Project Lead the Way

Civil Engineering and Architecture SYLLABUS

Mr. Stuerzenberger- Room 153

A. Learning Management System

B. Notebooks - A binder will be required of all students and it may not include other classes. Binders are required for class daily and will be checked weekly throughout the course. You must also have your binder in class the day it is checked and you will not be permitted to leave the classroom to get your binder. Late binders drop one letter grade each day it is late. I will provide a place in the classroom for binders to be kept to insure you always have your binder in class.

C. Exam –A comprehensive final exam will be given at the end of the course and will count for 20% of the course grade. There will also be several unit tests and section quizzes throughout the course.

D. Grading Policy- Each activity will be assigned points and points accumulated will be averaged with total points possible. The grading scale is listed below:

A- 90-100

B- 89-80

C- 79-70

D- 69-65

F- 64 or below

E. Homework Policy - Late homework is not acceptable and will not receive full credit. One letter grade will be dropped for each day the assignment is late. If you have extenuating circumstances, it will be dealt with on an individual basis and left up to teacher discretion.

F. Make-up Policy - Students who are absent are responsible for all work missed. THIS IS TOTALLY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!! It is your responsibility to collect all missed work from the daily folders located in the classroom. You have 2 school days to make-up work with an excused absence. Students with a long-term absence will be dealt with on an individual basis. Once a unit test has been given, you will not be permitted to make up any missing work from that unit.

G. Course Content: Students learn important aspects of building and site design and development. They apply math, science, and standard engineering practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3D architecture design software.

1. Architecture

1. History of Architecture

2. Architectural Styles

2. Residential Design

1. Building and Construction

2. Cost and Efficiency Analysis

3. Design

3. Commercial Applications

1. Commercial Building Systems

2. Structures

3. Services and Utilities

4. Site Consideration

5. Commercial Building Design

H. Classroom Code of Conduct:

• Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and property.

• Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings for class to start.

• Bring all materials needed for class; you will not be permitted to return to your locker.

• Clean up after yourself and keep trash picked up around you.

• Restroom breaks or other hallway activities need to be done before or after class. You will receive 3 restroom passes for the trimester. Once they are gone, you will receive a tardy referral for each trip out of the classroom.

• Remain in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise until the bell rings to end class.

I. Discipline: If problems occur with the classroom code of conduct, you can expect:

• Student/teacher conferencing

• A change in seating order

• Phone calls home

• Disciplinary report to principal.

J. Robotics Team/STLP – Membership is optional. It is fun and exciting!

K. Questions or Concerns - Please feel free to contact me @ 839-5118 ACHS (voice mail # 2153) e-mail

By signing below you are indicating that you have read the course syllabus and parent letter and understand all information contained within.

Student Signature:___________________________________________

Guardian Signature:____________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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