PDF 1101485-005 Leadership Conference Registration Packet 2018


A letter to the Caregivers,

At Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, we are dedicated to your daughter's growth in Girl Scouting. The 2018 Leadership Conference on February 17-19, 2018, is a place where she can discover new interests, make connections with other girls her age, and take action to make the world a better place. We hope that you will support your daughter, so she can attend this exciting opportunity.

Please note: The deadline for registering for this conference is February 2, 2018. Space is limited, so register early!

The Conference Planning Committee, a group of Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors (and a few adults), have been working diligently to plan this event. The conference is designed to further our mission of building girls of courage, confidence, and character. We have developed exciting workshops focused on girl interests and strengths, which give girls the opportunity to explore a variety of topics, like healthy living, life skills, STEM, entrepreneurship, outdoors, appreciating diversity, self-reliance, teamwork, and creative expression, all while enhancing their leadership skills.

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is dedicated to the Girl Scout Leadership Experience and will ensure that girls discover new ideas, connect with each other, and participate in service learning while at the conference. While the girls will be given a fair amount of independence, they will be supervised and supported by trained adult volunteers throughout the event. Please know, your daughter's safety is our utmost concern. All volunteers are vetted and approved through the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio volunteer approval process.

The conference fee of $140 covers all meals, snacks, supplies, trained chaperone staff and room/board. We hope that any girl who is interested will consider attending no matter her financial situation. Financial assistance is available, as needed.

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact Cindy Smith at 513.619.1364 or cindysmith@.

Sincerely, The Conference Planning Committee

Richelle Bedford, Laura Campbell, Kathryn Cordeiro, Megan Kenner, Kaitlyn Lott, Melanie Matheney, Tiffoni Montgomery, Marie Spruance, Alex Stelter, Kelly Tracey, Sianna Ramm

Conference Schedule

Saturday, February 17, 2018

4:00?4:30 p.m. 4:00?5:30 p.m.

5:30?6:00 p.m.

6:00?6:45 p.m. 7:00?8:30 p.m. 8:30?10:00 p.m. 10:00?11:00 p.m.

11:00 p.m.

Arrival/Check-in Move-in/Meet Roommates Welcome and Orientation Dinner Opening Session Take Action Free Time With New Friends Girls to their rooms

Sunday, February 18, 2018

8:15?9:00 a.m. 9:15?10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m.?12:00 p.m. 12:15?1:00 p.m. 1:15?2:15 p.m.

2:30?4:00 p.m.

4:15?5:45 p.m. 6:00?7:00 p.m. 7:00?8:00 p.m.

8:00?10:00 p.m.

10:00?11:00 p.m.

11:00 p.m.

Breakfast Workshop A (see


Special Guests Lunch Free Time with New Friends Workshop B (see


Workshop C (see


Dinner Free Time With New Friends Dance Celebration?Ice Cream Sundaes Free Time With New Friends Girls to their rooms

Monday, February 19, 2018

President's Day

8:15?9:00 a.m.


9:00?10:00 a.m.


10:00?11:00 a.m.

Closing Session

11:00?11:30 a.m.

Free Time/Check-


All workshops are hands-on and interactive.

Workshops A (9:15-10:45 a.m.)

Space: Meet the pilots and experience the joy of piloting an aircraft! You will take an engine apart and put it back together. You will have the chance to win your own flight suit. (Go-Getter, Goal Setting, Risk-Taker)

Self Defense: So you don't see "stars" learn to be your own body guard. (Assertiveness, Confidence, Courage)

Oceanography: Reach for the "star" fish. The ocean is just as unknown and unexplored as space. Dive into the passion of the ocean. (Technology, Problem Solving, Decision Making)

Pottery: Mold yourself into a `star.' Create a piece of art to remind you that you are a star! (Creative, Critical Thinking, Open To Change)

Make Up- Learn the proper way to apply makeup. (Bold, Courage, Confidence)

Astronomy: Recognize that space is not "the final frontier." The Cincinnati Observatory brings hands on exercise. (Innovation, Go-Getter, Risk-Taker)

Geology: Experience the making of a universe. Geology is a STEM field that is often overlooked. Find out what it is all about. (Analysis, Risk-Taking, Innovator)

Nail Art: Five star hand care will give you the opportunity to practice unique nail designs. You'll learn how to care for your nails and hands (including how to massage them). (Creative, Enthusiastic, Patience)

Workshops B (2:30-4:00 p.m.)

Knitting: A Stitch in Time is for beginners or experienced masters of the needle. You will create a piece you can wear to the party/dance. (Patience, Creative Thinking, Enthusiasm)

Dance: Dance with the stars. You will leave this session with a routine you can teach to others. (Taking Risks, Coaching, Open-Minded)

Sign Language: Expand your language horizons. Learn today's sign language as a form of unspoken language. (Communication, Compassion, Respect)

Painting: Paint the stars, space, planets, anything of your choice onto canvas. (Authenticity, Character, Open Mind)

Minute-To-Win-It Games: Minute to win it space edition. Play games and compete with your team. (Conviction, Devising Strategies, Humor)

Scrap Booking: Document your "star" experiences with scrap booking. (Commitment, Organization, Empowering Others)

Poise, Posture & Presentation: What does it take to expose your "star" qualities? Learn how to be a shooting star. (Maturity, Communication, Public Speaking)

Dessert Decorating: Cosmically sweet decoratingLearn how to use the tools and create a "hyper nova" design. (Decisiveness, Inspirational, Scheduling)

Leadership skills in bold aLreeaeLmeapdhasized during the workshop.

Workshops C (4:15-5:45 p.m.)

