الصفحة الرئيسية - نقابة صيادلة العراق



| |1 A Positive inotropic drugs | | |

| |1 Aa Digitalis glycosides | | |

| |Digoxin 62.5 mcg tab | | |

| |Digoxin 125 mcg tab | | |

| |Digoxin 250 mcg tab | | |

| |Digoxin PG Elixir 50mcg/ml (60 ml) | | |

| |Digoxin inj 250 mcg/ml, ( 2ml Amp) | | |

| |Digitoxin 100 mcg tab | | |

| |1 A.b Phosphodiesterase inhibitors: | | |

| |Enoximone inj:5mg/ml (20ml Amp) | | |

| |Milrinone as lactate inj.1mg/ 1ml (10 ml Amp) |(682) | |

| |1 B Diuretics |(531),(614),(754)(758) | |

| |Amiloride Hcl anhydrous 5mg + hydrochlorthiazide 50mg tab | | |

| |Bumetanide 1 mg tab | | |

| |Chlorthalidone 50mg tab | | |

| |Frusemide I.V, I.M/ or Slow I.V , I.M. inj 20mg/2ml Amp. |(801) |اضافةطريقة زرق |

| |Frusemide I.V. infusion inj 10mg/ml, ( 25ml - Amp) | | |

| |Frusemide 40mg tab | | |

| |Frusemide scored 500mg (limited use) tab | | |

| |Frusemide oral solution ped. Liquid 1mg/1ml | | |

| |Frusemide oral solution 4mg/ml or( 20mg/ 5ml(ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Frusemide oral solution 8mg/ml | | |

| |Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg tab | | |

| |Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg scored tab | | |

| |Indapamide 2.5mg tab | | |

| |Indapamide Sustained- 1.5mg Release Coated tab. | | |

| |Mannitol 10% I.V. infusion 500ml | | |

| |Mannitol 20% I.V. infusion 500ml | | |

| |Metolazone 5mg tab | | |

| |Spironolactone oral suspension 5mg/5ml | |ك 275 في 18/7/2010 |

| |Spironolactone 25mg tab | | |

| |Spironolactone 50mg tab |(558) | |

| |Spironolactone 100mg tab | | |

| |Toresamide 5 mg prolnog release tab. |(735) | |

| |Toresamide 10 mg prolnog release tab. |(735) | |

| |Xipamide 20mg tab | | |

| |1 C Beta adrenoceptor blocking drugs | | |

| |Acebutolol 100mg tab. | | |

| |Acebutolol 200mg tab | | |

| |Atenolol 100mg tab | | |

| |Atenolol 50mg tab (or scored tab) | | |

| |Atenolol 25mg tab | | |

| |Atenolol I.V or I.V infusion 500 microgram/ ml (10ml-Amp). CCU for early post M.I. Intervention | | |

| |Bisoprolol fumarate 5mg scored tab | | |

| |Bisoprolol fumarate 10mg scored tab | | |

| |Carvedilol 6.25mg tab | | |

| |Carvedilol 3.125mg tab | | |

| |Carvedilol 12.5mg tab | | |

| |Carvedilol 25mg tab | | |

| |Esmolol Hcl I.V. infusion 10mg/ml (10ml vial) | | |

| |Labetalol inj 5mg/ml, (20ml Amp or vial ) | | |

| |Labetalol 200mg tab | | |

| |Labetalol 400mg tab | | |

| |Metoprolol tartrate 50mg tab | | |

| |Metoprolol tartrate 100mg tab | | |

| |Metoprolol succinate 47.5 mg ≡Metoprolol tartrate 50mg (CR) (Zok) tab |(679) | |

| |Metoprolol succinate 95 mg ≡Metoprolol tartrate 100mg (CR) (Zok) tab |(679) | |

| |Metoprolol tab s/r 200mg tab or Metoprolol succinate 190mg corr. to Metoprolol tartrate controlled| | |

| |release 200mg (Zok) tab | | |

| |Metoprolol tartrate I.V. inj. 1mg/1ml (5ml Amp) | | |

| |Nadolol 80mg tab | | |

| |Nebivolol as Hcl tab 5mg |(726) | |

| |Oxprenolol Hcl 40mg tab | | |

| |Pindolol 5mg tab | | |

| |Propranolol Hcl slow I.V. inj 1mg/ml (1ml -Amp) | | |

| |Propranolol Hcl 10mg tab | | |

| |Propranolol Hcl 40mg tab (or scord tab) | | |

| |Propranolol Hcl (s/r) 80mg cap | | |

| |Sotalol 40mg tab | | |

| |Sotalol 80mg tab | | |

| |1 D Anti arrhythmic drugs | | |

| |Adenosine inj. 3mg/ml (2ml – vial) or amp. | | |

| |Amiodarone Hcl inj 50mg/ml ( 3ml - Amp) | | |

| |Amiodarone Hcl 200mg tab | | |

| |Disopyramide 100mg cap | | |

| |Disopyramide (s/r) Durules 150mg tab | | |

| |Disopyramide 250 mg modified release or SR tab. | | |

| |Disopyramide inj 10mg/ml (5ml- Amp) | |(Hospitol only) |

| |Flecainide acetate 50mg tab. | |(Only in the heart specialised center) |

| |Flecainide acetate 100 mg tab. |(780) | |

| |Flecainide acetate inj 10mg/ml (15ml-amp) | |(Only in the heart specialised center) |

| |Lignocaine Hcl 2% 20mg/ml 2ml – amp ( CCU) | | |

| |Lidocaine Hcl inj: 20mg/ ml I.V. (5ml-PFS) – single dose unit use for ventricular arrhythmia |(673) |في ردهات انعاش القلب |

| |Mexiletine Hcl 200mg caps | | |

| |Mexiletine Hcl I.V., I.V. infusion inj 25mg/ml, (10ml Amp) | | |

| |Phenytoin sod. Inj 50mg/ml, (5ml Amp) | | |

| |Procainamide Hcl slow I.V., I.V. infusion inj 100mg/ml, (10ml vial) | | |

| |Procainamide Hcl 500mg tab | | |

| |Procainamide Hcl (s/r) 750mg tab | | |

| |Propafenon Hcl 150mg tab | | |

| |Propafenon inj. | | |

| |Quinidine sulphate 200mg tab | | |

| |Verapamil Hcl slow I.V inj 2.5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) |(696) | |

| |Verapamil Hcl 40mg tab | | |

| |Verapamil Hcl 80mg tab | | |

| |Verapamil Hcl (s/r) 120mg cap or tab | | |

| |Verapamil HCL 240mg prolong release – tab |(705) | |

| |1 E Anti - hypertensive drugs | |Principles for ARBs group (Angioteusin II Receptor blockers) |

| | | |To be available & dispensed limitedly to the following cases only:- |

| | | |Mild to moderately severe heart failure. |

| | | |Diabetic (Type I & type II) Nephropathy with or with out hypertension (H.T) i-e |

| | | |diabetics with or with out H.T, effecting the renal functions based on the |

| | | |following evidences: |

| | | |a- Micro & macro albuminuria. |

| | | |b- Reduced GFR. |

| | | |c- Elevated serum creatinine. |

| | | |3- Hypertension with proteinuria. |

| | | |When ACE-Is not tolerated by patient (e.g: side effects) Such as coughing/ or |

| | | |decrement in activity of ACEIs in those patients. |

| | | |Provided that (ARBs) to be dispensed by a specialist or consultant in internal |

| | | |diseases , documented by report of scientific proofs & tests which referring to |

| | | |those above mentioned cases (a, b, c). |

| | | |Finally, ARBs as agroup and ACEIs should not be given or used by pregnant wowen. |

| |Alfuzosin Hcl 2.5mg tab | | |

| |Alfuzosin Hcl (s/r) 5mg tab | | |

| |Alfuzosin Hcl Prolong Release 10mg tab |also see 7 E | |

| |Bosentan (as monohydrate) tab 62.5 mg |ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | |

| |Bosentan (as monohydrate) tab 125 mg |(733) | |

| |Captopril 12.5mg tab | | |

| |Captopril 25mg tab | | |

| |Captopril 50mg tab | | |

| |Captopril (liquid) 6.25mg/5ml ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Candesartan cilexetil 8mg scored tab | | |

| |Candesartan cilexetil 16mg tab | | |

| |candesartan cilexetil 16mg + hydrochlorothiazide12.5mg Tab. |(677) | |

| |Diazoxide 50mg tab | | |

| |Doxazosin mesylate ‎≡ ‎ to doxazosine 2mg scored tab | | |

| |Doxazosine as mesylate 1mg tab | | |

| |Doxazosine as mesylate 4mg tab | | |

| |Enalapril maleate tab or 5mg scored tab | | |

| |Enalapril maleate tab or 10mg scored tab | | |

| |Enalapril maleate tab or 20mg scored tab | | |

| |Enalapril maleate 20mg + Hydrochlothiazide 12.5mg/ tab |(491) | |

| |Eprosartan mesylate dehydrate ( 300mg eprosartan free base/tab. |(570) | |

| |Eprosartan mesylate dehydrate ( 400mg eprosartan free base/tab. |(570) | |

| |Fosinopril sodium 10mg tab. | | |

| |Fosinopril sodium 20mg tab. | | |

| |Hydralazine Hcl I.V. Infusion inj 20mg per Amp. | | |

| |Hydralazine Hcl 25mg tab | | |

| |Hydralazine Hcl 50mg tab | | |

| |Iloprost (as trometamol) 10mcg/1ml nebuliser solution ( solution for inhalation) respiratory use. |(823), (838). | |

| |,1ml or 2ml amp | | |

| |Irbesartan 150mg tab | |(can be imported if candesartan , valsartan , Losartan are not avialable) |

| |Irbesartan 300mg tab | |(can be imported if candesartan , valsartan , Losartan are not avialable) |

| |Irbesartan 150mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg./tab. | | |

| |Irbesartan 300mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg./ tab. | | |

| |Lisinopril (Lisinopril (as base) or Lisinopril (anhydrous) , Lisinopril (as dihydrate) , the same | | |

| |drug with or without water of hydration) 5mg tab | | |

| |Lisinopril (Lisinopril (as base) or Lisinopril (anhydrous) , Lisinopril (as dihydrate) , the same | | |

| |drug with or without water of hydration) 10mg tab | | |

| |Lisinopril (Lisinopril (as base) or Lisinopril (anhydrous) , Lisinopril (as dihydrate) , the same | | |

| |drug with or without water of hydration) tab 20mg | | |

| |Losartan potassium 25mg tab | |(can be imported if candesartan , valsartan , Losartan are not avialable) |

| |Losartan potassium 50mg tab | |(can be imported if candesartan , valsartan , Losartan are not avialable) |

| |Losartan potassium 50mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg/ tab | | |

| |Losartan potassium 100mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 25mg/ tab |(678) | |

| |Losartan potassium 100mg tab | | |

| |Methyldopate inj 50mg/ml (5ml Amp) | | |

| |Methyldopa 250mg tab | | |

| |Minoxidil 5mg tab | | |

| |Minoxidil 10mg tab | | |

| |Perindopril Tert- Butylamine Erbumine 5mg tab. |( 837) | |

| |Perindopril Tert- Butylamine Erbumine 10 mg tab. |(837) | |

| |Phenoxybenzamine Hcl 10mg cap. | | |

| |Phenoxybenzamine Hcl inj 50mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Phentolamine mesylate inj 10mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Quinapril Hcl 5mg tab | | |

| |Quinapril Hcl 10mg tab | | |

| |Quinapril Hcl 20mg tab | | |

| |Ramipril 2.5mg scored tab or cap. | | |

| |Ramipril 5mg scored tab or cap. | | |

| |Ramipril 10mg scored tab or cap. | | |

| |Ramipril cap: 1.25mg | | |

| |Sodium nitroprusside I.V. infusion 50mg Amp or vial with solvent | | |

| |Tamsulosin-HCl 0.4mg ( 0.367mg Tamsulosin/ modified release cap. | |Also see 7E |

| |Terazosin as Hcl 2mg tab. | |also see 7 E |

| |Terazosin as Hcl 5mg tab. | |also see 7 E |

| |Telmisartan 40mg tab | |(can be imported if, irbesartan, candesartan, valsartan, Losartan are not |

| | | |avialable) |

| |Telmisartan 80mg tab | |(can be imported if, irbesartan, candesartan, valsartan, Losartan are not |

| | | |avialable) |

| |Telmisartan 80mg + Amlodipine as besylate 5 mg/tab |(758) | |

| |Telmisartan 80mg + Amlodipine as besylate 10 mg/tab |(758) | |

| |Telmisartan 40mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg/tab | | |

| |Telmisartan 80mg + Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg/tab | | |

| |Valsartan 40mg cap | | |

| |Valsartan 80mg tab or cap |(678) |(can be imported if, irbesartan, candesartan, Losartan are not available) |

| |Valsartan 160mg tab or cap |(678) |(can be imported if, irbesartan, candesartan , Losartan are not avialable) |

| |Valsartan 80mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg cap or tab | | |

| |Valsartan 160mg + hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg cap or tab. | | |

| |Valsartan 160mg + Hydrochlorothaizide 25mg caplet |(690) | |

| |1 F Vasodilators | | |

| |Amlodipine (as besylate) 2.5mg tab | | |

| |Amlodipine (as besylate) 5mg scored tab or Cap. | | |

| |Amlodipine (as besylate) 10mg scored tab or cap |(707) | |

| |Amlodipine (As Besilate) 10mg +Atorvastatin (As Calcium) 10 mg/tab. |(591) (600) | |

| |Amlodipine (As Besilate) 5 mg +Atorvastatin (As Calcium) 10 mg/tab. |(591) (600) | |

| |Amlodipine as Besylete 5mg + valsartan 160mg/tab |(682) | |

| |Amlodipine as Besylete 10mg + valsartan 160mg/tab |(682) | |

| |Amlodipine as Besylete 5mg + valsartan 160mg + Hydrochlothiazide 25mg/ tab |(777) | |

| |Amlodipine as Besylete 10mg + valsartan 160mg + Hydrochlothiazide 12.5 mg/ tab |(777) | |

| |Diltiazem HCl 60mg (normal release) tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl (s/r) 90mg tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl (s/r) 120mg tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl (s/r) 180mg tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl (s/r) 200mg or 240mg tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl (s/r) 300mg tab or cap | | |

| |Diltiazem HCl I.V inj or infusion 25mg/vial | | |

| |Felodipine 5mg tab | | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate (sublingual) 0.5mg tab | | |

| |*Glyceryl trinitrate inj 5mg/1ml Amp (5 ml-Amp) | | |

| |*Glyceryl trinitrate inj 1mg/1ml (10ml – Amp) | |*في حالة عدم توفر أو تسجيل المادة بالتركيز 1mg/ 1ml يتم تجهيز المادة بالتركيز |

| | | |القديم 5mg/ 10ml – Amp وتعتبر غير ملغية لحين توفر التركيز الجديد 1mg/ 1ml. (654) |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate Patches releasing approx 5mg/24 hr |(815) | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate Patches releasing approx 10mg/24 hr |(815) | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate Patches releasing approx 15mg/ 24hr |(815) | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate spray | | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate (c/r) 2.6mg tab | | |

| |Glyceryl trinitrate (c/r) 6.4mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate (s/l i-e sublingual)5mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate 10mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate (s/r) 20mg or retard cap 20mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate (s/r) 40mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate 1.25mg/ 0.09ml spray | |(Note: To be sprayed in to the buccal cavity. Do not inhale) |

| |Isosorbide dinitrate inj: 1mg/1ml (10ml-Amp) | | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate 10mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate 20mg tab or caps | | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate 40mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbid mononitrate 40mg cap (SR-pellets) |(673) | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate 60mg tab | | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate (s/r)25mg tab or cap | | |

| |Isosorbide mononitrate (s/r)50mg tab or cap | | |

| |Isosorbide 5 - mononitrate 60mg tab (controlled - Release formulation) | | |

| |Nifedipine (s/r) 10mg caps or tab. (40% of the need) | | |

| |Nifedipine (s/r or retard) 20mg cap or tab (60% of the need) | | |

| |Nifedipine LA cap 30mg modified release |(705) | |

| |Nicardipine Hcl I.V. inj 25mg (solution)/ Amp | | |

| |Nicardipine Hcl 50mg sustained release cap or pellets | | |

| |Nimodipine 30mg tab | | |

| |Nimodipine I.V. infusion 200mcg/ml (50ml vial) | | |

| |Nitric oxide Gas (Cylinder) | | |

| |Oxpentifylline 400mg tab (Pentoxifylline) | | |

| |1 G Sympathomimetic drugs | | |

| |Dobutamine (as Hcl) I.V infusion inj 250mg/amp or vial (12.5mg/ml 20ml amp or vial). | | |

| |Dobutamine Hcl ( Dobutamine 250mg/ 5ml amp i-e 50mg/ ml | | أعطاء العلاج يستند على احتساب وزن المريض والجرعة المطلوبة ويجب أعلام جميع |

| | | |المستشفيات (مراكز القلب) أضافة الى وحدات انعاش القلب والرئتين بالجرعة الجديدة |

| | | |وتثبيت حسابها بدقة)) (686) |

| |Dopamine Hcl inj 40mg/ml, (5ml Amp or vial ) |(762) | |

| |Ephedrine Hcl slow I.V inj 3% 30 mg/ ml, 1ml amp |(696) |(hypotension prevention in epidural/spinal anaesthesia) |

| |Ephedrine Hcl inj 3mg/ ml, 10 ml amp | |(hypotension prevention in epidural/spinal anaesthesia) |

| |Isoprenaline Hcl (s/r) 20mg tab. | | |

| |Metaraminol (as tartrate) inj 10mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Methoxamine Hcl inj 20mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Noradrenalin Acid Tartarte/ Norepinephrine Bitartarte 2mg/ml ((noradrenalin- 1mg/ml) 2ml amp. |(733).(760) |تستعمل من مراكز العناية المركزة والتخدير في المستشفيات الرئيسية في بغداد و |

| | | |المحافظات و بكميات محدودة وتستعمل في حالات هبـوط ضغط الدم الحاد (acute |

| | | |hypotension) بواسطة الارواء الـوريـدي I.V. infusion وكذلك لمعالجة حالات تــوقف |

| | | |القلــب بواسطـة الـزرق الوريدي او الزرق المباشر داخل الـقـلـب rapid intravenous |

| | | |or intracardiac injection مع ملاحظة تخفيف المادة قبل الاستعمال وتتبع التعليمات في|

| | | |النشرة |

| |Phenylephrine Hcl inj 10mg/ml, (1ml Amp) By s.c. or I.M or by slow I.V or I.V infusion | |و تستخدم في التخديرايضا |

| |1 H sclerosing agents | | |

| |Ethanolamine oleate inj 5%. (5 ml-Amp) | | |

| |Sodium tetradecyl sulphate inj 3% (1ml Amp) (STD) | | |

| |1 I Drugs used for ductus arteriosus | | |

| |Alprostadil inj. I.V solution 500mcg/ml in alcohol, for dilution & use as an infusion (1ml - Amp.)| | |


| |2 A Antacids | | |

| |Alginic acid 500mg + mag.trisilicate 25mg + dried Al.hydroxide gel 100mg + sod.bicarb.170mg tab | | |

| |Algenic acid 0.2g + colloidal Al. Hydroxide 0.03g + Mag. Carbonate 0.04g + Amorphous ppt hydrated | | |

| |silica 0.13g./tab | | |

| |Alginic acid 4g + colloidal Al. Hydroxide 0.6g + silica hydrate 2.6g + Mag. Carbonate 0.8g 100ml- | | |

| |susp. | | |

| |Al.hydroxide 215mg +mag.hydroxide 80mg + simethicone 25mg/5ml susp | | |

| |Al.hydroxide 225mg + mag.hydroxide 200mg + simethicone 25mg/5ml susp | | |

| |Al.hydroxide 220mg + mag.hydroxide 200mg + Activated methylpoly-siloxane 25mg + peppermint oil | | |

| |0.00075ml/5ml gel | | |

| |Aluminium hydroxide 140mg + mag, trisilicate 140mg + mag. carbonate 452mg (or 560mg) + bismuth | | |

| |subcarbonate 73mg + Sod. Bicarbonate 452mg + malt diastase 28 mg+ belladona alkaloids 70mcg (or | | |

| |75mcg)/ teaspoonfull powder | | |

| |Atropine suphate 0.1mg + peppermint oil. 0.5mg + Mag. Carbonate 381.4mg + Mag. Trisilicate 50 + | | |

| |Calc. Carbonate 145mg + sod. Bicarbonate 373 + Dried Al. Hyroxide gel 50mg/1g powder | | |

| | sodium Bicarbonate B.P.2.32 g + Citric Acid B.P.2.18g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 0.50g./ 5 g |(714) | |

| |sachet of powder | | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate B.P.2.32 g + Citric Acid B.P.2.18g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 0.50g./ 5 g |(827) | |

| |powder –bottle | | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate B.P.2.29g +Citric Acid B.P.2.16g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 0.50g/5 g sachet |(714) | |

| |of powder | | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate B.P.2.29g +Citric Acid B.P.2.16g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 0.50g/5 g powder-|(827) | |

| |bottle | | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate 2.288g + Citric Acid 2.157g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate 0.5g/ 5 g eff. Powder |(714) | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate 2.319 g + Citric Acid 2.181 g + Anhydrous Sodium Carbonat 0.5g/ 5 g eff. Powder|(714) | |

| |sodium Bicarbonate 49 g + Citric Acid 37.5 g/ 100 g eff.powder |(774) | |

| |Calcium Carbonate 680 mg + Magnesium Carbonate 80 mg/tab |(593) | |

| |Co dried mag.carb./Al.hydroxide 282 + simethicone 25mg tab | | |

| |Colloidal aluminium hydroxide 440mg tab | | |

| |Colloidal aluminium hydroxide 290mg/5ml susp | | |

| |Dried Al.hydroxide gel 200mg +mag.hydroxide 200mg+simethicone 25mg tab | | |

| |Magnesium trisilicate powder B.P | | |

| |Mag. Trisilicate 250mg+dried Al.hydroxide gel 120mg tab | | |

| |Mag. Trisilicate 360mg + Al hydroxide gel 180mg tab | | |

| |Mag. Trisilicate 200mg + Al hydroxide mag. Carb. co dried gel 400mg/5ml susp | | |

| |Mag. Hydroxide 200mg + Al hydroxide (( dried gel) 225mg/5ml susp. | | |

| |Mag. Hydroxide 400mg + Al hydroxide gel 400mg tab | | |

| |Oxethazaine 10mg + Al.hydroxide 300mg + Mag.hydroxide 100mg/5ml susp | | |

| |Pancreatin 10mg + vit. B1 1mg + Atropine sulphate 0.1mg + light mag. Carbonate 300mg + Mag. | | |

| |trisilicate 50mg + diastase 10mg + calc. Carbonate 145mg + sod. Bicarbonate 373mg + peppermint oil| | |

| |0.6mg + light kaolin 50mg + dried aluminium hydroxide gel 50mg/ g powder. | | |

| |Simethicone (Activated dimethicone) Oral drop 40 mg/ml Low Sod. (Na+) |(632) | |

| |Simethicone (Activated dimethicone) syr. 40mg/ml | | للحد من استعمال الـ Antispasmodics |

| |Sod. Alginate 250mg+Sod. Bicarb.133.5mg/5ml susp. | | |

| |2 B Antispasmodics | | |

| |Atropine sulphate inj 0.6mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Chlordiazepoxide 5mg + clidinium Br 2.5mg tab | | |

| |Dicyclomine Hcl 10mg tab. | | |

| |Dicyclomine Hcl 10mg/ 5 ml syp |(682) | |

| |Homatropine methylbromide 2mg/ml drops | | |

| |Homatropine methylbromide 4mg + paracetamol 350 mg/ tab. | | |

| |Hyoscine butylbromide tab 10mg | | |

| |Hyoscine butylbromide 1mg/ml syr | | |

| |Hyoscine butylbromide inj 20mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Hyoscine butylbromide supp 7.5mg (child) | | |

