1) Could you send me the list of the colleges belonging to ...

CCCApply and Datatel Interfacing Related Tech Questions

CCCApply is recommended by the Chancellor’s Office as a viable solution to the online application needs of California community colleges. Cabrillo College is in the process of studying the feasibilities of adopting an online application, searching for vendors, and investigating technical issues, as well as cost and staffing needs. Below are the findings from working with Xap, the company responsible for the development and operation of CCCApply to seek answers to some of the essential questions between Feb 8 and 12, and March 8, 2002. The content of our work has been transformed into this Q&A document.


Inquirer: Jing Luan

Chief Planning and Research Officer


Respondent: Jessica Wagner

Account Manager


Tel: 310.842.9800 x303 Fax: 310.842.9898


1) Could you send me the list of the colleges belonging to California community colleges that have signed on to the service?

As of today (Feb 7, 2002), 20 colleges have signed on to the CCCApply project, 10 of which were pilot (*) colleges. Below I have listed all of the colleges.

Butte College*

Chaffey College (sent contract out to them today)

Columbia College*

Contra Costa College*

Copper Mountain College

Cuesta College*

Cuyamaca College

Diablo Valley College*

El Camino College*

Evergreen Valley College

Grossmont College

Los Medanos*

MiraCosta College

Modesto Junior College

Mt. San Jacinto (sent contract out to them today)

Ohlone College

Pasadena City College

San Jose City College

Santa Rosa Junior College*

West Hills College

Yuba College*

2) Do you have any technical advice or information pertaining to the communication between CCCApply and Datatel?

Most of the colleges that have singed on to CCCApply are Datatel colleges. This is very fortunate for other Datatel users that decide to participate. The EDI Datatel output format for the CCCApply application has already been created. Mojdeh Mehdizadeh from Contra Costa College has offered to share their file format. Our system will simply copy it into your college's EDI Wizard tool. Therefore, that completes your file layout. With the Auto-Downloader tool, you can automatically download your application files onto your college computer. The Auto-Downloader will also launch your upload program if your college has one for Datatel. If you do not, Mojdeh Mehdizadeh has also offered to assist in this part of the process.

3) Regarding the technical aspect of CCCApply/Datatel, if I understand it correctly, there are three components involved. EDI Datatel Output, Auto Downloader Tool, and Datatel Upload Program. EDI Datatel Output will interface with our Datatel EDI Wizard (or does it become our EDIWizard?). Where does the Auto Downloader come from?

The EDI Wizard tool can create an output format for Datatel. You can do it yourself with this tool. Yet, since other colleges have already created this output format, we would simply copy their EDI project into your EDI Wizard. You can then use that project to download your application files.

The Auto-Downloader is the tool that allows you to automatically download your application files, so you don't have to log on to our Control Center website and download them manually. You can also set up a schedule for your download process. The Auto-Downloader capability to launch your upload program or FTP program.

4) Do any of these components cost us anything?


The Datatel Upload program is not part of CCCApply and we do not offer this program. I mentioned that in my last message. Yet, you can work with other CCC schools that have created this program. Most of them said they would be willing to either share it or provide assistance to the college building such a program.

5) Do any Datatel representative have to be involved?


6) How much programming and maintenance does our own IT department have to provide? We have online regi running.

For the EDI file format, that all depends on if you plan to create your own EDI output or use the EDI file created by the other colleges. If you use another college's EDI file, then you don't need any IT staff on it.

The upload piece into Datatel would take some of your IT staff time. I am not sure how much time it would take. If you can get a copy or at least a specification on how the other colleges have uploaded to Datatel that will save you a lot of time. Yet, if you decide to create your own upload program that will take at least a few weeks.

7) I noticed that there are some fees associated with CCCApply. Could you specify what the fees cover? For example, I remembered that we were to pay a few thousand dollars a year for the service. Does it cover on-site support? Programming? etc.

The costs you are referring to are the operation and maintenance costs. That covers all support online or by phone. It covers the hosting, maintenance and yearly updates of the online application. It also covers all of Management Tools of the online application including the Supplemental Design Kit and Auto-Downloader. Below is a brief listing of all of the operations costs.

Annual License Fee and Hosting

Annual Updates and Changes

Includes All Application Management Tools

EDI Wizard

Print Wizard

Download Manager

Term On/Off Control

Application Download Manager


Supplemental Design Kit

Fee and List Files

Notice to Applicants

Prospect Files

Rule Wizard (Download Filters and Term Filters)

8) If we went with CCCApply, I would assume that a student who wants to enroll to Cabrillo and happens to be on Cabrillo's website, is s/he being taken to the following page: () Or some other page that's completely customized for Cabrillo.

That is not correct. They will be taken directly into your online application's introduction screen. Under the CCCApply contract, Xap will provide your college with a direct URL into your online application. Shown below is an example of the CCCApply direct link.

