CDE Letterhead - Forms (CDE Intranet)

-520065-56896000June 4, 2015Dear Accountability Coordinators:SCHOOL ATTENDANCE DATA COLLECTIONAt the January 2015 meeting, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved the use of an attendance rate as the additional indicator in the 2015 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) determinations for elementary and middle grades. Traditionally, the Academic Performance Index (API) has been used as the additional indicator in AYP determinations. At the May 2015 SBE meeting, the California Department of Education (CDE) proposed a school attendance rate target of 90 percent. The SBE needs to review the school-level attendance rate data before establishing a target.At this time, the CDE only wants to use attendance data to meet the federal reporting requirements for the 2015 AYP reports. With the development of the new state accountability system and the local control accountability plans, we anticipate ongoing conversations about other indicators in the future. The CDE will be collecting attendance data for all public schools with students enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten through grade eight (TK–8). If attendance data are not reported or available for a school with TK–8 enrollment, that school will not meet the attendance rate criteria and will not make AYP. As a result, the school may be identified for or advance in Program Improvement (PI), see page 3 of this letter for more information.The school-level attendance data reported by a local educational agency (LEA) will only be used to calculate a school’s attendance rate for the purposes of AYP. These data will not be used for funding or for any other purpose and will not take the place of average daily attendance (ADA) that is required to be submitted to the CDE through the Principal Apportionment Data Collection Software. (Note: LEAs are defined as school districts and county offices of education.) LEAs will upload a Microsoft Excel or tab-delimited text file with attendance data for all of their schools onto a secure CDE Web site by the close of business on Friday, July 10. Since school-level attendance data are collected by the state for charter schools, if they elect not to submit data, the CDE will use data already submitted to the state; see page 3 of this letter for more information. Data Collection The CDE will be collecting the 2014–15 attendance data for each school site as of the second period (P-2), which is from July 1 through the last school month that ends on or before April 15. In an effort to reduce the data collection burden on LEAs, the Academic Accountability Unit (AAU) is providing LEAs with two options for submitting data. LEAs must select only one reporting option for schools in the LEA (i.e., an LEA cannot use a mix of option 1 and 2).For Option 1, LEAs may submit the total number of days that students attended school and the number of school days that students were enrolled during the school year for each school site as of P-2.Example Option 1 (school attendance and enrollment): A school enrolled three students during the school year. In the table below, Student 1 enrolled on the first day of school, and Students 2 and 3 enrolled after the first day of school. As a result, each student has a different number of enrollment days at the school. For Option 1, the LEA is required to report the total number of attendance and enrollment days for each school based on the aggregation of student-level data for each school site. The submitted data will be used to calculate an attendance rate (i.e., total number of days attended divided by total number of days enrolled). StudentTK–8 Number of Days Attended as of P-2TK–8 Number of Days Enrolled as of P-2Student 1130135Student 2123125Student 35970Totals312330However, LEAs may not have student-level enrollment data readily available. Thus, Option 2 allows LEAs to submit their 2014–15 ADA for each school site as of P-2. Note that these data do not need to be reconciled with the P-2 ADA reported to the state for funding purposes through the Principal Apportionment Data Collection Software for the 2014–15 Second Principal Apportionment. This option allows LEAs to extract existing data from their system used to report ADA. Example Option 2 (school site ADA): Under Option 2, LEAs may report their P-2 ADA for each school site in the LEA. The CDE would then use the point-in-time enrollment data from Fall Census Day to calculate an attendance-to-enrollment ratio by school site (i.e., P-2 ADA divided by enrollment on Fall Census Day). StudentTK–8 2014–15 P-2 ADASchool A890School B1020School C780School D810Charter SchoolsBecause the CDE collects ADA for charter schools, the CDE will use ADA data for any charter school that decides not to submit data under Option 1, and will apply the Option 2 calculation methodology to determine AYP for the charter school. If an LEA decides to submit data using Option 1, and chooses to also submit the data for their locally-funded charter school, the CDE will use the data submitted under Option 1 to make AYP determinations for those charter schools. For charters schools that may not have staff working during the summer months to submit data under Option 1, direct-funded and locally-funded charters will have an opportunity to submit Option 1 data during the data correction window in October 2015. Missing DataIf attendance data are not reported or available for a school with TK–8 enrollment, that school will not meet the attendance rate criteria and will not make AYP. As a result, the school may be identified for or advance in PI. While there will be an