Worship & Concert at Ohltown United Methodist

A Message from your Pastor

It seems like just yesterday we were looking at the snow crocus with great joy, thankful for the splash of color and signs of new life. Now we are preparing to have a feast for the eyes in the leaves and their beautiful fall colors. God blesses us with a bounty of sights, sounds, smells, touches, and yes, tastes for each season.

I often wonder when people say: “Where is God, or does God exist?” have they lost their senses? Do they not see the world around them? Have you ever felt so alone or in such a dark place that you too wondered “Where is God?” I will confess to you that for the past 20 years I have a twinge of depression when the calendar is changed from September to October. Not because the days are getting shorter, or because winter is just around the corner, but because it was in October that I lost my Dad. When the wound was fresh, and my heart was heavy, I did not see the beauty around me, all I saw was pain and loss. But even in my darkness God was able to break through and touch my heart. Even though I chose to ignore the beauty around me, His still small voice echoed in my heart and ear, “You are not alone.”

One of the great things about our Christian faith is the knowledge that God is always with us. In times of joy, sorrow, sadness, sickness, and grief, God is there ever ready to listen. Even if you are not ready to talk, He is ever present to be that friend that will just sit quietly and hold your hand. And as the song says: “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do”.

What burden do you need to turn over to God? Health, finances, family, loss … these are all heavy burdens that can weigh you down and make it difficult to see the beauty around us. Take a step of faith and turn your pain over to God. The Creator of the Universe is waiting for you to trust Him, so that the veil of darkness can be lifted from your eyes and your heart to reveal the beauty around you. “Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever.”


Pastor Teresa

October Birthdays

2 Jimmy Flory

7 John Cruz

8 David Natoli

10 Cherri Benedict

11 Adria Hood

12 Pastor Teresa Smolka

16 Larry Hillier

18 Matt Robb

19 Brenda Heidinger

21 Becky Johannes

22 Lorna Ramsey

27 Mindy Heidinger

29 Dottie Robertson

31 Catie Caroline, Greg Hood, Natalie Motyka, Rich Rich, & Linsy Shively

October Anniversaries

1 Ron & Lauretta Fleet

2 James & April McComb

8 Mark & Vickey Motyka

17 Bill & Linda Robb

Food Collections

Food items will be collected beginning Sunday, Oct 7th thru Sunday, October 21st. We will once again be collecting non-perishable food items for the Mineral Ridge parish. These items will be used for the annual Thanksgiving voucher/groceries in November. Please donate non-perishable food items or paper products. Cash donations will also be much appreciated.

Remember that our mission is to help those in need.

Bless you,

Mission Committee

Hay Ride at “The Farm”

We have been invited to the farm for a picnic and hayride. Sunday November 4 after Church we will visit Earla Smith and family for a time of fellowship, food and fun. Bring your covered dish, and place settings to 10473 Gladstone Road in North Jackson, to join in a church wide autumn gathering. There will be a hay ride and other activities suitable for the entire family! Bring a lawn chair, Frisbees and other games you may want to play. Rumor has it we will play corn hole and ladder golf. Mark your calendar and pray for pleasant weather!


New Program at Canfield Presbyterian Church:

After School Haven

Volunteers needed!

The program provides a free, fun, and supportive environment to students from Canfield Middle School (grades 5-8). There are many ways you can help; we need flexible, creative and resourceful people!

During the months of Oct-May~

4 volunteers are needed on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm to:

• Prepare, serve and clean-up daily snack

• Sit with students for homework oversight and assistance

• Oversee and assist with scheduled enrichment activities

Please contact:

Debra Bogniard~afterschoolhaven.

330.533.5509 x30 - dbogniard@,

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

The Bathrooms are DONE!

The Men’s and Women’s bathrooms look great! Thank you to all the people involved in renovating the facilities. There are just a few minor things to be done but they are functioning and look beautiful

UMW News

Monday, October 15, The United Methodist Women will hold their World Thank You program at 7:00 pm at the church. All women are invited.