This link takes the student directly into the college's introduction screen of the application. Yet, when the student clicks on "Begin Application", the Log In and Create An Account information is branded with the CCCApply site.

(Click on "application for admission on-line.")

Xap can provide your college with a way to have a fully seamless pass-through into your online application. Yet, it is not covered by the CCCApply contract. This link also takes the student directly into the college's introduction screen of the application. The difference is that after they click "Begin Application", the Log In and Create An Account screens are branded with your college's logo. The cost for this type of link is $1,000 (one-time).

(Click on "Apply Online.")

9) If s/he is taken to the url above, has any college complained about the fact that students may be confused by having to select from all the colleges that are on the drop down list? Won't they be expecting to see the college they have in mind?

As I stated above, your college will be given a direct URL to link to your college's online application.

10) On average, what's the percent of students that have chosen to apply online on a semester basis? (Maybe a question for the colleges)

Yes, this is a question for the colleges. Yet, I can provide you with some information on the subject. CSUMentor, our largest system, had over 70% of their applications submitted online this Fall 2002. Many other colleges we work with have similar figures. The trend to apply online is definitely growing.

11) How and who to weed out all kinds of errors in student data entry, including fake accounts, wrong name, wrong ssns, etc.

The CCCApply online application has numerous validation rules throughout the application screens. A student is not allowed to advance to the next screen if certain "required" information is not inputted or if they enter the information in an incorrect format such as an alpha character in the ssn. However, it can't stop all errors such as the student entering in their wrong name. Those types of errors are very rare, but cannot be prevented. How could our system know if the name is correct or not?

As for fake accounts, most of the applications we host have an application fee, which prevents most fake accounts. Since CCCApply colleges do not have an application fee, you are more at risk to have fake applications. Yet, the CCCApply online application has many validation rules. Without the applicant completing the entire application and completing it with valid information, the application will not submit. Therefore, it would be a lot of effort for a person to submit a fake application.

12) How does CCCApply handle Spanish version of online app?

CCCApply does not yet have a Spanish version of the application. As a company, we have had an increase in such requests for Spanish translations. A few other of our sites are converting to a Spanish version, but I have not heard of any plans yet to do this for CCCApply. However, I will bring it up at the next CCCApply meeting on April 4th.

13) How does CCCApply handle international students applying via the web? International students do have to pay application fees to community colleges.

Currently, international students are applying the same way as domestic students. I am assuming the fee is collect at the time of registration, but that is only my guess. Our application can accept a fee, it has just not been requested by any CCCApply college.

14) How does CCCApply handle coding related input fields. By that we mean we ask students their last college and last high school attended. We would like want them to give us raw text names. If there a drop down list with which they can find their school name and click to select the code?

Yes, we have a database of college and high school names. All of these schools have address and code information. We have CDS codes, CEEB codes, FICE codes and ACT codes in our database. The applicant would click on the name of the school from a drop-down list and the information auto-populates those fields in the application. If they cannot locate their school, they have the option to manually enter in the information.

15) How does CCCApply handle questions that are native to a particular college. For example, we'd like to ask questions about their choice of a transfer institution. Perhaps you can send me the screen shot or the list of input fields in the CCCApply application? I went there, but did not complete my application.

The CCCApply application is a Common Application. I can fax you the screen shots, but you could also log into the beta site at and complete an application. You can use my test account to log in. The user name is "jessica" and the password is "wagoner."

It is also possible for me to email you the various screen shots of the application.

You should know that the CCCApply Application allows each college to create their own Supplemental Application. Using our Supplemental Design Kit tool, each college can create a supplemental page to the Common Application. You can add over 100 questions to it. Once you completed it, you can deploy it to your live application. It will appear as an additional screen (seamless to the applicant) on the application that will be labeled "Campus Specific". The fields in your supplemental application can be downloaded into your EDI file. In addition, you can modify your supplemental screen as often as needed.

16) What are some of the security measures that CCCApply have taken. Parents/students might be concerned about their data being intercepted/leaked, etc.

The CCCApply application is very secure. All of your questions should be answered by reading the CCCApply Privacy Statement. To read this document click on the link below.

17) The issue of duplicated records was brought up. How does CCCApply handle duplicated records? Does it alert the applicant that the same SSN already exists in the system and ask the applicant to edit?

We do have measures to prevent duplicate records. We do not alert them regarding the same SSN. First, SSN is not a required field. Second, a few students enter in wrong SSNs and we don't want to prevent another student from applying because of another applicant's error.

Each student that creates an account with CCCApply is consider in our database as a unique visitor and is assign a unique Order ID. When this person applies to a college for a specific term, our system will NOT allow them to apply again for the same college for the same term. They can apply for another term for the college if that college has another open term. This prevents duplicate applications.

