present)

2800 - San Juan County rural

2900 - Skagit County rural

2903 - Anacortes

2904 - Mount Vernon

2905 - Sedro Woolley

2906 - Burlington

3000 - Skamania County rural

3100 - Snohomish County rural

3101 - Arlington

3102 - Everett

3103 - Snohomish

3104 - Edmonds

3105 - Lynnwood

3106 - Marysville

3107 - Mountlake Terrace

3108 - Brier

3109 - Monroe

3110 - Mukilteo(1982-Present)

3111 - Mill Creek(1985-Present)

3112 - Lake Stevens(1988-Present)

3113 - Bothell(1993-Present)

3114 - Sultan (1994-Present)

3115 - Stanwood (1995-Present)

3116 – Granite Falls (2001-Present)

3200 - Spokane County rural

3201 - Spokane (City)

3203 - Medical Lake

3204 - Cheney

3205 - Airway Heights (1994-Present)

3206 - Deer Park (1994-Present)

3207 – Liberty Lake (2003-present)

3208 – Spokane Valley(2004-present)

3300 - Stevens County rural

3303 - Colville

3400 - Thurston County rural

3402 - Olympia

3403 - Tumwater

3404 – Lacey

3405 – Yelm (1998-Present)

3500 - Wahkiakum County rural

3600 - Walla Walla County rural

3602 - Walla Walla (City)

3603 - College Place

3700 - Whatcom County rural

3702 - Bellingham

3703 - Lynden

3704 - Ferndale

3705 - Blaine(1980,1990-Present)

3706 – Everson (2015-Present)

3800 - Whitman County rural

3802 - Pullman

3803 - Colfax

3900 - Yakima County rural

3902 - Yakima (City)

3903 - Sunnyside

3904 - Toppenish

3905 - Grandview

3906 - Wapato

3907 - Selah

3908 - Union Gap

3909 – Granger (2001-Present)

3910 – Zillah (2006-Present)

3911 – Moxee (2010-Present)

10 cnty_occ 33-34 2 C County of Occurrence

County in which the death occurred. If the death occurred in Washington State, this field will be greater than “00.”

Note: Use this field to select deaths occurring in a specific county. See the County of Residence(cnty_res) to select by county of residence. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-City/County/State of Residence and Occurrence.”


00 - Non-Washington State or Unknown

01 - Adams County

02 - Asotin County

03 - Benton County

04 - Chelan County

05 - Clallam County

06 - Clark County

07 - Columbia County

08 - Cowlitz County

09 - Douglas County

10 - Ferry County

11 - Franklin County

12 - Garfield County

13 - Grant County

14 - Grays Harbor County

15 - Island County

16 - Jefferson County

17 - King County

18 - Kitsap County

19 - Kittitas County

20 - Klickitat County

21 - Lewis County

22 - Lincoln County

23 - Mason County

24 - Okanogan County

25 - Pacific County

26 - Pend Oreille County

27 - Pierce County

28 - San Juan County

29 - Skagit County

30 - Skamania County

31 - Snohomish County

32 - Spokane County

33 - Stevens County

34 - Thurston County

35 - Wahkiakum County

36 - Walla Walla County

37 - Whatcom County

38 - Whitman County

39 - Yakima County

11 facility 37-39 3 C Facility or Institution of Death

Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Facility of Death”. For code table see “facility.csv” in documentation.

12 statebir 40-41 2 C State of Birth

NCHS state code. In addition to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico receive unique codes in this field.


01 - Alabama

02 - Alaska

03 - Arizona

04 - Arkansas

05 - California

06 - Colorado

07 - Connecticut

08 - Delaware

09 - District of Columbia

10 - Florida

11 - Georgia

12 - Hawaii

13 - Idaho

14 - Illinois

15 - Indiana

16 - Iowa

17 - Kansas

18 - Kentucky

19 - Louisiana

20 - Maine

21 - Maryland

22 - Massachusetts

23 - Michigan

24 - Minnesota

25 - Mississippi

26 - Missouri

27 - Montana

28 - Nebraska

29 - Nevada

30 - New Hampshire

31 - New Jersey

32 - New Mexico

33 - New York

34 - North Carolina

35 - North Dakota

36 - Ohio

37 - Oklahoma

38 - Oregon

39 - Pennsylvania

40 - Rhode Island

41 - South Carolina

42 - South Dakota

43 - Tennessee

44 - Texas

45 - Utah

46 - Vermont

47 - Virginia

48 - Washington

49 - West Virginia

50 - Wisconsin

51 - Wyoming

52 - Puerto Rico

53 - Virgin Islands

54 - Guam

55 - Canada

56 - Cuba

57 - Mexico

59 - Other Foreign

60 - American Samoa

69 - Marianas

90 - United States (Unspecified)

91 - Refused to State

99 - Not Classifiable

13 hs_grad 42-42 1 C High School Graduate

Indicates whether the decedent was a high school graduate. In 1992 the question was changed to highest grade completed, see education level (educ).


Blank Field


1 - Yes

2 - No

9 - Not reported


Blank Field

14 married 43-43 1 C Marital Status

***July 2007-present***

1 – Never married

2 – Married

3 – Divorced

4 – Widowed

5 – Separated

6 – Domestic Partner

9 - Unknown

***2004-June 2007***

1 – Never married

2 – Married

3 – Divorced

4 – Widowed

5 – Separated

9 - Unknown


1 - Single

2 - Married

3 - Divorced

4 - Widowed

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

15 city_res 44-47 4 C County and City of Residence

If the residence is in Washington State, this field will be greater than “0000.”