The United Methodist Women District Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 23, from 9:00 am-1:30 pm at the United Methodist Community Center Youngstown site. Cost is $8.00 per person. Reservations are due to Linda Hahn at 330-793-5626 on or before Sunday, October 14. Meet at church, and then carpool to Covelli Center, where shuttles will take you to the Community Center.

UMW Rada Cutlery Sale:

The UMW will once again be selling Rada Cutlery. Catalogs and order forms are on the sanctuary back table, or see any UMW member. Give your order form to Linda Hahn. Orders must be received by Sunday, October 14th.

Kitchen Clean-up Day

Our annual kitchen clean-up day will be on Monday, October 29th,

at 9:00 a.m. Please bring cleaning supplies. All are welcome to help!

UMW has a new website:


Charge Conference Important Dates

October 13-SPRC Consultations @ Smith Corners UMC at 2:00 pm.

October 28-Church Charge conference at West Austintown at 5:30 pm.


We have received word that 2 of our balloons were found outside of the Pittsburgh area.

Chili Sale Upcoming Dates

It’s Chili time again! Ohltown UMC will be selling our homemade chili for $5.00 per quart on the following Saturdays:

• October 20

• December 8

• January 12, 2013

• February 9, 2013

Sale begins at 11:00 am and continues until the chili is sold out.

See Kevin Hood if you are interested in making chili.

“Fund 13”

FUND 13 is getting smaller! Our $13,000 debt has been reduced down to approximately $2,300. Yay God! You can help pay this off by marking “Fund 13” on the offering envelope, adding to the cash jar on the railing near the organ, donating scrap metal (call Jerry Rodgers), or by collecting aluminum cans (put them in the garbage can marked “CANS ONLY”). Together we can make it happen.

Worship Given to

Attendance the Lord

9/2/12 65 $2106.00

9/9/12 66 $1696.00

9/16/12 69 $1582.00

9/23/12 57 $ 693.00

9/30/12 75 $1559.00

Church Charge Conference!

Who says church charge conferences have to be boring??? Our church charge conference will be held on Sunday, October 28, at 5:30 pm at West Austintown United Methodist Church, with the other churches of our Compass Group. We will have a time of worship, with a touch of business thrown into the mix, and conclude our time together with communion. All are invited and encouraged to attend.

A reminder to the SPRC Members

We will have our SPRC consultation with Reverend Dan Bryant and the other churches of our Compass group on October 13, 2:00 pm at the Smith Corners church. Our theme for this meeting will be Acts 3:1-10. You may want to bring your Bible with you. Please be on time.

Wanna get swept away??

The Quilters have American made brooms-$6.00, and wisk brooms for $3.00 for sale. See Marcy, Joan or Adria.

Let’s get Cooking!

We still have a few Ohltown Cookbooks left. They cost $10.00 each and would make a perfect wedding, Christmas, or bridal shower gift. See Joan or Adria for the cookbooks.

Music at Noon • New Music

The Dana School of Music will once again be hosting the Wednesday “Music at Noon” series at Butler Institute of American Art. On Wednesday, October 10 12:15 pm they will be feature several students premiering new works, of one of which is Carol Ann Smolka that sang for us here at Ohltown UMC. The event is free and open to the public.

Everyone Should take a Sabbath

Dear friends,

I am you pastor twenty four hours a day seven days a week. But even God took a day of rest. The Sabbath is a weekly day or time of rest and worship. Since I and busy on Sunday I take Friday as my Sabbath or my day away. If you have an emergency feel free to call, (If someone is sick, dying or in a crisis it doesn’t matter what day or time it is, I want to know) but if it is just a point of information or a question that can wait, please refrain from calling until a more appropriate time. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

Do You Enjoy Theater???

Our very one John Cruz will be performing in the Youngstown State University production of “Rent”. Performances will be offered November 8-11 and 16-18. Call the University Box Office 330-941-3105 for reservations

Make a Joyful Noise

Isn’t it wonderful having our Choir back? They do such an amazing job and add so much to our worship service. If you have always had the desire to sing in the choir why not join them for practice on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. They would welcome you with open arms.

