Understanding different applications of photographyIn this assignment I’m going to investigate and describe the various existing applications of photography and also the contexts in which they are found, such as in magazines and galleries. I will provide relevant examples of each as I discuss them.Photographic ApplicationsAdvertising:Advertising photography is photography used to sell a product, idea or lifestyle to its audience. Advertising photography commonly uses celebrities and other famous fads or products; they are used to appeal the companies’ product to a specific target audience. This style of photography is also used to promote and raise awareness for aspecific cause or organisation. The contexts that advertising photography is usually found in include billboards, posters, TV adverts and magazines.Andy Warhol was a famous advertising photographer, director and producer. He was a leading figure in the?visual art movement?known as?pop art. His work explored the relationship between artistic expression,?celebrity culture, and?advertising.?His work spanned a variety of media, including painting,?photography, film, and sculpture. Some of his best known works include the silkscreen paintings?Campbell's Soup Cans?(1962) and?Marilyn Diptych?(1962)and the?multimedia?events known as the?Exploding Plastic Inevitable?(1966–67).A sample of Andy Warhol’s photography.Warhol exhibited his work in several?galleries?in the late 1950s, he began to receive recognition as an influential and controversial artist. He promoted a collection of personalities known as?Warhol superstars; he is credited with coining the widely known expression “15 minutes of fame.” In the late 1960s he founded?Interview?magazine. Anything he got his hands on he could advertise to any market.A 2009 article in?The Economist?described Warhol as the “bellwether?of the art market”.Fashion: Photography is widely used in the fashion industry as the primary method of advertising both fashion and make-up. It’s the photographer’s job to ensure the photos captured are as enticing as possible, a typical piece of fashion photography has the fashion or make-up product in the centre of the shot with an elegant text describing it. The focus on the product and the connotations it has with regal text and good looking people are used as advertising tools for the product to reach its intended audience and sell. The location in which fashion photography is usually taken ranges from studios to grand, popular sets or smaller locations and istaken with the main aim of promoting a certain connotation with their brand a lot like how Gucci is associated with wealth and success and how -476250106235531692851064260Robanne is associated with romance due to all their ad campaigns mentioning or putting into view a perfect couple for the audience to project themselves onto. Fashion photography is almost always found inside fashion magazines such as Vogue or Elle or on store displays, fashion photography can also be found online in web pages related to fashion, adverts on TV or Online or even within galleries in some rare cases.2 Examples of Nick Knight’s modern pieces.Nick Knight, Director of , is one of the world’s most influential and visionary photographers. He’s a fashion photographer and he has consistently challenged conventional notions of beauty and is fêted for his groundbreaking creative collaborations. He runs advertising campaigns for clients such as Christian Dior, Calvin Klein or Yves Saint Laurent. His first book of photographs,?Skinheads, was published in 1982. Knight's work has been exhibited at international institutions such as the Victoria & Albert Museum and Hayward Gallery. Also in 2016, he was commissioned to shoot official portraits of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles for the Queen's 90th birthday.Portraiture: This is considered one of the most common applications of photography. Portraitures are photos focusing on a person’s facial appearance and they are commonly used to exemplify their personality and characteristics through the details of the photo. Portraitures can be, and usually are, made through the photographer’s view of their subject not through their subject’s specifications/requests. Throughout a shoot the photographer usually gives verbal cues and commands to his subject/s. These photos have no set area in which they can or cannot be taken but they’re usually shot within a studio as this would allow a photographer to adjust the lighting and layout of the set if and when necessary. Portraiture photography has evolved greatly throughout its lifespan; as classic portraiture was more rigid in what the scene would portray/detail. The scene would usually show the strength of a character’s masculine/feminine features and their royalty/nobility while still being grounded completely in reality, unlike a caricature. The scenes would be posed to exemplify powerful and regal traits/visuals; a common example of this is ‘Napoleon in his study’ a painting in which he has a hand-in-waistcoat pose which indicates leadership in a calm and firm manner.An example of modern portraiture, the subject seems more carefree with no rigidity.An example of classic portraiture, the subject strikes a royal, noble pose.Modern portraiture is generally a lot more free-flowing and many photographers nowadays enjoy their subjects doing what comes natural to them in a scene. Portraitures can be found in any form of context that can hold photographs; the only thing that affects this is if that the context chosen has a very specific -7810507620003028950759460theme that just can’t have portraiture in it.Yousef Karsh’s portraiture of Ernest Hemingway (1957)Yousef Karsh’s portraiture of Martin Luther King. (1962)Yousuf Karsh is an example of a well known portraiture photographer; he was bornDecember 23, 1908 and died July 13, 2002. He was an?Armenian-Canadian?photographer?best known for his?portraitures?of notable individuals. He has been described by many sources as being one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 20th century.By the 1930s he established himself as a significant photographer in Ottawa. His iconic 1941 photograph of?Winston Churchill?was a breakthrough point in his 60-year career, throughout which he took numerous photos of known political leaders, men and women of arts and sciences. Over 20 photos by Karsh had appeared on the cover of?Life?magazine, until he retired in 1992.2989580415290-740410412750Medical:An image of a surgery underway.An x-ray of a broken shoulder bone.Photography is used in the medical industry to keep record on cases of physical trauma (fractured bones, bruising, swelling, etc.) and to take x-rays of broken bones.Medical photography is used by professionals to keep tabs on autopsy specimens, the clinical presentation of patients, surgical devices and medical procedures. Since the images gathered