If the place of residence has a population less than 2,500, it is assigned to the rural portion of the county.

Note: Use this field to select deaths for residents in a specific county or city. See the County and City of Occurrence (city_occ) to select by place of occurrence. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-City/ County/State of Residence and Occurrence.”

For a list of the codes, see the county and city of occurrence (city_occ) field.

16 cnty_res 44-45 2 C County of Residence

If the death occurred in Washington State, this field will be greater than “00.”

Note: Use this field to select deaths for residents in a specific county. See the County of Occurrence (cnty_occ) to select by county of occurrence. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-City/County/State of Residence and Occurrence.”

For a list of the codes, see the county of occurrence (cnty_occ) field.

17 contrib 50-50 1 C Contributory Cause of Death

This field was collected until 1988. It was dropped due to

implementation of an automated coding system for contributory causes known as Mortality Medical Indexing, Classification, and Retrieval (MICAR). See TRANSAX multiple cause of death fields (injflg1-injflg20, mltcse1- mltcse20).


Blank Field


0 - None

1 - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

2 - Tuberculosis

3 - Cancer

4 - Diabetes Mellitus

5 - Motor Vehicle Accident

6 - Other Accident

7 - Fall

8 - Operations

9 - Heart Conditions

A - Hypertension

B - Malformation

Blank - Not Coded


0 - None

1 - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

2 - Tuberculosis

3 - Cancer

4 - Diabetes Mellitus

5 - Motor Vehicle Accident

6 - Other Accident

7 - Fall

8 - Operations

9 - Heart Conditions

A - Hypertension

Blank - Not Coded

18 underly 51-54 4 C Underlying Cause of Death

Note: .csv files also includes a field named underly3 with the first 3 digits of the code.


For ICD-10 Codes see .

For those causes that do not have a fourth digit, the last digit in this field will be blank. The decimal point for the ICD-10 code is not included, but is implied between the 3rd and 4th digit of the value in this field. Before using this field, see documents in and see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Underlying Cause of Death.” A list of ICD-10 codes can be found in“icd10.docx” in documentation. New ICD-10 codes for terrorism (U01-U03) were added in 2001.


For ICD-9 Codes see For those causes that do not have a fourth digit, the last digit in this field will be blank. The decimal point for the ICD-9 code is not included, but is implied between the 3rd and 4th digit of the value in this field. For example, a value of 052 translates into an ICD-9 code of 052 (chicken pox) while a code of 0410 translates into 041.0 (Strep infection). Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Underlying Cause of Death” and the external event code (ecode)field for external event coding. Codes in the range of 00.0-999.9 in this field will always have an associated E code. A list of ICD-9 codes can be found in “icd9.docx” in documentation.

19 autopsy 55-55 1 C Autopsy

Indicates whether an autopsy was performed.


1 - Yes

2 - No

9 - Unknown/Not Reported

20 inj_caus 56-56 1 C External Cause

Indicates type of injury, when an external injury occurred. Reported when such injury was either the underlying cause of death or a contributing cause.


0 – Not Reported

1 – Natural

2 – Accident

3 – Suicide

4 – Homicide

5 – Undetermined

6 – Pending


1 - Not Applicable

2 - Accident

3 - Suicide

4 - Homicide

5 - Undetermined

21 inj_date 57-64 8 N Injury Date

Date external injury occurred.



99999999 - Unknown/Not Stated

Blank - Not Applicable

22 inj_hour 65-66 2 C Injury Hour

The time in which the external injury occurred in 24-hour format.

Midnight has a value of ‘24’, any time after midnight but before 1 am has a value of ‘00’. For related information, see the injury time, AM or PM (inj_ampm) field. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Time of Death/Injury (Hours, Minutes AM/PM).”



99 - Unknown/Not Stated

Blank - Not Applicable

23 inj_min 67-68 2 C Injury Minute

The time in which the external injury occurred specified to the minute. This field was first collected in 1992. Records prior to 1992 will have a value of ‘30’ unless the record has recently been updated in which case an actual value will be found. Before using

this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Time of Death/Injury Hours, Minutes, AM/PM).”



99 - Unknown/Not Stated

Blank - Not Applicable


30 - Default Value

24 injatwrk 69-69 1 C Injury at Work

Indicates whether external injury occurred at work.


0 - Not Applicable

1 – Yes

2 – No

9 - Unknown

25 injplace 70-70 1 C Place External Injury Occurred Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes–Place External Injury Occurred.” In 2012, the place of injury is no longer coded using the National Safety Council Place Codes and the field NCHS Place of Injury (injpnchs) should be used alone.


