PDF We're on the Web! Tribe of walking trail Happy 36th Pastoral ...

We're on the Web!

Welcome New Members

Jalunda Banks Taylor Banks Simona Barksdale Earline Corbitt Harry Corbitt Anita Egun Cordell Greenleaf

Justin Hall Yemargura Hall Sonia Holland

Lei Jordan William Jordan Valerie McCoy


Communication Coordinators

Deaconess Shelia Anderson Mother Victeria Chandler

Mother Gwen Fluellen Sister Sandra Crocker

Sister Brittany King

Tribal News

Marilyn Dukes

August was a busy month for the Tribe of Judah. There were several meetings held to fellowship and prepare for the August 14 and 21 presentations of the Book of Ezra during the Wednesday night Bible Study. The men of Judah accepted the task and what a wonderful job they did providing the presentations. After facilitating 'The Sole Project' in July, where more than 2300 pairs of shoes were collected for the people of Ghana, Africa, the Tribe of Issachar spent the month of August continuing to serve others in need. Members from other tribes joined together to feed the men of the Atlanta Mission on August 17. Over 105 mobile phones and 75 chargers have been collected to date for the Battered Women Shelter. Thank you to all the members who donated. On August 24, the Issachar Tribe made a much appreciated visit to the Welborn Acres Nursing Homes. Birthday wishes were delivered with hugs and kisses along with prayer, worship and praise. The Tribe of Asher will have a breakfast meeting at Golden Corral on Highway 78 in Lil-

burn, Saturday, September 7 at 9:30 AM. All Asher members and potential members with last name beginning with T, V or Y are invited to come and fellowship. Plans for the much anticipated walking trail are underway! The Tribe Captains had their first planning and development meeting and have walked the campus to layout the path. More information will be given at the October Quarterly Conference. If you are interested in joining the planning committee, please contact your tribe captain. A huge THANKS to all the Tribe members and special thanks to the Tribe Captains for making the 2013 Family Day Tribal Festival one that we will always remember with joy and gladness. Family and friends had lots of fun. We played games and fellowshipped while destroying any division among us. All members of FBC are assigned to Tribes by the first letter of your last name. You may sign-up at the kiosk

to be contacted by your Tribal Leader.

Tribes may submit their news to Sister Marilyn Dukes,

mdukes210@ by the 15th of each month for publication in the Lighthouse.


Mothers' Corner

Everyone needs friends. Knowing how to be a good friend is not always easy. Friendship is more than telephoning someone to go to a movie. Every one of us needs someone we can confide in; someone to share our innermost thoughts, feelings, fears and even our mistakes. However, we also need our close friend to understand what it means to trust. A good friend respects the difference between information that can be passed on to others and confidences that are meant to be withheld. If you want to be a good friend, then you will keep confidential information shared with you. It is more than doing things together. True friendship is based on respect. We must try to understand our friend's feelings as much as we understand our own. A friend is someone we can turn to without excuses and without fear.

"True friends are like diamonds precious and rare, false friends are like autumn leaves found everywhere." "Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up."

- Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Always Check with a Health Care Provider

Nurses Guild

A man was serving as best man at his son's wedding. As the wedding was concluding, the man became weak and sat down. In another ten minutes, someone was performing CPR on him. The ambulance came, took him to the hospital. He made a complete recovery and was able to return to the reception. It is important for you to know that the man caused this event. He takes a blood pressure pill every night. Because he was going to the wedding, he decided to take the pill before he left which was 8 to 10 hours earlier than he usually takes the medication. The problem was that the blood pressure pill he took the night before was still working (perhaps peaking in its effects). That decision almost cost him his life. That decision caused his blood pressure to drop. So, lesson learned: Never make drastic changes in your medication schedule without first checking with a health care provider.

Rev. Micheal Benton Visionary/Pastor 6133 Redan Road

Lithonia, GA 30058 Phone: (770) 482-7660

Fax: (770) 484-1483

Newsletter Staff

Visionary............................................Pastor Micheal Benton Editor...................................................................Open Contributing Editor...............................Deaconess Bonni Ware Copy Editor...................................First Lady Y'Vonne Benton

Sister JoAnn Williams-West Acquisitions Reporter................................Sister Shirlene King Communications Coordinator....................Sister Blanche Johnson

Newsletter Article Submission Deadline The FBC Newsletter is published the first Sunday of each month. Articles MUST be submitted by the 15th of each month for inclusion. Please send submissions to: medianews@.

