Connecting Communities – Creating Change

Connecting Communities – Creating Change

A ½ - day conference on making the most of community-based networks

In complex systems such as human society, the ‘well-connected

community’ can be seen as an integrating mechanism, which

tolerates difference, celebrates diversity, promotes equality

and acknowledges mutuality”

Gilchrist, 2000:272

The Southside Partnership, under the auspices of the Strategic Planning Action Network (SPAN) Project, hosted a ½ day conference on the role of networks in community development on 11th May 2006 in the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Stillorgan.

In the promotional material for this event (see Appendix 1), it was noted that networks have become a vital component of community development practice and that this collective action has many benefits and challenges associated with it. The ½ day event aimed to provide participants with an understanding of the logic that underpins networks in the field of community development and, through practical examples, to illustrate the role of networks in promoting community participation.

SPAN is a transnational network of practice based

organisations and academic institutions involved in new

participatory approaches to strategic planning and multi-

level governance across urban and rural settings. In

relation to the theme of multi-level governance,

considerable weight is currently being given across the

EU to the contribution of territorial development, through

Improved horizontal and vertical governance, in meeting

the goals of economic competitiveness, social cohesion

and sustainable development. The argument is that more

effective action in the spheres of economic, social,

environmental and cultural development can be secured

through common understandings, shared goals and

collective working (i.e. collaboration). At the meeting of

transnational partners involved in the SPAN Project in

December 2005, it was agreed that the focus of thematic

events hosted by the Irish and Northern Irish practitioner

partners in 2006 would be ‘Networks, Territorial Cohesion

and Collaboration’. The hosting on this event fulfils this

obligation for the Irish practitioner partners, Southside

Partnership who will host the event and NUI Maynooth

who will report it.

From left to right: Alison Gilchrist (CDF)

Michael Murray (QUB) & Brendan

Bartley (NUI Maynooth)

Purpose of the Event

All too often, the notion of ‘networks’ is associated with the business community only – business networks, development networks, etc. A key objective of this event was to raise awareness of the fact that the public and community & voluntary sectors can and should use networks in their day-to-day activities – they may just not realise that they are ‘networking’.

This ½ day event provided delegates with an opportunity to examine their working practices and develop an insight into:

• how they become involved in networks,

• the benefits and challenges of being involved in networks,

• how to achieve buy-in to networks,

• how many networks they are actually involved in and the role they play in each,

• the role of networks in building capacity, promoting learning and influencing decision-makers,

• the importance of a common vision within the network, and

• good practice in dissemination.

Promotion of SPAN

To highlight the role of SPAN in this event, an EU-funded initiative under the Interreg IIIB Programme, posters detailing the aims, objectives, partners involved and expected outcomes of the SPAN project were displayed in the venue during the course of the conference. Details on the work of SPAN in the Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown pilot territory were circulated in the delegate packs. The EU flag was on display throughout the event. The SPAN logo was used on all promotional materials (see Appendix 1 for copy of Conference Programme). In opening the event, Marie Carroll, Director of Southside Partnership, highlighted the objectives of SPAN in general and the wok programme currently being rolled out jointly by the Partnership and NIRSA, NUI Maynooth (the academic partner).

SPAN monies were used to part cover the costs of hosting this event – including venue hire and expenses incurred by speakers.


This event was attended by approximately 65 people, mainly practitioners from the local planning authority, service providers including representatives from the Health Service Executive and An Garda Siochana, locally elected councillors, local development agencies – all organisations with a role to play in the development and implementation of strategic territorial


Selection of audience attending seminar

planning policy and multi-level governance – the key themes of the Interreg IIIB SPAN project (see Appendix 2).

Representatives of SPAN – both locally and transnationally – attended the event. On a Transnational basis, the project was represented at this workshop by attendees from Queens University Belfast (QUB) and the Rural Community Network. At a local level, representatives from the Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown pilot territory were present as well as representatives from NIRSA, NUI Maynooth.