While Pastor is away…

Pastor Teresa will be taking part in the district Leadership Academy October 23-25 in Sugarcreek Ohio. If you have any problems or concerns please call Reverend George Lee of the West Austintown United Methodist Church at 330-792-1221

A “BIG” Thank You

To Mr. Jerry Rodgers for organizing the worship service and delivering the message on Laity Sunday. You are a blessing to this church!

Smart Choice Food Program

New Hope UMC accepting orders 10/6/12 from 4-5, and 10/11/12 from 11to noon. Call 330-652-3625 for any questions.

Deadline for November Newsletter article is October 24.

Please e-mail all articles when possible to Ohltownumc@.


To my friends and family at Ohltown Church,

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to go to Camp Asbury. I had a wonderful time! I made lots of new friends and I learned a lot about God. It was a great experience for me. My favorite group activity was prayer circle time in the woods and “gaga ball.”


Makenna Darby

Dear Pastor Teresa and Congregation,

I just cannot express how grateful our family was for all that everyone did for us in our time of need.

Pastor Teresa gave my mother the most beautiful service when she had never met her. She would have loved you. Also thanks to the “kitchen ladies” who made all the delicious food in such short notice. My brother said it best, “The Ohltown Methodist food, you can taste the love.” I cannot name all the names in fear of forgetting someone, but to those who cooked, served, cleaned up, came to the service, and sent cards and prayers, you made an unbearable day almost bearable.

On behalf of my mother, who loved you all and loved being part of Ohltown Methodist Church, and myself and family,

Thank you and God Bless.

Karen Carroll

Thank you all for your cards and prayers when we were in the accident; also thank you to Pastor Teresa for the phone calls and prayers. I told Ron to look for a garbage truck for our next vehicle to drive!

God Bless,

Ron & Lauretta Fleet

Thank You

Dear Friends in Mission:

Thank you for your generous gift to United Methodist Committee on Relief. 100 percent of your contribution will go to Disaster Response, International, Advance #982450 through The Advance, the designated giving channel of The United Methodist Church.

This gift will bring hope to those who need it most.

Grace and Peace,

Roland Fernandes

General Treasurer, United Methodist Committee on Relief

General Board of Global Ministries

Thank you all,

To those who helped with the Trash and Treasure sale and the Chili Sale…THANK YOU!!! Your efforts were very much appreciated. We brought in $1531.68 from the Trash and Treasure sale, and $310.00 from the Chili sale. Great Job all!


Thank you for your generous donations for the Seaborn Elementary School teachers. These supplies will help to make their classroom routines continue to run smoothly. Once again-thank you.


Words cannot express our gratitude

In 2011 Ohltown UMC had a need. We needed a secretary; Diane Walker said she would fill in until we found one. She did just that for nearly a year! Besides working a full-time job she tended to all the secretarial needs here at the church and did it with a smile. She did many things that needed done without being asked but did, because she is a kind a wonderful person. Diane, we thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. You are appreciated more than words could ever say.

Thank you,

From your Ohltown Family

Prayer Concerns

Condolence: to The Family of Jean Sweeney who passed away at home on August 23, 2012.

Ongoing prayer: Pat-Sheryl Baringer’s nephew: Jen-Uterine cancer: Evelyn A.-quilting friend: Blake H.-Don & Janet Hoods grandson: Ken R.-cancer-friend of Linda Hahn: Sarah H.-searching for a job: Jacob R.- Willovene Plant’s. grandson: Marvin Jr.- Judy Gidney’s Grandson, Lelia Sanzenbacher: Earla Smith, Janet Welliver-health concerns: Our military: Our church

Recent prayer concerns:

1. Jane Bell- Briarfield Manor

2. Erma S. heart procedure –Christy Sheldons Mother in law

3. Gayle B.- Hospital- Chrissy Baird’s mother

4. Mary~ Emotional problems- Pat Baird’s neice

5. Regina B.~ Cancer- Friend of Pat Baird

6. Jim H. ~Cancer, Friend of Pam

7. Joanne V~ Diabetic issues, Carolyn Hoxworth’s Sister

8. Ed & Crew~ Wisdom to save business, Bill Hahn’s brother

9. Lydia F.-Stomach cancer-Friend Stephany Darby

10. Joyce D._ Cancer- Friend Ronnie Benzenhofer

11. Mary B.- Shingles- Cathy Mellott’s mother

12. Sherry D.- Daughter-in-law of Howard & Lillian

13. Rev. John & Filese Houser/ Bless their ministry

Do you know how to get a Prayer request

on the Prayer chain??