opportunity to correct the attendance data reported for this purpose, the data correction window will not open until the fall. Schools and LEAs will be required to implement the requirements of the PI status reflected in the initial release of the 2015 AYP reports until revised AYP reports are posted to the CDE Web site.File FormatsAs stated earlier, LEAs may submit data in an Excel file format or a tab-delimited text file format (see Attachments 1 and 2). All files submitted should contain nine fields. Each format allows LEAs to report for Option 1 or Option 2. LEAs are only required to report data by one option. For example, if an LEA choses to submit Option 1 data, the field required for Option 2 would be left blank. In addition, the file format allows LEAs to report the county-district-school (CDS) code in one of two ways:Insert the full 14-digit CDS code in one field; orInsert the two-digit county code, five-digit district code, and seven-digit school code in three separate fieldsA URL and password will be provided to your secure accountability coordinator to allow them to upload the attendance data to a secure Web site. To sign up as a secure accountability coordinator, please go to the Accountability Listserv Web page at . If you have questions about the sign-up process, please e-mail the AAU at aau@cde.. We encourage you to review Attachment 3 for frequently asked questions and to work with your fiscal staff to provide the requested data. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Justin Lane, Education Research and Evaluation Assistant, by phone at 916-323-1341 or by e-mail at jlane@cde..Sincerely, Jenny Singh, Interim DirectorAnalysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Divisioncc: County Office of Education External and Internal Fiscal Coordinators AttachmentsJS:-520065759714000-520065759714000soTab-delimited Text File Record LayoutFieldField NameTypeWidthField Description1CDSCharacter1414-digit County-District-School Code. If provided, fields 2, 3, and 4 should be blank.2CCodeCharacter2Two-digit County Code. If provided, field 1 should be blank.3DCodeCharacter5Five-digit District Code. If provided, field 1 should be blank.4SCodeCharacter7Seven-digit School Code. If provided, field 1 should be blank.5SNameCharacter40School Name.6GradeSpanCharacter2Grade span of data included in file (e.g., K6=kindergarten through grade six, 78=grade seven through grade eight).7NumDaysAttendedCharacter6Option 1: Transitional kindergarten through grade eight. The number of school days that students attended school. If provided, field 9 should be blank.8NumDaysEnrolledCharacter6Option 1: Transitional kindergarten through grade eight. The number of school days that students were enrolled at the school during the 2014–15 school year. If provided, field 9 should be blank.9P-2ADACharacter6Option 2: Transitional kindergarten through grade eight. 2014–15 P-2 ADA data reported. If provided, fields 7 and 8 should be blank.ADA = Average Daily AttendanceP-2 = Second PeriodExample of a Local Educational Agency (LEA) submitting Excel data file under Option 1:CDSCounty CodeDistrict CodeSchool CodeSchool NameGrade LevelOption 1 TK–8 Number of Days AttendedOption 1 TK–8 Number of Days EnrolledOption 2 TK–8 2014–15 P-2 ADA Reported Blank12111112222222School ATK-826,00027,000BlankBlank12111113333333School BK-618,45018,750BlankBlank12111114444444School CK-35,9007,000BlankExample of an LEA submitting Excel data file under Option 2: CDSCounty CodeDistrict CodeSchool CodeSchool NameGrade LevelOption 1 TK–8 Number of Days AttendedOption 1 TK–8 Number of Days EnrolledOption 2 TK–8 2014–15 P-2 ADA Reported 10555556666666BlankBlankBlankSTARTK-3BlankBlank14,87410555557777777BlankBlankBlankWish4-6BlankBlank16,20010555558888888BlankBlankBlankTwinkleK-6BlankBlank22,455 For an explanation on how to populate the Excel file, see the “Field Description” in the Tab-delimited Text File Record Layout in Attachment 1.ADA = Average Daily AttendanceCDS = County-District-School CodeP-2 = Second PeriodTK–8 = Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Eight Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the purpose of this data collection?The purpose of this data collection is to provide the California Department of Education (CDE) with data needed to calculate attendance rates as an additional indicator for 2015 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) determinations for Transitional Kindergarten through grade 8 (TK–8). Will the data reported by a local educational agency (LEA) be used for any other purpose besides calculating attendance rates as an additional indicator for AYP?No. The sole purpose and use of this data collection is to calculate attendance rates for elementary, middle, and junior high schools and for elementary and unified school districts 2015 AYP reports.Will the attendance data reported through this data collection replace the attendance data that is submitted through the Principal Apportionment Data Collection for the purpose of funding?No. Attendance data submitted pursuant to this data collection will not be used by the CDE for any funding calculations and does not take the place of average daily attendance (ADA) data that are required to be submitted to the CDE. What is the attendance period covered in this school attendance data collection? For both Option 1 and Option 2, the CDE is collecting 2014–15 attendance data as of the second period (P-2), which is from July 1 through the last school month that ends before April 15.Are LEAs required to provide attendance data under both Option 1 and Option 2?No. LEAs select only one reporting option to be used