| |Hyoscine butylbromide supp 10mg (adult) | | |

| |Isopropamide as iodid 5mg + trifluoperazine as Hcl 1mg tab | | |

| |Mepenzolate Br 25mg tab | | |

| |Otilonium Br. Tab 40 mg |(745 ) , (729) | |

| |Pipenzolate Br 5mg tab | | |

| |Pipenzolate methyl Br 4mg + phenobarbital 6mg/ml drop | | |

| |Prifinium Br inj 7.5 mg/ml | | |

| |Prifinium Br 30mg tab | | |

| |Prifinium Br 30mg + Paracetamol 325mg tab. | | |

| |Propantheline Br 15mg tab | | |

| |2 C Drugs that promot healing of peptic ulcer | | |

| |Bismuth chelate 300mg tab (Tri pot.dicitrate Bismuthate) | | |

| |Bismuth chelate elixir 120mg/5ml | | |

| |Cimetidine 200mg tab | | |

| |Cimetidine 400mg tab | | |

| |Cimetidine. 200mg/5ml syr | | |

| |Cimetidine as HCl salt inj I.V., I.M, I.V. Infusion 200mg/2ml Amp. | | |

| |Esomeprazole as magnesium trihydrate 20mg tab |(819) (836) | |

| |Esomeprazole as magnesium dihydrate 20mg cap |(836) | |

| |Esomeprazole as magnesium trihydrate 40mg tab |(819)(836) | |

| |Esomeprazole as magnesium dihydrate 40mg cap |(836) | |

| |Esomperazole as sod inj 40mg- vial. |(697) | |

| |Famotidine 20mg tab | | |

| |Famotidine 40mg tab (or scored tab) | | |

| |Lansoprazole 15 mg enteric coated tab or Enteric coated pellets filled in cap | | |

| |Lansoprazole 30 mg enteric coated tab or Enteric coated pellets filled in cap | | |

| |Misoprostol scored tab 200mcg (synthetic prostaglandin analogue) - limted use |See Sec. (7A) |To be avilable in teaching hospitals and dipense by specialist physicians for |

| | |(523, 555) |gastric and duodenal ulcer healing and not to be used in pregnancy. |

| |Omeprazole enteric coated pellet equivalent to omeprazole 10 mg/cap. |(733) | |

| |Omeprazole enteric coated tab or pellets in 20 mg.cap (I-e enteric coated granules of omeprazole |(832) | |

| |filled in empty gelatin cap ) | | |

| |Omeprazole enteric coated tab or pellets in 40 mg.cap (I-e enteric coated granules of omeprazole |(832) | |

| |filled in empty gelatin cap ) | | |

| |Omeprazole as magnesium 10mg enteric coated pellets in tab. | | |

| |Omeprazole as magnesium 20mg enteric coated pellets in tab. | | |

| |Omeprazole as magnesium 40mg enteric coated pellets in tab. | | |

| |Omeprazole as sodium inj. Powder for reconstitution 40mg vial + solvent |(830) | |

| |Omeprazole as sodium inj. Powder for reconstitution I.V infusion 40mg vial |(830) | |

| |Pirenzepine Hcl 25mg tab | | |

| |Pantoprazole as sodium sesquihydrate or as sod.40mg enteric coated tab |(627),(790) | |

| |Pantoprazole as sodium sesquihydrate 20mg tab | | |

| |Ranitdine hydrochloride equivalent to Ranitidine 75 mg. tab. |(733) | |

| |Ranitidine as Hcl inj: 25mg/ml (2ml amp.):- | |- I.M |

| | | |- الزرق الوريدي البطئ slow Intravenous Injection و يخفف 50mg في Glucose 5% or |

| | | |Nacl 0.9 % 20 ml ليصبح التركيز للمادة بعد التخفيف2.5 mg/ml ويمكن تخفيفه ايضاً في |

| | | |محلول Compound Sodium Lactate ويعطى بالوريد ببطئ( خلال ثلاث دقائق) |

| | | |- يمكن اعطائه بطريقة التسريب الوريدي. Intravenous infusion)( 744) |

| | | |- اضافة طريقة زرق (Slow I.V , I.M Or )/ (801) |

| |Ranitidine as Hcl syrup (suger free) :75mg/5ml | | |

| |Ranitidine as Hcl 150mg tab | | |

| |Ranitidine as Hcl 300mg tab | | |

| |Rabeprazole Sodium Enteric coated or gastro -Resistant tab.10mg | | |

| |Rabeprazole Sodium Enteric coated or gastro -Resistant tab.20mg | | |

| |Sucralfate 1g tab | | |

| |Sucralfate 1g/5ml susp | | |

| |2 D Antidiarrhoeal drugs | | |

| |Codeine phosphate 30 mg tab | | |

| |Diphenoxylate Hcl 2.5mg + atropine sulphate 25mcg tab. | | |

| |Diosmectite 3g/sachet | |(for adult only) |

| |Loperamide Hcl 2mg tab or cap | | |

| |Oral powder: sodium chloride 2.6g + Potassium chloride 1.5g + Tri. sodium citrate dihydrate 2.9g +| | |

| |anhydrous glucose 13.5g | | |

| |To be dissolved in sufficient water to produce 1 litre (providing Na+ 75mmol + K+ 20mmol + Cl- 65 | | |

| |mmol + citrate 10 mmol + glucose 75 mmol/litre) | | |

| |2 E Treatment of chronic diarrhoea |see 15B | |

| |Azathioprine 50mg tab | | |

| |Cholestyramine powder, |see 6k & 2 H | |

| |Mesalazine Enteric coated 400mg tab |(566) | |

| |Mesalazine 800mg tab | | |

| |Mesalazine slow release 500mg tab | | |

| |Mesalazine foam enema 1g or Mesalazine solution Enema 1g/100ml – enema | | |

| |Mesalazine rectal 0.5g supp | | |

| |Mesalazine rectal 1g supp | | |

| |Mesalazine prolonged release granules 1g/sachet | | |

| |Sulphasalazine E.N 500mg tab | | |

| |Sod.cromoglycate (oral only) 100mg cap | |(ulcerative collitis) |

| |2 F Laxatives | | |

| |Bisacodyl 5mg (child) supp | | |

| |Bisacodyl 10mg (adult) supp | | |

| |Bisacodyl 5mg Enteric coated tab |(637) | |

| |Bran 2g tab | | |

| |Calcium salt of purified senna containing 12mg of senna glycoside tab or Senna Extract (13.5mg of | | |

| |Sennosides A&B as Calcium SaltsTab. | | |

| |Citric acid 12 g + Magnesium oxide 3.5 g + Sodiume picosulfate 10 mg/ sachet ( powder for oral |(781) | |

| |administration) | | |

| |Dioctyl Sod. Sulphosuccinate 100mg tab (Docusate sod.) | | |

| |Dioctyl Sod. Sulphosuccinate pead. drop 12.5mg/5ml | | |

| |Fibrous grain 375mg + fibrous citrus Extract 94 mg tab. | | |

| |Glycerine supp 700 mg (Infant):1 gm –mould | | |

| |Glycerine supp 700 mg (Child):2 gm –mould | | |

| |Glycerine supp 700 mg (adult):4 gm -mould | | |

| |Ispaghula husk powder 49% | | |

| |Ispaghula husk granules 90% | | |

| |Lactulose 3.1g-3.7g/5ml syr | | |

| |Liquid paraffin B.P | | |

| |Lactitol monohydrate 10g powder/sachet. | | |

| |Magnesium sulphate powder B.P | | |

| |Methyl cellulose mixture 900mg/10ml | | |

| |Methyl cellulose 250mg tab | | |

| |Methyl cellulose 500mg tab | | |

| |Purified extract of senna ( 20mg calcium sennosides tab. | | |

| |Senna granules 14.9mg/5ml or (5.5mg/g) | | |

| |Sorbitol 3.125g + sodium citrate 450mg + sodium alkyl sulphoacetate 45mg/ enema (5ml tubes) | | |

| |Sterculia 62% + frangula 8% sachet | | |

| |Sterculia 55% granules | | |

| |Sod.Picosulfate 7.5mg/ml drop | | |

| |Sodium picosulphate 10mg/ml i – e Each 1 drop contains :- sodium picosulphate 0.5mg drop | | |

| |2 G Rectal and colonic drugs | | |

| |Budesonide 2.3mg/tab + bottle contain 115ml solvent + Rectal nozzles – Retention Enema i-e | | |

| |(Budesonide ((0.02mg/ml)) – Retention Enema | | |

| |Fluocinolone acetonid 0.1mg+menthol 2.5mg+bismuth subgallate 50 mg +lignocaine Hcl 20mg/g. cream. |(733) | |

| |Fluocinolone acetonid 0.1mg+menthol 2.5mg+bismuth subgallate 50 mg +lignocaine 20mg/g. oint. |(733) | |

| |Fluocinolone actonide 0.1mg +menthol 5mg +bismuth subgallate 100mg +lignocaine Hcl 40mg/supp. | | |

| |Hydrocortisone 0.5% + cinchocaine Hcl 0.5% + framycetin sulphate1% + aesculin 1% oint. | | |

| |Hydrocortisone 5mg + cinchocaine Hcl 5mg + framycetin sulphate10mg +aesculin 10 mg/supp. | | |

| |Hydrocortisone acetate foam in aerosol pack 10 % | | |

| |Lignocaine 50mg +hydrocortisone acetate 2.5mg +aluminium subacetate 35mg +zinc oxide180mg/g oint. | | |

| |Lignocaine 60mg +hydrocortisone acetate 5mg +aluminium subacetate 50mg +zinc oxide 400mg/supp. | | |

| |Lidocaine base 50 mg +Hydrocortisone acetate 2.5mg/1g oint. |(776) | |

| |Lidocaine Hcl 20mg + Fluocinolone acetonide 0.1mg/g oint. |(819) | |

| |Prednisolon as sod. Phosphate retention enema 20mg/100ml, (100ml enema) | | |

| |Zinc oxide 10.6% + Bismuth oxide 0.85% + Bismuth subgallate 2.1% + Hydrocortisone Acetate 0.35%/ | | |

| |Supp. | | |

| |Tribenosid 5g + Lidocaine Hcl 2g/100g –cream | | |

| |Tribenosid 400mg + Lidocaine Hcl 40mg – supp | | |

| |2 H Drugs affecting intestinal secretions |see 6 k | |

| |Cholestyramine anhydrous 4g/ sachet .( النادرة) or 4g/ 9g | | |

| |Pancreatin 200mg tab | | |

| |Pancrease (pork) grranules: protease 300 U. + lipase 5000 U.+ amylase 4000 U./g powder (300 gm | | |

| |powder) | | |

| |Pancrease HL (cap) granules:- | |(النادرة) |

| |Protese 1250 U, Lipase 25000 U Amylase 22500 U (Cystic fibrosis) | | |

| |Ursodeoxycholic acid 150mg tab | | |

| |Ursodeoxycholic acid cap. 250mg. | |(النادرة) |

| |Tauroursodeoxycholic acid 250mg cap. |(795) | |

| |2K Direct acting spasmolytic | | |

| |Mebeverin Hcl 135mg tab | | |

| |Mebeverine Hcl Retard cap.:(200 mg( |(589) | |

| |Mebeverine Hcl 135mg+ispaghula husk 3.5g/sachet granules | | |

| |2L Motility stimulant (Prokinetic drug) | (ج 823 ) |- تحديدات بخصوص مادة Metoclopromid تتمثل بالتالي:- |

| |Domperidon base or as maleate 10mg tab | |أ- منع استخدام مادة Metoclopramide للأطفال اقل من سنة واحدة وذلك لزيادة خطر حدوث |

| | | |الآثار الجانبية (Extrapyramidal side effect). |

| | | |ب- لا ينصح باستخدام مستحضرات هذه المادة التي تؤخذ عن طريق الفم للأطفال |

| | | |والمراهقين. |

| | | |ج- تستخدم المادة أعلاه عن طريق الزرق في حالات التقئ بعد العملية Postoprative |

| | | |للأطفال فوق السنة من العمر |

| | | |د- تستخدم المادة أعلاه للفئة العمرية تحت 20سنة في حالا ت التقئ المصاحبة للعلاج |

| | | |ألشعاعي والعلاج الكيماوي والتنبيب المعدي المعوي Gastrointestinal intubation وتحسب|

| | | |الجرع للمرضى في هذه الحالات على أساس الوزن.(807) |

| | | |- تحذير بشأن مادةDomperidon |

| |Domperidon oral 10mg/10ml susp. | | |

| |Domperidon 10mg/ml drop | | |

| |Metoclopramide Hcl 5mg tab | | |

| |Metoclopramide Hcl 10mg tab or scored tab | | |

| |Metoclopramide Hcl 5mg/5ml syr | | |

| |Metoclopramide Hcl oral drops 1mg/ml (15 ml bottle) should supply with pipette with fixing drops |(590) (594) (632) | |

| |No./ml. | | |

| |Metoclopramide Hcl I.M. or I.V. inj 5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) 0r Metoclopramide (asHcl/ base )inj 5mg/ml, |(686) (697) (714) | |

| |(2ml Amp). | | |

| |2 M Bowel cleansing solutions (not for chronic constipation) | | |

| |Macrogol 4000 (polyethlene glycol) ….. 64 g |Powder for oral solution in one| |

| |Anhydrous sodium sulfate ………. 5,700g |sachet | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate …………...… 1,680g | | |

| |Sodium chloride …………….…... 1,460g | | |

| |Potassium chloride …………...…. 0,750g | | |

| |Macrogol 3350 (polyethlene glycol) PEG - oral powder |(824) | |

| |13.8 g sachet powder for oral solution | | |

| |Each sachet contains:- | | |

| |Macrogol ( polyeythylen glycol) 3350 ……..13.125g | | |

| |Sod.chloride ………………………………...350.7 mg | | |

| |Sod.bicarbonate……………………………...178.5 mg | | |

| |Pot.chloride…………………………………...46.6 mg | | |

| |Sod. acid phosphate 21.4g + Sod. phosphate 9.4g/ 118ml (133ml single dose enema) | | |

| |Sod. Dihydrogen phosphate Dihydrate 24.4g + Disodium Phosphate dodecahydrate 10.8g/ 45ml solution | | |


| |3 A Bronchodilators | | |

| |* Note for Salbutamol : | | |

| |* لامانع من اعتماد المادة الفعالة بشكل sulphate or base لمستحضرات Salbutamol وبأشكالها الصيدلانية | | |

| |وحسب المقر دستورياً | | |

| |For Salbutamol in its dosage forms there is no objection to be sulphate or base according to | | |

| |pharmacolog. approval. (508) | | |

| |* Note for Theophyllin: | | |

| |* هناك تحذير من استخدام مادة Theophyllin للرضع دون السنة الثانية من العمر لفترة طويلة بدون مراقبة | | |

| |علاجية (Therapeutic Monitoring) ويجب تثبيت هذا التحذير على الرقعة الخارجية والنشرة الداخلية: | | |

| |Young infants appear to be at particular risk from chronic intoxication with Theophyllin, so, | | |

| |Therapeutic Monitoring is required. | | |

| |Aminophylline as 2H2O I.V. inj: 250mg/ 10ml Amp or Aminophylline (I.V) inj 25mg/ml, (10ml Amp) |(677) |مطالبة الشركة المنتجة بتقديم ما يثبت عدم تفاعل المادة (Aminophyllin) مع العبوة |

| | |(802) |المصنوعة من البلاستك. |

| |Aminophylline (I.M)inj 500mg/2ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Aminophylline hydrate tab (s/r) 100mg | | |

| |Aminophylline hydrate tab (s/r) 225mg | | |

| |Aminophylline tab 100mg | | |

| |Aminophylline supp. 50mg | | |

| |Aminophylline supp.250mg | | |

| |Ephedrine Hcl tab 30mg | | |

| |Fenoterol hydro bromide 100mcg/metered dose inhalation/(oral) | | |

| |Formoterol fumarate 12mcg/ each actuation-aerosol (inhaler) (583) | | |

| |Formoterol fumarate 12mcg as adry powder inhalation/cap + inhaler | | |

| |Formoterol fumarate dihydrate 9mcg/1 dose (1 inhalation) – Turbuhaler | | |

| |For Explanation:- | | |

| |Each delievered dose (i-e the dose leaving the mouth piece) from Turbuhaler contains 9mcg from | | |

| |formoterol fumarate dihydrate which is derived from a metered dose of 12mcg. | | |

| |Formoterol fumarate dihydrate 4.5mcg/1 dose (1 inhalation) – Turbuhaler | | |

| |For Explanation:- | | |

| |Each delievered dose (i-e the dose leaving the mouth piece) from Turbuhaler contains 4.5mcg from | | |

| |formoterol fumarate dihydrate which is derived from a metered dose of 6mcg. | | |

| |Ipratropium Br anhydrous 20mcg/puff (or metered aerosol) (oral inhalation aerosol).{Propellant | | |

| |HFA-134a}/CFC-free | | |

| |Ipratropium Br anhydrous solution for inhalation 250mcg/2ml unit dose vial (UDV)/ can use any | | |

| |general nebuliser available | | |

| |Ipratropium Br solution for inhalation 500mcg/2ml unit dose vial (UDV) with suitable nebulising | | |

| |devicec (nebuliser) or can use any general nebuliser available | | |

| |Ipratropium 250mcg/ml Steri-Neb (Nebuliser solution) For oral inhalation use only | | |

| |Each steri-Neb Nebuliser solution (2ml of solution) contains 500mcg ipratropium bromide | | |

| |(250mcg/ml) | | |

| |{2ml Nebulizer solution in vial} | | |

| |Ipratropium 250mcg/ml Steri-Neb (Nebuliser solution) For oral inhalation use only | | |

| |Each steri-Neb Nebuliser solution (1ml of solution) contains 250mcg ipratropium bromide | | |

| |(250mcg/ml) | | |

| |{1ml Nebulizer solution in vial} | | |

| |Ipratropium Br solution for inhalation: 0.52mg ( 0.5mg Ipratropium Br anhydrous + Salbutamol | | |

| |sulphate 3.01mg ( Salbutamol base 2.5mg/ 2.5ml unit dose vials (UDV) with its Nebulising devices | | |

| |or can use any general nebuliser available | | |

| |Ipratropium Br anhydrous 20mcg + Salbutamol sulphate 120mcg/ metered dose inhalar (For oral | | |

| |inhalation) MDI | | |

| |Salbutamol aerosol (as a base) or (as sulphate) 100mcg/ metered inhalation |(639( |أن يكون(as sulphate or as base) بما يعادل100mcg |

| |Salbutamol powder for inhalation 200mcg. (Rotacap) | | |

| |Salbutamol inj 0.5mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Salbutamol nebules (Respirator solution) 0.5% W/V (20ml) |(629) | |

| |Note: Home Nebuliser (port Neb home compressor Nebuliser with solution (salbutamol) | | |

| |Salbutamol sulphate ( 2.5mg salbutamol (1mg/ml) in normal saline/ 2.5ml steri-Neb Nebuliser | | |

| |solution (For oral inhalation use only) {2.5ml Nebuliser solution in vial} | | |

| |Salbutamol (as sulfate) syr 2mg/5ml | | |

| |Salbutamol (as sulfate) tab 2mg | | |

| |Salbutamol (as sulfate) (c/r) tab 4mg | | |

| |Salbutamol (as sulfate) (c/r) tab 8mg | | |

| |Salmetrol as xinafoate inhalation 25mcg/dose | | |

| |Salmetrol as xinafoate 50mcg/blister with disk haler device (i.e. Diskhaler (dry powder for | | |

| |inhalation)) | | |

| |Theophylline syr 60mg/5ml | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate turbohaler 250mcg/ dose turbohaler | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate turbohaler 500mcg/ dose turbohaler | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate (s.c) inj 500mcg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate syr 300mcg/ml | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate tab 2.5mg | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate tab 5mg durules | | |

| |Terbutaline sulphate nebulas | | |

| |Theophylline (Theophylline anhydrous is the same) 50mg + Glycerylguiacolate 30mg/5ml elixir | | |

| |Theophylline 150mg + Glycerylguiacolate 90mg tab | | |

| |Theophylline (3scord) SR tab 300mg | | |

| |Theophylline cap (s/r) 300mg | | |

| |Theophyllin tab (s/r) 100mg | | |

| |Theophyllin tab (s/r) 250mg | | |

| |Theophyllin 120 mg tab | | |

| |Theophyllin tab or scored tab 250mg | | |

| |Tiotropium (as Br monohydrate) powder for inhalation hard cap: 18mcg + handi haler device (501) | | |

| |3 B Corticosteroids | |(with its suitable device from the same company) |

| |Beclomethasone dipropionate 100mcg Rota Cap. | | |

| |Beclomethasone dipropionate 200mcg Rota Cap | |(with its suitable device from the same company) |

| |Beclomethasone dipropionate 400mcg Rota Cap | |(with its suitable device from the same company) |

| |Beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol 50mcg/ metered inhalation (للصغار) | | |

| |Beclomethasone dipropionate aerosol 250mcg/ Each actuation (للكبار) | | |

| |Budesonide 200mcg/each actuation-aerosol (inhaler) |(583) | |

| |Budesonide 160mcg+ Formoterol fumarate dihydrate 4.5mcg/1 dose (1 inhalation) – Turbuhaler. |(669) | |

| |Budesonide 200mcg/ dose turbohaler | | |

| |Budesonide Respules ( single dose units for nebulisation) :500 mcg/ml (2ml-unit). | | |

| |Ciclesonide inhaler 80mcg/ actuation |(811) | |

| |Ciclesonide inhaler 160mcg/ actuation |(811) | |

| |Fluticasone propionate 50mcg/blister with disk haler device (i.e. Diskhaler (dry powder for | | |

| |inhalation)) | | |

| |Fluticasone propionate 100mcg/blister with disk haler device (i.e. Diskhaler (dry powder for | | |

| |inhalation)) | | |

| |Fluticasone propionate 250mcg/blister with disk haler device (Not for children) (i.e. Diskhaler | | |

| |(dry powder for inhalation)) | | |

| |Fluticasone propionate 500mcg/blister with disk haler device (Not for children) (i.e. Diskhaler | | |

| |(dry powder for inhalation)) | | |

| |Fluticasone propionate inhaler 125mcg/dose (orally) | | |

| |Mometasone furoate anhydrous 200 mcg/each actutation inhalation- dry powder inhaler-twisthalar) | | |

| |(586) | | |

| |Mometasone furoate anhydrous 400 mcg/each actutation inhalation- dry powder inhaler-twisthalar) | | |

| |(586) | | |

| |salmetrol as xinofoate 50mcg + fluticasone propionate 500mcg/ each inhalation in blister {powder | | |

| |for oral inhalation (pre-dispensed)} i-e iskus | | |

| |Salmetrol as xinofoate 50mcg + fluticasone propionate 250mcg/ each inhalation in blister { powder | | |

| |for oral inhalation (pre- dispensed)} i-e Diskus | | |

| |Salmetrol as xinofoate 50mcg + fluticasone propionate 100mcg/ each inhalation in blister { powder | | |

| |for oral inhalation (pre- dispensed)} i-e Diskus | | |

| |3 C Prophylaxis of asthma | | |

| |Ketotifen as hydrogen fumarate caps or tab 1mg | | |

| |Ketotifen as hydrogen fumarate elixir 1mg/5ml | | |

| |Sodium cromoglycate spin cap 20mg | | |

| |Spinhaler for the spin caps | | |

| |Sodium cromoglycate nebuliser solution 10mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Sodium cromoglycate (without freon or freon free): (5mg/metered inhalation) | | |

| |Aerosol inhalation or Turbohaler (limited amount) | | |

| |3 D Allergic disorders |(694) |- أن مادة الـ Adrenaline المستخدمة في مستحضرات الزرق حسب دساتير الأدوية الأمريكية|

| |Adrenaline as acid tartrate inj 1mg/ml (1:1000), ( 1ml - Amp) or Adrenaline USP inj 1mg/1ml amp | |والبريطانية أما تكون بشكل Adrenaline base أو Adrenaline (as Hcl) أو Adrenaline |

| |S.C.,I.M. (709) | |(as Acid tartarate) وتكون النسبة المطلوبة على ما يكافئها من الـ Adrenaline base. |

| | | |أما مادة الـ Adrenaline borate فلا تستخدم دستورياً في مستحضرات الزرق |

| |Adrenaline as acid tartrate Slow I.V infusion or Slow I.V inj. 1/10000 Dilute (100mcg/ml) (10ml- |(713) (709) |- يوصى في النشرة العلمية الملحقة مع الدواء (Adrenalin 1/1000 (1mg/ml)) بعد |

| |Amp) or pfs | |التخفيف بنسبة 1/10000 ويستعمل على شكل slow I.V inj. أو slow I.V infusion. (663) |

| | | |- (حسب طلب المركز العراقي لأمراض القلب وتستخدم للزرق الوريد البطيء Slow I.V) |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleate syr 2mg/5ml | | |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleate tab 4mg | | |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleat inj 10mg/ml, (1ml Amp) S.C , I.M ,Slow I.V |(745) | |

| |Clemastine as hydrogen fumarate tab 1mg | | |

| |Clemastine as hydrogen fumarate syrp 0.1mg/ ml | | |

| |Cetirizine Hcl or di- Hcl Tab: 10 mg |(679), (788) | |

| |Cetirizine Hcl Oral solution 0.1 % ( 1ml=1mg) |(747) | |

| |Cyproheptadine Hcl syr 2mg/5ml | | |

| |Cyproheptadine Hcl tab 4mg | | |

| |Dimetindeni maleate 0.25mg + Phenylephrine 2.5mg/ ml- microdoser |(687) | |

| |Dexchlorpheniramine maleate tab (s/r) 6mg | | |

| |Dexchlorpheniramine maleate 2mg + dexamethasone 0.25mg + ascorbic acid 75mg tab | | |