For prayer chain needs call: Lillian Divelbiss 330-792-4541 or Lorna or Lorna Ramsey 330-505-0344.

Crop Hunger Walk

The locally sponsored Crop Walk for Hunger will be held Oct 14. As we walk, we support the hunger relief work of Church World Service throughout the world, we also support three of our own local ministries – Protestant Family Service, Catholic Charities, Fish Samaritan – which receive 25% of the total money collected. The walk will begin at Park Vista Retirement Center, 1216 Fifth Ave at 2:30 pm; registration at 2:00 pm.

The walk is approx 5 miles; there is also a 1 mile walk. All walkers need to have a sponsor envelope and collect donations. Following the walk, a light meal will be served by Part Vista.

Ready to take a trip???

Travel aboard the Celebrity Lines cruise ship, “Constellation” with “Educational Opportunities to Turkey and Greece in ‘The Footsteps of Paul’ ” from Oct 30th until Nov 12th 2013. Dr. David DeSilva, professor of New Testament and Greek at Ashland Seminary, is the lecturer. Visit Istanbul, Ephesus, & Sardis in Turkey, and Rhodes, Athens, & Corinth in Greece. 14 days at an all-inclusive price of $2,998.00. Please see Linda Hahn for additional details, or go to eo.travel/find_trip Tour: PS13 Date: 103013 Code: I.

Don’t forget those Box Tops

Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s Soup Labels are being collected by the UMW. Place your labels in the box on the table at the back of the sanctuary. These will be forwarded to Red Bird Mission.


Looking ahead to Outreach and Mission

The mission and outreach committee has designated October 28 through November 11 as a time for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe box project. The boxes will be distributed on October 28 and need to be turned in by November 11.

Something new

Prayer is vital part of our congregation. We are honored to pray with and for you or your family. In an effort to minimize the space used in our Bulletin and Newsletter we will keep your name on the prayer concerns list for 4 weeks. At that time the name will be removed from the list unless you request it to be placed on the ongoing prayer list. Be sure to let the office or Pastor Teresa know when God has answered your prayer so that we might celebrate with you.

Welcome to our Church Family!

Ohltown UMC would like to welcome Mrs. Janice Coombs as our new church secretary. Janice lives in Liberty with her husband Fritz and is a member of Church Hill UMC. Janice’s office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9 am to noon; with the occasional afternoon on Tuesday as she volunteers in the morning at the Second Harvest Food Bank.

Turkey Dinner

The annual Turkey Dinner will be Saturday, November 10th. There will be a sign-up sheet for workers and reservations posted on the bulletin board for three Sundays beginning October 14, 21, and 28. The prices will remain the same as last year: Adults-$9.00, Children 5-12- $4.00, Children under 4 are free. Carry-outs will be available for $9.00. Dinner seatings will be at 4:00, 5:15, and 6:30 p.m.

Set up will be Friday, November 9th and Saturday, November 10th. Please hold these dates! A lot of help will be needed!

What is Trunk or Trick or Treat??? Glad you asked…Bring your candy and your decorated trunk (or not decorated) to the church on Saturday, October 27 at 2:00 to give candy to the Ghost and Goblins that come to visit our church. The idea is to provide a safe place for children to come and receive Halloween treats so parents do not have to worry about their kids getting “Bad” goodies, and at the same time show new people where we are. We will pull in; open our trunks to share our treats with the children. Bring a lawn chair to sit next to you trunk, and feel free to dress in costume…in fact we encourage it!

We will also have a pumpkin/gourd decorating station and cider/donut station. These two areas will give another opportunity for Ohltown to welcome the visitors and sit and chat with them. This is an opportunity for everyone to participate from opening your trunk, assisting in a station, and or donating supplies for the event! In order for this to be a success we need people to sign up to:

~share their trunks that evening

~assist in decorating station or cider/donut station

~donate Halloween candy

~donate sticker/jewels/permanent markers for pumpkin/gourd decorating

~donate cider

~donate box of cake donuts

Signup sheets will be in the back of the church! If you have any questions talk to Linda Hahn or Cheryl Emrich. BOO!