Blank Field


A - Agriculture

B - Mining, Quarrying, Oil and Gas Wells

C - Construction

D - Manufacturing

E - Transportation and Public Utility

F - Trade

G - Service

H - Government

I - Other and Unspecified Industry

J - Home

K - Public

L - Unknown/Not Stated

M - Nursing Home

N - Prison

P - Hospital

Blank - Not Applicable


A - Agriculture

B - Mining, Quarrying, Oil and Gas Wells

C - Construction

D - Manufacturing

E - Transportation and Public Utility

F - Trade

G - Service

H - Government

I - Other and Unspecified Industry

J - Home

K - Public

L - Unknown/Not Stated

M - Nursing Home

N - Prison

Blank - Not Applicable


A - Agriculture

B - Mining, Quarrying, Oil and Gas Wells

C - Construction

D - Manufacturing

E - Transportation and Public Utility

F - Trade

G - Service

H - Government

I - Other and Unspecified Industry

J - Home

K - Public

L - Unknown/Not Stated

Blank - Not Applicable


0 - Home

1 - Farm

2 - Mine & Quarry

3 - Industrial Place, Premise

4 - Place for Recreation & Sport

5 - Street & Highway

6 - Public Building

7 - Resident Institution

8 - Other Specified Place

9 - Unknown

Blank - Not Applicable

26 city_inj 71-74 4 C County and City of External Injury

If an external injury occurred in Washington State, this field will be greater than ‘0000.’

If the injury occurs in a place with a population less than 2,500, it is assigned to the rural portion of the county.

Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes- City/County/State of Residence and Occurrence.”

For a list of the codes, see the county and city of occurrence (city_occ) field.

27 cnty_inj 71-72 2 C County of External Injury

If an external injury occurred in Washington State, this field will be greater than ‘00.’

For a list of the codes, see the county of occurrence (cnty_occ) field.

28 smoking 75-75 1 C Smoking Status

Indicates whether decedent smoked in last 15 years.

***Blank beginning in 2004*** Replaced by new field at end of file: tbcontri


1 - Yes

2 - No

9 - Unknown/Not stated


0 - Not Collected

29 dth_hour 76-77 2 C Death Hour

The time at which the decedent died in 24-hour format. Midnight has a value of ‘24’, any time after midnight but before 1 am has a value of ‘00’. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Time of Death/Injury (Hours, Minutes, AM/PM).” For related information, see the death AM or PM (dth_ampm) field.



99 - Unknown/Not Stated

30 dth_min 78-79 2 C Death Minute

The time at which the decedent died specified to the minute. This field was first collected in 1992. Records prior to 1992 will have a value of ‘30’ unless the record has recently been updated in which case an actual value will be found. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Time of Death/Injury (Hours, Minutes, AM/PM).”



99 - Unknown/Not Stated


30 - Default Value

31 attclass 80-81 2 C Classification of Certifier at Death

Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes- Classification of Attendant at Death.”


01 - Physician, MD

02 - Coroner/Pathologist

03 - Osteopath, DO

04 - Chiropractor

05 – Sanipractor

06 – Physician’s Assistant

07 – Nurse Practitioner

09 - Other


01 - Physician, MD

02 - Coroner/Pathologist

03 - Osteopath, DO

04 - Chiropractor

05 – Sanipractor

09 - Other

32 occ_sam 82-84 3 C Usual Occupation - Sam Milham’s code.

Sam Milham occupation codes are obtained from a computer program which uses the occupation and industrial literal fields. This program coded about 95% of the records; the remaining 5% need to be hand-coded. The hand coding has not been done for 1993-1996 and for a portion of the 1992 records. For further information please see the “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Occupation (Milham and Federal Codes) and Industry (Federal Codes).” For code table see “occmil.csv” in documentation.

Note: There are codes on the file which are invalid.


Note: About 5% not coded.


Note: Coding complete up to certificate number 14501. For remaining records about 5% not coded.


For code table see “occmil.csv” in documentation.

33 fac_type 91-91 1 C Facility Type for Place of Death

Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Facility of Death”.


0 – Home

1 – Other

2 – Dead on Arrival

3 – Emergency Room

4 – Hospital Inpatient

5 – Nursing Home

6 – Hospital

7 – Hospice

9 - Unknown


0 - Home

1 - Other Place

2 - In Transport

3 - Emergency Room

4 - Hospital

5 - Nursing Home (includes hospice)

9 - Unknown

34 zipcode 92-96 5 C ZIP Code of Residence

Five digit zip code.


99999 - Unknown/Not Stated


Blank Field

35 occ_fed 97-99 3 C Usual Occupation - Federal Code

Coded by the Census Bureau coding system. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes–Occupation (Milham and Federal Codes) and Industry(Federal Codes).”


999 – Not Collected


The 1990 census codes are used.

For code table see “occfed93.csv” in documentation.


The 1980 census codes are used. For code table see “occfed88.csv” in documentation. Note: Large number of ‘999’(Not Reported) values in 1988.


Blank Field

36 ind_fed 100-102 3 C Industry - Federal Code

Coded by the Census Bureau coding system. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes–Occupation (Milham and Federal Codes) and Industry (Federal Codes).”


990 – Not Collected


For code table see “indfed93.csv” in documentation.


For code table see “indfed88.csv” in documentation. Note: Large number of ‘990’(Not Reported) values in 1988.


Blank Field

37 educ 103-105 3 N Education Level

Highest grade completed by the decedent. For related educational information see the high school graduate (hs_grad) field. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes- Education.”