for all schools in the LEA. What is the difference between Option 1 and Option 2? Under Option 1 LEAs report by school site, the number of days attended and the number of days enrolled in 2014–15 for each TK–8 student as of P-2, which is the period from July 1 through the last school month that ends before April 15.Under Option 2 LEAs report by school site, their 2014-15 ADA for TK–8 as of P-2, which is the period from July 1 through the last school month that ends before April 15. For Option 2, the CDE will use TK–8 enrollment data from 2014–15 Fall Census Day, which includes both primary and short term enrollment counts.What grade levels are included in this data collection?This data collection includes attendance and enrollment data for TK–8.Why are high school data not included in this data collection?The U.S. Department of Education requires that all schools meet the annual measureable objects, the participation rate, and the additional indicator. For high schools, the required additional indicator is the graduation rate.What categories of attendance should be included in this data collection?LEAs should include attendance and (corresponding enrollment for Option 1 only) in the following categories in the data reported:TK–8 regular attendance, which includes but is not limited to opportunity classes, home and hospital, special day class, and continuation educationTK–8 Community Day School attendanceElementary County Office Opportunity School attendanceElementary County Community School attendanceElementary County Office Special Education-Special Day Class attendanceElementary County Group Home and Institution attendance Elementary Juvenile Hall, Home and Camp attendanceProbation Referred, on Probation or Parole, Expelled pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 48915(a) or (c) [EC 14057(b) and 14058] attendanceElementary County Funded Non-Juvenile Court School attendanceNo attendance/ADA/enrollment should be reported under either Option 1 or Option 2 for:Extended Year Special Education [EC 56345(b)(3)]Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366 (a)(7)]Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Licensed Children’s InstitutionsExtended Year- Nonpublic, Nonsectarian Schools [EC 56366 (a)(7)]Extended Year- Nonsectarian Licensed Children’s InstitutionsAdults in Correctional Facilities [EC 1909]Handicapped Adults [EC 52570]County School Tuition Fund (Out of State Tuition) [EC 2000 and 46380]Does my county office of education need to approve the attendance data before submitted to the CDE?No, data is reported directly to the CDE from the LEA. How should attendance be reported for ungraded students?Data must be reported for pupils in TK–8. To the extent an LEA has ungraded pupils, their attendance and enrollment must be determined to fall in or outside of the TK–8 grade span. If within the TK–8 grade span, data should be reported based on each pupil’s age appropriate grade span, education level grade span, or based on other criteria developed by each LEA. My LEA submitted a J13 waiver for a school closure in 2014–15. How does that affect the data that my LEA reports for this data collection?The answer to this question depends on whether your LEA is reporting data under Option 1 or Option 2 and whether or not your LEA received an approval letter.If your LEA is reporting data under Option 1, and your LEA received an approval letter from the CDE for the J13 waiver submitted, the attendance reported should not include attendance for the day your school was closed or enrollment on the day the school was closed. If your LEA is reporting data under Option 2 and your LEA received an approval letter from the CDE for the J13 waiver submitted, your 2014–15 P-2 ADA reported for this data collection should reflect the adjustment for the closure.If your LEA is reporting data under Option 1, submitted a J13 waiver for 2014-15, and did not receive an approval letter from the CDE, your LEA should have no adjustment to attendance as a result of the closure. Meaning, the day of the closure should be included as a day of attendance and the day of the closure should be counted as a day of enrollment. To the extent you receive an approval letter from the CDE after July 10, the date by which this data collection closes, your LEA can make a correction to the data reported during the fall data correction window. If your LEA is reporting data under Option 2 and your LEA did not receive an approval letter from the CDE for the J13 waiver submitted, your 2014–15 P-2 ADA should not reflect an adjustment for the closure. To the extent you receive an approval letter from the CDE after July 10, the date by which this data collection closes, your LEA can make a correction to the data reported during the fall data correction window.My LEA submitted a J13 waiver for a material decrease in 2014–15. How does that affect the data that my LEA reports for this data collection?If your LEA submitted a J13 waiver for a material decrease in ADA, and received an approval letter from the CDE for that waiver request, your attendance reported should reflect the increased attendance pursuant to that approval. If your LEA submitted a J13 waiver for a material decrease in ADA, and did not receive an approval letter from the CDE for that waiver request, your attendance reported should be based on actual attendance. To the extent you receive an approval letter from the CDE after July 10, the date by which this data collection closes, your LEA can make a correction to the data reported during the fall data correction window. ................

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