Keynote Address: Alison Gilchrist

The keynote address was delivered by Alison Gilchrist (see Appendix 3 for biographical note), a leading authority on community development and networks who, through her role in the Community Development Foundation, provides advice on local development issues to the various levels of government within the UK. During her presentation, Alison highlighted the existence of both formal and informal networks and highlighted the importance of both to community development (see Appendix 4 for presentation slides). Given that everyone is influenced in what they do and say by those around them, it is logical that any networks people become involved in reflect their priorities and preferences. This infers that the process of networking is not random. Alison then noted the importance of networks in facilitating cross-boundary co-operation and engagement but cautioned that their success does not happen overnight. To network means ‘to work’ – it takes time, effort, skills and patience to build up a network but the benefits are such that they outweigh these trunk costs – social capital, critical mass, trust among members, ability to be creative, and sharing of resources including knowledge and experiences.

The success of networks lies in the fact that they are flexible and have a shared value system in which decision-making is not centralised and there are generally no formal rules or protocols (though for the less well-organised networks, this lack of formal structures could prove challenging). Through collective action, they can be seen as powerful groupings and, as such, can exert advocacy or lobbying influence. They are also a space for generating and sharing ideas and checking the accuracy of data.

While there are many benefits, there are also many challenges to being involved in networks. They are complex systems involving a wealth of elements. The make-up and rationale/objectives of the network (i.e. who is involved and why working together) can change regularly. They can be viewed as elitist or exclusive clubs. Achieving consensus can prove difficult given the diversity that can be represented on the network.

Referring to published material, which uses Complexity Theory to explain why some networks succeed and others don’t, Alison argues that networks with low levels of connectivity but similar objectives become stagnant while networks influenced by a wide diversity of interests are volatile and unstable. To be successful, networks must operate on the ‘edge of chaos’ i.e. somewhere between rigidity and randomness. Such networks are characterised by their robustness, horizontal communication, self-regulation and evaluation and the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium through adjustments to the operating environment in response to changing conditions (Gilchrist, 2000). The ‘edge of chaos’ model also notes that beyond their formal raison d’etre, networks also provide “opportunities for interaction, mutual learning and the development of relationships based on trust as well as respect” (Gilchrist, 2000:269).

Networks don’t just happen – they must be created and nurtured. Community workers have a key role to play, as catalysts and connectors, in the formation and development of networks. Their skills in communication, identifying links, building relationships, identifying gaps in representation, etc. are essential to the survival of a network. By being well-connected, community groups and associated networks will be better positioned to adapt effectively to changing circumstances and thus be sustainable.

Case Studies

Two case studies highlighting the importance of networks in the field of community development were showcased. According to Gilchrist (2004), “community development has much to offer in relation to strategies for: tackling social exclusion, increasing community involvement, building community capacity, promoting community cohesion, supporting social enterprise and improving multi-agency working” (p.20). It is fitting, therefore, that one of the case studies highlighted was concerned with the regeneration of a neighbourhood.


Fatima Mansions Regeneration:

Fatima Mansions, a local authority flat complex built in the late 40s / early 50s and located in the south west of Dublin City, began to go into social decline due to high unemployment, drug problems, low levels of education, movement of tenants out of area, etc. in the 1970s and early 1980s (see Appendix 5 for presentation slides). A number of reports and proposals on how the renewal of the area should proceed were published in the 1990s and early Millennium. Since 2003, the current regeneration scheme for the area has being rolled-out through a public-private partnership, the first time such an approach has been used in Ireland in the regeneration of a local authority complex. The regeneration involves the construction of social, affordable, super-affordable and private dwellings as well as retail, enterprise, leisure space and a neighbourhood centre. This regeneration programme, which will continue until 2009, is being overseen and monitored by the Fatima Regeneration Board, an integrated partnership established in 2001. This is a network involving Dublin City Council, statutory and public representatives, local resident associations, the Rialto Community Forum and Fatima Groups United. The network relies heavily on clear organisational structures and horizontal communication. The local community liaison officer has a key role to play in both these areas, particularly in keeping residents informed of all activities. The network is also flexible and robust to deal with issues as they arise.