Happy 36th Pastoral Anniversary

Volume 2, Issue 8,

September 1, 2013

Living the Word

Pastor Micheal Benton

Always Pray

Do you know that the most powerful tool that Christian believers have is prayer? It is also arguably the most misunderstood. The power of prayer is recorded more that 62 times in the Bible, yet misinterpretation of the text or failure to understand or read the context of the scripture can lead to a lack of faith in the

miraculous power of prayer. Particularly, the reference of prayers of petition in the Bible as

recorded in Matthew 7:7, Mathew 21:22, Mark 11:24 and John 14:13 -14 have perplexed if not distressed Bible believers. These scriptures seem to suggest that by merely asking, prayers will summarily be answered as requested. Anything less is viewed as failure or insensitivity on God's part or inadequate faith or commitment on the part of the prayer. Consider, for an example, Matthew 7:7. Without understanding the full context of this scripture, it might appear that God is some type of celestial slot machine and that persistency will get you whatever you want. However, this is a part of the conclusion of Jesus' sermon

on the mount. Jesus was speaking in terms of how to pray for the character of the kingdom (fairness, grace, humility) in our

lives as set forth in chapter 7:1-6. Mark chapter 11 verse 24 deals with the faith of the believer and relates to the difference between the natural type of faith and the God type of faith. Natural faith deals with what can be perceived with the senses, while God type faith deals with what cannot be seen. Jesus therefore makes this type faith a prerequisite to answered prayers. In order to move mountains ? insurmountable problems and difficulties- you must have faith in God, and not

simply faith in feelings.

How God answers prayers is in His discretion. He does indeed answer the prayers of the believers, although the answer to every prayer is not an automatic yes; sometimes it is "no", or it might be "wait". God governs the universe by fixed and uniformed laws for order and the good of man. The fulfillment of every human desire would break up His order and cause confusion and

disorder. Ultimately, the Bible declares and dictates that ". . . men ought always to pray, and not

faint. . ."

I'm Just Saying

First Lady Y'Vonne Benton

Your Body,

Your Choice

If there is one thing that we are responsible for in our lives, it is our life. How we choose to live and treat our bodies is our choice. We make decisions on a daily basis that affects the quality

and worth of our life. Proper knowing is not an option, it is not

diet, rest, exercise and self reflec- acceptable treatment. Ignorance

tion are necessary. For the sake is not bliss, but it could

*On Saturday, September 7, a

of space, I want to emphasize the be deadly. Make intelligent

group of medical providers call

value of health care.

choices about the treatment of CHAMPS will provide over $2,000

My appeal to you is to take care your body based on sound infor- worth of diagnostic tests free of

of yourself. Pay close attention mation. You need to know what charge. This group has a connection

to your body. It speaks to you. you are dealing with.

with Community Health Care for

Aches and pains are signals that If you do not have medical insur- those needing medical attention who

your body needs special consid- ance, look up free clinics in the are uninsured. The event will be

eration. Therefore, have regular area. There are a number of

held at the World Congress Center

appointments with your health clinics that provide free and

from 9 AM to 4 PM. No appoint-

care providers and specialists. reduced costs for medical diag- ment necessary. It is specifically

Prevention is the best medicine, nostic tests and health care. Take geared to men, but women are

but early detection also has merit. A myriad of diagnostic tests are the norm for modern medicine. Take advantage of

advantage of free health fairs that provide tests and preventive

information.* Be proactive about your body. It


See for more information.

them. Do not be afraid of what is the only one you will ever

the doctors might "find". Not have.

Volume 2, Issue 8

The Lighthouse

Pastoral Anniversary

Pastor Benton, Thirty-Six Years as a Visionary and Achiever Deaconess Shelia Anderson

Through the Benton's 36th Anniversary. He has done great tive body of local churches come together in

grace of God we things and always strives to do more. Never celebration of the goodness of God, minister-

are a truly

comfortable with where we are, he has con- ing and meeting the spiritual and physical

blessed church tinuously built upon the solid foundation of needs of our communities.

to have a wise the master builder. He is always pushing our By his side is First Lady `Y'Vonne Benton,

leader who is a membership to become greater men and

who is an awesome woman of God. First

visionary and an women of God.