01 – 8th grade or less

02 – 9th-12th grade, no diploma

03 – High school graduate or GED

04 – Some college, no degree

05 – Associate degree

06 – Bachelor’s degree

07 – Master’s degree

08 – Doctorate or Professional degree

09 – Unknown (09 or 99)


000 - No Education

001 - Completed first grade

002 - Completed second grade

003 - Completed third grade

004 - Completed fourth grade

005 - Completed fifth grade

006 - Completed sixth grade

007 - Completed seventh grade

008 - Completed eighth grade

009 - Completed ninth grade

010 - Completed tenth grade

011 - Completed eleventh grade

012 - High school graduate

013 - Completed 1 year of college

014 - Completed 2 years of college

015 - Completed 3 years of college

016 - College graduate

017 - Post graduate work

099 - Unknown/Not stated (note that

SAS program changes these codes to missing values)


099 - Not Collected

38 resunit 106-106 1 C Length of Residence, Unit Type

Indicates the unit in which length of residence was reported (e.g., years, months, weeks, etc.). To determine length of residence use unit type (resunit) with the number of units (resunum).

***Blank beginning in 2004***

Replaced by new field at end of

file: res_lena


0 - Years 1 to 99

1 - Years 100 or more

2 - Months

3 - Weeks

4 - Days

5 - Hours

6 - Minutes

9 - Unknown/Not Stated


9 - Not Collected

39 resunum 107-108 2 N Length of Residence, Number of Units

Use number of units (resunum) with the unit type (resunit) field to determine length of residence.

***Blank beginning in 2004***

Replaced by new field at end of

file: res_auni


Range of correct values are:

01-99 - Years 1 to 99

00-99 - Years 100 or more

01-11 - Months

01-03 - Weeks

01-31 - Days

01-23 - Hours

01-59 - Minutes

99 - Unknown/Not Stated*

*Note: Length of residence is unknown if resunit=9 and resunum=99.


99 - Not Collected

40 st_res 109-110 2 C State of Residence

NCHS state code. In addition to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico receive unique codes in this field. For a list of the codes, see the birth state of decedent (statebir)field.

41 st_occ 111-112 2 C State of Occurrence

NCHS state code. In addition to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico receive unique codes in this field. For a list of codes, see the birth state of decedent (statebir) field.

42 dth_ampm 114-114 1 C Death AM or PM

The time at which the decedent died. This field will have a value only if AM or PM was written on the death certificate but the hour of death was not given. If the hour of death was given, then the hour was entered in the death hour (dth_hour) field. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Time of Death/Injury (Hours, Minutes, AM/PM).”


A - AM

P - PM

Blank - Not Applicable

43 citizen 115-115 1 C Citizenship Status

Indicates decedent’s citizenship.


Blank Field


1 - US citizen

2 - Not US citizen

9 - Unknown


Blank Field


1 - US citizen

2 - Not US citizen

9 - Unknown

44 age 116-118 3 N Age in Years

Calculated from the age unit (ageunit) and the number of age units (ageunum) fields. This is based on the age given by the informant on the death certificate. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Age at Death.”


0 - Less than 1 year

999 – Unknown

45 occ_lit 119-148 30 C Occupation Literal

The usual occupation of the decedent as reported by the informant on the death certificate.


Literal Field


Blank Field


Literal Field


Blank Field

46 ind_lit 149-178 30 C Industry Literal

The type of industry in which the decedent was employed most of his/her life as reported by the informant on the death certificate.


Literal Field


Blank Field


Literal Field


Blank Field

47 emergent 179-179 1 C Emergency Care Code

Indicates whether emergency care was given to the decedent.


Blank Field


1 - Yes

2 - No

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

48 inj_ampm 180-180 1 C Injury Time, AM or PM

The time at which the external injury occurred. This field will only contain an entry if AM or PM was written on the death certificate but the specific hour of injury was not given. If the hour of injury was given, then the hour was entered in the injury hour (inj_hour) field. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes - Time of Death/Injury (Hours, Minutes, AM/PM).”


A - AM

P - PM

Blank - Not Applicable

49 st_inj 181-182 2 C State of External Injury Occurrence

NCHS state code. In addition to the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico receive unique codes in this field. For a list of the codes, see the birth state of decedent (statebir) field. Note: ‘00’ code indicates no external injury.

50 armforce 187-187 1 C Armed Forces Code

Indicates whether the decedent ever served in the United States Armed Forces.


1 - Yes

2 - No

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

51 incity 188-188 1 C Inside City Limits Flag

Indicates whether the decedent’s place of residence was reported as being inside city limits.


N - No

Y - Yes

U - Unknown/Not Stated


Blank Field

52 disptype 189-189 1 C Disposition Type

Indicates the manner of disposition used for the remains of the decedent.


1 – Burial

2 – Cremation

3 – Removal from State

4 – Donation (medical research)

5 – Body Not Recovered

6 – Entombment

7 – Other

9 - Unknown


1 - Burial

2 - Cremation

3 - Removal

4 - Medical Research

5 - Body Not Recovered

9 - Unknown

53 dispdate 190-197 8 N Disposition Date

Indicates the date on which the remains of the decedent were disposed of through burial, cremation, or some other method.



99999999 - Unknown/Not Stated


99999999 - Not Collected

54 funeralc 198-201 4 C Funeral Home Code

Code for facility that handled the disposition of the remains of the decedent. (NOTE: This is an unedited field which may contain errors due to data entry.)