Southside Childcare Action Network:

The second case study focused on the Southside Childcare Action Network (SCAN), a small network established in 1997 focusing on the needs of local children and families (see Appendix 6 for presentation slides). This network is very task-oriented and often “forgets” that it is a network. Its work programme is dictated by its annual budget and subsequently decided action plan, and, like the previous case study, it is a network of statutory and voluntary agencies. The strength of the network comes from the support it offers members, the sharing of information and resources, and the potential that exists for sharing of experiences and discussing new policy issues as they arise – and within the childcare sector, there have been many policy changes in the last few years. Although operating on a very different scale to Fatima Mansions Regeneration, issues still arise around changing membership, time resources including gaining access to training and meetings, staff turnover, and being under-resourced.

Plenary & Conclusion:

There is a clear need to distinguish between the terms: ‘network’, ‘partnership’, and ‘projects’, particularly given that a member of a network is highly likely to also be involved in projects or partnerships. For Alison Gilchrist, the clearest differentiation that can be made is that partnerships are formalised networks, projects are activities that can be undertaken by either, and networks are sustained active collectives that have a shared sense of commitment and/or objectives.

There are many reasons to become involved in, or establish, networks but for the community development sector, there are three key principles on which networks are constituted:

• equality

• empowerment

• participation.

Networks are increasingly being viewed as a key ingredient to the success of community development programmes. They are recognised as being cost effective and, given the limited resources available to organisations within the community sector, this is a key determinant in deciding to establish a network. They are also seen as being essential in building the critical mass of the community. Their success, however, is dependent on a number of factors:

• building on existing relationships

• maintaining one’s independence

• having clear objectives

• being flexible and willing to negotiate

• recognising the agendas of all players involved

• recognising each others strengths and weaknesses.

Even with these factors in place, the future of any network is further dependent on their commitment to seeing through the action plan and their ability to reflect accurately the experience of members and build on the lessons emerging from their activities.

There are also challenges to be taken into consideration and one of the key challenges is ‘burn-out’. This largely results from the effort, energy and time that one must give to sustaining one’s own network and possibly others of a similar nature or focus. The key is to achieving a balance between one’s commitment to the various networks and home life. Challenges are also posed by growth within the network – the larger the network becomes, the more necessary are formal structures, terms of reference, etc. This should stem the potential for manipulation and cooption within the network, particularly given that the formalising of structures will guarantee a constant reminder of the aims and objectives of the network and why members became involved in the first instance. A further challenge is encouraging new membership – both to replace members who have left but also to reflect the changing nature and diversity of the community (networks evolve like most aspects of life).


Representatives from local community organisations in

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown

Despite these challenges, the number of networks in existence throughout the community & voluntary sector is on the increase. This can largely be attributed to their importance in supporting the work of practitioners which, among other things, includes facilitating the exchange of information and two-way communication. Their role in developing successful community and local development partnerships cannot be ignored – with partnerships working closely and liaising with a diverse number of other organisations and groups, their involvement in networks is essential to stabilising tumultuous environments and easing tensions. It is essential, therefore, that they (i.e. networks) continue to be given the time and attention necessary to maintain these linkages. Furthermore, on-going investment in such networks must remain high on the agenda in local development.


Gilchrist, A (2004): The well-connected community: a networking approach to community development, The Policy Press, Bristol.

Gilchrist, A (2000): “The well-connected community: networking to the ‘edge of chaos’” in Community Development Journal, Vol. 35(3), pp.264-275, July 2000.