Have you seen our web site lately???

Visit to find out what is new!

Worship & Concert at Ohltown

Our church will be hosting a special day of worship on Sunday October 21, 2012. Rev. John and Filese Hauser will be our guests with Rev. John delivering our morning message. Then at 4:00 we will host a public concert featuring the “3 in 1 Trio”. A Love offering will be taken at each event.

Rev. John and Filese Hauser are CEO and President of the Son Grace Music Ministries for the past 25 years; the Hauser’s have traveled back and forth across the United States as well as overseas.

Rev. John served as a Pastor in the United Methodist Church for 16 years before joining Filese on the road/field as a fulltime revivalist/evangelist in the year 2000. 

Filese has released 14 albums to date. She has written hundreds of songs, many of which have been recorded and released to the public for which she has received several awards.

The Hausers are based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, where they reside when they are not traveling in their Gospel Coach around the country in ministry, or in overseas appointments. 

Woman’s Self Defense Class at Ohltown

Tuesday, October 16, 2012 our church will be hosting a self defense class. Our instructor is Certified Taekwondo instructor Dawn Detz. Dawn is a 4th degree black belt and owner and instructor of Chippewa ATAT martial arts.

Dawn strongly believes that every woman needs to know how to protect herself in the real world. She will keep the self defense techniques simple and easy to remember. Dawn says: “I will make it work for you or it won’t work at all.” Dawn wants to teach ladies the basics of self defense.

There is no set fee but we will be accepting donations for this class. It is open to the public and limited to the first 30 woman who register. Please sign up in the back of the sanctuary or call the church office to register. This class is open to women ages 3 to 103!

October 2012 Calendar

Sunday Worship - 9:45 am, Sunday School 11:00, Choir Rehearsal 9:00

|Sunday |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |Saturday |

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |

| | |7:30 UMM @ B Evans |10:00 AM Quilters | | | |

| | |Worship committee Mtg. 6:30 |Compass Group leaders mtg 10-2| | | |

|7 World Communion Sunday |8 |9 |10 |11 |12 |13 |

| | |7:30 UMM @ B Evans |10:00 AM Quilters | | | |

|Parish food drive begins | | | | | |SPRC Consultations |

| | | | | | |2:00 @ Smith Corners |

|14 |15 |16 |17 |18 |19 |20 |

|2:30 Crop Hunger Walk | |7:30 UMM @ B Evans |10:00 AM Quilters | | | |

|Park Vista Retirement Center 1 | | | | | | |

|@ 5 miles |UMW 7 pm @ Church World |Woman’s Self Defense class6:30| | | |CHILI SALE |

|Need Sponsors |Thank Program |@Church | | | |11 AM TILL SOLDOUT Drive thru |

|Last day to order RADA | | | | | |Service |

|21 |22 |23 |24 |25 |26 |27 |

|Rev John Hauser to Speak | |7:30 UMM @ B Evans |10:00 AM Quilters | | |Trunk or Treat 2:00 @ church |

|Concert 4:00 p.m. | |UMW Fall District mtg 9-1:30 |Deadline for News letter | | | |

|Parish Food drive ends | |UMCC To site. |articles | | | |

|28 |29 |30 |31 Halloween | | | |

|New Members Sunday |Kitchen Clean-up Day |7:30 UMM @ B Evans |10:00 AM Quilters | | | |

|5:30 PM Church Charge Conf @ W.|9:00 am | | | | | |

|Austintown Shoeboxes for | | | | | | |

|Samaritans Purse begins | | | | | | |


Pastor Teresa @ Leadership Seminar, Call Rev. Lee with any concerns


Available on Line a at


The Ohltown United Methodist Church

2001 Ohltown Mineral Ridge Road

Mineral Ridge, Ohio 44440


Teresa C. Smolka Pastor

Janice Coombs Secretary

Janet Grafton Music director

John Yurcho Custodian


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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