| |Diphenhydramine Hcl elixir 10mg/5ml | | |

| |Diphenhydramine Hcl inj IM, IV. 10mg/ ml (1ml-Amp) or Diphenhydramine Hcl inj I.M. only.10mg/ ml |(678) | |

| |(1ml-Amp) | | |

| |Diphenhydramine Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Diphenpyraline Hcl (s/r) cap 5mg | | |

| |Desloratidine 5mg Tab. |(686) | |

| |Desloratidine 2.5mg/ 5ml syrup (686) | | |

| |Fexofenadine Hcl film coated tab 120mg |(759) | |

| |Fexofenadine Hcl film coated tab 180mg |(759) | |

| |Hydroxyzine Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Hydroxyzine Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Levocitrizine di – Hcl 5mg tab. and Levocitrizine Hcl 5mg tab. |(797) | |

| |Loratidine tab 10mg | | |

| |Loratidine syrup 5mg/5ml | | |

| |Pheniramine (p - amino salicylate) tab 50mg | | |

| |Pheniramine (Hydrogen maleate) syr 15mg/5ml | | |

| |Promethazine Hcl inj 25mg/ml, ( 2ml Amp) | | |

| |Promethazine Hcl syr 5mg/5ml | | |

| |Promethazine Hcl tab 10 mg | | |

| |Triprolidine Hcl tab 2.5mg | | |

| |Trimeprazine tartrate tab 10mg | | |

| |Trimeprazine tartrate syr 7.5mg/5ml | | |

| |Trimeprazine tartrate forte syr 30mg/5ml | | |

| |3 E Respiratory stimulants | | |

| |Doxapram Hcl inj 20mg/ ml, (5ml Amp) | | |

| |Caffiene citrate for neonatal apnoea , adjunct to extubation in preterm infants | |Limited to neonatal intensive care units |

| |- I.V. infusion initially 20 mg/kg then 5 mg/ kg once dialy starting 24 hr (Caffiene citrate 2 mg(| | |

| |Caffiene base 1mg) | | |

| |- Caffiene citrate oral liquid (Caffiene citrate 2 mg( Caffiene base 1mg) | | |

| |3 F Mucolytics | | |

| |Bromhexine Hcl tab 8 mg | | |

| |Bromhexine Hcl syr 4mg/5ml | | |

| |Bromhexine Hcl inj 4mg/2ml (2ml Amp) | | |

| |N acelylcystein (oral granules ) 100mg/ sachet (النادرة) | | |

| |3 G Antitussives,demulcents,expectorants | |The following combinations are examples of available preparation, approved by |

| | | |NBSD to be provided according to the general policy of the drugs company. Codeine|

| |Sod.benzoate 0.025mg +syrup balsam Tolu. 1.25ml+syrup ipecac co. 1.25ml +Tr. Comphor Co. | |containing preparations should not be dispensed without a prescription. |

| |1.25ml/5ml syrup | | |

| |Codeine phosphate tab 30mg see 2D | | |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleate 25mg + Ephedrine Hcl 100mg + glyceryl guaiacolate 1g + potassium citrate | | |

| |3g+sodium benzoate 3g+liquid extract of liquorice 7.5g/100ml syrup | | |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg + phenylephrine Hcl 5mg + ephedrine Hcl 15mg + codeine phosphate 8mg/| | |

| |10ml syrup | | |

| |Clorpheniramine maleate 2mg + Phenylephrine-HCl 5mg + Ephedrine hydrochloride 5mg + Codeine | | |

| |phosphate 8mg/ teaspoonful (5ml) | | |

| |Dextromethorphane Hbr 15mg tab | | |

| |Dextromethorphane Hbr 2.5mg + Pot. Guaiacale sulphonate 37.5mg/5ml pead. Mixture | | |

| |Dextromethorphane Hbr B.P 15mg +Guaiphenesin 100mg + Pseudoephedrine Hcl 30mg/ 5ml –syrup. | | |

| |Dextromethorphane Hbr 5mg/5ml mixture (cough mixture for children) | |Not to be used for children under 2 years and the doses as following : |

| | | |6-12y:- 5-10mg every 4hrs or 15mg every 6hrs max 60mg/24hrs. |

| | | |2 - 6y:- 2.5-5mg every 4hrs or 7.5mg every 6-8hrs max30mg/24hrs. |

| |Dextromethorphane HBr 15mg/5ml syrup | | |

| |Diphenhydramine Hcl 13.5mg + ammonium chloride 131.5mg +sodium citrate 55mg + menthol 1mg/5ml | | |

| |syrup | | |

| |Glyceryl guaiacolate 50mg + chlorpheniramine maleate 1mg + phenylephrine Hcl 2.5mg/ 5ml syrup | | |

| |Tr.grindeliae 0.2ml + Tr. pimpinellae 0.2ml + Tr.primulae 1ml +Tr. rosae 1ml+Tr. Thymi 1.2ml + mel| | |

| |45g/ 100ml syrup. | | |

| |Tr.grindeliae 0.2ml + Tr. pimpinellae 0.2ml + Tr.primulae 1ml +Tr. rosae 1ml+Tr. Thymi 1.2ml + mel| | |

| |45g+codine phosphate 100mg/100ml syrup. | | |

| |Lemon juice 1ml + honey 250mg + ammonium chloride 30mg + ipecac.liquid extract 0.003ml/ 5ml syrup | | |

| |Thymi 5.8g + herb droserae 1.45g + pinguiculae 2.4g/ 10ml drop | | |

| |3 H Orally administered nasal decongestants | | |

| |Chlorpheniramine maleate1mg+ pseudoephedrine Hcl 15mg+ paracetamol 325mg/ tab ( 764) | | |

| |Dimethindene maleate drop 1mg/ml | | |

| |Dimethindene maleate syr. 0.01g/100ml | | |

| |Dimethindene maleate 4mg Long Acting cap. | | |

| |Paracetamol 500mg + diphenyhydramine Hcl 25mg tab or cap |(553) | |

| |Paracetamol 450mg + promethazine Hcl 5mg+phenylephrine Hcl 5mg tab. |(553-569) | |

| |Paracetamol 500mg + pseudoephedrine HCL 30mg/ tab |(658) | |

| |Paracetamol 500mg + pseudoephedrine HCL 30mg + Chlorpheniramine maleate 2mg/ tab |(658) | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl 60mg + triprolidine Hcl 2.5mg tab or cap. |(609) | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl 30mg + triprolidine Hcl 1.25mg/5ml syrup | | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl + triprolidine Hcl + codeine phosphate tab | | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl 30mg + triprolidine Hcl 1.25mg + codeine phosphate 10mg/ 5ml syrup | | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl 50mg + triprolidine Hcl 2.5mg + Paracetamol 300mg tab | | |

| |Pseudoephedrine Hcl 0.5mg + triprolidine Hcl 0.025mg + Paracetamol 2.5g/100 ml solution | | |

| |Pseudoephedrine sulphate 120 mg + Loratidin 5 mg/ repetab. (668) | | |

| |3 I Others | | |

| |Jet spray 4% | | |

| |* (solution not for inj) (disposable kit for Laryngotracheal anesthesia) Lidocaine Hcl 40mg/ml | | |

| |(4ml-vial & disposable sterile cannula with cover & vial injector) (Larngotrachial anesthesia). | | |

| |* For topical anesthesia of accessible mucous membrane of oral & Nasal cavities & proximal | | |

| |portions of digestive tract applied with sterile swab or as aspray. | | |

| |Topical 4% | | |

| |* (solution not for inj) Not for inj: anhydrous Lidocaine Hcl 40mg/ml (Bronchoscopy –with suitable| | |

| |swab or spray). | | |

| |* For topical anesthesia of accessible mucous membrane of oral & Nasal cavities & proximal | | |

| |portions of digestive tract applied with sterile swab or as aspray. | | |

| |Phospholipids 25 mg (derived from bovine lung lipid extract) Beractant + NaCl 9mg.. in water for |(567) |- تطلب شهادات خلو المادة من TSE (جنون البقر). |

| |inj/ml (single dose vial of 4 ml) intracheal use only. | |- تستعمل المادة في ردهات حديثي الولادة والخدج في المستشفيات التعليمية التي يوفر |

| | | |فيها الاتي:- |

| | | |*ا نابيب القصبات في مختلف الحجوم (2/2,5/3) *جهاز ناظور الحنجرة بمختلف القياسات |

| | | |(صفر،1). * جهاز قياس غازات الدم. *اوكسجين.* جهاز التنفس الصناعي للخدج وAmbu bag |

| | | |للخداج |

| |3J Leukotriene Receptor antagonists: |(726)(746),(757),(817) | |

| |Montelukast As sodium salt chewable tab. 4mg (for2 years - 5year) |(847) | |

| |Montelukast As sodium 4mg/granules in sachet. (for 6monthe-2 years) |(784) | |

| |Montelukast As sodium chewable tab. 5mg |(726) |للاستفادة منه في الوقاية من النوبات الرئوية و خاصة للاطفال من (6-14 year ) كذلك |

| | |)743( (746) (757((847) |لأضافة فعالية اكبر Added Benfit بأستخدامه مع Corticosteroid ولا يستخدم في معالجة |

| | | |نوبات الربو الحادة. |

| | | |Limited amount |

| |Montelukast As sodium salt tab. 10mg. Limited/15 year & over |(726)(847) | |

| |Zafirlukast tab. 20mg | | |

| |3 k Respirotary diagnostic |(704((722) | يتم تحضيره أنيا(with sterile normal saline) كمحلول بشكل رذاذ وبالتراكيز( 0.025, |

| |methacholine powder for oral inhalation (as chloride) as vial 100mg powder | |0.25, 2.5, 10, 25 mg/ml )لإجراء فحص methacholine challenge test للكشف عن حالات |

| | | |الربو غير المثالية وحسب طلب اللجنة الاستشارية لامراض الجهاز التنفسي وتقدر الحاجة |

| | | |الفعلية من قبل المراكز المعنية لهذا الغرض التشخيصي المحدود. |


| |4 A Hypnotics and Anxiolytics | | |

| |Amylobarbitone sod.cap 60mg | | |

| |Alprazolam 0.25mg tab. | | |

| |Alprazolam 0.5mg scored tab | | |

| |Alprazolam 1mg tab.(631) | | |

| |Bromazepam 1.5mg scored tab | | |

| |Bromazepam 3mg scored tab | | |

| |Buspirone Hcl 5mg tab | | |

| |Buspirone Hcl 10mg tab | | |

| |Chlordiazepoxide 5mg tab | | |

| |Chlordiazepoxide 10mg tab | | |

| |Chloralhydrate syr 200mg/5ml | | |

| |Clobazam 10mg tab. | | |

| |Diazepam inj 1mg/ml | | |

| |Diazepam inj 5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Diazepam rectal tube 2mg/ml (1.25ml i-e 2.5mg) | | |

| |Diazepam rectal tube 2mg/ml (2.5ml i-e 5mg) | | |

| |Diazepam 2mg/5ml syr | | |

| |Diazepam 2mg tab | | |

| |Diazepam 5mg tab | | |

| |Diazepam 10mg tab | | |

| |Diazepam (s/r) 10mg cap | | |

| |Lorazepam 1mg scored tab | | |

| |Lorazepam 2mg tab | | |

| |Lorazepam inj 4mg/ ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Medazepam 5mg caps | | |

| |Medazepam 10mg caps | | |

| |Nitrazepam 5mg tab | | |

| |Triazolam 125mcg tab | | |

| |Triazolam 250mcg tab | | |

| |Zolpidem tartrate 5mg tab. | | |

| |Zolpidem tartrate 10mg tab | | |

| |4 B Antipsychotics | | |

| |Amisulpride tab 50mg. | | |

| |Amisulpride tab 200mg. | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl tab 100mg | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl syr 25mg/5ml | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl drops 5mg/ml | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl inj 10mg/ml, (5ml Amp) | | |

| |Chlorpromazine Hcl inj 25mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |يستعمل للزرق العضلي IM العميق بمعدل 25-50 ملغم/كل 6-8 ساعات. | | |

| |يستعمل للزرق الوريدي IV بصورة مخففة وبطيئة للحالات المعندّه من Vomitting,Tetanus,Hiccups,Nausea | | |

| |والمصاحبة للجراحة.((753 | | |

| |Clozapine 25mg tab. | | |

| |Clozapine 100mg tab. | | |

| |Flupenthixol as di – Hcl 1mg tab. | | |

| |Flupenthixol tab 2mg | | |

| |Flupenthixol tab 3mg | | |

| |Flupenthixol di – Hcl 0.5mg tab + Melitracen as Hcl 10 mg Tab (682) | | |

| |Flupenthixol decanoate depot inj 20mg/ml, (1ml - Amp) | | |

| |Flupenthixol decanoate conc. Inj 100mg/ml, ( 1ml - Amp) | | |

| |Flupenthixol decanonte oily inj 20mg/ml ( 2ml –Amp) | | |

| |Fluphenazine Hcl tab 1mg | | |

| |Fluphenazine decanoate depot inj 25mg/ml, (1ml - Amp) | | |

| |Fluphenazine decanoate depot inj 100mg/ml, (1ml - Amp) | | |

| |Haloperidol caps or tab 0.5mg | | |

| |Haloperidol tab 1.5mg | | |

| |Haloperidol tab 5mg | | |

| |Haloperidol tab 10mg | | |

| |Haloperidol tab20mg | | |

| |Haloperidol inj 5mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Haloperidol as decanoate (s/r) oily inj 50mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Haloperidol as decanoate (s/r) oily inj 100mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Haloperidol oral liquid (drop) 2mg/ml (1ml ( 20 drops) | | |

| |Haloperidol oral liquid conc. 10mg/ml | | |

| |Lithium carbonate tab 250mg | | |

| |Lithium carbonate tab (c/r) 400mg | | |

| |Olanzapine tab 5mg | | |

| |Olanzapine tab 10mg | | |

| |Olanzapine orodispersible tab 5mg | | |

| |(بشكل محدود وتحت اشراف طبيب اخصائي ، للمرضى الذين لديهم عدم التعاون في تناول الدواء) | | |

| |Olanzapine orodispersible tab 10mg | | |

| |(بشكل محدود وتحت اشراف طبيب اخصائي ، للمرضى الذين لديهم عدم التعاون في تناول الدواء) | | |

| |Olanzapine I.M inj: 10mg | | |

| |Pimozide tab 1mg | | |

| |Pimozide tab 4mg | | |

| |Paliperidon Extend Release (XR) tab. 3mg. (716) | | |

| |Paliperidon Extend Release (XR) tab. 6mg (716) | | |

| |Paliperidon Extend Release (XR) tab. 9mg (716) | | |

| |Quetiapine as fumarate 100mg tab | | |

| |تستعمل في المراكز العلاجية المتخصصة بالطب النفسي وتحت اشراف اطباء اختصاص ذو خبرة كافية في التعامل | | |

| |مع المادة | | |

| |Quetiapine as fumarate 200mg tab | | |

| |تستعمل في المراكز العلاجية المتخصصة بالطب النفسي وتحت اشراف اطباء اختصاص ذو خبرة كافية في التعامل | | |

| |مع المادة | | |

| |Quetiapine as fumarate 300mg tab (678) | | |

| |Quetiapine as fumarate XR (Extended release ) tab. : 200 mg (751) | | |

| |Quetiapine as fumarate XR (Extended release ) tab.: 300 mg (751) | | |

| |Risperidone 1mg/ ml oral solution (631) | | |

| |Risperidone tab 0.5 mg (813) | | |

| |Risperidone tab 1mg (631) | | |

| |Risperidone tab 2mg | | |

| |Risperidone tab 4mg | | |

| |Risperidone tab 6mg (813) | | |

| |Trifluoperazine (as HCl) Tab 1mg | | |

| |Trifluoperazine (as HCl) tab 5mg | | |

| |Trifluoperazine (as HCl) spansules (s/r) 2mg | | |

| |Trifluoperazine (as HCl) spansules (s/r) 10mg | | |

| |Trifluoperazine (as HCl) syr 1mg/5ml | | |

| |Zuclopenthixol dihydrochloride 25mg tab | | |

| |Zuclopenthixol acetate 50mg/ml (1ml amp) | | |

| |Zuclopenthixol decanoate 200mg/ml (1ml amp) | | |

| |4 C Antidepressant drugs | | |

| |4 C a tricyclic and related antidepressant drugs | | |

| |Amitriptyline Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Amitriptyline Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Amitriptyline Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |Amitriptyline Hcl cap (s/r) 75mg | | |

| |Amitriptyline Hcl syr 10mg/5ml | | |

| |Clomipramine Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Clomipramine Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Clomipramine Hcl inj 12.5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Clomipramine Hcl (s/r) tab 75mg | | |

| |Doxepin as Hcl cap 10mg. | | |

| |Doxepin as Hcl cap 25mg. | | |

| |Doxepin as Hcl cap 50mg. | | |

| |Doxepin as Hcl cap 75mg. | | |

| |Imipramine Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Imipramine Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Imipramine Hcl inj 12.5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Maprotiline Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Maprotiline Hcl tab 25mg | | |

| |Maprotiline Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |Trazodon as Hcl cap 50mg. | | |

| |Trazodon as Hcl cap 100mg. | | |

| |Trazodon as Hcl tab 150mg. | | |

| |Trimipramine tab 25mg | | |

| |Trimipramine tab 10mg | | |

| |4 C c Selective serotonin re–uptake inhibitors | | |

| |Citalopram (as HBr) tab 20mg | | |

| |Escitalopram as oxalate tab 10mg (597) | | |

| |Escitalopram as oxalate tab 20mg (678) | | |

| |Fluoxetine as HCl cap or film coated tab 20mg | | |

| |Fluvoxamine maleate 50mg tab. | | |

| |Fluvoxamine maleate 100mg tab. | | |

| |Paroxetine as Hcl tab 20mg | | |

| |Paroxetine as Hcl tab 30mg | | |

| |Sertraline as Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |4 C d Other antidepressant drugs | | |

| |Duloxetine as Hcl cap 60 mg | | |

| |Duloxetine as Hcl cap 30 mg (652) | | |

| |Mirtazapine 30mg tab. | | |

| |Tianeptine tab. | | |

| |Venlafaxine as HCL 37.5mg tab. (806) | | |

| |Venlafaxine as HCl 50mg tab. | | |

| |Venlafaxine as HCl 75mg tab. | | |

| |Venlafaxine as Hcl extended release(XL) cap 75mg (590) | | |

| |Venlafaxine 150mg as hydrochloride salt. (XR) Cap. (558) | | |

| |4 D CNS Stimulants | | |

| |Atomoxetine (as Hcl) 10mg cap | | |

| |Atomoxetine (as Hcl) 18mg cap | | |

| |Atomoxetine (as Hcl) 25mg cap | | |

| |Atomoxetine (as Hcl) 40mg cap | | |

| |Note for Atomoxetine:- | | |

| |- For management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children & Adults. | | |

| |- (limited use by specialist physician in psychiatry & to be available in psychiatry special | | |

| |centers diseases). | | |

| |- يحدد استعماله اي لايصرف الا من قبل اختصاصي الامراض النفسية والاطفال والمراكز التخصصية للامراض | | |

| |النفسية.. وللتوضيح :- | | |

| |- تستعمل لمعالجة الاطفال فوق (6) سنة من العمر والبالغين المصابين بقلة الانتباه وفرط الحركة DHA) | | |

| |(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | | |

| |- يحدد استعمالها كما ورد آنفاً من قبل الطبيب المختص بالطب النفسي والذي لديه الخبرة الكافية لمعالجة | | |

| |حالات ADHA | | |

| |- يتم استعمالها في مؤسسات صحية مركزية تتوفر فيها الخدمات المختبرية والطبية المناسبة. | | |

| |- اجراء فحوصات مختبرية قبل استعمال الدواء لمعرفة وظائف الكبد مع متابعة دورية كل شهر طيلة فترة | | |

| |استعمال الدواء بحيث يتم ايقاف العلاج مباشرة اثناء ظهور اي علامات لتأثر الكبد. | | |

| |- اخذ موافقة خطية لذوي المريض بأستعمال المادة. | | |

| |Dexamphetamine sulphate tab 5mg | | |

| |Methylphenidate Hcl tab 10mg | | |

| |Modafinil 100mg tab. | | |

| |4 E Drug used in the treatment of obesity | | |

| |4 E a Anti- obesity drugs acting on GIT | | |

| |Orlistat cap 120mg | | |

| |4 F Drugs used in nausea and vertigo | | |

| |Betahistine Hcl or Di HCl 8mg Tab | | |

| |Betahistine di - Hcl scored 16mg Tab | | |

| |Cinnarizine 15 mg tab. | | |

| |Cinnarizine 25 mg tab. | | |

| |Flunarizine as Hcl 5mg cap | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl) or (as Hcl dihydrate)tab 4mg (572) | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl) or (as Hcl dihydrate) tab 8mg | | |

| |Ondansetron oral lyophilisates tab 4mg | | |

| |Ondansetron oral lyophilisates tab 8mg | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl) suger free syrup 4mg/5ml | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl or as Hcl dihydrate) inj 2mg/ml (2ml Amp) (564) | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl or as Hcl dihydrate) inj 2mg/ml (4ml Amp) (564) | | |

| |Ondansetron (as Hcl) supp 16mg | | |

| |Prochlorperazine maleate tab 5mg | | |

| |Prochlorperazine mesilate syr 5mg/5ml | | |

| |Prochlorperazine deep I.M mesilat inj 12.5mg/ml, ( 1ml Amp) | | |

| |Prochlorperazine maleate ( as Prochlorperazine) supp 5mg | | |

| |Prochlorperazine maleate ( as Prochlorperazine) supp 25mg | | |

| |4G Analgesics used for mild, moderate pain | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid coated tab 75-165mg | | |

| |يجب ان يكون coated 840) ) | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid tab 100mg | | |

| | Acetylsalicylic acid tab (e/c) 100mg | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg dispresable tab (836) | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid tab 300mg | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid tab 500mg | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid tab (e/c) 500mg | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid tab 500mg (Microencapasulated forms of aspirine) | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid enteric coated tab 325mg or 300mg | | |

| |Acetylsalicylic acid soluble tab 300mg | | |

| |Dihydrocodeine tartrate tab 30mg | | |

| |Dihydrocodeine tartrate inj 50mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Paracetamol drops 100mg/ml, or 60mg/0.6ml | | |

| |Paracetamol 125 or 120 mg/ 5ml syrup or suspension (815) | | |

| |Paracetamol syr. 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Paracetamol suspension. 120mg/5ml (738) | | |

| |Paracetamol suspension. 250mg/5ml (738) | | |

| |Paracetamol supp 125mg (infant) | | |

| |Paracetamol supp 250mg (child) | | |

| |Paracetamol supp 500mg | | |

| |Paracetamol 125mg + phenobarb 10mg supp. (infant) | | |

| |Paracetamol 250mg + phenobarb 20mg supp. (child) | | |

| |Paracetamol I.V infusion 10mg/ml ( 50 ml vial ) (725) | | |

| |تعطى للكبار بطريقة الاسترواء الوريدي خلال 15 دقيقة و للصغار حسب وزن الطفل | | |

| |Paracetamol I.V infusion 10mg/ ml (100ml vial ) ك340 في 26/8/2010 (711)(725) | | |

| |تعطى للكبار بطريقة الاسترواء الوريدي خلال 15 دقيقة و للصغار حسب وزن الطفل. | | |

| |Paracetamol tab 500mg | | |

| |Paracetamol 325mg + codeine phosphate 10mg + caffeine 50mg tab (764) (569,553) (664) | | |

| |Paracetamol 325mg + codeine phosphate 8mg + caffeine 50mg/ caplet (764) | | |

| |Paracetamol 325mg + Codeine phosphate (8mg -10mg) tab. (764) | | |

| |Pentazocine as lactate i.v.,i.m.,s.c. inj 30mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Pentazocine as Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |4 H Analgesics used for severe pain | | |

| |Morphine sulphate (s/r) 10mg Tab or Cap. | | |

| |Morphine sulphate (s/r) 30mg Tab or Cap. | | |

| |Morphine sulphate (s/r) 60mg Tab or Cap. | | |

| |Morphine sulphate (s/r) 100mg Tab or Cap. | | |

| |Morphine Hcl syrup 5mg/ 5ml. (683) (تحديد صرفها في المراكز السرطانية) | | |

| |Morphine sulphate syrup 10mg/ 5ml. (683) ((تحديد صرفها في المراكز السرطانية | | |