Lady Benton has a zeal for developing the

achiever. God, Because of his vision, our congregation has spiritual and physical growth of the FBC

in His kindness, grown in membership, service, focus and

women's ministry. She is also an effective

has taught Pas- spirituality. Pastor Benton is a proficient

counselor for the FBC membership. Pastor

tor how to take preacher and pastor who is dedicated to his Benton and First Lady Benton are the parents

his flock to a ministry - an anointed man of God, who has to six children who are all very active

higher spiritual shown us that God is in control and is truly throughout the FBC ministry.

level where our the orchestrator of his life.

On Sunday, September 22, we will celebrate

faith in God

Through his faithfulness, we have a beautiful Pastor Benton, First Lady Y'Vonne Benton

comes shining through in all different situa- campus; however, beyond the buildings, you and the family's 36th Anniversary. The cele-


will find that the spirit of the Lord dwells

bration will be held during our 7:30 AM and

1Corinthians 3:13, tells us a time of testing within us. Most recently, he has formed a 10:45 AM worship services. Pastor H.

will come at Christ's Judgment Day to see 100 member male choir and he already has a Charles Canty of Ebenezer Baptist Church

what kind of material each builder has used. vision for them to record a project. Pastor will be our guest speaker at the 7:30 AM ser-

Everyone`s work will be put through the fire Benton instituted `The Twelve Tribes of Israel vice. During our 10:45 AM service, Pastor

so that all can see whether or not it keeps its Experience', where the congregation has been Benjamin Gaither of Stronghold Christian

value, and what was really accomplished.

organized into tribes to create a more effec- Church will bring the blessed Word.

Then every workman who has built on the tive communication, fellowship and spiritual To show our love and appreciation to Pastor

foundation with the right materials, and

experience. Since his 35th milestone anniver- Benton and the first family, each member is

whose work still stands, will get his pay. We sary, he has ordained eight new deacon and asked to give a love offering of $36 or more;

are grateful that Pastor Benton has built his deaconess couples and two ministers. We and each auxiliary is asked to give $360.

foundation with the right material standing on have seen his vision for the `Macedonia Call' We praise God for using Pastor as one of His

the word of God and feeding us God's word, come to fruition since his last anniversary. vessels and molding him to be that visionary,

so we know his work will stand.

He organized a Community Thanksgiving Fel- achiever, trailblazer, mentor, teacher and

This month we will celebrate Pastor Micheal lowship where on Thanksgiving Day, a collec- loyal servant to God's people!

September 8 7:30


A Month of Celebration


and Praise

September 15 7:30

"Thirty-Six Years As a Visionary and

Achiever" Corinthians 3: 9-17


September 22

7:30 10:45

September 29

7:30 10:45

Guest Speakers

Pastor Priscilla Moody Ambassadors of Christ, Lithonia, GA

Pastor Ashley Dobbs Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Covington, GA

Pastor Tyrone D. Lane Macedonia Baptist Church, Covington, GA Pastor Grace Washington Love Life Christian Fellowship Church, Decatur, GA

Pastor H. Charles Canty Ebenezer Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, GA Pastor Benjamin Gaither Stronghold Christian Church, Lithonia, GA

Pastor George Levett, Jr. Crawfordville Baptist Church, Conyers, GA Pastor Johnny Smith Neal's Grove Baptist Church, Commerce, GA

Volume 2, Issue 8

Upcoming Events

FBC's Annual Cancer Walk The annual Cancer Walk registration is September 1 thru October 6. The Cancer Walk event will be held Saturday, October 12, from 8 AM - until. Registration information is located at the kiosk

The Son's House Donor Wall

The campaign is open from September through October.

Please use your tithing envelope to make contributions. Print your name, address and tithing number on the front of the envelope

Specify Donor Wall in the "Other" line on the envelope

Place the amount that you are contributing on the envelope

Make checks payable to Fairfield Baptist Church

Contribution Levels and Recognition

$200 - Gold 2x4 personalized leaf

$1000 or more - Dove

See a member of the Welcome Committee for more information.

