Community Energy London

4572000-2286000COMMUNITY ENERGY LONDONMembers’ MeetingThursday 25th July 2019, 6-8 pmVENUE: City Hall, Committee Room 2AttendeesPamela Harling – En10ergy (PH)Andre Pinho – Brixton Energy (AP)Sydney Charles – En10ergy (SC)Dr.Sylvia Baron – GLA (SB)Hannah Short – CEL (HS)Duncan Law – CEE (DL)Alan Jones – SE24 (AJ)Alex Hartley – SELCE (AH)Giovanna Speciale – SECLE (GS)MinutesWelcome from the Chair SA stuck on the train on the hottest day of the year, AJ running lateHS chaired in the meantimeReview minutes from last meetingRevisited action points from May meeting:Action SA: to arrange a call with Jane Vaus, en10ergy and PUN Labour the North event.Done, North event held and successfulAction SA to ask members for ideas and priorities re items for members meetings.On the agenda for todays meetingAction: SA a two pager draft to be circulated suitable for a first step Esme application from CEL this time.First draft complete, on the agenda for todays meetingAction: SA to ask AR about the Repowering successful bid.Action point carried forwardMinutes ratified Notes:As soon as minutes are done, they should be posted online with the word ‘draft’ in the titleCEL should be submitting consultation responses on key things e.g. SITR. This wasn’t done recently as new CEL officer HS still in training, but in future it should be donePresentation from Dr.Sylvia Baron from the GLA about LCEF #331 projects were successfully funded between phase 1 and 2, supporting 17 different community groupsNow trying to gauge the carbon savings12 projects are complete and installed (‘delivered’)14 projects in final stages of development or installation5 projects are not proceeding because they weren’t feasible reasons tend to be related to who owns the land, often not interested Learning is that things take a lot longer than expectedBrighton energy has really developed a process for identifying projects, and they seem to have a very successful model their issue is money, but they have the project ideasBristol has expanded their community energy scene a lot faster than LondonSchools Energy Coop also have a great model Mike Smyth school energy coop model/ Ealing Transition. Done 50 different projects, and now have a trusted brand vs. building up trust with every newly formed BenCommWelsh community group have an interesting model where they borrow money from Triodos, fundraise, then carry on trying to pay the loan back but easier in Wales Is there something that we could do to make it easier to take projects forward a la Brighton Energy or Schools Energy Coop?Is it having a brand? Is it having a specific focus e.g. schools?LCEF Phase 3 launched 1st July 2019Improved the application form and made it more streamlinedDeadline 9th SeptemberUp to ?15,000 available per applicantCovers: energy generation, EV, energy efficiency etc.Aiming for all development work to be done by 30th April 2020, and to be completed in a years timeCompetitive assessment processPhase 2 – nice split between PV and energy efficiencyCREW have led on energy efficiency focus e.g. LED projectAlso some energy efficiency advicePoint about local authorities declaring emergenciesAre the GLA approaching councils/ what’s happening around this? Is there some way to work together on this? Sylvia works on delivery of programs, but there are others within the GLA who are working more on thisBoroughs have assets that aren’t being opened Groups to approach:Forum of London boroughsLondon councils – energy subcommitteeLECF – environment coordinator forCan community groups do it for free?Yes we just need the buildings and the funds!!Forum for the future – power pared (helps identify different sites looking for community groups to take projects forward)Building owners to register their buildingsLow take-up in London, but good elsewhereWould be good to get councils to share this outAP 1: HS to approach Mike Smyth and Brighton Energy Coop to present at monthly meetingAP 2: HS and SA to engage with and present to London councils, LECF etc. about councils and community energy, about opening up buildings and also to register on Power ParedWorthwhile to point people towards Camden Citizens AssemblyAP 3: HS to ask SB to send over info from Power Pared AP 4: HS to advertise LCEF #3 to membersIf anyone is interested in applying, please send over info to Sylvia because it’s been very quiet Would Lee Valley solar project be appropriate for the LCEF?It would need to have a lead organisation You need to have certain documents and evidence about accounts and past payments etcHS & SB to discuss further the possibility of CEL being lead organisation on LCEFHow has the LCEG been advertised in the past?GLA social media, website, funding page, community page, press release during London Climate Action WeekRely on CEL to communicate LCEF to everyone AP5: HS to get groups to send photographs from their projects AP6: HS to write case studies for websiteSB left.Reflecting on CEF 2019CEF 2019 was amazing! People were nervous about pulling it off, but it ended up being really successfulGood selection of people, including the press, though not sure if we got any new groupsNorth London event had a really turn out e.g. had a Belsize energy person go who hasn’t been involved in a long time but decided to come along. South event was run by SE24 and SELCE, who were guests of Methodist Church. Had live case studies of CEL members and break out sessions. Maybe there were too many speakers. It would be good to have more mingling networking time in future. CEL ConferenceWent well, but had too many speakersAJ & DL arrived. Political ChatWe’ve discussed engaging with councils, but do we need to do anything to engage MPs?Duncan collecting data about relationship between MPs and local groups. Duncan trying to get Tory MPs to write a joint letter about community energy.CEF 2020 Suggestion SheetGood to build in sufficient mingling networking time into the agendaStart earlyAsk why new people have come to find out how they found out about itStandardised sign up sheet with GDPR blurb at the top, Eventbrite + website sign up (find out if it is possible to sync Eventbrite and MailChimp)AP 7: HS to send round CEF 2020 suggestion sheetAP 8: HS to send out follow up email to CEF 2019 attendanceAP 9: HS to create a document about how to find and engage with your local energy group – link to Ashden toolkit, blog post summing up ‘CE in a Climate Emergency’ with resources (HS to write article) – Need to