| |Morphine sulphate inj I.V , I.M ,S.C 10mg/ml (1ml amp)ك 340 في 26/8/2010 | | |

| |Morphin sulphate inj. 10 mg/ml- 2ml amp ( قائمة الرعاية الصحية و دولاب الصدمة ) | | |

| |Morphine sulphate inj slow I.V., I.M., s.c. 15mg/ml (1ml amp) | | |

| |Morphine sulphate inj 20mg/ml | | |

| |Oxycodone Hcl 5mg + Paracetamol 325mg/ tab. ((To be available in Cancer centres only)). | | |

| |Pethidine Hcl inj 50mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Pethidine Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl I.M.,S.C.,slow I.V.,I.V.infusion inj 100mg/(2ml amp) | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl supp 100mg | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl tab or cap 50mg | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl cap 100mg | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl 50mg soluble tab. | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl 50mg Eff. tab. | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl 100mg effervescent tab. | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl 100mg soluble tab. | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl 100mg retard tab. & cap. (787) | | |

| |Tramadol Hcl drops 100mg/ml | | |

| |Note: Tramadol To be Remained in Narcotics List & to be dispensed according to these Instructions.| | |

| |4 I Drugs used in migraine | | |

| |Ergotamine tartrate 0.5mg + chlorcyclizine Hcl 10mg + caffeine 50mg + meprobamate 100mg tab | | |

| |Ergotamine tartrate 2mg + cyclizine Hcl 50mg + caffeine hydrate 100mg tab | | |

| |Ergotamine tartate 1mg + caffeine 100mg tab | | |

| |Clonidine Hcl 50mcg tab (see 6M) | | |

| |Clonidine Hcl 75mcg tab (see 6M) | | |

| |Pizotifen as hydrogen maleate 0.5mg tab | | |

| |Pizotifen as hydrogen maleate equ. To 0.5 mg pizotifen./ 10 ml syrup. (723) | | |

| |Sumatriptan (as succinate) 25mg tab | | |

| |Sumatriptan (as succinate) 50 mg tab (very limited amount) ك/ 230 في 16/10/2008 | | |

| |Sumatriptan (as succinate) inj 12mg/ml (6mg/0.5ml -syring) | | |

| |Sumatriptan Nasal spray: 20mg/0.1ml | | |

| |Zolmitriptan 2.5mg tab | | |

| |4 J Antiepileptics | | |

| |Carbamazepine chewable tab 100mg | | |

| |Carbamazepine tab 200mg | | |

| |Carbamazepine tab (c/r) 200mg | | |

| |Carbamazepine tab (c/r) 400mg | | |

| |Carbamazepine syr 100mg/5ml | | |

| |Carbamazepine supp 125mg | | |

| |Carbamazepine supp 250mg | | |

| |Chlormethiazole edisylate I.V. infusion 8mg/ml | | |

| |Clonazepam drops 2.5mg/ml | | |

| |Clonazepam tab 0.5mg | | |

| |Clonazepam tab 2mg | | |

| |Clonazepam scored tab 1mg | | |

| |Clonazepam inj 1mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Ethosuximide caps 250mg | | |

| |Ethosuximide syr 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Gabapentin 100mg tab. Or cap. (805) | | |

| |Gabapentin 300mg Tab or cap (558) | | |

| |Gabapentin 400mg cap. (805) | | |

| |Gabapentin 600mg tab. | | |

| |Gabapentin 800mg tab. | | |

| |Lamotrigine tab 25mg | | |

| |Lamotrigine tab 50mg | | |

| |Lamotrigine tab 100mg | | |

| |Levetiracetam 250mg tab. | | |

| |Levetiracetam 500mg tab. | | |

| |Levetiracetam 1000mg tab. | | |

| |Levetiracetam 100mg/ml syrup 240 ml bottle. (762) | | |

| |Oxcarbazepine 150mg tab. | | |

| |Oxcarbazepine 300mg tab. | | |

| |Oxcarbazepine 600mg tab. | | |

| |Oxcarbazepine oral susp: 60mg/ml (6%) | | |

| |Paraldehyde inj 10%, 10ml Rectally or I.M. divided diluted not more than 5ml/ I.M.site | | |

| |Phenobarbitone Sod. 60mg water soluble inj |)593) | |

| |Phenobarbitone Sod. inj 200mg/ml, (1ml Amp) |(632) (587) |المادة دواء طواريء ولا يعطى الا بالوريد بعد التخفيف بنسبة واحد في عشرة (مل واحد |

| |- | |يخلط مع 10 مل ماء للزرق) |

| |Phenobarbitone tab 15mg | | |

| |Phenobarbitone tab 30mg | | |

| |Phenobarbitone tab 60mg | | |

| |Phenytoin sodium caps or tabs 100mg | | |

| |Phenytoin sodium inj 50mg/ml, 5ml Amp see 1D | | |

| |Pregabaline 75 mg Cap |(600) |يتم استخدامه في المستشفيات والمراكز التخصصية للأمراض الباطنية والجملة العصبية |

| | | |والنفسية |

| |Pregabaline 150 mg Cap |(600) |يتم استخدامه في المستشفيات والمراكز التخصصية للأمراض الباطنية والجملة العصبية |

| | | |والنفسية |

| |Primidone syr 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Primidone tab 250mg | | |

| |Quinalbarbitone inj or amylobarbitone inj | | |

| |Sodium valproate solution (drop) 200mg/ml | | |

| |Sodium valproate syrup 200mg/5ml | | |

| |Sodium valproate tab 200mg | | |

| |Sodium valproate tab 500mg | | |

| |Sodium valproate chrono or (s/r) tab 500mg | | |

| |Sodium valproate inj (powder) 400mg vial with 4ml-amp water | | |

| |Topiramate tab 25mg اعيد حسب ج/ (762) | | |

| |Topiramate tab 50mg اعيد حسب ج/ (762) | | |

| |Topiramate tab 100mg اعيد حسب ج/ ( 762) | | |

| |Vigabatrin tab 500mg | | |

| |( Note:- To be dispense in nervous consultant centers and epilepsy clinics by specialist) | | |

| |Vigabatrin powder 500mg/sachet | | |

| |(Note:- To be dispense in nervous consultant centers and epilepsy clinics by specialist ) | | |

| |4 K Drugs used in parkinsonism | | |

| |Amantadine Hcl caps 100mg | | |

| |Benzhexol Hcl (trihexiphenidyl) (c/r) caps 5mg | | |

| |Benzhexol Hcl (trihexiphenidyl) tab 2mg | | |

| |Benzhexol Hcl (trihexiphenidyl) tab 5mg | | |

| |Benztropine mesylate tab 2mg &Inj.:1 mg/1 ml(2 ml-amp.) see sec.17 | | |

| |Bromocriptine as Mesylate tab 2.5mg | | |

| |Levodopa 100mg + carbidopa (as monohydrate or anhydrous ) 10mg tab (776) | | |

| |Levodopa 200mg + carbidopa (as monohydrate or anhydrous )25mg (m/r) tab (776) | | |

| |Levodopa 250mg + carbidopa (as monohydrate or anhydrous )25mg tab (776) | | |

| |Levodopa 50mg + benserazide as Hcl 12.5mg caps | | |

| |Levodopa 100 mg + benserazide as Hcl 25mg cap | | |

| |•Levodopa 50mg + carbidopa 12.5mg + 200mg Entacapone/ tab. (668) | | |

| |•Levodopa 100mg + carbidopa 25mg + 200mg Entacapone/ tab. (668) | | |

| |•Levodopa 150mg + carbidopa 37.5mg + 200mg Entacapone/ tab. | | |

| |•Levodopa 200mg + carbidopa 50mg + 200mg Entacapone/ tab.. (668) | | |

| |•للحالات الشديدة المعندة التي عجزت فيها الادوية التقليدية المتداولة. | | |

| |•يصرف من قبل الاختصاصيين في الجملة العصبية والطب النفسي فقط (668) | | |

| |Pramipexol 0.18mg ≡ pramipexol di- Hcl monohydrate 0.25 mg tab ( 718) | | |

| |Pramipexol 2.1 mg ≡ pramipexol di- Hcl monohydrate 3 mg/ Extended release tab ( 758) | | |

| |Pramipexol 1.05 mg ≡ pramipexol di- Hcl monohydrate 1.5 mg/ Extended release tab ( 758) | | |

| |Pramipexol 0.52 mg ≡ pramipexol di- Hcl monohydrate 0.75 mg/ Extended release tab ( 758) | | |

| |Pramipexol 0.26 mg ≡ pramipexol di- Hcl monohydrate 0.375 mg/ Extended release tab ( 758) | | |

| |Orphenadrine Hcl tab 50mg | | |

| |Orphenadrine Hcl tab 100mg | | |

| |Orphenadrine citrate 100mg tab | | |

| |Orphenadrine citrate inj 30mg/ml, ( 2ml Amp) | | |

| |Procyclidine Hcl inj 5mg/ml, (2ml Amp) | | |

| |Procyclidine Hcl tab 5mg | | |

| |Selegiline Hcl tab 5mg | | |

| |4 L Drugs used in chorea, tics and related disorders | | |

| |Tetrabenazine tab 25mg | | |

| |-- Torsion dystonias and other involuntary movements | | |

| |Botulinum A neurotoxin complex inj 100mg -unit vial (powder for reconstitution) | | |

| |4 M Drugs used in trigeminal neuralgia | | |

| |Baclofen tab 10mg (See 10 D) | | |

| |Baclofen tab 25mg (See 10 D) | | |

| |4 N Drugs used in Substance Dependence | | |

| |4 N.a Drugs used in alcohol dependence | | |

| |Acamprosate calcium 333mg tab. (796) | | |

| |Citrated calcium carbamide tab 50mg | | |

| |Disulfiram tab 200mg | | |

| |4 N.b Cigarette smoking | | |

| |Nicotine Lozenges 2mg (658) | | |

| |Nicotin patches (658) | | |

| |Nicotin chewing gum (658) | | |

| |4 N.c opioid dependence | | |

| |Naltrexone HCl 50mg tab (796) | | |

| |4 O Nootropics | | |

| |Piracetam tab 800mg | | |

| |Piracetam I.M, I.V. inj 1g/ 5ml (15ml Amp) | | |

| |Piracetam I.V. infusion 12g/ 60 ml | | |

| |Piracetam syrup oral solution 333.3 mg/ml | | |

| | 4 P Others | | |

| |Bupropione Hcl(Amfebutamine HCL )150mg tab (for both sectors) | | |

| |4 Q Drugs for dementia | | |

| |Memantine Hcl 10mg tab/ (For moderate & severe dementia in Alzheimers disease) (575) | | |

| |Memantine Hcl 10mg/ g-oral drops./ (For moderate & severe dementia in Alzheimers disease) (575)| | |

| |Note:- 5mg ( 10 drops of memantine Hcl oral drop | | |


| |5 A Antibacterial drugs ((For Antibiotic {as syrup} ,it will be/powder for suspension/ if it is as| | |

| |apowder)) | | |

| |5 A a. Penicillins | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate cap 250mg | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate tab or cap 500mg (627) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate syr 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate syr 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate drop 50mg/ml (20 C.C) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as sodium inj 250mg per vial. | | |

| |Amoxycillin as sodium inj 500mg per vial. | | |

| |Amoxycillin as sodium 1g I.V., I.M inj | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 250mg + clavulanic acid as pot. salt 125mg tab (co amoxiclav 250/125) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 400mg + clavulanic acid as pot. salt 57mg susp (co amoxiclav 400/57) (70| | |

| |ML)(672) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 600mg + Clavulanic acid as pot. 42.9mg/ 5ml. (809) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 500mg + clavulanic acid as pot. salt 125mg tab (co amoxiclav 500/125) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 875mg + clavulanic acid as pot. 125mg tab | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 125mg + clavulanic acid as pot. salt 31.25mg/5ml susp (co amoxiclav | | |

| |125/31.25) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as trihydrate 250mg + clavulanic acid as pot. salt 62.5mg/5ml susp (co amoxiclav | | |

| |250/62.5) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as sodium 500mg + clavulanic acid as pot. Salt 100mg inj/vial (co amoxiclav 500/100) | | |

| |Amoxycillin as sodium 1000mg + clavulanic acid as pot. Salt 200mg inj/vial (co amoxiclav 1000/200)| | |

| |يعطى فقط بالتسريب الوريدي بعد اذابته بمحلول الزرق 50ml أو 20ml (slow I.V.or Infusion) ولا يشترط | | |

| |لاقراره وجود نوع خاص من محلول الزرق الخاص بالتخفيف (668) | | |

| |Ampicillin as trihydrate cap 250mg | | |

| |Ampicillin as trihydrate cap 500mg | | |

| |Ampicillin as trihydrate syrup125mg/5ml | | |

| |Ampicillin as trihydrate syrup 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Ampicillin as sodium inj 250mg per vial | | |

| |Ampicillin as sodium inj 500mg per vial I.V. I.M. | | |

| |Benzathine penicillin inj 0.6M U per vial | | |

| |Benzathine penicillin inj 1.2M U per vial | | |

| |Benzathine penicillin inj 2.4M U per vial | | |

| |Benzathine penicillin 0.6 M U + procaine penicillin 0.3 M U +benzylpenicillin 0.3 M U inj per vial| | |

| | Note for Benzylpencillin :- 600 mg ≡ 1 Million unit ( 1 mega unit) | | |

| |Benzylpenicillin ( as sod. Or pot.) for inj. I.M,slow I.V, & by I.V infusion 1 million unit (1mega| | |

| |unit).(762) | | |

| |Benzylpenicillin ( as sod. Or pot.) for inj. I.M,slow I.V, & by I.V infusion 2 million unit (2mega| | |

| |unit).(762) | | |

| |Benzylpenicillin( as sod. Or pot.) for inj. I.M,slow I.V, & by I.V infusion 5million unit (5mega | | |

| |unit).(762) (limited use | | |

| |Benzylpenicillin ( as sod. Or pot.) for inj. I.M,slow I.V, & by I.V infusion 10 million unit (10 | | |

| |mega unit).(762) (limited use) | | |

| |Clavulanate potentiated ticarcillin inj 800mg | | |

| |Clavulanate potentiated ticarcillin inj 1.6g | | |

| |Clavulanate potentiated ticarcillin inj 3.2g | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium caps 250mg | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium caps 500mg | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium syrup 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as magnesium susp. 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium inj 250mg vial | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium inj 500mg vial | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as magnesium salt 125mg + Ampicillin as trihydrate 125mg/5ml syrup | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium 250mg + Ampicillin as sodium 250mg/vial | | |

| |Flucloxacillin as sodium 250mg + Ampicillin as trihydrate 250mg/Cap | | |

| |Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Pen V) as pot. Tab 250mg | | |

| |Piperacillin as sodium inj 1g (I.V. & i.m) | | |

| |Piperacillin as sodium inj 2g (I.V. & i.m) | | |

| |Piperacillin as sodium salt 3g inj. – vial | | |

| |Piperacillin as sodium inj 4g (I.V) | | |

| |Procaine penicillin 300 000U (300mg) + benzyl penicillin sodium 100000 U (60mg)/vial | | |

| |Procaine benzyl penicillin 600 000U vial | | |

| |Procaine penicillin 1 MU vial | | |

| |Procaine penicillin 600 000 U +benzylpenicillin 200 000U/vial | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt 250mg + Piperacillin as sodium salt 2g inj. – vial | | |

| |(I.V Infusion). (580) (686) |With or without EDTA | |

| | |(686),(770) | |

| | | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt 375mg + Piperacillin as sodium salt 3g inj. – vial(I.V Infusion). | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt 500mg + Piperacillin as sodium salt 4g inj. (I.V Infusion). | | |

| |(686) | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt inj. 250mg/vial | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt inj. 375mg/vial | | |

| |Tazobactam as sodium salt inj. 500mg/vial | | |

| |Ticarcillin inj 1g | | |

| |5 A b.Cephalosporins | | |

| | | |(2g of this group is given as I.V. or I.V. infusion) |

| | | |For Ceftizoxime: - |

| | | |To be imported only when other alternatives are not available. |

| | | |For all cephalosporins inj: |

| | | |a- For 1g conc. , pack will be as following: |

| | | |1g I.M ------ solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl |

| | | |1g I.V ------- solvent water for inj |

| | | |b- For 0.5g and less conc. , pack will be as following |

| | | |Inj (I.M., I.V) ------- solvent water for inj. انظر الجلسة(764) |

| | |(816) |Cefepime risk of seizure in patients not receiving dosage adjustments for kidney |

| | | |impairment.(FDA Safety information &adverse event reporting program). |

| | |( 780) |تحذيرات بخصوصvial Ceftriaxone و المستحضرات الحاوية على الكالسيوم عند الاعطاء |

| | | |الوريدي انظر |

| | |(845) |.ان يكون حجم المذيب هو (10ml)  للزرق الوريدي  او ( عضلي , وريدي ) و لكافة |

| | | |التراكيز لمادتي Cefotaxim , Ceftriaxon . |

| | | |- تثيت هذه العبارة على الغلاف الخارجيو الفيال و يكون وقت الزرق من 3-5) (دقائق و |

| | | |تذاب في 10ml  ماء مقطر و ترج القنينة جيداً للاذابة . |

| | | |- تدون المعلومات الاتية في النشرة الداخلية :- |

| | | |بعطى بواسطة الزرق العضلي العميق او الزرق الوريدي ببطئ خلال فترة تتراوح بين 3-5 |

| | | |دقائق او بواسطة التقطير الوريدي خلال مدة تتراوح ما بين 10- 60 دقيقة مع التاكيد |

| | | |على الالتزام بحجم المذيب المستخدم لحل الدواء. |

| | | |تحل المادة لغرض الزرق الوريدي بحجم لا يقل عن 10 ml  لجميع التراكيز مع رج القنينة|

| | | |للاذابة. |

| | | |في حالة I.V Infusion  يجب تخفيف المادة في 500-1000 مل . |

| |Cefixime or cefixime(3H2O) cap 200mg (733) | | |

| |Cefixime or cefixime(3H2O) 400mg cap or tab (683),(733) | | |

| |Cefixime susp 100mg/5ml ( 592) ,(609), (770),(784), (810) ,(834) | | |

| |Cefdinir susp. 125mg/5ml 40ml , 50 ml (831) | | |

| |Cefdinir Cap. 300mg | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate 375mg MR Tab or (Extend Release) Tab | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate 750mg MR Tab or (Extend Release) Tab (678) | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate 250mg. Cap. | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate 500mg. Cap. | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate or Cefaclor unhydrous 125mg/5ml Susp.(750) | | |

| |Cefaclor as monohydrate or Cefaclor unhydrous 250mg/5ml Susp.(600), (750) | | |

| |Cefditoren as pivoxil 200 tab |(734) | |

| |Cefepime as Hcl or as Di-HCl monohydrate inj. 500mg/vial I.M , I.V vial + solvent water for |(788) | |

| |injection | | |

| |Cefepime as Hcl or as Di-HCl monohydrate inj. 500mg/vial I.M + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl |(764), (788) | |

| |Cefepime as Hcl or as Di-HCl monohydrate inj. 1g/vial I.M vial + solvent 1% lidocaine |(788) | |

| |Cefepime as Hcl or as Di-HCl monohydrate inj. 1g/vial I.V vial + solvent water for injection |(788) | |

| |Cefepime as Hcl or as Di-HCl monohydrate inj. 2g/vial I.V or I.V infusion vial + solvent water for|(788) | |

| |injection | | |

| |Cefotaxime (as sodium salt) inj 0.5g I.V. & I.M. vial + solvent(10ml) water for injection |(845) | |

| |Cefotaxime (as sodium salt) inj 0.5g I.M. vial + solvent 1% Lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Cefotaxime (as sodium salt) inj I.M.1g vial + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764), (809) | | |

| |Cefotaxime (as sodium salt) inj I.V. 1g vial + solvent(10ml) water for injection |(764),(809)(832)(845) | |

| |Cefotaxime (as sodium salt) inj 2g vial. (Slow I.V within 3 -5 min. or I.V Infusion within 20 - 60|(832),(845) | |

| |min.) + solvent(10ml) water for injection | | |

| |Cefpodoxime (as proxetil) 40/5ml suspension - (100ml) (784) | | |

| |Cefpodoxime 100mg as cefpodoxime proxetil tab. | | |

| |Cefpodoxime 200mg as cefpodoxime proxetil tab. | | |

| |Cephalexin as monohydrate caps 250mg | | |

| |Cephalexin as monohydrate caps 500mg | | |

| |Cephalexin as monohydrate susp 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Cephalexin as monohydrate susp 250mg/5ml | | |

| |Cephalexin as monohydrate drops 100mg/ml | | |

| |Cephalothin as sod. Salt I.M inj 1g + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftazidime as pentahydrate inj 0.5g I.M , I.V + solvent water for injection | | |

| |Ceftazidime as pentahydrate inj 0.5g I.M + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftazidime as pentahydrate inj 1g I.V + solvent water for injection | | |

| |Ceftazidime as pentahydrate inj 1g I.M + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftizoxime as sodium 1g I.M inj + solvent 0.5 –1% lidocain. Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftizoxime as sodium inj I.V, I.M 500mg + solvent water for injection | | |

| |Ceftizoxime as sodium inj. I.M 500mg + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftizoxime as sodium inj I.V. 1g + solvent water for injection | | |

| |Ceftizoxime as sodium inj I.M. 1g + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftriaxon as sodium or as di.sod. salt inj I.V , I.M 250mg + solvent(10ml) water for injection |(747), (813),(845) | |

| |Ceftriaxon as Sodium or as di.sod. salt inj I.V, I.M 500mg + solvent(10ml) water for injection |(747),(845) | |

| |Ceftriaxon as Sodium or as di.sod. salt inj I.M 500mg + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Ceftriaxon as sodium or as di.sod salt inj I.V. 1g + solvent (10ml)water for injection |(747), (809),(813) (845) | |

| |Ceftriaxon as sodium or as di.sod salt inj I.M. 1g + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl |(747),(764),(809),(813) | |

| |Ceftriaxon as sodium or as di.sod salt I.V, I.V infusion inj (multi dose) vial 2g + solvent(10ml) |(747) (845) | |

| |water for injection | | |

| |Cefuroxime as axetil tab. 125mg. | | |

| |Cefuroxime as axetil tab. 250mg. | | |

| |Cefuroxime as axetil tab. 500mg. | | |

| |Cefuroxium as sod inj: 750mg – vial I.V, I.M, I.V infusion |(676),(831) | |

| |Cefuroxime as axetil susp. 125mg./5ml | | |

| |Cefazolin inj 0.5 gm I.M , I.V + solvent water for injection | | |

| |Cefazolin inj 0.5 gm I.M + solvent1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Cefazolin inj 1 gm I.M. + solvent 1% lidocaine Hcl (764) | | |

| |Cefazolin inj 1 gm I.V. + solvent water for injection | | |

| |5 A c.Aminoglycosides | | |

| |Amikacin as sulphate inj 250mg/ml, (2ml vial) | | |

| |Amikacin as sulphate (paed) inj 50mg/ml, (2ml vial),amp (716) | | |

| |Gentamicin as sulphate inj 40mg/ml, (2ml vial) or Amp with Breakable neck | | |

| |Gentamicin as sulphate inj 10mg/ml, (2ml vial or Amp ) (629) (597) | | |

| |Neomycin sulphate tab 500mg | | |

| |Netilmicin as sulphate inj 25mg/ml, (2ml vial) | | |

| |Netilmicin as sulphate inj 100mg/ml, (1.5ml vial) | | |

| |Tobramycin as sulphate inj 40mg/ml, (2ml vial) | | |

| |5 A d.Tetracyclines | | |

| |Doxycyclin as Hcl or hyclate 100mg caps (750),(755) | | |

| |Doxycyclin as Hcl or hyclate 100 mg tab. (750),(755) | | |

| |Tetracycline Hcl caps 250mg | | |

| |Tigecycline I.V. infusion inj: 50mg – vial (582) أنظر القرار | | |

| |Tetracycline as pyrrolidinomethyl inj 250mg vial. | | |

| |5 A e. Chloramphenicol | | |

| |Chloramphenicol as sod. Succinate I.Vinj 1g vial | | |

| |- حصر استعمالها للمرضى الراقدين في المستشفى وللحالات الضرورية والمحددة. | | |

| |- يكون استعمالها في حالات الالتهابات المهددة للحياة المتسببة من H. Influenza وحمى التايفوئيد | | |

| |وبتوضيح اكثر يمكن استعمالها كمنقذ للحياة في الحالات التالية:-To be reserved for:- | | |

| | | | |

| |Haemophilus influenza, life-threatining infections e.g. meningitis and epiglossitis. | | |