Women's Celebration 2013

"Women of God: Building a Legacy

and Leaving a Heritage"


October 16-17, 7 PM

Co-Pastor Bernita Croslan, Wednesday

Restored Life Ministry

Pastor Juandolyn Stokes, Thursday

Deeper Life in Christ Ministries

Girls Gone Wild

October 18, 7 PM (women only)

Pastor Tanda Canion

Assembly of Truth Ministries

Women's Day October 20

Pastor Wendy Smith Martin, 7:30 AM

Greater Victory Christian Center

Pastor Tanda Canion, 10:45 AM

Assembly of Truth Ministries

Each woman is asked to donate $50 for our October Celebration. Please use special envelopes provided.

Weekly installments may be made. Attire: Shades of Purple, Gold and Cream

Join the Women's Choir The Women's Choir rehearsal schedule is as follows:

Saturday, September 21, 11:00 AM / Son's House

Monday, September 23, 7:00 PM / C.L. Nall Chapel

Thursday, October 3, 7:00 PM / C.L. Nall Chapel

Tuesday, October 8, 7:00 PM / Son's House

Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 PM / Son's House

Community Thanksgiving Fellowship

Thursday, November 28, 9 AM FBC get ready to welcome our guests, The Community Thanksgiving Fellowship will offer an array of services: health screenings; personal grooming and the distribution of hygiene items; school supplies; new or gently worn clothing

and shoes for women, men and children; and food boxes. FBC members are asked to begin bringing items to be distributed.

Items to bring... Food Boxes, New or Gently Used Clothing and Shoes, Personal Hygiene Items, and

School Supplies. Members may also volunteer barber and salon services. Drop off items on Wednesdays, 6--7 PM, Lobby of the Son's House

The Lighthouse


September 1 Communion Worship

Service 7:30 AM & 10:45 AM

September 22 Pastoral Celebration 7:30 AM & 10:45 AM

The Son's House

September 29 Kingdom Kreation's Pastoral Celebration

10:45 AM The Son's House

Prayer Ministry Intercessory Prayer Monday Nights, 7:00 PM The Upper Room "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much".

- James 5:16b Fairfield Kingdom Voices

1st and 3rd Mondays 7:00 PM

Zack Brown Administrative Center

In Memory of FBC Departed


Brother Keith King

There will always be a heartache, and often a silent tear,

But always a precious memory Of the days when you were here.

Volume 1, Issue 8

Around FBC...

Male Mass Choir will sing 5th Sunday, September 29th for both services. Rehearsal schedule is as follows:

Thursday, September 12 , 7:00 PM / C.L. Nall Chapel Saturday, September 21, 1:00 PM / Son's House Tuesday, September 24 , 7:00 PM / Son's House Thursday, September 26, 7:00 PM/ / Son's House Saturday, September 28, 1:00 PM / Son's House

The G. L. A. D. Dance Ministry is looking for an experienced dance choreographer to create dance routines. Practices are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 PM. The G. L. A. D. Dancers minister through dance on the 4th Sunday or 5th Sunday of every month. The position is voluntary. If interested, contact the church secretary, Sister Shirlene King, at (770)482-7660, Ext. 101 for more information.

Fairfield is seeking experienced drivers to join our transportation team. Candidates must have a CDL license with passenger endorsement, DOT card, Medical Examination Certificate and a good driving record (preferably 5 - 7 years). If interested, please contact the church secretary at 770-482-7660 and provide your contact information. A member of the Transportation Ministry will contact you.

Thursday, October 31...

The FBC Hallelujah Carnival Is Coming Soon! We are looking for volunteers to help with our annual carnival this year (Ages 13 to adult ? high school students can obtain volunteer hours). If you are interested, please let us know by contacting Carol Franklin at cfranklin@!

Get in Shape in the

Micheal Benton Family Life Center

Gospelcize Tuesdays & Thursdays, 7PM -

Saturdays, 8 AM

Zumba Mondays, 7:30 PM

Georgia National Fair

Join us for our annual trip to the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Georgia Saturday, October 5, 2013

Departure: 10:00 AM

Cost: Adults $15.00 Seniors Citizens: $13.00 Children 10 and under


Purchase tickets at the kiosk or in the church office.