18) Related to 6, does CCCApply allow applicants to save and revisit their application?

YES. When they create an account with CCCApply, we save their information in our database. Therefore, they can complete their application at any time and on numerous visits.

19) Does CCCApply handle California Residency Check?

At the end of this document are the details for the Residency check. Keep in mind this may have been updated in the recent set of changes.

20) How long does it typically take from the day we sign onto the service to the day it goes live? This is probably a bit too vague, as there can be a variety of factors.

This is really a question for your college. But from our side, once you sign the contract and send us your list of majors, we can have your application ready within a few days. You can put it live the day you receive the completed application from Xap. But many colleges want to first test their EDI upload before they put it live. That is why it is up to your college.

21) What is the typical process (work plan, phases) that a college goes through in implementing CCCApply. This is probably something best answered by a college that has done it.

Yes, I would consult with another college that has been through the process. Here is what I can tell you. First, you must provide us with your majors list. Once that is done, we can complete your application. You can also provide us with your logo to put on the application and PDF files to put as downloaded form on the introduction page and/or submittal page.

Next, you must review the application and sign off on it. Once that is done we can post it live.

You may also want to build your supplemental application using the Supplemental Design Kit tool. That could take a few minutes to a few days. That all depends on your college.

You also need to create either a print or EDI project of your application data. Most likely it will be an EDI output format to upload into your SIS. To do that you can use our EDI Wizard tool to create your flat file. If you are using Datatel, Banner or PeopleSoft, we can provide you with a copy of an output format used by other colleges in your system. If you are not on any of these SISs then you can create your own using the EDI Wizard. Again, the time to develop the flat file is up to your college. It could take a few days to a few months.

Finally, if you are uploading our data you need to have an upload program. Once again, if you are using Datatel, Banner or PeopleSoft we can assist you with this process. If not, you will have to develop it on your own, which could take weeks to months.

I remember your college uses Datatel. If that is the case, this process will be expedited. Most of the colleges that have signed on with CCCApply are Datatel campuses. Therefore, we can simply copy their EDI output file into your college's EDI Wizard. That should complete the flat file process. As for the upload program, the Datatel campuses have already completed one. They also have offered to provide the program to other Datatel colleges at no charge. Your college should be set, unless you decide to make modifications to the file or the upload program.

22) How aware are you of the electronic signature problem? Some colleges may allow a student to register for classes the second he submits the online app and some colleges may require a student to turn in their signed signature sheet before s/he can register.

We have dealt with both types of colleges. The ones that want to accept the application and register them use our Auto-Downloader tool, which download the files and automatically upload them. I think they collect the signature at the time of registration or collect it when it is mailed into them. The other colleges are allowing the students to submit the application online, but will only download their file once they receive the signature page. The would use our Download From List file function. This function allows them to view all of the applicants during a specified time period and they can check the names of the students they want to download.

I know the Chancellors Office is looking into future advances of the electronic signature. I would recommend contacting them on this issue. The person I would talk to is Joy Gadbois, Director.

23) What about if we want to first edit the data before we load it into Datatel? Should we be concerned about what database CCCApply uses? Can we edit the data directly with your database or we must load it into our own database (Access/SQL) to edit?

As I mentioned above, you should be able to use another college's copy of their Datatel output format. If you want to make edits to their file, you can do it using our EDI Wizard tool. If you want special programming in the fields, you will have to send your requests directly to Xap and we can make the edits in a very quick turn around. We have done this for other colleges such as Mira Costa. You may also make the edit in your upload program. I think that is the way the other Datatel campuses have done it.

24) Do you have the exact names of the people who are responsible for the system operation between CCCApply and their local campus and their email id?

Butte College*

> > Don Gray

> > Doug Houston

> > Sharon Ewing

> > Kathleen Tull

> >





Chaffey College

> > Sherri Taylor


Columbia College*

> > Susan Agostini

> > Richard Jaspar



Contra Costa College*

> > Mojdeh Mehdizadeh

> > Derek Smith



Copper Mountain College

> > Kay Ragan

kragan@. ca.us

Cuesta College*

> > Steven Budke

> > Joy Gadbois

> > Eric McDonald

> > Kristin Pimentel





Cuyamaca College

> > Don Zarlengo


Diablo Valley College

> > Mojdeh Mehdizadeh

> > Derek Smith

> >



El Camino College*

> > Bill Mulrooney

> > Alex Kelley

> > Lucy Dao




Evergreen Valley College

> > Paul Klepac

> > Linda Harris



Grossmont College

> > Don Zarlengo



Los Medanos*

Mojdeh Mehdizadeh

Derek Smith



MiraCosta College

Trudy Fore


Modesto Junior College*

Susan Agostini

Richard Jaspar

Darryl Paulson

Joanne Nielson





Ohlone College

Jacque Bradley

Ron Travenick



Pasadena City College

Matthew Lee


San Jose City College

Paul Klepac

Linda Harris



Santa Rosa Junior College*

Bev Johnson

Ken Fiori

Ken Lofgren




West Hills College

Keith Stearns

Darlene Georgatos

Idelle Mahrt

Michelle Kozlowski





Yuba College*

Karen Trimble


Preliminary Residency Determination

(Note: the following algorithm is for information only. Newly revised algorithm is forthcoming)