For code table see “funeral.csv” in documentation.


Blank Field

55 referred 202-202 1 C Coroner Referred

Indicates whether the death was

referred to a medical examiner or coroner. The coroner or medical examiner may decide not to take jurisdiction and may allow a physician to certify the cause-of- death.


1 - Yes

2 - Not

9 - Unknown/Not Stated

56 rcvdt 203-210 8 N County Receive Date

The date the death certificate was received at the county registrar’s office.



99999999 - Unknown/Not Stated

57 nchsnew 211-211 1 C NCHS New Record Flag

This field pertains to deaths that occurred in Washington State. It indicates records added since the cutoff date (approximately May 31) of certificates to be used by the National Center for Health Statistics in compiling national statistics for the previous year. Data contained in this file may not match national statistics precisely due to the addition of these records received after the NCHS cutoff date and corrections to the file.


Blank Field


X - New Record


Blank Field

58 ecode 212-212 1 C External Event Code

For years prior to 1999, See

determine the underlying cause of death for injury and poisoning, the external event is coded rather than the injury from the external event. Note that the underlying cause of death cannot be an injury (ICD-9 800-999). In these deaths the underlying cause of death is the external event (ICD-9 E800-E999) that resulted in the injury. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-External Cause of Death”.


E - External Event

Blank - No External Event

59 transax 213-213 1 C TRANSAX Conversion Flag

Generated by Translation of Axis (TRANSAX), indicates that an alteration of the literal codes has occurred.


Blank Field


3 - Conversion using non-ambivalent table entries

4 - Conversion using ambivalent table entries

5 - Duplicate entity-axis codes deleted; no other action involved

6 - Artificial code conversion, no other action

Blank - No Action


Blank Field

TRANSAX Multiple Cause Coding Record Axis Conditions (TRANSAX)

Space has been provided for a maximum of 20 conditions. Each condition takes 5 positions in the record. Records that do not have 20 conditions are blank in the unused area. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes-Multiple Cause of Death.”


Position 1: Blank space.

Position 2-5: ICD-10 Cause Code, see for ICD-10 codes.

60 injflg1 214-214 1 C Condition 1 – Blank

61 mltcse1 215-218 4 C Condition 1 - ICD-10 Cause Code

62 injflg2 219-219 1 C Condition 2 - Blank

63 mltcse2 220-223 4 C Condition 2 - ICD-10 Cause Code

64 injflg3 224-224 1 C Condition 3 - Blank

65 mltcse3 225-228 4 C Condition 3 - ICD-10 Cause Code

66 injflg4 229-229 1 C Condition 4 - Blank

67 mltcse4 230-233 4 C Condition 4 - ICD-10 Cause Code

68 injflg5 234-234 1 C Condition 5 - Blank

69 mltcse5 235-238 4 C Condition 5 - ICD-10 Cause Code

70 injflg6 239-239 1 C Condition 6 - Blank

71 mltcse6 240-243 4 C Condition 6 - ICD-10 Cause Code

72 injflg7 244-244 1 C Condition 7 - Blank

73 mltcse7 245-248 4 C Condition 7 - ICD-10 Cause Code

74 injflg8 249-249 1 C Condition 8 - Blank

75 mltcse8 250-253 4 C Condition 8 - ICD-10 Cause Code

76 injflg9 254-254 1 C Condition 9 - Blank

77 mltcse9 255-258 4 C Condition 9 - ICD-10 Cause Code

78 injflg10 259-259 1 C Condition 10 - Blank

79 mltcse10 260-263 4 C Condition 10 - ICD-10 Cause Code

80 injflg11 264-264 1 C Condition 11 - Blank

81 mltcse11 265-268 4 C Condition 11 - ICD-10 Cause Code

82 injflg12 269-269 1 C Condition 12 - Blank

83 mltcse12 270-273 4 C Condition 12 - ICD-10 Cause Code

84 injflg13 274-274 1 C Condition 13 - Blank

85 mltcse13 275-278 4 C Condition 13 - ICD-10 Cause Code

86 injflg14 279-279 1 C Condition 14 - Blank

87 mltcse14 280-283 4 C Condition 14 - ICD-10 Cause Code

88 injflg15 284-284 1 C Condition 15 – Blank

89 mltcse15 285-288 4 C Condition 15 - ICD-10 Cause Code

90 injflg16 289-289 1 C Condition 16 - Blank

91 mltcse16 290-293 4 C Condition 16 - ICD-10 Cause Code

92 injflg17 294-294 1 C Condition 17 – Blank

93 mltcse17 295-298 4 C Condition 17 - ICD-10 Cause Code

94 injflg18 299-299 1 C Condition 18 - Blank

95 mltcse18 300-303 4 C Condition 18 - ICD-10 Cause Code

96 injflg19 304-304 1 C Condition 19 – Blank

97 mltcse19 305-308 4 C Condition 19 - ICD-10 Cause Code

98 injflg20 309-309 1 C Condition 20 – Blank

99 mltcse20 310-313 4 C Condition 20 - ICD-10 Cause Code


Position 1: Injury FlagThere are two sets of codes in the range of 800.0-999.9: nature of injury codes (without an E) and codes for external events (E8000-E9999). This field identifies which type of code is used with the associated ICD-9 code in position 2-5.