Appendix 1

Conference Brochure


Appendix 2

Conference Delegates

|Firstname |LastName |Organisation |

|Marie |Baker |Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council - Elected Rep |

|Margaret |Barry |Centre for Corporate Community |

|Brendan |Bartley |NIRSA, NUI Maynooth |

|Liam |Breen |Oasis |

|Joan |Buckley |St. Kieran's Enterprise Centre |

|Anne |Byrne |Meadowlands Fitzgerald Estate Mngt |

|Gray |Cahill |Community Platform |

|Marie |Carroll |Southside Partnership |

|Mary |Collins |Disability Interest Group |

|Angelene |Conefry |An Garda Síochána |

|Nora |Connors |STAG |

|Nan |Connors |STAG |

|Kitty |Connors |STAG |

|Maire |Corcoran Tindall |Draíocht |

|Caroline |Creamer |NIRSA, NUI Maynooth |

|Brenda |Creighton |Ballybrack CDP |

|James |Doherty |Local Drugs Task Force |

|Louise |Donnellon |Irish Wheelchair Association |

|Lorraine |Doyle |Meadowlands Fitzgerald Estate Mngt |

|Mags |Drohan |Southside Partnership |

|Collette |Farrington |Ballyogan Resource Centre |

|Sinead |Fitzgerald |HSE Family Services Project |

|Geraldine |Fitzpatrick |Local Drugs Task Force |

|Sinead |Fortune |Youth Choices, DLCTC |

|Jean |Garland |Ballyboden FRC |

|Joe |Gavin |Office of the Minister for Children |

|Alison |Gilchrist |Community Development Foundation |

|Marguerite |Hanratty |Southside Partnership |

|Gareth |Harper |Rural Community Network |

|Liz |Hayes |Centre for Corporate Community |

|Veronica |Haywood |Éigse Laoghaire |

|Linda |Holden |Shanganagh Park House |

|Laura |Kearney |HSE Family Services Project |

|Carol |Keating |Mountwood Fitzgerald CDP |

|Sylda |Langford |Office of the Minister for Children |

|Dave |Lawless |RAPID |

|Maurice |Leamy |Loughlinstown Community Rooms |

|Pauline |Mangan |Blanchardstown Area Partnership |

|Willie |Maughan |STAG |

|Vivienne |McCann |Southside Partnership |

|Ellen |McCormack |HSE Health Promotions |

|Caroline |McDermott |Shanganagh Park House |

|Willie |Morton |Community Forum |

|Belinda |Mulligan |Meadowlands Fitzgerald Estate Mngt |

|Caroline |Murphy |Mountwood Fitzgerald CDP |

|Michael |Murray |Queens University Belfast |

|Aileen |O'Brien |Southside Partnership |

|Mary |O'Brien |STAG |

|Barbara |O'Connor |Rosemount Resource Centre |

|Jenny |O'Connor |STAG |

|Tina |Pomphrett |Ballybrack CDP |

|Kevin |Reid |Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council |

|Michele |Relihan |Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Childcare Committee |

|Torry |Schellhorn |Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Social Inclusion Unit |

|Niall |Sexton |Southside Partnership |

|Bridget |Shannon |Unite |

|Kevin |Smyth |Community Platform |

|Angela |Stenson |Southside Partnership |

|Susan |Stevenson |Mountwood Fitzgerald CDP |

|Lorraine |Stewart |Southside Partnership |

|Angela |Sweeney |Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council |

|Dorothy |Walker |Fatima Regeneration Project |

|Carol |Ward |Youthreach |

|Marian |White |Mountwood Fitzgerald CDP |

|John |Whyte |Fatima Regeneration Project |

| | | |

Appendix 3

Biographical Note – Alison Gilchrist

Alison Gilchrist has worked for many years as a community development worker in inner-city neighbourhoods in Bristol. For eleven years she taught community and youth work at the University of West of England and during this period, she undertook research into the value of networking for community development. The findings of this work has recently been published by The Policy Press under the title, The Well-Connected Community: A Networking Approach to Community Development.

Alison chaired the Executive Committee of the Standing Conference for Community Development between 1995 and 1998. In 1999, she joined the Community Development Foundation (CDF)as their Regional Links Manager, responsible for their work with Regional Government. In October 2003, she was appointed to the post of Director, Practice Development, and is now responsible for CDF’s cohesion and diversity work. Alison is now based in Leeds.

The Community Development Foundation is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Active Community Directorate of the Home Office. It is a leading authority on community development with a specific remit to advise government at national, regional and local levels of decision-making.