The residency determination that will be made by the CCC Application Service is a "preliminary” residency determination only, not an actual or final residency determination. The applicant will not be asked by the Service for proofs of residency in any form. Actual residency determination still remains the responsibility of the college to which the student applies. The applicant is required to submit a legally acceptable signature with the application.

See reference statements below for specific rationale supporting the structure of the algorithm.

Preliminary Residency Determination Algorithm

|Step |Evaluation statement |Coded interpretation |YES |NO |

|1 |US Citizen? |Citizenship = US |step 5 |step 2 |

|2 |Here on Visa or Other? |Citizenship = Visa or Other |step 3 |step 4 |

|3 |Can establish residency? |Visa Type = {A-1,A-2,A-3,E-1, |step 4 |RESIDENT STATUS=3 |

| | |E-2,G-1,G-2,G-3,H-1B,H-B,H-4, I, | | |

| | |K-1,K-2,L-1,L-2,O-1,O-3,R} | | |

|4 |Alien/Visa status not expired? |(Alien/Visa Expiration Date > Today's Date |step 5 |RESIDENT STATUS=3 |

| | |AND not blank) | | |

| | |OR "No Expiration" option chosen | | |

|5 |On active (or recent) military duty or a |Military Status = 2, 3, 4 |step 6 |step 10 |

| |dependent of someone that is? | | | |

|6 |CA the home state of record? |Home Of Record = CA |RESIDENT STATUS=1 |step 7 |

|7 |If discharged within last year? |Military Status = 4 |Step 11 |Step 8 |

|8 |Stationed in CA? |Stationed in CA = Yes |step 9 |RESIDENT STATUS=3 |

|9 |Stationed in CA for educational purposes |Educational Purpose = Yes |RESIDENT STATUS=3 |RESIDENT STATUS=1 |

| |only? | | | |

|10 |In CA for over a year before start of term?* |Two Year Resident = Yes or |step 11 |Step 13 |

| | |Start-Of-Current-Stay-In-CA > 1 year + 1 day | | |

| | |from Start-Date of Term-Applied-For as | | |

| | |determined by the College-Applied-For. | | |

|11 |Intend to make CA permanent home?* |Intend-Permanent-Home = Yes |step 12 |Step 13 |

|12 |Do indicators support intent?* (All |All the following = No: |RESIDENT STATUS=1 |Step 13 |

| |contra-indicators are negative) |Declared non-resident of CA for tax purposes,| | |

| | |Registered to vote in other state, | | |

| | |Resident student at out-of-state institution,| | |

| | |Petitioner for divorce or lawsuit as resident| | |

| | |on another state? | | |

|13 |State College/University Employee or |State College/University Employee = Yes |RESIDENT STATUS=2 |step 14 |

| |dependent?* | | | |

|14 |Credentialed employee of a public school?* |Credentialed Public School Employee = Yes |RESIDENT STATUS=2 |step 15 |

|15 |Qualified seasonal agriculture worker or |Seasonal Agricultural Worker or dependent = |RESIDENT STATUS=2 |Step 16 |

| |dependent?* |Yes | | |

|16 |Intent to stay in CA questionable? |Both steps 10 & 11 evaluate to Yes |RESIDENT STATUS=2 |RESIDENT STATUS=3 |

* Answers supplied in reference to the parent/guardian if the applicant is under age 19 (calculated from Birthdate) and unmarried (using Marital Status). “Evidence of Intent” rules in the Student Attending Accounting Manual (Chap 2), based on Title 5 section 54024, specify "under 19 years" as the age criterion, superceding the definition of a “Minor” in general law as under age 18.

Affirmation of intent to make CA the permanent home is required for all applicants, even those who have been in CA for over 2 years (per Student Attendance Accounting Manual Chap 2 section “Evidence of Intent”).

Several special conditions or cases of residency have been deferred for later implementation. Colleges are nonetheless required or authorized to examine these cases among their applicants. These conditions include:

• Emancipated minors establishing residency without parent/guardian

• Adults deriving residency from returning and staying with qualified residents

• Adults deriving residency from two years' care and control by a qualified resident

• Clarification of applicants for VISA or Alien Registration who are in transition (filed paperwork but have not completed the process).

• Gaining residency as employees of state agencies, including working out of the state in the service of the state.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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