| |Typhoid fever & Complication. | | |

| |Mix infection peritonitis | | |

| |Septicemia with sensitive organism | | |

| |- يلغى الاحتياج من العيادات الشعبية. | | |

| |5 A f.Sulphonamide and trimethoprim | | |

| |Cotrimoxazol tab 480mg | | |

| |Cotrimoxazol tab 960mg pneumocystis pneuomoniaفقط للامراض التي تحتاج جرع كبيرة مثل | | |

| |Cotrimoxazol susp 240mg/5ml | | |

| |Cotrimoxazol inj I.M 320mg/ml, ( 3ml Amp) | | |

| |Cotrimoxazol inj I.V. infusion 96mg/ml, ( 5ml Amp) | | |

| |Sulphadiazine tab 500mg | | |

| |Trimethoprim tab 100mg | | |

| |Trimethoprim susp 50mg/5ml | | |

| |5 A g Others | | |

| |ملاحظة حول Vancomycin :- | | |

| |تبلغ المؤسسات الصحية بإمكانية أستعمال cap أو vial كـ susp من قبل شعب الصيدلة للمرضى الراقدين في | | |

| |المستشفيات:- 500 ملغم لكل 6سم3 من الماء المقطر Distilled water. (585) | | |

| |Aztreonam I.V. & I.m. inj 500mg | | |

| |Aztreonam I.V. & I.m. inj 1g | | |

| |Azithromycin (as dihydrate)or ( as monohydrate) or base(anhydrous) cap or tab 250mg (799)| | |

| |Azithromycin (as dihydrate)or ( as monohydrate) or base(anhydrous) tab or cap 500mg )577), | | |

| |(799) | | |

| |Azithromycin (as dihydrate ) or ( as monohydrate) or base (anhydrous) 200mg/5ml (22.5- 30ml) ( | | |

| |723),(778),(785),(799) | | |

| |Azithromycin (as dihydrate )or ( as monohydrate) or base (anhydrous)100mg kid tab | | |

| |(799) | | |

| |Cinoxacin cap 500mg | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin as Hcl or Ciprofloxacin as Hcl monohydrate tab 250mg (728) | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin as Hcl or Ciprofloxacin as Hcl monohydrate tab 500mg (728) | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin as Hcl or Ciprofloxacin as Hcl monohydrate tab 750mg (728) | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin I.V 200mg/20ml vial (1%) | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin I.V 400mg/40ml vial (1%) | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin flexible container (0.2%) 200mg/100ml 5% dextrose | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin flexible container (0.2%) 400mg/200ml 5% dextrose | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin (as lactate) I.V. infusion 2mg/ml in Nacl 0.9% (50ml bottle or 100ml) {Electrolyte | | |

| |Na + 15.4 mmol/100ml bottle.} | | |

| |Or | | |

| |Each 1 ml contains: | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin 2 mg (active ingr.) | | |

| |NACL 9 mg (Isotonization agents) | | |

| |HCL (PH regulator) | | |

| |2-Hydroxy Glutaric acid – Lactone (surfactant – solubilizing agent) | | |

| |Water (solvent)/ (200 mg/ 100 ml) (plastic infusion bag) (830)مطابق للمقر | | |

| |Ciprofloxacin (as lactate) I.V. infusion (Flexibag): 2mg/ml in 5% glucose) - 100ml infusion bag. | | |

| |Clarithromycin tab 500mg | | |

| |Clarithromycin tab 250mg | | |

| |Clarithromycin tab 500 mg Extended Release(XL) (723) | | |

| |Clarithromycin susp 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Clarithromycin susp 250mg/5ml (70 ml) ( 723 ) (631) | | |

| |Clindamycin as Hcl caps 150mg | | |

| |Clindamycin as palmitate Hcl susp 75mg/5ml | | |

| |Clindamycin as phosphate inj 150mg/ml, ( 2ml Amp) | | |

| |Clindamycin as phosphate inj 150mg/ml, (4ml Amp) | | |

| |Doripenem as monohydrate I.V Infusion : 500mg-vial (727) | | |

| |Daptomycin I.V Infusion 500 mg/ vial (755 يحصر استعماله ( انظر الجلسة | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethylsuccinate drops 100mg/2.5ml | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethyl succinate enteric coated tab 250mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethyl succinate enteric coated tab 500mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as stearate film coated tab 250mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as stearate film coated tab 500mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethylsuccinate caps 250mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethylsuccinate caps or scord tab 500mg | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethylsuccinate susp 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Erythromycin as ethylsuccinate susp 250mg/5ml | | |

| |**Erythromycin as lactobionate inj ( 1g Erythromycin for I.V. infusion after dilution | | |

| |Gemifloxacin as mesylate 320 mg tab. ( 760) | | |

| |Imipenem as monohydrate or as anhydrous 500mg + Cilastatin as sodium salt 500mg (I.V infusion | | |

| |inj:– vial (Hospital only),(755) | | |

| |Levofloxacin Scored tab 250mg (QT prolong in isolated patient with overdose) | | |

| |يحصر استعماله لمرض التدرن متعدد المقاومة في القطاع العام والخاص حفاظاً على نجاح استخدامه في هذا | | |

| |الاستطباب. (730) | | |

| |Levofloxacin Scored tab 500mg (QT prolong in isolated patient with overdose) | | |

| |يحصر استعماله لمرض التدرن متعدد المقاومة في القطاع العام والخاص حفاظاً على نجاح استخدامه في هذا | | |

| |الاستطباب. (730) | | |

| |Levofloxacin Hemihydrate 5.12 mg ‎≡ ‎ to Levofloxacin 5 mg/ ml (100 ml-vial) I.V. Infusion within | | |

| |1hr (600) | | |

| |Meropenem (as trihydrate) inj: 500mg vial I.V, I.V infusion (limited amount) في المراكز التخصصية | | |

| |يصرف للمرضى الراقدين في المستشفيات التعليمية والمراكز التخصصية (الجراحية، الباطنية، النسائية | | |

| |والتوليد، والاطفال) ويتم تقدير الحاجة وفق ذلك. | | |

| |For infection in neutropenic, hospital, aquired peneumonia, septicemia, meningitis & peritonitis | | |

| |Meropenem (as trihydrate) inj: 1g vial | | |

| |Moxifloxacin as Hcl 400 mg tab. (787) نم ارجاعه من الملغاة في الجلسة | | |

| |Norfloxacin tab 400mg | | |

| |Ofloxacin Scored tab 200mg | | |

| |Ofloxacin tab 400mg | | |

| |Ofloxacin (as Hcl) I.V. in fusion 2mg/ml (100ml - bottle) | | |

| |Roxithromycin tab 150mg | | |

| |Roxithromycin tab 300mg | | |

| |Sodium Fusidate 250mg tab | | |

| |Sodium Fusidate I.V infusion: 500mg-vial (Limited amount) | | |

| |يحصر استعمالها في المستشفيات التخصصية {القلبية -التعليمية – العظام والكسور} للحالات التالية:- | | |

| |Infective Endocarditis | | |

| |Osteomyelitis | | |

| |Teicoplanin inj 200mg/ vial | | |

| |Teicoplanin inj: 400mg/vial (683) | | |

| |Vancomycin as Hcl cap 125mg (712) | | |

| |Vancomycin as Hcl inj 500mg - vial. | | |

| |Vancomycin as Hcl 1g –vial | | |

| |5 A h.Antitubercular drugs | | |

| |ملاحظة: | | |

| |1. يستعمل Rifampicin ايضا في:- | | |

| |(Brucellosis, Endocarditis, Legionnaires disease in combination with other drugs,Leprosy, | | |

| |Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis & H. influenza Type (b) infection) (637) | | |

| |2. لا يتم تحديد استعمال Rifampicin و Streptomycin لحالات التدرن فقط | | |

| |Capreomycin (as sulphate) inj 1g/vial (1 g = 1 Milion unit) (796) | | |

| |Cycloserine tab or cap 250mg | | |

| |Ethambutol Hcl tab 100mg film coated tabك/ 326 في 16/8/2010 | | |

| |Ethambutol Hcl tab 400mg | | |

| |Ethambutol Hcl tab 500mg | | |

| |Ethambutol Hcl 300mg+isoniazide 100mg tab. | | |

| |Ethionamid 250mg Tab | | |

| |Isoniazid Tab 50mg | | |

| |Isoniazid scored dispersable tab. 50mg (Limited quantity according the need) | | |

| |Isoniazid Tab 100mg | | |

| |Isoniazid Tab 300mg ( dose 3 -10mg/kg body wt) | | |

| |Isoniazid syr 10mg/ml | | |

| |Kit contains (over 50kg body wt) : Tab:R 600mg + H 300mg | | |

| |+ | | |

| |Tab : Z 2g | | |

| |+ | | |

| |Tab : E 1.5g | | |

| |Note: Tab or cap is possible | | |

| |Kit contains (below 50kg body wt) : Tab:R 600mg + H 300mg | | |

| |+ | | |

| |Tab : Z 1.5g | | |

| |+ | | |

| |Tab : E 1.2g | | |

| |Note: Tab or cap is possible | | |

| |Tab or cap: R 600mg + H 300mg | | |

| |Kit contains: | | |

| |Uncoated dispersable tab. :- R 120mg + H 60mg | | |

| |+ | | |

| |Uncoated dispersable tab. :- Z 300mg | | |

| |R: Rifampicin | | |

| |H: INH | | |

| |Z: Pyrazinamid | | |

| |E: Ethambntol | | |

| |Para-amino salicylic acid ( PAS) 4g/sachet | | |

| |Prothionamid tab 250mg | | |

| |Pyrazinamide tab 400 mg ك/ 326 في 16/8/2010 (724) | | |

| |Pyrazinamide tab 500mg | | |

| |Pyrazinamide scored dispersable Tab 350mg (Limited quantity according to the need) | | |

| |Rifampicin caps 150mg | | |

| |Rifampicin caps 300mg | | |

| |Rifampicin syr 100mg/5ml | | |

| |Rifampicin 300mg + isoniazid 150mg tab or cap. | | |

| |Rifampicin 100mg + isoniazid 50mg scored dispersable Tab or dispersable Tab | | |

| |(Limited quantity according to the need) | | |

| |Rifampicin I.V. inj 300mg | | |

| |Rifampicin I.V.inj 600mg | | |

| |Rifampicin 60 mg +Isoniazid 30 mg/tabك/ 326 في 16/8/2010 | | |

| |Rifampicin 60 mg +Isoniazid 30 mg/uncoated Dispersable tab. (767) | | |

| |Rifampicin 60 mg +Isoniazid 30 mg + Pyrazinamid 150mg/tab ك/ 326 في 16/8/ 2010 | | |

| |Rifampicin 60 mg +Isoniazid 30 mg +Pyrazinamide 150 mg/ uncoated Dispersable tab. (767) | | |

| |Rifampicin 150 mg +Isoniazid 75 mg +Ethambutol 275 mg - 3Tab. (750) | | |

| |Rifampicin 150 mg +Isoniazid 75 mg +Ethambutol 275 mg +Pyrazinamid 400 mg(RHEZ) = KIT | | |

| |Rifampicin 150 mg +Isoniazid 75 mg +Ethambutol 275 mg +Pyrazinamid 400 mg- 4Tab. (750) | | |

| |Rifampicin 150 mg +Isoniazid 75 mg (RH) = KIT | | |

| |Rifampicin 150 mg +Isoniazid 75 mg/ film coated tab. (767) | | |

| |Streptomycin as sulphate inj 500mg | | |

| |Streptomycin as sulphate inj 750mg Note: Below 50 kg body wt. | | |

| |Streptomycin as sulphate inj 1g Note: Over 50 kg body wt. | | |

| |ك326/ في 16/8/2010. ضمن الشحنة 5CC و السرنجات ( Distilled water) يستورد المذيب | | |

| |Thiacetazone tab 50 mg | | |

| |Thiacetazone tab 150mg | | |

| |Thiacetazone 150mg + INH 300mg tab. | | |

| |5 A i.Anti leprosy drugs | | |

| |Clofazimine caps 100mg | | |

| |Dapsone tab 50mg | | |

| |Dapsone tab 100mg | | |

| |Thiambutosine tab 500mg | | |

| |5 A j. Drugs for UTI | | |

| |Nalidixic acid susp 300mg/ 5ml | | |

| |Nitrofurantoin tab/ caps 50mg | | |

| |Nitrofurantoin tab/ caps 100mg or Retard cap 100mg (macrocrystals) | | |

| |5 B Antiviral drugs | | |

| |Acyclovir (as sod. Salt) inj I.V. infusion 250mg vial | | |

| |Acyclovir tab 200mg | | |

| |Acyclovir tab 400mg | | |

| |Acyclovir tab 800mg | | |

| |Acyclovir susp 200mg/5ml | | |

| |Acyclovir susp 400mg/5ml | | |

| |Didanosine (DDI) tab: 25mg | | |

| |Didanosine (DDI) tab or chewable tab: 100mg | | |

| |Didanosine (DDI) tab: 150mg | | |

| |Efavirenz (EFZ) 600mg tab. Or cap. | | |

| |Entecavir as (monohydrte) 0.5 mg tab. (824) | | |

| |Entecavir as (monohydrte) 1 mg tab. (824) | | |

| |Entecavir as (monohydrte) oral solution 50μg/ ml (824) | | |

| |Famciclovir 125mg tab (583) | | |

| |Famciclovir 250mg tab | | |

| |Famciclovir 500mg tab | | |

| |Foscarnet sodium hexahydrate I.V. infusion: 24mg/ml (250ml-bottle) | | |

| |Ganciclovir I.V. infusion 500mg vial | | |

| |Indinavir (as sulphate) cap: 400mg (protease inhibitor) | | |

| |Lopinavir 100mg + Ritonavir 25mg tab (807) | | |

| |Lopinavir 200 mg + ritonavir 50 mg/ tab. (739) | | |

| |Lamivudine solution 25mg/5ml | | |

| |Lamivudine solution 10mg/1ml | | |

| |Lamivudine 100mg tab | | |

| |Lamivudine (3TC) tab: 150mg | | |

| |Nevirapine tab 200mg | | |

| |Oseltamivir as (Phosphate) cap 75mg | | |

| |Oseltamivir as (Phosphate) cap 30mg (694) | | |

| |Oseltamivir as (Phosphate) cap 45mg (694) | | |

| |Oseltamivir as (Phosphate) susp 60mg/5ml | | |

| |Palivizumab inj. 50 mg vial (784) | | |

| |Palivizumab inj.100 mg vial (784) | | |

| |Ribavirin (Tribavirin) inhalation: 6g for Reconstitution with 300ml water for inj (vial)+ device | | |

| |for administration (vial 6 gm for inhalation with erosol inhalation or nebulisation ( via small | | |

| |partical aerosol generator). | | |

| |Ribavirin (Tribavirin) cap 200mg | | |

| |Ribavirin – oral solution 200 mg/ 5ml – 100ml ك/ 347 في 31/8/2010 | | |

| |Stavudine (d4t) cap: 15mg | | |

| |Stavudine (d4t) cap: 20mg | | |

| |Valaciclovir as HCl tab. 500mg | | |

| |* المادة ضرورية لعلاج مرضى زرع الكلية – يعطى للمريض بعد أجراء عملية زرع الكلية خلال 72 ساعة ولمدة | | |

| |ثلاثة أشهر للحماية من مرض (CMV) (وقائي) (الجرعة 2غم أربع مرات يومياً) ويحصر استعماله بعد عمليات زرع| | |

| |الكلى (637) | | |

| |Valganciclovir as Hcl tab: 450mg | | |

| |Vidarabine I.V. inj 200mg/ml, (5ml vial) | | |

| |Zalcitabine (DDC) tab : 375mcg | | |

| |Zalcitabine (DDC) tab : 750mcg | | |

| |Zanamivir: Dry powder for inhalation disk containing blisters of zanamivir 5mg/blister with disk | | |

| |haler device. | | |

| |Zidovudine caps (Azidothymidine, AZT): 100mg | | |

| |Zidovudine syrup or susp or solution syrup (Azidothymidine, AZT): 50mg/5ml | | |

| |Zidovudine inj (Azidothymidine, AZT): 10mg/ml (20ml- vial or amp) | | |

| |Zidovudine 300mg + Iamivudine 150mg/tab | | |

| |General Note for Zanamivir & Oseltamivir:- | | |

| |- ان تعطى للاشخاص المعرضين للاصابة مثل (العاملين في مجازر الدواجن والحقول/الاشخاص القائمين على | | |

| |العلاج/ مرضى الامراض المزمنة/ الاشخاص قليلي المناعة). | | |

| |- ان تقدير الاحتياج يعتمد على التعاون بين الدوائر المعنية بالامر (مثلا الوقاية الصحية – الامراض | | |

| |الانتقالية – الزراعة والبيطرة – البيئة – تقدير الحاجة... الخ) وتحتاج هذه الجهات ايضاً الى توفير | | |

| |مستلزمات التشخيص والفحص وتأمين طرق وقاية للعاملين في الصحة من الاطباء والتمريضيين الذين يشرفون على| | |

| |العلاج واهمهما Nanomask حيث يمنع استنشاقها الفايروس ويقتلها. | | |

| |ملاحظة: ان الاجراءات اعلاه ليست بديلاً عن اللقاح الخاص بأنفلونزا الطيور... BNF 48 page 322 (NICE) | | |

| |5 C Antifungal drugs | | |

| |Amphotericin I.V. infusion 50mg per vial. | | |

| |Amphotericin lipid complex 100mg/ vial. | | |

| |ملاحظة :- يصرف لمرضى مركز زرع نخاع العظم فقط في الوقت الحاضر(652) | | |

| |تدخل في القائمة المقننة لعام 2011 وحسب الاحتياج والضوابط (675) | | |

| |AmphotericinB lozenges 10mg | | |

| |Amphotericin tab 100mg | | |

| |Caspofungin (as acetate) I.V infusion : 50mg – vial (powder for reconstitution). (747),(757) | | |

| |(Restricted used in these below mentioned centers for unresponsive or patients intolerance & its | | |

| |need will be determined by these centers : | | |

| |Blood diseases centers. | | |

| |Bone marrow transplantation centers | | |

| |Cancer treatment centers.) | | |

| |It is active against aspergillus spp/ & candida spp. For invasive infection. | | |

| |i-e | | |

| |* for Invasive aspergillosis either un responsive to amphotericin & Fluconazole or itraconazole Or| | |

| |intolerant of amphotericin & Fluconazole or itraconazole. | | |

| |* For invasive candidiasis. | | |

| |* Empirical treatment of systemic fungal infection in patients with neutropenia. | | |

| |Fluconazole cap or film coated Tab or plain Tab 50mg | | |

| |Fluconazole cap or film coated Tab or plain Tab 150mg. | | |

| |Fluconazole cap or film coated Tab or plain Tab 200mg | | |

| |Fluconazole scored tab or plain Tab 100mg. | | |

| |Fluconazole oral susp 50mg/ 5ml | | |

| |Fluconazole oral susp 200mg/ 5ml | | |

| |Fluconazole I.V infusion: 2mg/ml in Nacl I.V infusion 0.9% 25ml bottle, (Electrolyte Na + 15mmol/ | | |

| |100ml bottle.) | | |

| |Fluconazole I.V infusion: 2mg/ml in Nacl I.V infusion 0.9% 100ml bottle, (Electrolyte Na + 15mmol/| | |

| |100ml bottle.) | | |

| |Griseofulvin susp 125mg/5ml | | |

| |Griseofulvin tab 125mg | | |

| |Griseofulvin tab 500mg | | |

| |Itraconazole cap 100mg | | |

| |**Ketoconazole tab 200mg (Hospital/also to be avilable in special centres) | | |

| |**Ketoconazole syrup 20mg/ml | | |

| |**Miconazole tab 250 mg | | |

| |**Miconazole I.V. inj 10mg/ml (تحصر في الانتقالية والسرطانية) | | |

| |Nystatin tab 500000U | | |

| |Nystatin susp100000U/ml (30 ml) (722) | | |

| |Nystatin Pastilles 100000U | | |

| |Terbinafin as HCl 125mg tab. | | |

| |Terbinafin as HCl 250mg tab. | | |

| |voriconazole 200mg tab. (628) | | |

| |voriconazole 50mg tab. (628) | | |

| |Voriconazole 200 mg vial: 1 vial powder for solution for infusion ‎≡ ‎ to 10 mg/ml when | | |

| |reconstituted as recommended (628) | | |

| |5 D Antiprotozoal drugs | | |

| |Artemether 20mg + Lumefantrine120mg/ Tab | | |

| |لمعالجة الحالات النادرة من Falciparam الخبيثة وبقية أنواع الملاريا (بكميات محدودة) (628) | | |

| |Chloroquine phosphate or Chloroquine sulphate ( Chloroquine base 150mg-tab. (692) | | |

| |Chloroquine sulphate syr: - 68mg/ 5ml ( Chloroquine base 50mg/ 5ml | | |

| |(Very limited amount) (632) | | |

| | Chloroquine sulphate inj. 54.5 mg/ ml ( Chloroquine base 40 mg/ml (5 ml Amp) | | |

| |(Very limited amount) (632) | | |

| |Diloxanide furoate tab 500mg | | |

| |Dehydroemetine inj | | |

| |Hydroxychloroquine sulphate tab 200mg | | |

| |Mefloquine as Hcl tab or Lactab 250mg | | |

| |(limited amounts to be available in transmission diseases contral centres) | | |

| |يستخدم كعلاج للمسافرين الى المناطق الموبؤة.. يوفر بكميات محدودة للوقاية والعلاج. (527) (628) ((678| | |

| |Metronidazole tab 200mg or 250mg | | |

| |Metronidazole tab 400mg or 500mg | | |

| |Metronidazole I.V. infusion 5mg/ml, ( 100ml vial) (0.5%) | | |

| |لا مانع من أقرار(العبوة البلاستيكية) إضافة إلى المقر على أن تكون من مادة الـ (PP) Polypropylene | | |

| |وعدم تأثيرها على المادة الفعالة. 806)) | | |

| |Metronidazole as benzoate susp 200mg/5ml | | |

| |Metronidazole 500mg supp. | | |

| |Meglumine antimonate inj ( 85mg of pentavalent antimony/ ml | | |

| |Nimorazole oral 250mg tab. | | |

| |Orindazole 500mg tab. | | |

| |Primaquine as phosphate tab 15mg | | |

| |Proguanil HCl 100mg tab. | | |

| |Pyrimethamine tab 25mg | | |

| |Pyrimethamine 25mg + sulphadoxine 500mg tab | | |

| |Pentamidine isetionate powder for inj 300mg vial I.V. Infusion | | |

| |يستعمل هذا العقار لمعالجة ذات الرئة Pneumocystis Cariniiالمتسبب عن مرض نقص المناعة المكتسب AIDSغير| | |

| |المستجيب لـ(cotrimoxazole) وكذلك للاستخدامات الطبية الأخرى (598) | | |

| |Pentamidine isetionate Nebuliser solution 300mg bottle | | |

| |Quinine inj: 300mg/ ml (2ml – Amp). | | |

| |يوفر لعلاج حالات الملاريا الشديدة في المستشفيات بكميات محدودة حسب تقدير احتياج الجهة المستفيدة | | |

| |(مركز السيطرة على الإمراض الانتقالية) (628) | | |

| |Quinine sulphate tablet 200mg (683) | | |

| |Quinine di-Hcl inj: 300mg/ ml (2ml-Amp). (683) | | |

| |Sodium stibogluconate inj ( pentavalant antimony 100mg/ ml (100ml vial) or sodium antimony | | |

| |gluconate 100mg/ml is the same sodium stibogluconate which is approved previously | | |

| |Spiramycin tab 1500000 IU ( 468. 75mg or 1600000 IU ( 500mg | | |

| |Spiramycin tab 3000000 IU | | |

| |Spiramycin inj | | |

| |Tinidazole tab 500mg | | |

| |5 E Antihelminthic drugs | | |

| |Albendazole 200 mg chewable or plain tab (593) | | |

| |Albendazole 400 mg tab (838) | | |

| |Albendazole suspension 100mg/5ml | | |

| |Albendazole suspension 200mg/5ml (10ml) | | |

| |Levamisole 40mg tab. or Levamisole as Hcl 50mg tab. | | |

| |Levamisole syr 40mg-50mg/5ml | | |

| |Mebendazole chewable or plain tab 100mg (582) (593) | | |

| |Mebendazole susp 100mg/5ml | | |

| |Niclosamide chewable tab 500mg | | |

| |Piperazine as citrate elixir 750mg/5ml (by prescription only & dose for children under 2 year is | | |