Alison can be contacted at: 0044 113 246 0909 or by email at:

Appendix 4

PowerPoint Presentation Slides– Alison Gilchrist

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Appendix 5

PowerPoint Presentation slides – Fatima Mansions Regeneration

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Appendix 6

PowerPoint Presentation slides – Southside Childcare Action Network

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Registration Form

Name: ________________________________

Organisation ________________________________

Address: ________________________________



Telephone ________________________________

Please let us know if you have any access or dietary requirements:




Please return the form to:

Niall Sexton

Southside Partnership

24 Adelaide Street

Dún Laoghaire, Co. Dublin

Tel: (01) 230-1011 / Fax: (01) 202-0630

There is no registration fee but forms must be returned no later than:

May 8th, 2006

Key Note Speaker:

Alison Gilchrist, Community Development Foundation

Alison Gilchrist is employed as Regional Links Manager (Engand) for the Community Development Foundation and the author of “The Well-Connected Community—A Networking Approach to Community Development”. Based in Bristol, she advises government offices, the regional development agencies and other regional agencies on the use of community development, neighbourhood renewal and social inclusion. She recently completed a Ph.D in 'networking and community development' and is interested in issues around community empowerment, equality and participative democracy. Alison is also a visiting research fellow with the Faculty of Health and Social Care at University of West England in Bristol.

Case Studies:

1) Fatima Regeneration Board: John White, CEO

The Fatima Regeneration Board was established in 2001 to advance the physical social, economic and cultural development of Fatima Mansions in Dublin’s Inner City. The role of the Regeneration Board is to negotiate, coordinate and monitor an integrated regeneration programme for Fatima and to envision, plan and implement a progressive Social Regeneration Plan to address the key environmental, health, educational, cultural, recreational, and economic development issues of significance to the local community.

(2) Southside Childcare Action Network

Angela Stenson, Southside Partnership

Southside Childcare Action Network (SCAN) was established in 1997 to promote and implement a framework for community-based childcare in the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Area. The network is a dynamic group which comprises representation from statutory, voluntary and community sectors. Its mission is to develop an integrated childcare strategy that responds to the needs of local children and families.

Buffet lunch included!!!

Strategic Planning Action Network (SPAN)

The SPAN Project (Strategic Planning Action Network) is an EU-funded project that focuses on the development of new participatory approaches to strategic territorial planning and multi-level governance in both urban and rural areas. Partners are drawn from Belfast, Dublin, Meath, Charleroi (Belgium) and Reims (France)

Within Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, the SPAN partnership is made up of Southside Partnership and NUI Maynooth. The project is designed to build the capacity of representatives of disadvantaged communities and agencies to participate and collaborate in strategic planning issues, to become involved in multi-level governance and to link this to national policy.


9:30 Registration and Coffee

10:00 Welcome

10:15 Keynote Alison Gilchrist

Community Development Foundation

11:10 Case Study 1: John White,

Fatima Regeneration Board

11:30 Case Study 2: Angela Stenson,

Southside Childcare Action Network

12:00 Workshops

12:45 Summary Marie Carroll,

Southside Partnership

Networks have become a constant presence in community development. This conference will examine the benefits and challenges of using networks as a community development strategy. Participants will have the opportunity to understand the theoretical framework that underpins the use of networks in community development as well as learn from practical examples of existing networks that promote community participation.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stillorgan Park Hotel

Stillorgan Road, Dublin

A conference on making the most of

community-based networks

Connecting Communities - Creating Change

Southside Partnership presents:

What makes a network sustainable?

1. Rationale

2. Reciprocity

3. Resources

4. Relevance

5. Relationships

(Extract: Gilchrist PowerPoint Presentation)

“Four key factors appear to influence people’s readiness to contribute to a collective initiative:

• the motivation of potential participants,

• the availability of resources,

• ease of communication, and

• social processes of interaction”.

(Gilchrist, 2004:51)


From left to right:

Gareth Harper (RCN), John Whyte (Fatima Mansions), Marie Carroll (SSP), Alison Gilchrist (CDF), Dorothy Walker (Fatima Mansions) & Angela Stenson (SCAN)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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