

Valley Art Gallery

2022 Main Street Forest Grove, Oregon


Monday ? Saturday, 11 a.m. ? 5:30 p.m., and other hours on special


Valley Art supports working artists,

encourages beginning artists, exhibits exceptional

artwork and offers affordable art classes to the


Board meetings are held monthly at the gallery on the fourth Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. They are open to all who might like to attend.

BOARD MEMBERS: Jeanne Levy .......... .President Emily Lux ............. .Past President Linda Allen ........... .Vice President Secretary ............... .Roylene Read Interim Treasurer ... .Lynne Magner

Kay Bridenbaugh Jan Peiffer Margaret Hoerber Jerry Hoerber Marcia Alajoki Marge Hayes Howard Sullivan Dianne Muhly

Sonia Lugo-Estrada April Hoff Jobina Lacock

TABLE OF CONTENTS March/April Artists ...................... 1-2 Board Members.................................. 1 Volunteers ........................................... 2 Grand Celebration ............................ 3 Classes ............................................ 4-6 Thanks ............................................... 7 From the president ........................... 7 Celestial Carnavale ....................... 7-8 Upcoming Events.............................. 8

Gallery artists for March/April 2018 will be Paul Rasmussen, Gayle Pedemonte, Shirley Lehren

Valley Art is pleased to announce that the featured artists for March/April will be Paul Rasmussen, Gayle Pedemonte, and Shirley Lehren.

We are looking forward to this second show of 2018 -- the first one after our official Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce ribbon cutting in January.

PAUL RASMUSSEN is a longtime artist at Valley Art and a gallery attendant. He volunteers his time at the front desk.

Paul told us: "After trying different types of woodworking I became interested in

wood turning. I started with a oneday class for beginners and that began 20+ years of learning and enjoying the craft. "During this time I attended courses in Utah, Oregon, and even France; and symposiums in Oregon, Washington, and California. I began with simple items and slowly moved on to more complex pieces. I have taught classes on wood turning, too. "I turned many functional items such as bowls, platters, boxes, bottle stoppers, and even pens. In addition, I have made many friends who love this craft as much as I do.

I tried different techniques and learned from those efforts -- and made many mistakes (which means the pieces end up as firewood) and learned from each one.

"In the past few years I have begun turning `nonfunctional' pieces. I have taught myself to carve a little, and color pieces that are not made of highly `figured' wood. Some of those I have dyed. Lately I have worked with acrylic paints to decorate finished pieces. I get ideas from journals, videos, as well as watching other turners. Those ideas inspire me and I'll continue to try different approaches or techniques."

GAYLE PEDEMONTE works in oils. She

has a studio at Sequoia Gallery in Hills-


Gayle noted: "Color, shapes, and tex-

tures -- we see all of those because of

light. Sunlight.

"The angle

of the sun --

the season,

the time of

day -- all

allow us to

see these ele-

ments in our


ings. The way

they come

together is

often fasci-

nating, even

if the subject is ordinary.

"Worth Saving"

Continued on page 2

March/April Artist Reception-- continued from page 1

Then we interpret this, and that is ART. "And what does that combination convey

or make you feel? That is the challenge; to capture that and give it the nuance of a feeling or a mood.

"I have always done something creative: art projects, doodling, quilting, gardening, cooking, and now oil painting. I have been oil painting for about 15 years, mostly self taught.

"I took art classes in college and then decided I needed something more `serious' and became a nurse. I worked in Home Health at Tuality for 25 years.

"Driving around Washington County gave me some wonderful subjects to paint. I would drive by the same barn over and over, and one day the lighting was different. I had to stop and take a picture; make a sketch.

"I have lived in Gaston for 35 years with my husband, where my garden has grown up. It is always a painting in the process of change.

"I have been fortunate enough to land at Sequoia Gallery in Hillsboro where I have a studio space and a group of artist friends who contribute to each other's artistic growth.

"I try to experiment with my art, subjects, media, and styles. Sometimes I paint outdoors -- plein air -- or from photographs I take when traveling. I am most comfortable with an impressionistic style, but like to change it up sometimes. In the winter I paint; in the summer I garden."

SHIRLEY LEHREN is a new watercolor artist in our gallery.

Shirley said: "I have had a lifelong interest in art, beginning with drawing classes at Carnegie Tech and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

"I continued my studies in art with charcoal life drawing classes, followed later by work in oil, watercolor and pastels.

"I also studied with professional artists in Northport, N.Y., and later acclaimed artists in the Portland, Ore., area. I took classes at

Portland Community College, the Village Gallery of Art, and attended numerous workshops."

Shirley is a member of the Oregon Watercolor Society, the Village Gallery, and, formerly, the Westside Artists Critique Group. Currently

she belongs to the Waterworks Critique Group. She participates in many art shows, including the Celebration of Creativity in Portland and Salem.