| |50mg 75mg/ kg body wt one single dose for 7 days) | | |

| |Praziquantel tab 600mg | | |

| |Pyrvinium pamoate susp 50mg base/5ml | | |


| |6 A Drugs used in diabetes | | |

| |6 A a.Insulins (human) | | |

| |Insulin neutral inj 100 units/ ml | | |

| |Insulin isophane (NPH) inj 100 units/ ml | | |

| |Insulin soluble 30% + 70% isophane insulin (biphasic) inj 100 units/ml | | |

| |Insulin lispro (r-DNA origin) inj: 100 IU/ml (10ml- vial ) | | |

| |Insulin Mixtard 50% -50% : Biphasic isophane insulin (Human ,pyr): | | |

| |50% Isophane Insulin + 50% soluble Insulin 100 unit/ml – vial | | |

| |*Insulin actrapid penfill 100 units/ ml | | |

| |*Insulin actraphane penfill 100 units/ ml | | |

| |*Insulin Mixtard 30 penfill 100 U/ml (preferable) | | |

| |*Insulin rapitard penfill 100 U/ml | | |

| |* Or its equivalents from other companies. | | |

| |Notes: This group contain three complete parts :- | | |

| |- Pen needls disposable. | | |

| |- Insulin syring ((Disposable - limited)) & ((Non disposable preferable & more use)) | | |

| |- Insulin cartridge/ continuous supply ((according to the offers submmited)) | | |

| |Insulin Biphasic isophane (30-70) inj 100 I.U/ml (Biosynthetic Human Insulin (pre filled syring) | | |

| |Insulin Human inj 100 I.U/ml Biosynthetic ( pre-filled syring). | | |

| |Each 1ml contains: - 100U (3.5mg) of insulin aspart (r-DNA), (Soluble insulin aspart 30% + insulin| | |

| |aspart crystallized with protamine 70%) Pre- Filled pen (3ml) S.C use. | | |

| |Note:Only limited amount in specialist centers - presently not use for treatment of children | | |

| |Each 1ml contains:- 100U (3.5 mg) of insulin aspart (r-DNA) pre- Filled pen S.C use (3ml) | | |

| |Note:Only limited amount in specialist centers - presently not use for treatment of children | | |

| |50% Insulin lispro solution+50% insulin lispro protamine suspension). For Explanation.100 U (( | | |

| |3.5mg) Insulin lispro (Recombinant)/ ml (3ml- cartridge or container). (مع توفير الاقلام | | |

| |الخاصة) (614) | | |

| |Recombinant human Insulin analogue (insulin glargin): 100 unit/ml- vial (782) | | |

| |Insulin Detemir :(Recombinant human insulin analogue): 100 units/ml (3ml cartridge) – 3ml flexpen | | |

| |prefilled disposable injection device | | |

| |ملاحظة:- طويل المفعول مرة واحدة باليوم للسكر النوع الثاني وكذلك النوع الاول مع اعطاء انسولين سريع | | |

| |المفعول بصورة غير مخلوطة. | | |

| |Insulin Lispro100 I.U./ ml (Biphasic )(Recombinant Human Insulin Analogue):25% Insulin lispro+75% | | |

| |Insulin lispro protamine suspension (rDNA origin) i-e 25 Unit Insulin Lispro +75 Unit Insulin | | |

| |Lispro protamine suspension/ ml (vial)/ (586) | | |

| |-يعتبر بديل عن Biphasic Insulin Aspart Analogue(Mixed Insulin Analogue30/70) اذا تعذر توفره. | | |

| |-يخصص للمراكز التخصصية للسكري. | | |

| |Insluin glargin 100 unit (3.64)/ml sol. For inj. In PF pen of 3 ml. (818) | | |

| |6 A b hypoglycemic agents (782) | | |

| |Acarbose tab 50 mg | | |

| |Acarbose tab 100mg | | |

| |Chlorpropamide tab 250mg | | |

| |Glibenclamide tab 5mg | | |

| |Glimepiride tab 1mg (for all sectors) | | |

| |Glimepiride tab 2mg (for all sectors) | | |

| |Glimepiride tab 3 mg (683) | | |

| |Glimepiride tab 4 mg (683) | | |

| |Gliclazide tab 80mg | | |

| |Glipizide tab 5mg | | |

| |Liraglutide s.c inj 6mg/ml- 3ml pre filled pen. (778),(782) | | |

| |Metformin HCl tab 500mg | | |

| |Metformin HCl Retard tab 850mg | | |

| |Metformin HCl (ordinary Release) tab 850mg | | |

| |Metformin HCl 1000 mg tab. | | |

| |Metformin HCl 500mg + Glibenclamide 2.5mg/ tab | | |

| |Metformin HCl 400mg + Glibenclamide 2.5mg/ tab (758) | | |

| |Nateglinide 60mg tab {25% of 2% of the total need } | | |

| |Nateglinide 120mg tab {25% of 2% of the total need } | | |

| |Repaglinide 1mg tab | | |

| |Repaglinide 2mg tab | | |

| |Saxagliptin as hydrochloride 2.5 mg tab. (820) | | |

| |Saxagliptin as hydrochloride 5 mg tab. (820) | | |

| |Sitagliptin (as phosphate) 100mg tab. (758) | | |

| |Sitagliptin as phosphate 50 mg + metformin Hcl 500 mg/tab (785) | | |

| |Sitagliptin as phosphate 50 mg + metformin Hcl 1000 mg/tab (785) | | |

| |Tolbutamide inj (For diagnostic use only) | | |

| |6 B Treatment of hypoglycaemia | | |

| |Diazoxide tab 50mg (see 1E) | | |

| |Glucagon 1mg ( 1 I.U as Hcl Biosynthetic/ml with solvent S.C, I.M , I.V (inj- vial ) | | |

| |Glucagon as Hcl biosynthetic 1mg ( 1 I.U) – vial + syring of 1ml water for inj S.C I.M inj (In | | |

| |Kit) | | |

| |6 C Hypothalamic and pituitary hormones | | |

| |Chorionic gonadotrophin inj 500 units/Amp | | |

| |Chorionic gonadotrophin inj 1500 units/Amp (Recombinant) (588) | | |

| |Chorionic gonadotrophin inj 5000 units/Amp (Recombinant) (609)(588)(629) | | |

| |Choriogandotropin (Recombinant) alfa S.C. inj: 6500 I.U (250mcg)/0.5ml prefilled syring | | |

| |Desmopressin acetate (I.V or I.M , S.C) inj 4 mcg/ml, (1ml Amp) (828) | | |

| |Desmopressin acetate 0.1mg ( Desmopressin base 0.089mg (89mcg)/1ml Nasal spray.(10 mcg/metered | | |

| |spray) عدم استعمال الدواء عن طريق الأنف في حالات التبول الليلي للأطفال (598) | | |

| |Desmopressin acetate nasal spray 150 mcg/puff (metered spray ) Nsal spray : A 2.5 ml bottle | | |

| |containing 1.5/ml , 150 mcg/dose with spray pump capable of delivering 25 doses. | | |

| |NOTE:- | | |

| |- Patients with hemophilia A with Factor VIII coagulant activity levels greater than 5%. | | |

| |- Mild to moderate classic von Willebrand's disease ( Type I) with factor VIII levels greater than| | |

| |5%. | | |

| |Warning | | |

| |Hyponatremia | | |

| |Pediatric & geriatric patients. | | |

| |Habitual or psychogenic polydispsia. | | |

| |- Type IIB vonWillebrand's disease,( 828) | | |

| | | | |

| |يخصص هذا التركيز للامراض النزفية الوراثية فقط. (810), ( 821) | | |

| |Desmopressin acetate 0.1mg tab | | |

| |Desmopressin as acetate sublingual(Lyophilisate melt) tab 120mcg | | |

| |- يستعمل في السلس الليلي الابتدائي والسكر الكاذب المركزي والسلس الليلي في الكبار.. ويمنع استعماله | | |

| |لعمر فوق 65 سنة (640) | | |

| |Desmopressin acetate 0.2mg tab | | |

| |Human FSH 75 IU + Human LH 75 IU I.M or S.C. inj. – vial or Amp (menotrophin) i-e | | |

| |Menotrophin (human menopausal gonadotrophin, HMG) corresponding to 75 I.U FSH & 75 I.U LH) (573) | | |

| |Somatropin: Liquid Growth hormone 5mg/1.5ml –in multi-dose prefilled disposable pen or Liquid | | |

| |Growth hormone 5mg/1.5ml pen +cartridge (s.c use) (599) (630) (827) | | |

| |Somatropin: Liquid Growth hormone 10mg/1.5ml –in multi-dose prefilled disposable pen..+disposable | | |

| |needle or Liquid Growth hormone 10mg/1.5ml pen + cartridge (s.c use) (630) (725) (827) | | |

| |Somatropin: Liquid Growth hormone 15mg/1.5ml –in multi-dose prefilled disposable pen..+disposable | | |

| |needle (s.c use) (630) (725) | | |

| |Somatropin(rbe) Powder S.C inj. ( Multi-dose device) 5.3 mg (16 IU) catridage -Pen. (795) | | |

| |Somatropin(rbe) Powder S.C inj. ( Multi-dose device) 12 mg (36 IU) catridage –Pen (795) | | |

| |Recombinant Follicle stimulating hormone FSH {Follitropin alpha i-e r- hFSH} S.C., I.M. inj 75 I.U| | |

| |(619) | | |

| |Recombinant Follicle stimulating hormone FSH {Follitropin alpha i-e r- hFSH} S.C 75 I.U PFS (777) | | |

| |Recombinant FSH (Follitropin Beta) inj 50 I.U | | |

| |Follitropin- ( 300 I.U/ cartridge ≡ 22 mcg/0.5 ml (prefilled –pen) (727) | | |

| |Follitropin- ( 450 I.U/ cartridge ≡ 33mcg/0.75 ml (prefilled –pen) (727) | | |

| |Follitropin- ( 900 I.U/ cartridge ≡ 66 mcg/1.5 ml (prefilled –pen) (727) | | |

| |Recombinant follitropin ß S.C inj. 300 I.U/ 0.36ml ( Cartridge) + it's pen & needle. (764) | | |

| |Recombinant follitropin ß S.C inj. 600 I.U/ 0.72 ml ( Cartridge) + it's pen & needle. (764) | | |

| |Recombiant FSH – Follitropin Beta. I.M,S.C. inj:100 IU/0.5 ml solution for inj- vial (708) | | |

| |r-hFSH (Follitropin α) 150 I.U ≡ 11 mcg + r-hLH (Lutropin α) 75 I.U ≡ 3mcg/ vial powder + Solvent | | |

| |(672) | | |

| |(limited use in the infertility centres ) | | |

| |Recombinant human luteinsing hormone (Lutropin alfa/ r-HLH) S.C. inj : 75 unit- vial | | |

| |(limited use in infertility centres under supervision of specialist or consultant) | | |

| |Recombinant human growth hormon (or somatropin recombinant) inj 4 IU/ vial | | |

| |Recombinant human growth hormon (somatropine) inj 16 IU/ml | | |

| |Recombinant human protein TSH (thyrotropine alfa) Inj 0.9 g- vial (672) | | |

| |Somatropin (r-hGH) inj S.C.: 8mg (24 I.U) powder vial & cartridage solvent for parenteral use | | |

| |pre-assembled in 1 reconstitution device (click. Easy) comprising of 1 device housing and 1 | | |

| |sterile transfer cannula.. (cartridage click easy) in one multi-dose vial for subcutaneous | | |

| |Tetracosactide acetate 1mg/ ml, 1ml Amp for I.M, I.V. inj(686) | | |

| |Tetracosactide acetate 1mg/ ml, 1ml (aq. Susp) for I.M. inj only.(686) | | |

| |Tetracosactrin as acetate (aqueous) inj 250mcg,/ 1ml (1ml Amp) Diagnostic test | | |

| |Tetracosactrin depot inj. 0.5mg/ml (2ml Amp. or vial) | | |

| |Terlipressin acetate 1mg ( 0.86mg terlipressin – vial + solvent in Amp.or :terlipresssin acetate | | |

| |1mg/8.5ml- Solution for inj. ) i.e 0.12mg/ml. (686) ,(807).) amp | | |

| |Urinary gonadotrophine (FSH) highly purified 75 IU |(من مصدر بشري) | |

| | |على ان تلتزم الشركة المجهزة | |

| | |بتقديم الادلة و الاثباتات | |

| | |العلمية و التقنية | |

| | |في كل ما يأتي :- | |

| | |خلو المنتج من الفيروسات و | |

| | |البكتريا و البروتينات الغريبة. | |

| | |الكفاءة على ان تقاس بطريقة الـ | |

| | |Filled by mass. | |

| | |(813) | |

| |Urinary gonadotrophine (FSH/LH) highly purified 75 IU/ 75 IU | | |

| |Urinary human chorionic gonadotrophine (HCG) highly purified 5000 IU | | |

| |Vasopressin inj 20 units/ml, (1ml Amp) (aqueous) (For Hospital only) | | |

| |Vasopressin tannate in oil inj (oily), 5 pressor units/ml (For Hospital only) | | |

| |6 D Thyroid hormones and antithyroid drugs | | |

| |Carbimazole tab 5mg | | |

| |Liothyronine sodium (T3) tab 20mcg. | | |

| |Potassium iodide tab 60mg | | |

| |Propylthiouracil tab 50mg | | |

| |Methimazole tab 15mg | | |

| |Methylthiouracil tab | | |

| |Levothyroxin oral solution sodium 25mcg/5ml ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Levothyroxin sod. Tab 25 mcg (734) | | |

| |Thyroxine sodium tab 50mcg. | | |

| |Thyroxine sodium tab 100mcg. | | |

| |6 E Corticosteroids | | |

| |طريقة الزرق لمادة Methyl prednisolone acetate بالقوة 80mg&40mg في حالة كون المادة(aqueous | | |

| |suspension ) تكون كما في ادناه:- | | |

| |I.M, I.articular , & into soft tissue inj.(i.e intra-lesional).(aqueous suspension).(699) | | |

| |Betamethasone tab 0.5mg | | |

| |Betamethasone acetate 3mg + betamethason as sodium phosphate 3mg/1ml (1m-Amp) | | |

| |Betamethasone (as sod.phosphate) 4 mg + Betamethasone( as dipropionate) 10 mg/ 2ml- Amp (547) | | |

| |Betamethasone (as sodium phosphate) inj. 4mg/1ml Amp. | | |

| |Cortisone acetate tab 25mg | | |

| |Deflazacort tab 6mg | | |

| |Deflazacort tab 30mg | | |

| |Dexamethasone tab 0.5mg | | |

| |Dexamethasone elixir 0.5mg/5ml | | |

| |Dexamethasone phosphate as di sodium salt or (as sodium) inj 8mg/2ml (2ml Amp. Or vial) | | |

| |I.M , I.V. , Intralesional (709) (742) | | |

| |Dexamethasone phosphate as di sodium salt or(as sod.phosphate) I.V, I.M inj 4mg/ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Dexamethasone phosphate as di sodium salt or(as sod.phosphate) inj shock pack 20mg/(1ml Amp.) | | |

| |Fludrocortisone acetate tab 0.1mg | | |

| |Hydrocortisone tab 20mg (cortisol) | | |

| |Hydrocortisone 25mg tab | | |

| |Hydrocortisone as sod. Succinate inj 100mg- vial with 2 ml-Amp water for Inj (I.M.,slow I.V.,I.V. | | |

| |Infusion) or (I.M.,slow I.V.,I.V. Infusion) Amp or -ACT-O-vial system (single dose vial) I.V., | | |

| |I.M. (598) (630) | | |

| |لا يشترط لاقراره وجود نوع خاص من محلول الزرق الخاص بالتخفيف (668) | | |

| |Hydrocortisone as sod. Succinate inj 500mg/1ml, ( 5ml vial) | | |

| |Methyl predinsolon acetate (I.M, Intra- articular &into soft tissue inj.(i-e intralesional)) inj | | |

| |40mg/1ml-vial | | |

| |(aqueous suspension) (699) | | |

| |Methyl predinsolon acetate inj.80 mg/2ml- (disposable syringe)./ pfs (699) | | |

| |Methyl predinsolon acetate (Intra- articular/I.M) inj 80mg/2ml-vial or 80mg/2ml (2ml-Amp) | | |

| | | | |

| |Note: It is preferable to mark by red colour (Not for I.V use) on the: | | |

| |- Outer pack | | |

| |- Package insert | | |

| |- Vial or amp | | |

| |Methylprednisolone sod succinate inj see 15A.F | | |

| |Prednisolone tab 1mg | | |

| |Prednisolone tab (e/c) 2.5mg | | |

| |Prednisolone tab or enteric coated tab 5mg | | |

| |Prednisolone tab 10mg | | |

| |Prednisolone (sodium phosphate ) solu tablet 5mg. ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Prednisolone steaglate drops 7mg/ml | | |

| |6 F Female sex hormones | | |

| |Dydrogesterone tab 10mg (672) | | |

| |Ethinyloestradiol 35mcg + cyproterone acetate 2mg tab | | |

| |Estradiol benzoate 1mg + estradiol phenylpropionate 4mg + testosteron phenylpropionate 40mg | | |

| |+testosteron propionate20mg/ml inj (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Estradiol as Hemihydrate 2mg tab. | | |

| |Estradiol as Hemihydrate 4mg tab. | | |

| |Estradiol 1mg +Norethisterone Acetate 500mcg tab. (F/C) (according to the need) | | |

| |Estradiol anhydrous or as hemihydrate 2mg +Norethisterone Acetate 1mg/Tab. (according to the need)| | |

| |21 tab.Divided into 2group of tab.:- | | |

| |11 tab. Each contains :- Estradiol Valerate 2mg + | | |

| |10 tab. Each contains : Estradiol Valerate 2 mg + Norgestrel 0.5 mg/ tab. (752) | | |

| |Gestonorone caproate inj 100mg/ml, ( 2ml Amp) | | |

| |Hydroxyprogesterone caproate oily inj 250mg/ml, (1ml - Amp) | | |

| |Lynoestrenol tab 5mg | | |

| |Medroxyprogesterone acetate deep I.M. inj 150mg/ml, (1ml vial) | | |

| |ملاحظة:تستعمل هذه المادة في الحالتين النسائية والحالات السرطانية (بزيادة الجرعة في حالات الأورام | | |

| |السرطانية) (708) | | |

| |Medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 5mg | | |

| |Medroxyprogesterone acetate tab 10mg | | |

| |Norethisterone tab 5mg (3 time daily) | | |

| |Norethisterone acetate tab 5mg (1-2 tab daily)/longer half life | | |

| |Norethisterone 10mg + Ethinyloestradiol 0.02mg/tab | | |

| |- 12 tab containe : Oestradiol as hemihydrate 2mg | | |

| |+ 10 tab containe : Oestradiol as hemihydrate 2mg | | |

| |+ Norethisterone acetate 1mg | | |

| |- 6 tab containe : Oestradiol as hemihydrate 1mg | | |

| | 11 tab. Each contains :- Estradiol valerate micronise 2mg | | |

| |+ 10 tab. Each contains :- Estradiol valerate micronise 2mg + Cyproteron acetate micronise 1mg | | |

| |Oestradiol + levonorgestrel phase 1 & phase 11 Transdermal | | |

| |Oestradiol valerate 2mg (16 white tab) + oestradiol valerate 2mg + levonorgestrel 75mcg (12pink | | |

| |tab) | | |

| |Oestradiol valerate inj 10mg/ml, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |28 tab containe conjugated oestrogen 0.625mg | | |

| |12 tab containe norgestrel 150mcg (as levonorgestrel 75mcg) | | |

| |Oestradiol succinate tab 2mg (according to the need) | | |

| |Oestriol scored tab 1mg | | |

| |Oestriol intra vaginal cream 0.1% with applicator. ك/275 قي 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Oestrogens conjugated tab 1.25mg | | |

| |Oestrogens conjugated tab 625mcg | | |

| |Patches : self.adhesive Estradiol Releasing Approx 25mcg/24hr (according to the need ) | | |

| |Patches : self.adhesive Estradiol Releasing Approx 50mcg/24hr (according to the need ) | | |

| |Progesteron vag. gel 90mg/ application (8%) | | |

| |Progesteron vag. gel : single use pre-filled applicator each providing 90mg/ application (8%). | | |

| |(831) | | |

| |Progesterone micronized 100mg cap. (The same cap. For oral & vaginal Route) | | |

| |Progesterone micronized 200mg cap. (The same cap. For oral & vaginal Route) (780) | | |

| |Progesteron ovules (pessaries) 200 mg (vaginal or rectal use ) or Progesteron supp (or pessaries) | | |

| |200mg (779),(828) | | |

| |Progesteron supp (or pessaries) 400mg | | |

| |Progesteron Eff. Vag. Tab 100 mg (771) | | |

| |Progesteron inj 25mg/ ml-Amp (1ml amp) )700) | | |

| |Progesteron inj 25mg/ ml-Amp (2ml amp) (700) | | |

| |Progesteron 12.5mg + oestradiol benzoate 2.5mg/1ml inj (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Progestin in oral tab (19 nor progesterone) | | |

| |Raloxifene Hcl (F/C) tab 60mg (very limited use) | | |

| |Testosterone enanthate 90.3mg + oestradiol valerate 4mg/ml inj, (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Tibolone Tab 2.5mg ( very limited use ) | | |

| |Quinestrol tab 4mg (1 & 2 tab) | | |

| |6 G Male sex hormones and anti androgens | | |

| |Cyproterone tab 10mg | | |

| |Cyproterone acetate tab 50mg | | |

| |Dutasteride 0.5 mg cap (791) | | |

| |Fluoxymesterone tab 5mg | | |

| |Finasteride 5mg tab | | |

| |Goserelin acetate implant 3.6mg in syring application | | |

| |تنحصر استطبابات الدواء بسرطان الثدي/ سرطان البروستات/ التهاب البطانة الرحمية/ اصحاب البلوغ المبكر | | |

| |(715 ) | | |

| |Mesterolone tab 25mg | | |

| |Testosterone undecanoate cap :40 mg (682) | | |

| |Testosterone aq. Propionate inj 25mg | | |

| |Testosteron propionate 20mg+testosterone phenylpropionate 40mg+testosterone isocaproate 40mg/ml | | |

| |inj (1ml amp) | | |

| |Testosterone propionate 30mg + testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg + testosterone isocaproate 60mg | | |

| |+ testosterone decanoate 100mg/ml inj (1ml Amp) or Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml (1ml –Amp) | | |

| |Triptorelin as acetate (SR) or (m/r) 3mg – vial ( with diluent) (763) | | |

| |Triptorelin as acetate depot inj 3.75mg PFS with PFS of vehicle or powder & solvent for inj. Or | | |

| |(SR) IM inj.(vial + solvent + syringe). (763) , (784) | | |

| |تنحصر استطبابات الدواء بسرطان البروستات/ التهاب البطانة الرحمية/ اصحاب البلوغ المبكر (715) | | |

| |Triptorelin or Triptorelin as acetate inj 0.1mg powder & solvent for inj.(sc)or Recombinant LRH | | |

| |agonist (LH FSH/RH) Stimulating hormone 0.1mg inj. | | |

| |i- e lenteotrophic releasing hormone | | |

| |(for diagnostic and therapeutic use) (763), (784), (لاطقال الانابيب (715 | | |

| |Triptorelin as pamoate 0.01125g (11.25mg inj) vial (one unit dose) + solvent powder & solvent for | | |

| |susp for inj (I.M) 3- month sustained release form | | |

| |6 H Anabolic steroids | | |

| |Nandrolon decanoate inj 25mg/ml, (1ml vial or Amp.) | | |

| |(To be used in – Osteoporosis – Anabolic – Aplastic anemia and to be imported in small quantities | | |

| |and restricted in Puplic clinics & dispensed by specialists). | | |

| |Nandrolon decanoate inj 50mg/ml, (1ml vial or Amp.) | | |

| |(To be used in – Osteoporosis – Anabolic – Aplastic anemia and to be imported in small quantities | | |

| |and restricted in Puplic clinics & dispensed by specialists). | | |

| |6 I Drugs affecting bone metabolism | | |

| |6 I a Calcitonin (565) | | |

| |Calcitonin inj 100 MRC unit ( 100 I.U. calcitonin synthetic/1ml (1ml Amp) | | |

| |Calcitonin synthetic salmon Nasal spray 50 I.U. | | |

| |Calcitonin synthetic salmon Nasal spray 100 I.U. | | |

| |Calcitonin Nasal drop 200 I.U. | | |

| |6 I b Bisphosophonates and other drugs affecting bone metabolism | | |

| |*فيما يخص مادة alendronate يعتمد Monohydrate & anhydrous على ان يكون مكافئاً الى Anhydrous كقاعدة. | | |

| |(776) | | |

| |*Alendronic acid as Alendronate mono sodium trihydrate salt 5mg tab | | |

| |*Alendronate monosodium 13.05mg (‎≡ ‎ to 10mg of free acid) tab. Or Alendronic acid as sodium | | |

