Gwenfô Church in Wales Primary School


Termly Information Sheet

This is a guide to the work Year 4 will be covering during the Spring Term.

|Monday |Reading books.Spelling Book - test and new spellings will be issued.|

|Tuesday |Reading book |

|Wednesday |Reading book.PE Kit - inside and outside kit please. |

|Thursday |Reading book.PE Kit - inside and outside kit please. |

|Friday |Reading book. |


Cornerstones Topic - Bones, Blood and Gory Bits

Our topic has a science focus and teaches children about the human body including significant organs such as the heart, brain and lungs. At the heart of this project children write explanations to describe biological processes of the human body and develop additional skills using a range of technical and scientific language. In this project the children will learn: About the heart, circulation, the pulse and blood; About major organs of the human body and their functions in keeping us alive and well; How exercise and a healthy diet keeps the body well and fit; About the digestive system; How to write explanation texts using scientific language; How scientific and medical research has changed over time; and how to work collaboratively.

Cornerstones Topic – Children of the Revolution

This project has a history focus and teaches children about the Victorian era including the lives of the rich and poor and other significant social and moral changes of the 19th century. At the heart of this project children learn how to write newspaper and other reports on an historical theme and learn additional skills of explanation writing. In the Innovate Stage children apply their skills and understanding by attending a dinner party with Queen Victoria in order to present some of the social and moral causes of the time. In this project the children will learn: About the Victorian era; About the social, moral and technological issues of the day; About the important people of the day including those who influenced and made changes; About the literature of the day and how it was used to entertain and inform; How to write a range of reports; About the differences between childhood in the present day and in Victorian times.


In Maths during the first half term, the children will be focusing on the following:

|Place 4-digit numbers on landmarked lines; 0–10 000 and 1000–2000; round 4-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000; mentally add and subtract to/from |

|4-digit and 3-digit numbers using place-value; count on and back in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000; count on in multiples of 25 and 50; add and subtract multiples|

|of 10 and 100 to/from 4-digit numbers |

|Use expanded written subtraction and compact written subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit numbers (one ʻexchangeʼ); use expanded column subtraction and |

|compact column subtraction to subtract pairs of 3-digit and 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers (one ʻcarryʼ); learn the 7× table and ʻtrickyʼ facts; use the |

|vertical algorithm to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; solve simple money problems with decimals to two decimal places |

|Use mental multiplication and division strategies; find non-unit fractions of 2-digit and 3-digit numbers; find equivalent fractions and use them to simplify |

|fractions (halves, thirds, quarters) |

|Recognise and compare acute, right and obtuse angles; draw lines of a given length; identify perpendicular and parallel lines; recognise and draw line symmetry |

|in shapes; sort 2D shapes according to their properties; draw shapes with given properties and explain reasoning; draw the other half of symmetrical shapes |

|Understand how to divide 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using place value and mental strategies; divide numbers by 1-digit numbers to give |

|answers between 10 and 25, with remainders; identify factor pairs and use these to solve multiplications and divisions with larger numbers; use Frog to find |

|complements to multiples of 1000; use Frog to find change from £10, £20 and £50 |

After half term, the children will be:

|Recognise, use, compare and order decimal numbers; understand place value in decimal numbers; recognise that decimals are tenths; round decimals numbers to the |

|nearest whole number; divide 2-digit numbers by 10 to get decimal numbers; multiply decimal numbers by 10 to get 2-digit numbers; divide 3-digit multiples of ten|

|by 100 to get decimal numbers; multiply decimal numbers by 100 to get 3-digit multiples of ten; add four digit numbers using written method with answers greater |

|than 10 000 |

|Add amounts of money using written methods and mentally using place value and number facts; choose to add using the appropriate strategy: mental or written; |

|subtract, choosing appropriate mental strategies: counting up or taking away (using counting back, place value or number facts); solve subtractions using a |

|suitable written method (column subtraction) |

|Tell the time on a 24 hour clock, using am and pm correctly; convert pm times to 24 hour clock and vice versa; use 24 hour clock in calculating intervals of |

|time; measure and calculate perimeters of rectilinear shapes where each side is labelled in cm and m; find missing lengths in rectilinear composite shapes; find |

|the perimeters of rectilinear shapes with some lengths not marked; convert from one unit of length to another; solve word problems involving lengths including |

|those involving perimeters |

|Understand place value in 4-digit numbers; partition 4-digit numbers; solve subtraction of 4-digit numbers using column subtraction (decomposition); choose an |

|appropriate method to solve subtractions, either mental or written, and either column or counting up (Frog) |

|Use the vertical algorithm to multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers; explore patterns; use mental strategies and tables facts to divide 2-digit and 3-digit|

|numbers by 1-digit numbers to give answers between 10 and 35, without remainders; solve word problems |