make it look easy, and for there to be an opportunity for prestige etc.AP 10: HS to upload Ashden toolkit onto the website on resources pageFunding application for CELSA has written the first draft of the 2-pager for the EFF application, BUT also going to apply to other funds simultaneously. AH knows one of the trustees of the MCS.AP 11: SA to pull together comments into funding application AP 12: HS to ring SC about alternative funding optionsAP 13: HS circulate Business Plan to members and upload on websiteSmart Export GuaranteeBP who suggested this agenda item not present. Carried over to next meeting.SC applying to Octopus for an outgoing tariff SC will keep us updated on the outcome. Nadia posts lots from the REA about SEG, good to keep an eye out on her twitter.Additional funding for Community Energy ProjectsBig Lottery FundTriodosAP 14: HS to check CEE website and update CEL websiteBEIS Green GB Week in November – Friday will be focused on Community EnergyAlthough we don’t want to be part of government greenwashing, any new administration provides an opportunity to get in there and make CE a priority. Let’s make this day work for us.In Nov there will be a glut of community share offers on the back of LCEF projectsUse that opportunity to promote these projects MPs around that weekCould have a Parliamentary event e.g. partner with ParSEG (SA is a director) BUT this would make it feel like its specifically for MPsWe could have multiple eventsWe want MPs to feel like they need to and want to goWe could also run a council-focused event, hosted by an exemplary council e.g. CamdenDL is currently writing paragraph to COOs of councils that have declared a climate emergency about Community EnergyMessage – we’ve done this in difficult circumstances but we could do even more if you did ‘X’ (clear ask)Message: how to tackle the climate emergency with community energyObjective of our events during Green GB Week:Explain to MPs, councillors and Assembly Members the power of community energy, and what they can do to help. Get noticed by new administration.GS arrived.AP 15: DL to draft a paragraph about community energy to send to COOs about climate emergency and sending that roundAP 16: HS to connect DL and BP about CAN Mezzanine meeting room space for Community Energy Award day conferenceNext round of workshop ideasSchools energy coop modelBrighton Energy Model Post-FIT model? Financing in a post-FIT world, key variables – Andre, Mike SmytheHeat pumps – CREW, how to make it work financially, community financing heat pumps (could we pay a speaker to come in?)District Heating – Energetik (Enfield) – community energy models applied to district heating Funding final FITs projects (there are deployment caps!!) – by MarchSMART financing models??Able to pay domestic efficiency MEEF introConnecting XR & Community Energy!! Community Energy Projects 101Harnessing social impact this is a front on which we need to be arguing, how to get the right hook for where CE is atLightbulb eventSpecific event about models Presentation by Andre and Mike, plus model sharingQuestion about monthly meetingsWhat is the role of the member monthly meetingsFeels like members don’t have a set say – we make suggestions, but no guarantee it gets taken forwardEngagement has been droppingSuggestions: Governance discussion at AGMClarity around purpose of Members meetingsWhat is the governance structure? Need some preparation, papers, and thoughts before the AGMAP 17: GS to draft suggestions about governance structure in advance of AGMAP 18: HS to publish officers minutes on website for transparencyAP 19: AH to contact people about Extinction Rebellion and CE 101AP 20: DL to outline events related to social impact helping you meet the current challenges in CE for your projectNext meeting dateCEL August event 29th!! Focusing on BEIS engagement/ political planningSocial? Aim to have CEL AGM during the Community Energy Awards i.e. October 18thAOBAP 21: PH to contact AH about EPC personCommunity Energy Awards Event18th October – Community Energy Awards at City Hall in the evening18th October – conference earlier in the day focused on innovation and practitionersNeed a venue near City HallIt would be great for CEL members to be part of the conference!AP 22: DL to send HS more info about CE Awards to share round to members AP 23: Challenge to all people to bring colleagues to come along to future monthly meetings!Action Points from July monthly meeting:AP 1: HS to approach Mike Smyth and Brighton Energy Coop to present at monthly meetingAP 2: HS and SA to engage with and present to London councils, LECF etc. about councils and community energy, about opening up buildings and also to register on Power ParedAP 3: HS to ask SB to send over info from Power Pared AP 4: HS to advertise LCEF #3 to membersAP5: HS to get groups to send photographs from their projects AP6: HS to write case studies for websiteAP 7: HS to send round CEF 2020 suggestion sheetAP 8: HS to send out follow up email to CEF 2019 attendanceAP 9: HS to create a document about how to find and engage with your local energy group – link to Ashden toolkit, blog post summing up ‘CE in a Climate Emergency’ with resources (HS to write article) – Need to make it look easy, and for there to be an opportunity for prestige etc.AP 10: HS to upload Ashden toolkit onto the website on resources pageAP 11: SA to pull together comments into funding application AP 12: HS to ring SC about alternative funding optionsAP 13: HS circulate Business Plan to members and upload on websiteAP 14: HS to check CEE website and update CEL websiteAP 15: DL to draft a paragraph about community energy to send to COOs about climate emergency and sending that roundAP 16: HS to connect DL and BP about CAN Mezzanine meeting room space for Community Energy Award day conferenceAP 17: GS to draft suggestions about governance structure in advance of AGMAP 18: HS to publish officers minutes on website for transparencyAP 19: AH to contact people about Extinction Rebellion and CE 101AP 20: DL to outline events related to social impact helping you meet the current challenges in CE for your projectAP 21: PH to contact AH about EPC personAP 22: DL to send HS more info about CE Awards to share round to members AP 23: Challenge to all people to bring colleagues to come along to future monthly meetings!Next meeting date Thursday August 29th, City Hall, 6-8PM ................

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