1 - Indicates that the code is a nature of injury code if the ICD-9 code is in the range of 800.0-999.

0 – Indicates that the code is an external event code (preceded by an E) IF the ICD-9 code is in the range of 800.0-999.9

Position 2-5: ICD-9 Cause Code, see for ICD-9 codes.

60 injflg1 214-214 1 C Condition 1 - Injury Flag

61 mltcse1 215-218 4 C Condition 1 – ICD-9 Cause Code

62 injflg2 219-219 1 C Condition 2 - Injury Flag

63 mltcse2 220-223 4 C Condition 2 – ICD-9 Cause Code

64 injflg3 224-224 1 C Condition 3 - Injury Flag

65 mltcse3 225-228 4 C Condition 3 – ICD-9 Cause Code

66 injflg4 229-229 1 C Condition 4 - Injury Flag

67 mltcse4 230-233 4 C Condition 4 – ICD-9 Cause Code

68 injflg5 234-234 1 C Condition 5 - Injury Flag

69 mltcse5 235-238 4 C Condition 5 – ICD-9 Cause Code

70 injflg6 239-239 1 C Condition 6 - Injury Flag

71 mltcse6 240-243 4 C Condition 6 – ICD-9 Cause Code

72 injflg7 244-244 1 C Condition 7 - Injury Flag

73 mltcse7 245-248 4 C Condition 7 – ICD-9 Cause Code

74 injflg8 249-249 1 C Condition 8 - Injury Flag

75 mltcse8 250-253 4 C Condition 8 – ICD-9 Cause Code

76 injflg9 254-254 1 C Condition 9 - Injury Flag

77 mltcse9 255-258 4 C Condition 9 – ICD-9 Cause Code

78 injflg10 259-259 1 C Condition 10 - Injury Flag

79 mltcse10 260-263 4 C Condition 10 – ICD-9 Cause Code

80 injflg11 264-264 1 C Condition 11 - Injury Flag

81 mltcse11 265-268 4 C Condition 11 – ICD-9 Cause Code

82 injflg12 269-269 1 C Condition 12 - Injury Flag

83 mltcse12 270-273 4 C Condition 12 – ICD-9 Cause Code

84 injflg13 274-274 1 C Condition 13 - Injury Flag

85 mltcse13 275-278 4 C Condition 13 – ICD-9 Cause Code

86 injflg14 279-279 1 C Condition 14 - Injury Flag

87 mltcse14 280-283 4 C Condition 14 – ICD-9 Cause Code

88 injflg15 284-284 1 C Condition 15 - Injury Flag

89 mltcse15 285-288 4 C Condition 15 – ICD-9 Cause Code

90 injflg16 289-289 1 C Condition 16 - Injury Flag

91 mltcse16 290-293 4 C Condition 16 – ICD-9 Cause Code

92 injflg17 294-294 1 C Condition 17 - Injury Flag

93 mltcse17 295-298 4 C Condition 17 – ICD-9 Cause Code

94 injflg18 299-299 1 C Condition 18 - Injury Flag

95 mltcse18 300-303 4 C Condition 18 – ICD-9 Cause Code

96 injflg19 304-304 1 C Condition 19 - Injury Flag

97 mltcse19 305-308 4 C Condition 19 – ICD-9 Cause Code

98 injflg20 309-309 1 C Condition 20 - Injury Flag

99 mltcse20 310-313 4 C Condition 20 – ICD-9 Cause Code


Blank Field

100 injpnchs 314-314 1 C NCHS Place of Injury Code


0 – Home (Excludes: abandoned or derelict house (8), home under construction, but not yet occupied(6), institutional place of residence (1); Includes: about home, apartment, army camp, boarding house, cabin, caravan (trailer) park – residential, farm house, Hogan, home premises, home sidewalk, home swimming pool, house (residential), noninstitutional place of residence, penthouse, private driveway to home, private garage, private garden to home, private walk to home, private wall to home, residence, rooming house, swimming pool in private home or garden, trailer camp or court, yard (not otherwise specified), yard to home)

1 – Residential Institution (Includes: almshouse, army camp, children’s home, dormitory fraternity house, home for the sick, hospice, institution (any type), jail, military (camp)(reservation), nurse’s home, nursing home, old people’s home, orphanage, penitentiary, pensioner’s home, prison, prison camp, reform school, sorority house, state hospital)

2 – School, other institution and public administrative area(Excludes: building under construction (6), residential institution (1), sports and athletic areas (3); Includes: armory, assembly hall, campus, child center, church, cinema, clubhouse, college, country club, court house, dance hall, day care, day nursery, drive in theater, fire house, gallery, health club, health resort, health spa, hospital, institute of higher learning, kindergarten, library, mission, movie house, museum, music hall, night club, opera house, playground at school, police precinct, police station or cell, post office, private club, public hall, salvation army, school(grounds)(yard), school (private)(public) (state), theatre, Turkish bath, University, YMCA, youth center, YWCA

3 – Sports and Athletics Area (Excludes: swimming pool or tennis court in private home or garden (0); Includes: baseball field, basketball court, cricket ground, dude ranch, fives court, football field, golf course, gymnasium, hockey field, hunting cabin, ice palace, racecourse, riding school, rifle range (not otherwise specified), skating rink, sports ground, sports palace, squash court, stadium, swimming pool(public)(private), tennis court