This term the class will be working on a story-telling project with a professional story teller. Tamar will be working with the children to develop their story telling skills and stimulate their imaginations so the children are able to write and tell their own stories. After the half term holiday we will then be working with a professional film-maker to make short films of the stories. The children will analyse the features of good stories and investigate how to structure a story and to develop characters and settings. Furthermore, we will be concentrating on expanding our vocabulary and using a range of connectives in our writing. The majority of our non-fiction writing will be covered through our topic work. The children will be writing recounts and using information and explanation writing to record their science investigations. After half term, the children will be focusing on writing diaries - this linking to our cornerstones topic. The children will continue to work on improving their spelling, punctuation and grammar and will take part in guided whole class/group reading sessions.

Other Learning

R.E In R.E we will begin the term completing our unit of work on what makes a saint? By visiting St. Illtud’s church and finsing out about modern day celebrities who are Christian. We will then move on to consider “What kind of world did Jesus want?” . The children will all have the opportunity to lead a class worhip and consider our whole school Christian value of Courage.

P.E Gymnastics - the children will be given the opportunity to respond imaginatively working on a range of apparatus. They will be performing individual apparatus sequences that account for variety, speed, level and contrast on a range of apparatus working with increasing control.

Games - The children will be developing their hockey skills through the practice of passing, receiving, travelling and possession skills in a of range activities and small-sided games. We will also be taking part in fitness activities and investigating the changes to our bodies during physical activity.

Dance - the children will be given the opportunity to develop their creative skills through dance. They will perform dances accounting for a range of dance techniques and elements. We will also be investigating, and performing, dances from the Victorian period in the second half term and developing skeleton/movement dances during our Blood, Bones and Gory bits topic.

Welsh Salwch- Illness The children will be learning new vocabulary and phrases linked to the body. They will be using the present tense sentence patterns and they will start to extend sentences. The children will play games, sing songs and read some simple texts to reinforce a varies sentence patterns. The children will also have a daily 10 minute session to further develop their incidental Welsh language.

Topic homework ideas:

Bones, Blood and Gory Bits - To collect information on your heart and keeping healthy. Question a doctor, athlete or sports coach on how to prepare your body for exercise and record your findings in a thinking map. Keep an exercise journal recording distances run, times and heart rate.

Children of the Revolution - To research Victorian life such as farming, jobs, food etc. To listen to stories from the Victorian period. To research and play Victorian games.

General Information

Please can the children bring their reading books in daily. The children will read regularly in school and if reading books are in school it makes it easier and ensures all children are heard to read. Homework will also be given out regularly, usually on a Friday, to be returned the following Thursday. When appropriate Talk homework will be brought home on a Thursday to be completed for the following day’s Big Write. If you could please ensure that homework is completed as this is set to enhance and consolidate learning that is taking place in class. Our weekly spelling test is on Monday. The children will be tested on the words from the previous week and will be given a new spelling pattern to learn. Additional copies are always available within the classroom so if your child is absent on the Monday, please encourage them to pick some up as they are responsible for ensuring they have them to learn! When we do Big Maths, the children will bring home their test papers for you to see with reinforcement questions to complete on the back of the paper if necessary.

To support your child’s learning you may:-

Help your child to learn their weekly spellings and encourage your child to read daily at home, ask them lots of questions about the books they are reading to ensure they are understanding and retaining what they have read. Also reading to your child is of great importance and a great way of spending some quality time together. We will be working on our times tables and practising these will help your child considerably with their confidence and approach when facing new challenges in maths. Furthermore, there will be homework tasks set on the Abacus Active site. These activities are directly related to the maths we have been working on in class throughout the week. Your child should have been issued with a password during the autumn term but if you need more information on this, please come and see me or if your child can’t remember their password, we can reissue it again. Your child can still access RM Easimaths and again they should be doing this on a weekly basis. Please support your child with their talk homework for our Big Writing as this will complement, and reinforce, the work carried out in class in preparation for the Big Write sessions. You may also research, or work together on some homework ideas linked to our topic, any research enhancing our topic will be added to our class display. On days allocated for PE, please ensure that the correct PE kit is brought into school. If you have any queries or concerns about your child, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Ford


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