Dante’s Inferno Project

Dante’s Inferno – Circles of Hell Project

In the selection from Dante’s Inferno, Dante envisions Hell as a pit within the earth where sinners are punished in the afterlife for their evil deeds. He designs his circles of Hell as a pit that circles downward with nine specific types of sinners. Your assignment is to design your own nine circles of “[Your Idea Here] Hell” to demonstrate your knowledge of the law of contrapasso.

You will (in a group of 3) create an alternate, more specific “Hell” with nine types of sinners and nine matching punishments. Tell me your Hell idea before the end of class today.

|The Visual |

|Group Grade (40 process Points) |

|Presented on poster paper or a board, etc. |

|Large, visually appealing (organized and colorful), neat, and legible. |

|Symbolically represent all 9 Circles of your Hell, and correspond to the explanations in your Written Explanations |

|Do not depict anything offensive, obscene, or inappropriate for school. |

|The Written Explanation |

|Solo Grade - Rough Draft (10 Process Points) + Final Draft (20 Writing Points) |

|Typed, MLA, submitted on |

|Introduction paragraph – overview of your Hell; 3 paragraphs for 3 of your circles of Hell |

|Graded on spelling/grammar/conventions, organization, and most importantly, clear explanation of contrapasso |

|Answer the following questions in each paragraph: |

|What is the sin, wrong-doing, or label for those that inhabit this circle? |

|What will happen to the people who inhabit this circle (punishment)? |

|Give an example of who may be punished in this circle -- characters from literature, TV shows, video games, or movies; possibly sports stars or |

|celebrities; no peers, teachers, or community members. |

|The Presentation |

|Solo/Group Grade (20 Process Points) |

|Give an overview of your hell; explain the sin and punishment for each circle, being sure to explain the contrapasso of your circles |

|All three group members present, each detailing their assigned circle of hell |

|Graded on preparation, clear voices, easy to view visual, and thorough explanation |

|Do not simply read your written explanation; instead, adapt your explanation for casual verbal presentation |

| 2.2 | 2.2 |2.3 |2.4 |2.5 |

| Comic work day |Comic due |Contrapasso |Project assigned |Work Day |

| |Circles of Hell | |Work day |Computer Lab 2207 |

|3.1 |3.2 |3.3 |3.4 |3.5 |

|Rough Draft due on Turnitin|Homework Packet Due | Dante Test |Final Draft due 8am on | Finish presentations |

|at 8am  |Vocab HW due | | |Preview Macbeth |

|Work day |Inferno Vocabulary Quiz | |Presentations begin | |

|Computer lab | | |Posters due in class | |


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