4 – Street and Highway (Includes: alley, bridge (not otherwise specified), freeway, interstate, motorway, named street/highway/interstate, pavement, road, roadside, sidewalk (not otherwise specified))

5 – Trade and service area (Excludes garage in private home (0); Includes: airport, bank, bar, body shop, café, casino, electric company, filling station, funeral home, garage – place of work, garage away from highway except home, garage building (for car storage), garage (not otherwise specified), gas station, hotel, loading platform – store, market (grocery or other commodity), motel, office, radio/television broadcasting station, restaurant, salvage lot, service station, shop - commercial, shopping center, shopping mall, station – bus or railway, store, subway, tourist court, tourist home, warehouse)

6 – Industrial and construction areas (Includes: building under construction, coal pit, coalyard, construction job, dairy processing plant, dockyard, dry dock, electric tower, factor, foundry, gas works, grain elevator, gravel pit, highway under construction, industrial yard, loading platform – factory, logging operation area, lumber yard, mill pond, oil field, oil rig and other offshore installations, oil well, plant – industrial, power-station, produce building, railroad track or trestle, railway yard, sand pit, sawmill, sewage disposal plant, shipyard, shop, substation, subway track, tannery, tunnel under construction, wharf, workshop

7 – Farm (Excludes: farm house and home premises of farm (0); Includes: barn, barnyard, corncrib, cornfield, dairy, (not otherwise specified), farm buildings, farm pond or creek, farmland under cultivation, field (numbered or specialized), gravel pit on farm, orange grove, pasture, ranch (not otherwise specified), range (not otherwise specified), silo, state farm

8 – Other specified places (Includes: abandoned gravel pit, abandoned public building or home, air force firing range, bar pit or ditch, beach, beach resort, boy’s camp, building (not otherwise specified), camp, camping grounds, campsite, canal, caravan site, cemetery, city dump, dam site, derelict house, desert, ditch, dock(not otherwise specified), excavation site, fairgrounds, field (not otherwise specified), forest, fort, harbor, hill, holiday camp, irrigation canal or ditch, junkyard, lake (not otherwise specified), lake resort, manhole, marsh, military training ground, mountain, mountain cabin, mountain resort, named city, named lake, named town, nursery (not otherwise specified), open field, park, parking lot, parking place, pier, pipeline, place of business (not otherwise specified), playground (not otherwise specified), pond or pool (natural), power line pole, prairie, private property, public place (not otherwise specified), public property, railway line, reservoir (water), resort (not otherwise specified), river, sea, seashore (not otherwise specified), seashore resort, sewer, specified address, stream, swamp, vacation resort, woods, zoo)

9 – Unspecified Place (Includes: bed, commode, country, downstairs, fireplace, hot tub, jobsite, near any place, on job, parked car, sofa, table tree)


Blank field

101 bcountry 315-317 3 C Decedent’s Birth Country Code

For code table see “country.csv” in documentation.


Blank – Decedent is not foreign born


Blank field

102 cntyfile 318-323 6 C County File Number

***Blank beginning in 2004***

Replaced by longer field (field 138, same variable name)


File number assigned by county

Health department. The file number

is only unique within each county.


Blank field

103 geozip 324-328 5 C Zip code assigned by GIS software


This is the zip code that was assigned by the GIS software. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes–Reported zip code and geocoded zip code.”

**** New Variables Beginning in 2004***********

104 zip_occ 329-333 5 C Zip Code of Death Occurrence

105 edu_le8 334 1 C Decedent’s Years of Education if highest education level (educ) is 8th grade or less.


0 – No education

1-8 – 1st – 8th grades

9 – Unknown


Not Collected

***NOTE: Fields 106-125 give data for each check box on the death certificate. Before using these fields, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes - Race/Hispanic Origin.” Bridged race data and Hispanic data are found in the old race/Hispanic fields and in the NCHS bridged race variable (race, hisp, and brg_race). Edited data for multiple race analysis (sum_race) are at the end of the file (field 139).***

106 hisp_no 335 1 C Hispanic Origin, Not Hispanic Not Hispanic, as reported on the death certificate.


Y – Yes

N – No

U – Entire Hispanic item unknown


Not Collected. See hisp.

107 hisp_mex 336 1 C Hispanic Origin, Mexican.

See hisp_no for codes.

108 hisp_pr 337 1 C Hispanic Origin, Puerto Rican.

See hisp_no for codes.

109 hisp_cub 338 1 C Hispanic Origin, Cuban.

See hisp_no for codes.

110 hisp_oth 339 1 C Hispanic Origin, Other Hispanic.

See hisp_no for codes.

111 race_wht 340 1 C Race, White, as reported on the death certificate.


Y – Yes

N – No

U – Entire Race item unknown


Not Collected. See race.

112 race_blk 341 1 C Race, Black or African American. See race_wht for codes.

113 race_ami 342 1 C Race, American Indian/Alaska Native

See race_wht for codes.

114 race_asi 343 1 C Race, Asian Indian.

See race_wht for codes.

115 race_chi 344 1 C Race, Chinese.

See race_wht for codes.

116 race_fil 345 1 C Race, Filipino.

See race_wht for codes.

117 race_jap 346 1 C Race, Japanese.

See race_wht for codes.

118 race_kor 347 1 C Race, Korean.