Henna Body Art: Explore different henna constellations or design your own. Be ready to share your celestial designs. (Commitment, Inspiration, Respect)

Sewing: Sewing is a "universal" skill. You will be able to design and take with you a futuristic star project. (Adaptability, Seeks Advice, Planning)

Sports Conditioning: Star Athlete Practice conditioning workouts for your at home training. (Optimistic, Determination, Engaged)

Journaling: Everyone needs an autobiography. The facilitator for this workshop is a public figure "super star." You will want to get autographs in your Journal. (Ability To Accept Feedback, Life Balance, Independence)

Gardening-Come Down To Earth: Experience the finer skills to nurture plant life. There is always a hands-on activity. (Responsibility, Evaluation, Organization)

Swimming: This workshop will focus on swimming stroke forms. (Flexible, Listening Skills, Good Judgement)

Theatre-Stage Combat: Sabers vs. Lasers Learn how to use "light sabers" for performance without injury. Masters of theatre teaching will facilitate this workshop. (High Energy, Motivation, Innovative)

Stress Relief: Outer Space vs. Inner Space: On a daily basis we must deal with stress. Appreciate your star quality by learning techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises that will help your days feel smoother. (Character, Focus, Life Balance, Self-awareness)


Registration Procedures


1. Fill out both sides of the registration form on paper or online. Select three workshops from each group (A, B, or C)--rank in order of preference. You will be placed in one workshop per time slot. A caregiver must sign the form. Incomplete or inaccurate registration forms can cause delays in processing. Workshops are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis, so first choices are not guaranteed.

2. Pay the registration fee of $40 or send the registration fee with the completed form to: Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 4930 Cornell Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242-1804, or complete the online form. You must submit the $40 registration fee, which is part of the overall $140 registration fee. You may use cash/check/money order, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express. The balance due must be received by January 18, 2018.

3. Registration closes on February 2, 2018 (or when the event reaches capacity--spaces are

limited, so register early). Registrations will be processed in the following order:

1) Online registrations 2) Registrations received by mail or fax 3) Walk-in registrations


4. Confirmations will be found on your MY GS/My Activities within two weeks of the event.


5. Refund Policy: All refund requests must be made in writing by January 18, 2018. Requests will not be granted after January 18, 2018. The $40 fee is non-refundable. No-shows and all cancellations after January 18, 2017 are not eligible for a refund unless there is a documented medical emergency.

6. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is subsidizing more than $90 per girl for this conference. These subsidies are reflected in the registration fee. If the entire fee were charged for a girl attending this conference, her fee would be at least $230 instead of $140.

Adult Chaperones

Adults interested in being chaperones for this event must submit an application, be a registered Girl Scout member and attend a mandatory training session: January 25, 2017 at Crowne Plaza, Blue Ash

Please contact Cindy Smith for application if you are interested in chaperoning. Applications are due by: January 13, 2018

cindysmith@ or 513.619.1364

Adults will be notified of their selection by January 16, 2018


2018 Leadership Conference Financial Assistance Application

Financial assistance is available to individual girls based on financial need, however, it is limited and Girl Scouts of Western Ohio cannot award full assistance. The conference registration fee is $140. All applicants are required to submit a $40 processing fee, which is part of the overall registration fee. In addition, applicants are asked to contribute some portion of the remaining $100, as much as financially possible.

Instructions: Please complete all requested information on this form. This form can be found in your attachments on MYGS/Activities. Please submit this form to Girl Scouts of Western Ohio with the registration form and the $40 processing fee no later than Thursday, January 18, 2018.

Girl's Name:

Daytime Phone:




Zip Code:

Troop #: Grade Level:

Service Unit: Girl Scout Cadette

Girl Scout Senior

Current Grade:


Girl Scout Ambassador

Caregiver Name (please print):

Caregiver Signature:

To be answered by girl: Why do you want to attend the CSA Leadership Conference?

To be answered by the caregiver (Use separate sheet of paper, if necessary): 1. How would this girl benefit from this experience?

2. Does this girl have a specific and distinct financial need?

3. Would this girl be able to participate in the activity without the financial assistance?

4. Total cost of activity

$140 (includes $40 processing fee)

Less amount the family can pay


Amount of financial assistance requested



Registration Deadline February 2, 2018

2018 Leadership Conference Registration Form

Please print clearly. All information requested is necessary to process the registration. Return completed registration form and your registration fee no later than Friday, February 2, 2018 to:

Girl Scouts of Western Ohio, 4930 Cornell Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242-1804 Register online at MY GS

Girl's Name:


Caregiver Name(s):

Work Phone:






Grade Level: Girl Scout Cadette Girl Scout Senior Girl Scout Ambassador Age:

Troop # Grade:

During this event, my caregiver can be reached by calling:

day or


Emergency Contact Information (Other than caregiver):


Phone #:





Allergies or Food Requests:____________________________________________________________________________________

Buddies I prefer to share a room with:




There will be four girls per room and girls will share a bed with another girl. You may select up to 3 buddies. The girls who

you select must also select you. (Buddies are not guaranteed.) Shirt: A shirt is included in the registration fee. Please check () your size:


Registration Fee

Workshop Choices

Conference fee includes hotel room, meals, workshops, activities/entertainment, shirt, and staff/chaperones.

Rank workshops in order of preference for each session-- you will be placed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Conference Cost: $140 *** Financial Assistance Available ***

Payment Information


A Second: Third:

Cash/check/money order MasterCard Discover Name on Credit Card: Card #: Expiration Date: Payment Amount: Signature:

VISA American Express

CVV #:


B Second: Third: First:

C Second: Third:

Financial Assistance: Please check () this box if you are requesting financial assistance. Financial assistance is available to individual girls based on financial need. However, the financial assistance is limited. If financial assistance is needed, please pay a minimum of $40, and fill out the attached financial assistance application. Applicants are asked to pay as much as financially possible.



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