| |Alendronate or 10mg tab | | |

| |تستورد المادة آنفاً لاستعمالها في حالات هشاشة العظام في النساء والرجال Drug of first choice | | |

| |Treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis & osteoporosis in men. | | |

| |Prevention & treatment cortico steroid – Induced osteoporosis (563) | | |

| |Alendronate sod. ( 70mg alendronic acid Tab (690) | | |

| |Disodium Etidronate tab. 200mg | | |

| |Disodium Etidronate tab. 400mg | | |

| |Disodium Pamidronate I.V. infusion: 3mg/ml (5ml-vial) | | |

| |Di sodium clodronate 400mg cap or tab | | |

| |Di sodium clodronate inj conc. I.V. infusion 60mg/ ml | | |

| |Ibandronic acid as mono sodium salt monohydrate 150mg tab. (557) | | |

| |يستعمل في حالات هشاشة العظام وخاصة النساء Postmenapausal Osteoporosis | | |

| |يحصر استعماله في المستشفيات التعليمية (بغداد- والمحافظات). | | |

| |يصرف من قبل اختصاصيين لهم اهتمامات في معالجة هشاشة العظام. | | |

| |Pamidronate disodium 15mg/ vial | | |

| |Pamidronate disodium 30mg/ vial | | |

| |Zoledronic acid 4mg powder vial + solvent for I.V infusion (628) | | |

| |6 J Other endocrine drugs | | |

| |Bromocriptine tab 2.5mg see 4K | | |

| |Bromocriptine cap or tab 5mg | | |

| |Cabergoline scored tab 500mcg | | |

| |Clomiphene citrate tab 50mg | | |

| |Cetrorelix (as acetate) S.C. inj : 3mg (one single inj) | | |

| |من الافضل التركيز على طلب المادة لقوة3mg بكمية اكبر من القوة الثانية | | |

| |Cetrorelix (as acetate) inj: 250mcg – vial | | |

| |Danazol caps 100mg | | |

| |Danazol caps 200mg | | |

| |Dienogest 2mg tab (784) | | |

| |Ganirelix s.c 0.25 mg/0.5 ml aqueous solution PFS. ( 719) | | |

| |Gestrinone cap ( C 2323) 2.5mg | | |

| |- Mecasermin (Recombinant human insulin – like Growth factor – 1,rhl GF-1). | | |

| |Increlex inj mecasermin 10mg/ml (4ml - vial).( النادرة) | | |

| |6 K Drugs used in hyperlipidaemia | | |

| |Atorvastatin calcium trihdrate or Atorvastatin calcium ( Atorvastatin 10mg tab. (760) | | |

| |Atorvastatin calcium trihdrate or Atorvastatin calcium ( Atorvastatin 20mg (coated tab ) | | |

| |(760) (791) | | |

| |Atorvastatin as Calciume trihydrate or Atorvastatin calcium ( Atorvastatin 40 mg (coated tab). | | |

| |(714) ,(760), (791) | | |

| |Bezafibrate tab 200mg | | |

| |Cholestyramine 4g/ 9g of powder or 4gm/ sachet ((النادرة | | |

| |Fluvastatin cap 20mg | | |

| |Fluvastatin cap 40mg | | |

| |Fluvastatin sodium (L.A) tab 80mg | | |

| |Fish oil- natural 1000mg. provides : omega-3marine triglycerides 300 mg.equivalent to : | | |

| |Eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] 180 mg , Docosahexaenoic acid [DHA] 120 mg./cap. (718) | | |

| |Lovastatin tab 20mg | | |

| |Lovastatin tab 40mg | | |

| |Micronized fenofibrate tab or cap 200mg | | |

| |Rosuvastatin (as calcium salt) 5 mg tab. (591) | | |

| |Rosuvastatin as calcium salt 10mg (coated tab ) (577) ,(791) | | |

| |Rosuvastatin (as calcium salt) 20 mg (coated tab ) (591) ,(791) | | |

| |Pravastatin sodium 20mg tab. | | |

| |Simvastatin tab 10mg | | |

| |Simvastatin tab 20mg | | |

| |Simvastatin tab 40mg | | |

| |6 L Diagnostic agents for endocrine disorders | | |

| |CRH Ampouls (Corticotrophine Releasing Hormone 200mcg Ampouls) | | |

| |LRH Ampouls (Gonadotrophine Releasing Hormone 200mcg Ampouls) | | |

| |Metyrapone cap 250mg (treatment & diagnostic) | | |

| |Protirelin tab40mg (thyrotrophin releasing hormone) (TRH) (for diagnostic use only) | | |

| |Protirelin inj 100mcg/ml (for diagnostic use only) | | |

| |Recombinant CFR (Corticotrophin Releasing Factor) amp (للتشخيص وعلاج الغدة الكظرية) | | |

| |Recombinant PTH (Parathyroid hormone {Parathrin}) amp | | |

| |Reagent strips for blood glucose detection | | |

| |Reagent strips for Urine glucose detection | | |

| |6 M others | | |

| |Clonidine Hcl 50mcg tab (see 4 I) علاج وتشخيص نقص النمو الناتج عن نقص هرمون النمو | | |

| |Clonidine Hcl 75mcg tab (see 4 I) علاج وتشخيص نقص النمو الناتج عن نقص هرمون النمو | | |


| |7 A Uterine stimulants | | |

| |carboprost as trometamol salt (tromethamine salt) 250 micrograms/mL(1ml amp) deep I.M , | | |

| |Intrauterine. ك/275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |1 ml – contains : | | |

| |Carbetocin 100 mcg (oxytocin activity approx 50 IU/ Ampoule. vaso pressor activity 1.0 |g | | |

| |Carbohydrates |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |fat |> 1.0 |G | | |

| |Nutritional valus |10 ml |(823) | | |

| |Omega 3 fattyacids |243.75 |mg | | |

| |- DHA |200 |mg | | |

| |- EPA |43.75 |mg | | |

| |Vit. A |480 |µg | | |

| |Vit. B1 |1.1 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B2 |1.05 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B6 |1.05 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B12 |1.25 |µg | | |

| |Vit. C |40 |mg | | |

| |Vit. D3 |10 |µg | | |

| |Vit. E |6 |mg α- TE | | |

| |Folic acid |100 |µg | | |

| |Nicotinamide |12 |mg NE | | |

| | |10 |ml | | |

| |Energy |125 |kj | | |

| | |30 |kcal | | |

| |Protein |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Carbohydrates |5.9 |g | | |

| |Fat |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Nutritional valus |5 ml |(823) | | |

| |Vit. A |320 |µg RE | | |

| |Vit. B1 |0.55 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B2 |0.7 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B6 |0.7 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B12 |1.25 |µg | | |

| |Vit. C |40 |mg | | |

| |Vit. D3 |5 |µg | | |

| |Vit. E |6 |mg α- TE | | |

| |Niacin |8 |mg | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |3 |mg | | |

| |Zinc |3 |mg | | |

| | |5 |ml | | |

| |Energy |9.3 |kj | | |

| | |( 2.2) |kcal | | |

| |Protein |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Carbohydrates |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |fat |> 1.0 |G | | |

| |Nutritional valus |5 ml |(823) | | |

| |Zinc |5 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B1 |0.55 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B2 |0.7 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B6 |0.7 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B12 |1.875 |µg | | |

| |Vit. C |40 |mg | | |

| |Folic acid |150 |µg | | |

| |Biotin |25 |mg | | |

| |Niacin |6.4 |mg NE | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |2.4 |mg | | |

| | |5 |ml | | |

| |Energy |3.0 |kj | | |

| | |( > 1.0 |kcal) | | |

| |Protein |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Carbohydrates |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Fat |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Nutritional valus |5 ml |(823) | | |

| |Iron |14 |mg | | |

| |Zinc |3 |mg | | |

| |copper |200 |µg | | |

| |Iodine |30 |µg | | |

| |Manganese |0.3 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B1 |2.2 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B2 |1.4 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B6 |1.4 |mg | | |

| |Vit. B12 |5 |µg | | |

| |Folic acid |200 |µg | | |

| |Niacin |10 |mgNE | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |2 |mg | | |

| | |5 ML | | | |

| |Energy |13 KJ |(3.1 kcl) | | |

| |Protein |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Carbohydrates |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |Fat |> 1.0 |g | | |

| |9 B Parenteral nutrition | | |

| |Aminoplasmal 5%E :- Nitrogen 8g + Na + 43 mmol + K + 25 mmol + Mg+2 2.6 mmol + Cl - 29mmol + Acet | | |

| |- 59mmol +Dihydrogen Phosphate 9mmol+ Malic Acid 1.01g/L (500ml) } Aminoplasmal 5%E approx equal | | |

| |to vamin – 9 (vamin-N){ | | |

| |Aminoplasmal 10%E (approx equal or alternative to vamin – 14) (658) | | |

| |Aminoplasmal 10% :- Nitrogen 16g + Cl - 57mmol/L (500ml) | | |

| |Fractionated soya oil 100g + glycerol 22.5g/L electrolyte free, protein free I.V. infusion 500ml | | |

| |Or Each 1000ml emulsion contains:- | | |

| |Soybean oil 50.0g ( Medium -chain Triglycerides (MCT) 50.0g) + Egg Lecithin 8.0g + Glycerol 25.0g | | |

| |+ alpha - Tocopherol 0.1g + Sodium oleate 0.3g in Water for injections to 1000ml - I.V. infusion | | |

| |(500ml Bottle). (Altrnative to intralipid) (572) | | |

| |Fractionated soya oil 200g + glycerol 22.5g +egg phospholipids 12g/ L electrolyte free, protein | | |

| |free I.V. infusion (500ml) Or Each 1000ml emulsion contains:- | | |

| |Soybean oil 100.0g ( Medium -chain Triglycerides (MCT) 100.0g) + Egg Lecithin 12.0g + Glycerol | | |

| |25.0g + alpha- Tocopherol 0.2g+ Sodium oleate 0.3g in Water for injections to 1000ml - I.V. | | |

| |infusion (500ml Bottle). (Altrnative to intralipid) | | |

| |Synthamin 14: Nitrogen 14g +K+ 60mmol + Mg+2 5mmol +Na+ 70mmol +Acet- 140mmol +Phosphate as HPO | | |

| |30mmol/L I.V infusion (658) ,(757) | | |

| |Synthamin 14. without electrolyte :.I.V infusion (670),(757),(790 | | |

| |Amino Acid Intravenous Infusion | | |

| |Formula per 1000 ml | | |

| |Essential amino acids | | |

| |L- leucine |6.20 g | | |

| |L –lsoleucine |5.10 g | | |

| |L –lysine ( added as the hydrochloride salt) |4.93 g | | |

| |L –valine |4.93 g | | |

| |L –phenylalanine |4.76 g | | |

| |L –histidine |4.08 g | | |

| |L –threonine |3.57 g | | |

| |L –methionine |3.40 g | | |

| |L –tryptophan |1.53 g | | |

| |Non –essential amino acids | | | |

| |L –alanine |17.6 g | | |

| |L –arginine |9.78 g | | |

| |Aminoacetic acid ( glycine) |8.76 g | | |

| |L –proline |5.78 g | | |

| |L –serine |4.25 g | | |

| |L –tyrosine |340 mg | | |

| |Total nitrogen per litre |14 g | | |

| |mmol per liter ( approx) | | | |

| |Acetate |68 | | |

| |Chloride |34 | | |

| |Vamin 14 :- Nitrogen 13.5g +K+ 50mmol + Mg+2 8mmol +Na+ 100mmol +Acet- 135mmol +Ca+2 5mmol +SO4-2| | |

| |8mmol +Cl- 100mmol/ L (500ml).I.V infusion Aminoplasmal 10%Eبديل مقارب لـ (685) , ( 757). | | |

| |Vamin 14 electrolyte free:- Nitrogen 13.5g +Acet- 90mmol/L(500ml) I.V infusion | | |

| |(670),(757) | | |

| |Vamin 18 electrolyte free :- Nitrogen 18mg +Acet- 110mmol/L(500ml) | | |

| |Vamin 9 I.V. infusion : Nitrogen 9.4g + Na + 50 mmol+K + 20 mmol + Ca+2 2.5 mmol + Mg+2 1.5 mmol | | |

| |+ Cl- 50 mmol/L (500ml) | | |

| |Vamin 9 Glucose : Nitrogen 9.4g + Na + 50 mmol + K + 20 mmol + Ca+2 2.5 mmol + Mg+2 1.5 mmol + | | |

| |Cl- 50mmol + Anhydrous Glucose 100g/L (500ml) | | |

| |Formula containing Electrolytes (Emulsion for Infusion) 2500ml: | | |

| |Lipid Emulsion (10%) |Amino acids (5.5%) solution with electrolytes |Glucose (20%) solution with calcium | | |

| | | |chloride | | |

| |Volume: |500ml |Volume |1000ml |Volume |

| |Mixture of Refined olive oil |Concentration of amino acids after mixing (per |After the contents of the three | | |

| |(approximately 80%) & Refined soya |bag) |compartments have been mixed, the ternary | | |

| |oil (approximately 20%) |Essenitial amino acids: |mixture provides the following: | | |

| | |L-Leucine |4.02g |Volume |2500ml | | |

| | |L-Phenylalanine |3.08g |Osmolarity |750mosm/L | | |

| | |L-Methionine |2.20g |PH |6 | | |

| | |L-Lysine |3.19g |Nitrogen |9.1g | | |

| | |(As L-Lysine Hcl) |(3.99g) |Amino acids |55g | | |

| | |L-Isoleucine |3.30g |Total calories |1520kcal | | |

| | |L-Valine |3.19g |Non protein calories |1300kcal | | |

| | |L-Thereonine |2.31g |Glucose calories |800kcal | | |

| | |L-Tryptophan |0.99g |Lipid calories |500kcal | | |

| | |Non essential amino acid: | |Non-protein | | | |

| | |L-Alanine |11.39g |calorie/nitrogen ratio |144kcal/g N | | |

| | |L-Arginine |6.33g |Na+ |53mmol | | |

| | |Glycine |5.67g |K+ |40mmol | | |

| | |L-Histidine |2.64g |Mg++ |5.5mmol | | |

| | |L-Proline |3.74g |Ca ++ |5mmol | | |

| | |L-Serine |2.75g |Phosphate** |21mmol | | |

| | |L-Tyrosine |0.22g |Acetate |76mmol | | |

| | | | |Chloride |83mmol | | |

| | | | |**Includes phosphates provided by the | | |

| | | | |liqid emulsion | | |

| | |مع ضرورة توفيره مع اجهزة الاعطاء الخاصة و Accessary | | |

| |Each one litre contains: | | |

| |L-Isoleucine 6.7g+ L-Leucine 10g+ L-Valine 7.6g+ L-Lysine 11g+ L-Methionine 2.4g+ L-Phenylalanine 4.2g+ L-Theonine 3.7g+ | | |

| |L-Tryptophan 2g+ L-Arginine 8.4g+ L-Histidine 3.8g+ L-Alanine 80g+ L-Aspartic acid 6g+ L-Cysteine 1.89g+ L-Glutamic acid 10.00g+| | |

| |Glycine F.P 4.00g+ L-Proline 3.00g+ L-Sertine 4g+ L-Tyrosine 0.45g+ L-Ornithine hydrochloride 3.18g+ Taurine 0.6g (100ml | | |

| |–bottle & 250ml-bottle I.V. infusion) | | |

| |Other conistituents :- | | |

| |Malic acid QsPH 5.5, Water for inj Qs 1000ml, Total nitrogen 15g/L,Chloride 19 mmol/L,Amino acids 100g/L,Osmolarity 780mosm/L | | |

| |- يستعمل في الاوردة المركزية. | | |

| |- حصره في ومستشفيات تخصصية ( ردهة العناية المركزة) و مراكز طبية متخصصة ومراكز العناية المركزة وتحت اشراف طبي. | | |

| |(557 و 544 و526). | | |

| |9 C Electrolytes and water for injection (801) | | |

| |9 C a. drugs used in hypokalaemia | | |

| |Potassium chloride strong solution (KCL B.p73) vial: K + 2 mmol/ml (10ml vial or amp) i-e 15% (150mg/ml, orresponding to | | |

| |approximately 2 mmol of each K + & Cl/ml) with a label to indicate that the solution should be diluted with not less than 50 | | |

| |times its volume of normal saline or other suitable diluent & given at the recommended rate | | |

| |Route of adminstration : [ Slow I.V. infusion N.M.T 20 mEq (mmol)/ 2 - 3hr (According to defficiency)[ | | |

| |Potassium chloride strong solution (KCL B.p73) vial: K + 2 mmol/ml (20ml vial or amp) i-e 15% (150mg/ml, corresponding to | | |

| |approximately 2 mmol of each K + & Cl/ml) with a label to indicate that the solution should be diluted with not less than 50 | | |

| |times its volume of normal saline or other suitable diluent & given at the recommended rate | | |

| |Route of adminstration : ]Slow I.V. infusion N.M.T 20- 40 mEq (mmol)/ 4 - 6hr (According to defficiency)[ | | |

| |Potassium chloride durules or (s/r) 750mg (10 mEq of potassium) | | |

| |Potassium chloride tab 600mg (8 mEq of potassium) in wax base | | |

| |Potassium chloride eff.tab: pot. Bicarbonate & chloride ( pot. 470mg (12mmol of K +) & chloride 285mg (8mmol of cl-) | | |

| |Potassium chloride microencapsulated tab | | |

| |Potassium chloride (M/R) or (C/R) tab 600mg (8mEq of potassium) | | |

| |Potassium chloride syr (by SDI) 7.5% (594) | | |

| |1mEq.of both K& Cl=1mmol of both K& Cl | | |

| |KCl 7.5% =1 mmol ml | | |

| |1 mEq | | |

| |Potassium gluconate oral solution 4.68g ( 20 mEq of potassium/15ml | | |

| |9 C b. drugs used in hyperkalaemia | | |

| |Calcium gluconate (USP) I.V infusion,( slow I.V.,Deep I.M.) or (slow I.V.) inj 10% containing 0.465mEq (9.3mg) total calcium/ml | | |

| |PH adjusted 6-8.2 (10ml Amp) (IM use not for children and adolescent) (627) (665) | | |

| |Calcium polystyrene sulphonate powder | | |

| |9 C c. sodium salts | | |

| |Oral powder: sodium chloride 2.6g + Potassium chloride 1.5g + Tri. sodium citrate dihydrate 2.9g + anhydrous glucose 13.5g | | |

| |To be dissolved in sufficient water to produce 1 litre (providing Na+ 75mmol + K+ 20mmol + Cl- 65 mmol + citrate 10 mmol + | | |

| |glucose 75 mmol/litre) see 2D | | |

| |Sodium 90mEq + pot. 20mEq + chloride 80mEq + citrate 30mEq + Dextrose 25g/L | | |

| |Sod.bicarbonate tab 300mg | | |

| |Sod.chloride tab 300mg | | |

| |9 C d. drugs used in hypercalcaemia | | |

| |Anhydrous sod. Acid phosphate 1.936g + sod. Bicarbonate 350mg + pot. Bicarbonate 315mg ‎≡ ‎ to phosphorous 500mg + sodium 468.8mg | | |

| |(20.4 mmol Na+) + potassium 123mg (3.1 mmol K+) Eff. tab. | | |

| |Calcitonin inj see 6 I | | |

| |Sodium cellulose phosphate sachets 5g | | |

| |9 C e. drugs used in hypocalcaemia | | |

| |Calcium carbonate 1.250g Quantity corresponding in elemental calcium to 500mg + Vit. D3 400 I.U/chewable tab. | | |

| |Calcium carbonate 500mg tab (also use for renal failure patients) | | |

| |500mg (25mEq) of Calc. as 1250mg of Calc. Carbonate tab (702) | | |

| |Calcium lactate tab 300mg | | |

| |Calcium gluconate tab 600 mg | | |

| |Calcium-glubionate I.M, I.V inj: 1.375g/(10ml – amp) | | |

| |Calcium eff tab: calcium lactate gluconate 3.08g ( calc. Gluconate 4.5g | | |

| |Calcium lactate - gluconate 2.94g + calcium carbonate 300mg/Eff. Tab | | |

| |Calcium chloride inj 10% 100mg/ml (27.3mg calcium or 680 micromol ca ++/ml- (10ml Amp) or PFS (742) | | |

| |Each 2 x 5 ml liquid cantains:- (829) | | |

| |Vit. D ( as D3 150 IU ) |3.8 µg | | |

| |Calcium |200 mg | | |

| |Magnesium |150 mg | | |

| |Zinc |6 mg | | |

| |9 C f Magnesium | | |

| |50% Mag. Sulphate 7 H2O ( 2 mmole Mg+2/ ml inj (5ml Amp) if 5ml Amp not avilable 10ml Amp is possible | | |

| |(719). | | |

| |Mag. Sulphate 20 % Inj. (20 ml amp ) ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |9 C g water for injection (801) | | |

| |Water for inj. 5ml (801) | | |

| |9 D Intravenous fluids | | |

| |- Note for glucose :- (794) , ( 801 ) | | |

| |Dextran 1 (20ml Amp) | | |

| |Dextran 40 I.V. infusion in Nacl 0.9% (500 ml) i.e.;-(10%w/v) (628) | | |

| |Dextran 40 I.V. infusion in glucose 5% (500 ml) i.e.;-(10%w/v) (628) | | |

| |Dextran 70 in dextrose 5% (Plander D) (500ml) i.e.;-(6%w/v) (628) , | | |

| |Dextran 70 in Normal saline (plander N) (500mll) i.e.;-(6%w/v) (628) | | |

| |Hartmann's solution I.V. infusion, (Ringer lactate or lactated Ringer or compoumd sodium lactate solution ) : | | |

| |Sodium chloride 0.6% , sodium lactate 0.32%or Sod. Lactate 0.25% Calculated as lactic acid , potassium chloride 0.04%, calcium chloride | | |

| |0.027%.containing the following ions in mmol/ L: Na+131, K+5, Ca+2 2, HC03- (as lactate) 29, CL- 111. (500ml) | | |

| |Label (Not to be use for lactic acidosis) (555)(661) | | |

| |Human albumin I.V. infusion, 200mg/ml, (100ml) low salts - Aids free | | |

| |Each 1000 ml contains :- Poly (O- 2- hydroxyethyl) starch ( HES) 60.0 g , sodium chloride 6.25 g, potassium chloride 0.30 g, Calcium | | |

| |chloride dihydr.0.37 g , Magnesium chlroride hexahydrate 0.20 g , Sodium acetate trihydrate 3.27 g , Malic acid 0.67 g , Electrolytes/ | | |

| |mmol :- Na+ 140.0 , K+ 4.0 , Ca +2 2.5 ,Mg +2 1.0 , Cl – 118.0 , Acetate 24.0 ,Malate 5.0 , PH 5.6-6.4 Osmolarity 296 mOsm/ l. (762) | | |

| |Hydroxyethyl starch (hetastarch) 6% in 0.9% NaCL solution I.V.infusion (500ml ) (593) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose hydrous or anhydrous) i.v. infusion, 5%, 100ml (713) | | |

| |على ان يبقى تركيز الـglucose نفسه 5% (794) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose hydrous or anhydrous) i.v. infusion, 5%, 500ml | | |

| |على ان يبقى تركيزالـ glucose نفسه 5% (794) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) i.v. infusion, 10%, 500ml | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) i.v. infusion, 20% 50 ml (limited use) (674) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) i.v. infusion, 20% 500 ml plastic bag or bottle (736) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) amp 25% (20ml Amp) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) amp 50% (20ml Amp) | | |

| |Glucose (dextrose) inj 50% (50ml Amp) | | |

| |Gelatin (haemaccel): | | |

| |Inj.: polygeline 35g+Na+145 mmol + K+5.1 mmol + Ca+2 6.25 mmol/ L or 6.26 mmol + Cl- 145 mmol/L (500ml) | | |

| |(566) | | |

| |Mannitol see 1B | | |

| |Oxypolygelatin 55g/L + Other Constituants: sod. Edetate 0.19g/L + Hydrogen carbonate ions 30mmol/L+Sodium ions 145mmol/L + Chloride ions | | |

| |100mmol/L + Calium ions (as EDTA complex) 0.5mmol/L | | |

| |*:- of which 15mmol are protein-bound. | | |

| |Note: To be imported only when haemaccel or Gelofusine cann’t be avialabe | | |

| |Ringer solution for inj. U.S.P:- (824) | | |

| |sodiume chloride 8.6 g + potsisiume chloride 0.3 g + Calciume chloride 0.33g in Water for inj. Q.S 1000 ml | | |

| |containing the following ions conc. In meq/ L :- Ca ++ 4.5 , Cl – 156, K+ 4 ,Na + 147.5. (500ml) (832). | | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate inj 8.4% (10ml- Amp) | | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate Amp or vial 7.5%or 8.4%, 25ml | | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate Amp or vial 7.5%or 8.4%, 50ml ,100ml. (840),(822) | | |