See race_wht for codes.

119 race_vie 348 1 C Race, Vietnamese.

See race_wht for codes.

120 race_oas 349 1 C Race, Other Asian.

See race_wht for codes.

121 race_haw 350 1 C Race, Native Hawaiian.

See race_wht for codes.

122 race_gua 351 1 C Race, Guamanian or Chamorro.

See race_wht for codes.

123 race_sam 352 1 C Race, Samoan.

See race_wht for codes.

124 race_opi 353 1 C Race, Other Pacific Islander.

See race_wht for codes.

125 race_oth 354 1 C Race, Other.

See race_wht for codes.

126 res_trbc 355 3 C Code for tribal reservation IF the decedent lived on a reservation. For code table see “triberes.csv” in documentation.

127 res_lena 358 1 C Length of residence at Address,

Unit type.

128 res_auni 359 2 N Length of Residence at Address,

# units

129 informrl 361 20 C Informant Relationship

130 autopava 391 1 C Autopsy Available to complete the

Cause of Death?


1 - Yes

2 – No

8 – Not reported

9 – Unknown


Not collected.

131 zipinjoc 392 5 C Zip code where injury occurred.

132 pregstat 397 1 C If female, was decedent:


0 – Pregnancy status missing

1 – Not pregnant within 1 year

2 – Pregnant at death

3 – Not pregnant, but w/in 42 days

4 – Not pregnant, but 43 days to 1yr

8 – Not applicable

9 – Unknown


Not Collected.

133 tbcontri 398 1 C Tobacco use contribute to Death? (information provided by the Medical Certifier)


1 – Yes

2 – No

7 – Probably

8 – Not reported

9 – Unknown


Not Collected.

134 transinj 399 1 C If transportation injury, specify:


1 – Driver

2 – Passenger

3 – Pedestrian

4 – Other

8 – N/A

9 – Unknown


Not Collected.

135 dod_modi 400 1 C Date of Death Modifier:


A - Actual

P – Presumed

C – Court determined

F – Found


Not collected.

136 occfed04 401 3 C Occupation-Federal Code 2004


***Field currently Blank***

137 indfed04 404-406 3 C Industry–Federal Code 2004 Revision

***Field currently Blank***

138 cntyfile 407-421 15 C County File Number

Replaced a shorter field (field 108), same variable name


File number assigned by county

Health department. The file number

is only unique within each county.

Note: cntyfile is located after field bcountry in the .csv files.

139 sum_race 422-423 2 C Decedent’s Summary Race Decedent’s race based on all check boxes reported, edited to remove duplicate race group. There is one code for each possible race combination. Before using this field, see “Death Statistical File Data Notes–Race/Hispanic Ethnicity.”

Note: for the race codes below, AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native; NHOPI = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.


Single race

10 – White only

11 – Black only

12 – AIAN only

13 – Asian only

14 – NHOPI only

Two races

20 – White, Black

21 – White, AIAN

22 – White, Asian

23 – White, NHOPI

24 – Black, AIAN

25 – Black, Asian

26 – Black, NHOPI

27 – AIAN, Asian


29 – Asian, NHOPI

Three races

30 – White, Black, AIAN

31 – White, Black, Asian

32 – White, Black, NHOPI

33 – White, AIAN, Asian

34 – White, AIAN, NHOPI

35 – White, Asian, NHOPI

36 – Black, AIAN, Asian

37 – Black, AIAN, NHOPI

38 – Black, Asian, NHOPI

39 – AIAN, Asian, NHOPI

Four races

40 – White, Black, AIAN, Asian

41 – White, Black, AIAN, NHOPI

42 – White, Black, Asian, NHOPI

43 – White, AIAN, Asian, NHOPI

44 – Black, AIAN, Asian, NHOPI

Five races

50 – White, Black, AIAN, Asian, NHOPI


99 - Unknown


Not Collected

*** New Variable Beginning in 2006***

140 rinj_caus 424 1 C Reported Manner of Death

Indicates type of injury when an external injury has occurred. This variable is ‘as reported’ on the death certificate before any corrections due to querying or coding inconsistencies. May differ from variable ‘inj_caus’.


1 – Natural

2 – Accident

3 – Suicide

4 – Homicide

5 – Undetermined

6 – Pending

***New Variable Beginning in 2011***

141 disp_fac 426-429 4 C Disposition Facility Code. For code table see “cemelist.csv” and “cemelist file layout.pdf”in documentation.

**** New Variable Beginning in 2012****

142 brg_race 430-431 2 C NCHS Bridged Race

Bridges multiple-race reporting back to one of four race categories (White, Black, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian/Pacific Islander). It includes single race reporting. For more information on race bridging see “Death Statistical File Date Notes-Race/Hispanic Ethnicity.”

Note: for the race codes below, AIAN = American Indian/Alaska Native

Single race specified

01 – White

02 – Black

03 – AIAN

04 – Asian Indian

05 – Chinese

06 - Filipino

07 - Japanese

08 - Korean

09 - Vietnamese

10 – Other Asian

11 – Native Hawaiian

12 – Guamanian or Chamorro

13 - Samoan

14 – Other Pacific Islander

15 - Other

Bridged multiple specified race

21 – White

22 – Black

23 – AIAN

24 – Asian or Pacific Islander



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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