The Lighthouse

Journey Through the Bible

Bible Study Wednesdays

Noon Day Book of Revelation Apostle John, Author Jesus Christ's Second Coming and

Satan's Defeat Key Verse

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and

keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near." - Revelation 1:3

The book of Revelation shows the magnificent power of the Sovereign God. He is Supreme Ruler and Judge. Chapter 6 of Revelation begins the tribulation. The tribulation is a future seven-year period of time when God will finish His discipline of Israel and finalize His judgment of the unbelieving world. As His judgment intensifies and expands dramatically, God comforts His people with the assurance He has not forgotten them and that they will ultimately be victorious. Satan is already God's defeated enemy. Join us as we continue our discussion on the tribulation in the following chapters:

Chapter 10 The Mighty Angel Announcement

Chapter 11 The Two Witnesses

Chapter 12 The Great Conflict Between God and Satan

7:00 PM "The Son's House

The Book of Nehemiah September 4 Presented by

Tribe of Issachar

The Book of Esther September 11 & 18

Presented by Tribe of Zebulon

The Book of Job September 25 Presented by Tribe of Reuben

Volume 1, Issue 8

The Lighthouse

Thoughts on Faith

Faith vs. Fear

Deaconess Linda Dawson

"In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of

the evil one." - Ephesians 6:16

The shield of faith is the first line of defense against the devil's fiery arrows. It is forged on the Almighty's anvil with the Holy Trinity's alloy. Faith in the Father, Son and Spirit are three metals of faith that cannot be destroyed. The heat of adversity cannot melt them. The cold of relational conflict cannot break them. And the onslaught of suffering cannot bend them. Yes, the shield of faith is a heavenly refuge for the righteous to know and feel the assurance of God, three in one. Do you take up your shield of faith, or do you take it for granted, while it lies on the ground, ineffective? A horizontal shield of faith is no help, but a vertical one marshals heaven's

forces. Your part is to hold onto and hold up your shield of faith; His part is to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. He extinguishes arrows of doubt with His reassuring words in Scripture and His calming presence in prayer. He extinguishes arrows of pride with your humble service. "The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps

me." Psalm 28:7 Obedience is evidence of faith that is alive and engaged in God's agenda. We know we are surrounded by spiritual support when we enlist in the Lord's army. If we become AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) to Christ's commands, we are exposed to the enemy's artillery. A solo saint is easy prey for the enemy's ploys. Therefore, we stay accountable to a community of faith, who shields us from ignorance and foolish decisions. Faith needs support from

friends. Lastly, wait on God to bring reinforcements to your challenging situation. Stay in your trench of trust and the Holy Spirit will renew your spirit and give you peace and hope in the middle of the your adversary's attacks. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength in your struggles. Take up your shield of faith and take on Satan. His arrows of deceit and discouragement are extinguished by your bold belief in God. Your shield of faith is reliable. It is insured by the Father, Son and Spirit. "This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power. " - 1 Peter 1:4-5

Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands

of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice

in the depths of our hearts.

Fairfield Baptist Church Service Times

Mondays Intercessory Prayer

7:00PM Sanctuary "The Upper Room"

Wednesdays Bible Study

12 Noon C.L. Nall Chapel

7:00 PM The Son's House

Worship Services Sundays

7:30AM & 10:45AM The Son's House

Sunday School 9:15AM

Zack Brown Administrative Center

Youth Church Last Sunday of Each

Month 10:45AM C.L. Nall Chapel

Kingdom Kreation

Brittany King

H.Y.Y.P.E.'s Events (Helping Youth Yield Positive Energy)

In the month of August, Kingdom Kreation held the second co-ed lock-in. It was a great success. Thanks to all who participated.

September H.Y.Y.P.E. Event 'Saturday's Best' Talent Show Saturday, September 21, 2013, 5:00 PM Micheal Benton Family Life Center

Church Directory

Call 770-482-7660

Pastor Benton/ Church Secretary

Ext. 101

Counseling Ministry First Lady Benton Ext. 104

Office Administrator Alice Cunningham Ext. 109

Superintendent Deacon Dave Rollins

Ext. 119

Team of the Month Ext. 172

Lost & Found Usher Ministry

Ext. 180

Maudie Norman Mission

Food & Clothing Ext. 112

Volume 2, Issue 8

Homecoming 2013 Recap

The Lighthouse

Volume 2, Issue 8

FBC's Tribe Captains

The Stubbs and McGilberry families serve as our

MC's. The Fluellen family welcomes us to the 2013


Members participated in various activities of fun, fellowship and feasting.

Pastor James Ward and Pastor Micheal Benton

Pastor Ward preaches the message "Homecoming at Ephesus".

The Lighthouse


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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