serve such an important purpose they have to cover the right subject with no noticeable mistakes (such as a lack of focus, lack of focus on the intended subject, etc.). The shots have to be as detailed as possible so that when they are checked by doctors to see a patient’s wound/condition they can get as full a grasp as possible before seeing it in person. This allows doctors/nurses to get equipment ready without needing a patient to be in front of them. Other uses of medical photography are x-ray photos which allow a doctor to check for and label accurately damage to muscle and bone tissue within a patient. This excludes the need to check for internal injuries by way of multiple incisions into the patient and inspection of their claimed injuries and pains. Cancer can also be detected by way of medical photography; both x-rays and C.A.T scans can detect cancers within the bodies. As you can tell photography is extremely important and useful within the medical industry, but it’s not just the inside of hospitals that need to be photographed; Photography is used for medical journals, study books, magazines and advertising for a clinic’s services. Photographs of equipment, diseases, conditions and many other subjects are taken from across the world to be put to use in textbooks.Lennart Nilson’s photo of bacteria trapped in cytoplasm.Lennart Nilson’s photo of a fetus at 18 weeks.There are famous medical photographers, such as Lennart Nilsson, who become acclaimed photographers due to their incredible focus on the biological/medical side of life.Lennart Nilsson was a photographer who was noted for his photography of human embryos and other medical subjects such as bacteria; these subjects were once considered unphotographable but he managed to get them through his use of an extreme macro lens. He is also considered by many to be among Sweden’s first modern photojournalists.Photojournalism:Photojournalism is an application of photography in which photographs are used as a way of delivering news and current affairs to the public or to very specific audiences. The contexts in which photojournalism is usually found are through magazines, newspapers and through online sources such as webpages.The scenes captured by a photographer are usually taken from a real life event with little to no alteration by the photographer or the company they work with; this isn’t always the case as news companies can and have had photographs doctored so as to stir controversy or relay a specific message to an audience. A popular and controversial edit of O.J Simpsons’ mug shot on TIME Magazine placed beside of the unedited photo used by Newsweek.A famous example of this are the differences between the June 27, 1994 covers of Newsweek and Time which both had an image of the same mugshot of O.J Simpson as their cover. The Time cover makes Simpson's face darker, blurrier, and unshavenwhile Newsweek gives the complete unedited image. Matt Mahurin, the illustrator at Time Magazine who had manipulated the police mug shot of O. J Simpson had said that he "wanted to make it more artful, more compelling”.Newspaper and magazinecompanies hire photographers to go various locations local and/or international to take photographs to relay exactly what is happening therewith the aim of showing a realistic representation through their images of what an event or personis like. Photographers can be associated with certain styles of photography and for covering certain categories of news be it global, regional or local. Newspaper companies that focus on global events will hire photographers with a willingness to travel and visit possible dangerous locations. These photojournalistsare more focused on capturing large scale stories with a global interest and as such will be placed to cover topics such as wars or the possibility of it or occurrences/events/phenomenon’s that are widespread through multiple countries, such as globe sweeping sensations be it bands or fads.An example of a famous photojournalist is David Burnett. He was a magazine journalist who travelled across the world to many varied locations to capture photographs in relation to many topics such as the Olympics to war and politics.The most famous examples of his work include ‘Napalm Girl’, a photo which shows the aftermath of a napalm attack in Vietnam in 1972, and his many photographs of the Olympics throughout the years.Examples of David Burnett’s work. He tries to relay the passion and emotion in every scene that he captures to the audience very directly through the camera angles and cropping of his shots.Photojournalism can also be taken on by independent photographers who can capture images of events or people on their own and submit their work to a publishing company such as TIME Magazine. These photographers are usually associated with paparazzi that capture images of high-profile celebrities in situations that appear to be scandalous.Ron Galella is the worlds most well-known and controversial paparazzo, he’s captured images of celebrities for over 50 years and is quoted by many as being ‘The Godfather of the U.S Paparazzi culture’. He’s taken over 3 million photos of public figures throughout his career and have produced many famous pieces as a result.(Top Left) - June 1, 1969: NYC, NY – Dustin Hoffman, Central Park.(Bottom) - September 19, 1984: NYC, NY – Jerry Hall and Mick Jagger. Party for Reid Rogers at the Limelight.ConclusionTo conclude, after undertaking a vast amount of research, I am now more aware of the multitude of applications of photography and what they aim to achieve through what context they are found in and the topic they’re involved with. I now know that photography can be used to educate, raise awareness or to promote/advertise a product and even more. All types of photography are prevalent in our modern society through a range of different yet still widely relevant contexts; including posters, billboards, online adverts andon TV. Even though the work of photographers in relation to each photographic application and style of photography dates back many years ago thereis still accessibility to their work to an audience who are interested in their topics of expertise; that includes photographers who focus on those who were/are talented and popular in the photographic arts and/orthrough all photographic practices and techniques as a whole. That shows us that the relevancy of photography has gotten greater over the years as there’s a definite interest in it from the public and since new techniques are being developed by aspiring photographers everywhere it is clear to see that photography and its applications are still relevant and essential to many routes of marketing, medical work, information gathering/sharing and applications that I may not have covered.Sources(photographer)(photojournalist) ................

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