World War II - Propaganda Poster Project

World War II - Propaganda Poster Project

Your job is to create a WWII poster using techniques of propaganda that were used during that time period and discussed in class. The poster should reflect a clear message and content so as to provide enough information to the reader.

Your Poster Needs To:

• You will select one of the topics outlined below

• Contain AT LEAST:

o 2 images

o 1 slogan

• Draw enough visuals to make their posters attractive

• You are expected to use propaganda strategies

o Who is the target audience?

o What will appeal to them during this time period?

• Lastly, you will have to hand in a 3 paragraph paper explaining the techniques used in your poster and relevant historical information

o How is your poster using FACTS from this time period?

▪ For example, your poster has a picture of a bar of soap, what does this mean? Make sure you are able to explain why images, phrases, and slogans were used.

• 1 Word Document:

o Poster followed by 3 paragraph explanation

Approved Topics:

• Encourage men to enlist

• Pressure women to encourage their husbands, brothers and boyfriends to enlist

• Encouragement to help out at home (rationing) e.g. conserving food, buying victory bonds

• Encourage children to help the war effort e.g. purchasing war stamps,

• Spies/espionage


• Increase Production

• Encourage Citizens-Keep morale high

Helpful Resources:

• Your textbook

• Sources on internet about WWII propaganda

Propaganda Poster Mark Rubric

| |Poor |Below Average |Average |Excellent |

| |0 1 2 |3 4 5 |6 7 8 |9 10 |

|Presentation: Visual |The presentation is not |The presentation contains|The presentation is |The presentation is very |

|appeal, creativity, and |visually appealing. |some aspects that are |visually appealing. |visually appealing. |

|effort. |Creativity is minimal, |visually appealing. Some |Creativity and effort are|Attention to detail, |

| |and minimal effort is |aspects of creativity and|evident |creativity, and effort |

| |applied. |effort are present. | |are beyond expectations |

|Historical Accuracy: The|The poster does not |The poster makes minimal |The poster makes |The poster makes strong |

|poster is related to |relate to content learned|connections to content |connections to content |connections to content |

|content learned in class |in class |learned in class |learned in class |learned in class |

|Communication: Written |The poster does not meet |The poster meets the |The poster meets desired |The poster provides a |

|component provides |the desired length (3 |minimum desired length (3|length (3 paragraphs.) |thorough and insightful |

|justification and |paragraphs.) Grammatical |paragraphs.) Some |Few grammatical errors |rational. Grammatically |

|rational |errors present. Lack of |grammatical errors |are present. Solid |sound. Strong |

| |understanding present. |present. Minimum |understanding is present.|understanding is present |

| | |understanding present. | |throughout. |

Total: /30 x 2

This project is worth 60 points

Propaganda: Propaganda is a type of message aimed at influencing the opinions or behavior of people. Propaganda is used to convince or encourage others to side with you on a particular idea, belief or ideology. You can use pictures, cartoons, slogans, quotes from authority figures or celebrities, or any technique that would manipulate the thinking of your audience. Below is an example of a propaganda poster used during World War I to encourage women to buy U.S. savings bonds to support the war.


Create propaganda poster that would have appeared at the post office, grocery store, bank or any other public place during WWI. When creating the poster consider the following:

Color: Is it patriotic or just colorful and eye catching?

Words: Who is the poster speaking to…rich intellectuals, small children, or someone in between.

Symbols: Are there any symbols that mean or stand for other things. (e.g. an eagle is a symbol of freedom)

Message: Simple……..what is it going to say?

Audience: Who are you addressing in your poster? Who do you want to be reading this poster?

Purpose: Which branch of the military or government agency is this poster created to support?


You should start by briefly answering the questions above (jot them down if you need to).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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