| |Sodium bicarbonate I.V. infusion 1.4%, 500ml (limited use) | | |

| |Sodium chloride I.V. infusion 0.9%, 100ml (713) | | |

| |Sodium chloride I.V. infusion 0.9%, 200 ml (812) | | |

| |Sodium chloride I.V. infusion 0.9%, 500ml or 1000ml | | |

| |Sodium chloride 3% - Hypertonic saline. (200 or 250 ml) | | |

| |يثبت على العلبة Hypertonic او توضع علامات تحذيرية على العلبة لتفريقها عن باقي المغذيات (796) (786) | | |

| |Sodium chloride 0.45% + dextrose 2.5% I.V. infusion, 500ml | | |

| |Sodium chloride 0.9% + dextrose 5% I.V. infusion, 500ml. | | |

| |Sodium chloride 0.18% + dextrose 4% I.V. infusion, (general use as glucose saline solution) | | |

| |Succinylated gelatin 4%+sodium chloride 0.9% I.V. infusion | | |

| |Succinylated gelatin 4% (modified fluid gelatin/average M.Wt. 30000) , Na+ 154mmol/L, Cl- 120mmol/L- 500ml (comply and alternative to | | |

| |hemaccel, Gelofusine , Gelfundol) | | |

| |Succinylated gelatin 4% (modified fluid gelatin/average M.Wt. 30000) , Na+ 154mmol/L, Cl- 120mmol/L- 1000ml (comply and alternative to | | |

| |hemaccel, Gelofusine , Gelfundol) | | |

| |9 E foods for special diets | | |

| |ملاحظة: | | |

| |في حالة عدم توفر الخيار الاول من مجموعة الحليب XP بأنواعه ، يتم اختيار الحليب PKU 1,2,3 (ك158 في 13/5/2009) | | |

| |- تعتمد قاعدة اقل الاسعار بالنسبة لحليب PKU 1,2,3 وحليب Phenex 1&2 ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| |Adapta peg powder | | |

| |Aspartame artificial sweetener 18mg or 20mg Tab | | |

| |Acesulfame-K. 18mg ( sweetness to one teaspoonful of sugar | | |

| |AL 110 powder: fat (corn oil) 21% + dextrose 51.1% + protein 22.2% with added vitamins & minerals lactose content N.M.T 0.5% | | |

| |Bebelac (lyempf) free of lactose powder | | |

| |Bebelac FL (Free lactose) powder (From Birth on wards (منذ الولادة ومابعد | | |

| |Energy 515kcal ( 2155kj) + protein 12.3g + casein 12.3g + fat 27.2g ( Linoleic acid 3.1g + -Linolenic acid 0.6g) + carbohydrates 55.3g (| | |

| |Glucose 5.4g + Lactose 290mg | | |

| |Potassium |1100mg | | |

| |Calcium |420mg | | |

| |Phosphore |350mg | | |

| |Magnesium |86mg | | |

| |Iron |>0.3mg | | |

| |Zinc |11.8mg | | |

| |Copper |1.4mg | | |

| |Selenium |0.025mg | | |

| |Iodine |0.08mg | | |

| |Or AMOUNT-100 mLposition of F75 and F100 Diets (694) (ك158 في 13/5/2009) | | |

| |CONSTITUENT |F75 powder |F100 powder | | |

| |Energy |75 kcalth (315 kJ) |100 kcalth (420 kJ) | | |

| |Protein |0.9 g |2.9 g | | |

| |Lactose |1.3 g |4.2 g | | |

| |Potassium |3.6 mmol |5.9 mmol | | |

| |Sodium |0.6 mmol |1.9 mmol | | |

| |Magnesium |0.43 mmol |0.73 mmol | | |

| |Zinc |2.0 mg |2.3 mg | | |

| |Copper |0.25 mg |0.25 mg | | |

| |Percentage of energy from: | | | | |

| |Protein |5% |12% | | |

| |Fat |32% |53% | | |

| |Osmolarity |333 mOsmol/L |419 mOsmol/L | | |

| |F – 75 Phase 1 Therapeutic milk Sachet (801) , (830) | | |

| |Nutritional value per 100 g powder:- | | |

| |Energy |445 kcal | | | |

| |Protein |5.3 g | | | |

| |Fat |15 g | | | |

| |Vit. A |800 µg | | | |

| |Vit. D |15 µg | | | |

| |Vit. E |20 mg | | | |

| |Vit. C |50 mg | | | |

| |Vit. B1 |500 µg | | | |

| |Vit. B2 |1.6 mg | | | |

| |Vit. B6 |600 µg | | | |

| |Vit. B12 |1.6 µg | | | |

| |Niacin |5.0 mg | | | |

| |Folic acid |200 µg | | | |

| |Biotin |60 µg | | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |3.0 mg | | | |

| |Vit. K |15 µg | | | |

| |Sodium |< 87 mg | | | |

| |Calcium |300 mg | | | |

| |Phosphorus |300 mg | | | |

| |Magnesium |60 mg | | | |

| |Zinc |11 mg | | | |

| |Iodine |70 µg | | | |

| |Potassium |750 mg | | | |

| |Copper |1.4 mg | | | |

| |Selenium |20 µg | | | |

| |Iron |< 200 µg | | | |

| |F – 100 Therapeutic milk Sachet (801), (830) | | |

| |Nutritional value per 100 g powdere:- | | |

| |Protein |>10% of energy | | | |

| |Fat |> 45% of energy | | | |

| |Vit. A |800 µg | | | |

| |Vit. D |15 µg | | | |

| |Vit. E |20 mg | | | |

| |Vit. C |50 mg | | | |

| |Vit. B1 |500 µg | | | |

| |Vit. B2 |1.6 mg | | | |

| |Vit. B6 |600 µg | | | |

| |Vit. B12 |1.6 µg | | | |

| |Niacin |5.0 mg | | | |

| |Folic acid |200 µg | | | |

| |Biotin |60 µg | | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |3.0 mg | | | |

| |Vit. K |15 µg | | | |

| |Sodium |< 290 mg | | | |

| |Calcium |300 mg | | | |

| |Phosphorus |300 mg | | | |

| |Magnesium |80 mg | | | |

| |Zinc |11 mg | | | |

| |Iodine |70 µg | | | |

| |Potassium |1100 mg | | | |

| |Copper |1.4 mg | | | |

| |Selenium |20 µg | | | |

| |Iron |< 200 µg | | | |

| |Gastro-fix Powder ( لتغذية الطفل لدى الاصابة بالاسهال) (809) | | |

| |المادة الغذائية |الوحدة |لكل 100 غرام | | |

| |البروتين |غ |18.5 | | |

| |الدهون |غ |8.4 | | |

| |كربوهيدرات |غ |66.3 | | |

| |الرطوبة |غ |3.0 | | |

| |المعادن |غ |3.8 | | |

| |الصوديوم |ملغ |282 | | |

| |بوتاسيوم |ملغ |685 | | |

| |كلوريد |ملغ |498 | | |

| |كلسيوم |ملغ |520 | | |

| |الفسفور |ملغ |400 | | |

| |معدل الكلسيوم/ الفسفور | |1.3 | | |

| |المغنيسيوم |ملغ |55 | | |

| |الزنك |ملغ |4 | | |

| |النحاس |ملغ |0.4 | | |

| |الفيتامينات | | | | |

| |فيتامين أ |وحدة دولية |1450 | | |

| |فيتامين د3 |وحدة دولية |310 | | |

| |فيتامين ج (C) |ملغ |45 | | |

| |فيتامين ب1 |ميكروغرام |300 | | |

| |فيتامين ب2 |ميكروغرام |350 | | |

| |نياسين |ميكروغرام |3000 | | |

| |فيتامين ب6 |ميكروغرام |220 | | |

| |فيتامين ب12 |ميكروغرام |1.2 | | |

| |فيتامين البيوتين |ميكروغرام |8.2 | | |

| |فيتامين ك1 |ميكروغرام |20 | | |

| |فيتامين (E) |وحدة دولية |4.5 | | |

| |حامض الفوليك |ميكروغرام |70 | | |

| |حامض البونتوثنيك |ميكروغرام |3000 | | |

| |الطاقة |كيلوكالوري |415 | | |

| |Gevral instant protein: | | |

| |Each envelop contains: | | |

| |Total protein (Nx6.25) 50% + Sodium not more than 1.2% + Calories 57.0 + Carbohydrate (from Non-Fat milk powder and sucrose) 6.0g + Vit.A| | |

| |palmitate 1,250 I.U (1/3 MDR) + Vit.D 125 I.U (1/3 MDR) + Vit.B1 (as Thiamine mononitrate) 1.25mg (1 1/4 MDR) + Vit.B2 (Riboflavin) | | |

| |1.25mg (1 MDR) + Vit.B6 (Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 0.125mg + Vit.B12 (as present in concentrated extractives from steptomyces | | |

| |fermentation) 0.5mcg + Vit.C (Ascorbic acid) 12.5mg (5/12 MDR) + Vit.E 2.5 I.U + Niacinamide 3.75mg (3/8 MDR) + Calcium pantothenate | | |

| |1.25mg + Calcium (as Dibasic calcium phosphate and ■ ) 160mg (1/5 MDR) + Phosphorus (as Dibasic calcium phosphate and ■) 170mg (1/4 MDR) | | |

| |+ Elemental iron (as Ferrous fumarate) 2.5mg (1/4 MDR) + Lysine † (from non-Fat milk powder and ■) 0.5g+ ** Choline † (from non-Fat milk | | |

| |powder and ■) 10mg + ** Inositol 12.5mg + Copper (as copper oxide) 0.25mg + Iodine (as potassium iodide) 0.025mg (1/4 MDR) + Potassium | | |

| |(from potassium sulfate and ■) not less than 25mg + ** Manganese (as Manganese dioxide) 0.35mg + ** Zinc (as zinc oxide) 0.125mg + | | |

| |Magnesium (as Magnesium oxide) 0.25mg | | |

| |MDR:- Adult minimum daily requirement. | | |

| |■ From soy protein isolate. | | |

| |† Lysin monohydrochloride & Choline bitartrate added as required. | | |

| |** The need for those substances in human nutrition has not been established. | | |

| |Galactomin 17 powder for Galactosemia ك 158 في 13/5/2009 | | |

| |Glutafin gliadine gluten free:- (جلسة 523) | | |

| |Glutafin powder gluten free/wheat free (white mix)/All purpose mix:- | | |

| |Energy 1518kj/358kcal + Protein 6g + Carbohydrate 80g (Of which sugars 2.5g) + Fat 1.5g (Of which saturates 0.6g) +Fibre 11g+ Sodium | | |

| |0.3g/per 100g (dry mix) powder | | |

| |Note:- | | |

| |For gluten –sensitive enteropathies including steatorrhea due to gluten sensitivity, celiac disease & dermatitis hyperpetformis | | |

| |Galactomin 19 formula powder | | |

| |Each 100g powder contains: | | |

| |Energy 2233 kj (534 kcal) +Protein 14.6g+Carbohydrate 49.7 g (of which sugars 49.2 g/ of which fructose 49.2 g) + Fat 30.8 g ( of which | | |

| |saturates 10.8g+ monounsaturates 14.8 g + Polyunsatrurates 3.8 g) + Fibre 0 g + Vit.A 575µg RE + Vit.D3 9.5µg + Vit.E 7.6 mg  –TE + | | |

| |Vit.C 63mg+ Vit.K 41µg + Thiamin 0.32mg+ Riboflavin 0.8 mg + Niacin 4.5mg (7.8mg NE)+ Vit.B6 0.32 mg + Folic acid 79µg + Vit.B12 1.6µg + | | |

| |Biotin 11.8µg + pantothenic acid 2.4 mg + Choline 55 mg + Iositol 26 mg + L-Carnitine 7 mg + Taurine 30 mg + Sodium 158mg (6.9 mmol) + | | |

| |Potassium 467 mg (12 mmol) + Chloride 316 mg (9 mmol) + Calcium 426 mg + Phosphorus 250mg+ Magnesium 47.5 mg + Iron 3.9 mg + Copper 380µg| | |

| |+ Zinc 3.2 mg + manganese 0.44 mg + Iodine 55µg + Molybdenum 18.7mcg+ Selenium 9.2µg + Chromium 8.1µg | | |

| |حليب طبي يستعمل للاطفال المصابين بأمراض عدم تقبل الكلوكوز والكلاكتوز | | |

| |Medical milk for glucose & galactose intolerance | | |

| |يطلب بكميات محدودة ويستعمل تحت اشراف طبي في مستشفيات الاطفال ومراكز التأهيل التغذوي. | | |

| |Diarical powder | | |

| |Fabimilic LF- 88 منذ الولادة فما فوق (811) | | |

| |Average composition | |Per 100 g of powder | | |

| |Energy |KJ |2066 | | |

| | |Kcal |494 | | |

| |Fat/ |g |23.4 | | |

| |Linoleic acid |g |6.0 | | |

| |Linolenic acid |g |0.613 | | |

| |ARA |mg |75 | | |

| |DHA |mg |57 | | |

| |Protein/ |g |10.8 | | |

| |whey protein |g |6.4 | | |

| |casein protein |g |4.4 | | |

| |Taurine |mg |45.0 | | |

| |L- carnitine |mg |15.7 | | |

| |Carbohydrates |g |60.2 | | |

| |Moisture |g |≤ 3 | | |

| |Ash |g |2.6 | | |

| |Vitamines | | | | |

| |A |IU |1851 | | |

| |D3 |IU |360 | | |

| |E |IU |10.0 | | |

| |K1 |µg |30 | | |

| |C |mg |80 | | |

| |B 1 |µg |354 | | |

| |B 2 |mg |0.8 | | |

| |B 6 |µg |400 | | |

| |B 12 |µg |1.5 | | |

| |Niacin |mg |6.0 | | |

| |Folic acid |µg |100 | | |

| |Pantothenic acid |mg |2.4 | | |

| |Biotin |µg |11 | | |

| |Choline |mg |100 | | |

| |Inositol |mg |34 | | |

| |Minerals | | | | |

| |Calcium |mg |432 | | |

| |Phosphorus |mg |268 | | |

| |Ratio Ca/P | |1.6 | | |

| |Magnesium |mg |46 | | |

| |Iron |mg |6.0 | | |

| |Zinc |mg |6.5 | | |

| |Manganese |µg |45 | | |

| |Copper |µg |350 | | |

| |Iodine |µg |69 | | |

| |Sodium |mg |165 | | |

| |Potasium |mg |350 | | |

| |Chloride |mg |295 | | |

| |Selenium |µg |14 | | |

| |Fluorine |µg |< 50 | | |

| |Nucleotides | | | | |

| |Adenosine |mg |5.1 | | |

| |Guanosine |mg |1.5 | | |

| |Inosine |mg |3.0 | | |

| |Uridine |mg |5.1 | | |

| |Cytidine |mg |8.1 | | |

| |FL/ Infant milk for free of lactose (738) | | |

| |HA/Hypoallergenic infant milk (738) | | |

| |High caloric flavoured glucose syrup 71% | | |

| |Isomil 1 powder from Birth on wards من الولادة الى 6 أشهر | | |

| |Protein 13.7g +Fat 28.1g (Linoleic acid 5.1g + Linolenic acid 0.6g)+ Carbohydrate 52.4g+ Moisture/water 2.4g+ Energy 517kcal+ Minerals | | |

| |(Ash) 3.4g+ Calcium 532mg+ Phosphorus 380mg+ Magnesium 41mg+ Sodium 243mg+ Potassium 578mg+ Chloride 449mg+ Zinc 6mg+ Iron 7.8mg+ Copper | | |

| |357mcg+ Manganese 304mcg+ Iodine 76mcg+ Taurine 34mg+ L-Carnitine 9mg+ Vit. A 2000 IU+ Vit.D3 304 I.U+ Vit.E 12.9 I.U+ Vit.K1 42mcg+ | | |

| |Vit.C 53mg+ Vit.B1 494mcg+ Vit. B2 456mcg+ Vit.B6 304mcg+ Vit.B12 2.3mcg+ Niacin (equiv) 5.3mg+ Folic acid 100mcg+ Pantothenic acid | | |

| |3.8mg+ Biotin 23mcg+ Choline 60mg/ 100g powder | | |

| |يطلب بكميات محدودة ويستعمل تحت اشراف طبي في مستشفيات الاطفال ومراكز التأهيل التغذوي.((600 | | |

| |- يصرف فقط لحالات ال Galacotosemia – ك 275 في 18/7/2010 (832), (840) | | |

| |- | | |

| |Isomil 2 powder : From six month on wards | | |

| |- Soy protein follow on formula milk free lactose free | | |

| |- 1 scoop = 60cc | | |

| |- from six months and above contain extra calcium | | |

| |Energy 483kcal + Protein 16.1g + Fat 21.5g ( Linoleic acid 4.1g + Linolenic acid 0.41g) + carbohydrate 56.3g + | | |

| |moisture/water 2.25g + taurine 35mg + carnitine 11.7mg + Vit.A 1845 I.U + Vit.D3 280 I.U + Vit.E 11.9 I.U + Vit.k1 39mcg + Vit. C 54mg + | | |

| |folic acid 49mcg + Vit.B1 680mcg + Vit.B2 770mcg + Vit.B6 980mcg + Vit.B12 0.98mcg + niacin (equiv) 8.8mg + pantothenic acid 3.0mg + | | |

| |biotin 21mcg + choline 58mg + minerals (ash) 3.86g: sodium 245mg + potassium 700mg + chloride 456mg + calcium 666mg + phosphorus 465mg + | | |

| |magnesium 61mg + iron 8.4mg + zinc 5.54mg + manganese 300mcg + copper 460mcg + iodine 102mcg + selenium 9.8mcg/100g powder wt. | | |

| |ملاحظة:- Isomil 1 From birth to 6 month (600) | | |

| |- يصرف فقط لحالات ال Galacotosemia – ك 275 في 18/7/2010 | | |

| | | | |

| |(832),(840) | | |

| |Liptomil plus 3 (الاطفال 1-4) (750) | | |

| |Liptomil plus –LF (750) | | |

| |Liptomama (750) | | |

| |Loprofein LP mix powder: | | |

| |Nutrition information per 100g of mix: | | |

| |Energy 1512 kj (356 kcal) + Protein 0.3g +Carbohydrate 88 g ( of which sugars 4.5g) + Fat/Lipid 0.3g (of which saturates 0.15g) + Fibre | | |

| |1.9 g. | | |

| |Amino acid/100g of mix: | | |

| |L-Arginine 13.1 mg + L-Cystine 4.8 mg + L-Isoleucine 6.7 mg + L-Leucine 13.1 mg + L-Lysine 13.2 mg + L-Methionine 3.5 mg + | | |

| |L-phenylalanine 10mg + L-threonine 7.6 mg + L-tyrosine 5.7 mg + L-valine 11.3 mg. minerals & vitamins/100g of mix | | |

| |Sodium/Na 200 mg + Potassium/k 20mg +Calcium/ca 10mg+ phosphorus/P 50mg+ Iron/Fe 4mg+ Niacin 5mg+ Vit.B1 0.5mg+ Vit.B2 0.5mg+ Vit. B6 | | |

| |0.4mg | | |

| |Nutrition information per 8g yeast sachet: | | |

| |Energy 58Kj (14 kcal) + Protein 2.8 g + carbohydrate 0.28 g ( of which sugars 0.28 g) + Fat/Lipid 0.13 g ( of which saturates -g) + Fibre| | |

| |g + sodium/Na 5 mg. | | |

| |Amino acid/100g of yeast: | | |

| |L-Arginine 141mg+ L-cystine 266mg+ L-Isoleucine 137mg+ L-Leucine 199mg+ L-Lysine 225mg+ L-Methionine 49mg + L-phenylalanine 120mg+ | | |

| |L-threonine 133mg+ L-tyrosine 102mg+ L-valine 177mg | | |

| | | | |

| |Note for Loprofein LP mix: (غذاء طبي) | | |

| |Alow protein white all purpose mix for use of dietary managment of inherited, Metabolic disorders, renal or liver failure requiring alow | | |

| |protin diet. | | |

| |يطلب بكميات محدودة ويوفر الى المراكز التخصصية للكبد والكلى. | | |

| |MSUD powder (maple syrup urine disease) ك 158 في 13/5/2009 | | |

| |Nursoy powder:- | | |

| |Energy 515 kcal+ Protein 14g+ Fat 28g+ Carbohydrate 52.8g ( corn syrup solids 42.2g+ sucrose 10.6g)+ water 2g+ Ash 3g+ crude fiber 0.05g+| | |

| |Linoleic acid 4434mg+ Ca:P Ratio 1.34+ Vit. A 1911 IU+ Vit.D 325 IU+ Vit.E 8.4 IU+ Vit.K 76mcg+ Vit.B1 765mcg+ Vit.B2 1147mcg+ Vit.B6 | | |

| |459mcg+ Vit.B12 1.5mcg+ Niacin 4587mcg+ Folic acid 61mcg+ pantothenic acid 2294mcg+ Biotin 27mcg+ Vit.C 69mg+ Choline 65mg+ Inositol | | |

| |76mg+ calcium 512mg+ phosphorus 382mg+ magnesium 51mg+ Iron 9.2mg+ Zinc 4.6mg+ Manganese 153mcg+ Copper 428mcg+ Iodine 92mcg+ Sodium | | |

| |145mg+ potassium 550mg+ chloride 331mg/100g-powder | | |

| |بديل للـ Isomil المقر alternative to Approved Isomil(أي بديل عن Isomil بنوعيه 1 &2 ) (550) (600) | | |

| |يطلب بكميات محدودة ويستعمل تحت اشراف طبي حسب تقدير الحاجة في مستشفيات الاطفال ومراكز التأهيل التغذوي. | | |

| |Nutrilon AR powder (Complete infant formula for children with regurgitation – for treating vomiting (limited amount under physciain | | |

| |supervision ) | | |

| |احتياج واحد مع (S-26 AR) (593) (592) | | |

| |Nutramigen powder: Food Energy 500 kcal + Protein 14g + Fat 25g + Carbohydrate 55g + Minerals (Ash) 3g + Water 3g + Vit. A 1500 IU + Vit.| | |

| |D 300 IU + Vit. E 10 IU + Vit. C 60mg + Vit. K 65mcg + Thiamin 400 mcg + Riboflavin 450mcg + Vit. B6 300mcg + Vit. B12 1.50 mcg + Niacin | | |

| |5000 mcg + Folic acid 80mcg + Pantothenic acid 2500mcg + Biotin 15mcg + Choline 95mg + Inositol 85mg + Taurine 30mg + L-Carnitine 12.5mg | | |

| |+ Calcium 470mg + Phosphorus 390mg + Magnesium 50mg + Iron 9mg + Zinc 3.5mg + Manganese 300mcg + Copper 380 mcg + Iodine 105mcg + Sodium | | |

| |240mg + Potassium 610mg + Chloride 480mg + Selenium 11mcg + Chromium 11mcg + Molybdenum 28mcg + Linoleic acid 4500mg + Linolenic acid | | |

| |400mg/ 100g powder (592) | | |

| |Novalac AD powder (666)(711) | | |

| |مشابه لحليب Pregestimil الذي يستعمل في حساسية حليب البقر وسوء امتصاص اللاكتوز التي تحدث عقابيل التهاب الأمعاء الشديد | | |

| |Each 100 g contains:- | | |

| |Proteins 17.6 g | | |

| |Fats 20.6g | | |

| |Linoleic acid 2.8g | | |

| |a-linolenic acid 280mg | | |

| |Carbohydrates 54.8g | | |

| |Energy 475.1 Kcal | | |

| | 1986.1 kj | | |

| |Minerals | | |

| |Sodium 240mg | | |

| |Potassium 640mg | | |

| |Chloride 380mg | | |

| |Calcium 390mg | | |

| |Phosphorus 200mg | | |

| |Magnesium 50mg | | |

| |Iron 0.8mg | | |

| |Zinc 3.5mg | | |

| |Iodine/ Iode 50 μg | | |

| |Copper 350 μg | | |

| |Manganese 350 μg | | |

| |Vitamins | | |

| |A 450 μg RE | | |

| |B1 400 μg | | |

| |B2 800 μg | | |

| |B6 300 μg | | |

| |B12 1.5 μg | | |

| |C 60 mg | | |

| |D3 7.5 μg | | |

| |E 13 IU | | |

| |K1 30 μg | | |

| |Niacin 4.5 mg | | |

| |Pantothenic acid 2.4 mg | | |

| |Folic acid 60 μg | | |

| |Biotin 15 μg | | |

| |Choline 40 mg | | |

| |Taurine 44 mg | | |

| |L-carniten 9 mg | | |

| |Chromium 26 μg | | |

| |Molybdenum 15 μg | | |

| |Fluoride ................

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