Shirley stated, "My interest lies mainly in a more realistic approach to impressionism, with an emphasis on light and color."

Come meet our artists at their reception on Saturday, March 10th, from 2-4 p.m. The gallery always plans special treats for our artists and their guests. This event is free and open to everyone.

Shirley Lehren

Our gallery volunteers ... thank you!

by Kay Bridenbaugh

Thank you to the display volunteers who rearranged the gallery at the start of the New Year. Margaret Hoerber and Donna House did their usual beautiful window displays that are always a delight for passersby. Thanks to Carol Dean, Bev Camp, Mary Stare, and Jan Peiffer for moving walls back into place and rearranging new art onto the shelves. Koka Filipovic hung not only the new show but reset many other artists as well.

If you would like to help with the next gallery `flip' it will be on March 2, beginning at 10 a.m. We treat ourselves to coffee and Maggie's Buns while we work. Contact Kay Bridenbaugh if you have questions. (Volunteers have her tele-

? phone number.)

Continued in next column Linda Mann has volunteered for several years. 2 March/April 2018

Grand Celebration scores attendees in record numbers

An estimated 150+ attend January event.

The Jan. 27th Grand Celebration at the gallery in Forest Grove was a huge success, with one of the largest crowds ever at the gallery for anything. If all our events were half as well attended, we would be satisfied!

The first order of business was an official ribbon cutting by Matthew Stone of the Forest Grove/Cornelius Chamber of Commerce, who stood in for Howard Sullivan, Chamber director.

He opened the ceremony by introducing Mayor Pete Truax who delivered a short address, reminding us of the words of Pres. John F. Kennedy, at Amherst College in 1963: "I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty ... an America which will reward achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or statecraft."

The ribbon was held by Lynne Magner, Valley Art's interim treasurer and Past President, and Jerry Hoerber, a board member and Past President. Jeanne Levy, current VAA president, got the honor of wielding the scissors. She invited everyone to come into the gallery and enjoy the food prepared by Maggie's Buns and the music performed by Lauren Sheehan & Friends.

Special thanks to our Grand Celebration wine donors: Lynne & Andy Magner of Miracle Sign, Jill Craig of Urban Decanter, Margaret & Jerry Hoerber, Jeanne Levy, Merrie French, Kath-

leen KenneyLaFollett, and anyone who anonymously brought

? bottles.

A good crowd gathered outside the gallery to witness the ribbon cutting.

Jeanne Levy cuts the ribbon held by Jerry Hoerber and Lynne Magner.

Pete Truax (center), mayor of Forest Grove, presented a short speech. Pat Truax stands to the left and Jerry Hoerber, to the right. All three are past presidents of Valley Art Association.

? Thank you to everyone who attended the Grand

Celebration. Please consider becoming a member of

Valley Art. A yearly membership is only $15 -- and

it's such a value.

Lauren Sheehan & Friends played for the Grand Celebration.

Valley Art Association

March/April 2018 3

VALLEY ART Classes, Workshops & Groups ? March/April 2018

KIDS CLASSES: (Kids Clay classes listed under Pottery)

Me & My Grown-Up with April Hoff - Upon request, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays for one hour. Preschool Art (2 - 6 years + adult) request a one-hour slot between 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $12 per class includes child and adult. Email request to april@ . Art Club for Kids ? most Thursdays, 5:30 - 7 p.m. Art Club will guide students through art media focusing on a different discipline each month. $15 per class, discounts for multiples. Art club is flexible enough to allow more experienced artists liberty to work on personal projects with materials, instructor guidance, and feedback. Suitable for repeat students, ages 7+. Space is limited; register online: . Paint 4 Kids ? First Fridays - 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Paint Nights aren't just for grownups! Designed for kids 7+. Artingales instructor April Hoff will guide young artists through a new colorful acrylic painting each month. $20 each. Space is limited, preregistration required, . Fri-Date Nights ? First Fridays, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (K-15), early preregistration required. Need a little time away for a date? Bring the kids to Fri-Date Nights at Valley Art. Education Chair April Hoff will facilitate creative time with your kids. Must pre-register: . (One hour or all three, $10/hr.)


Creative's Corner welcomes kids and adults ? Mondays, 4:30 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. Anyone 7 years or older is welcome to join

us for this brief creative time most Mondays in March and April. Projects will change each week, using various mediums.

All materials provided, $10 each. Preregister: .

Watercolor Class - with Irilla Swanson, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. OPB's Artbeat-featured instructor

Irilla Swanson teaches adults watercolor painting. All materials are provided but you may bring your own. Step-by-step

demos for beginners; problem solving and direction for experienced painters. Cost is $120 for the three-month session

($20 per class). To register, email irillaswanson@, or call 503-285-4399.

Oil Painting Class - with Irilla Swanson, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 1 - 3 p.m. OPB's Artbeat-featured instructor Irilla Swanson

teaches adults water-soluble oil painting. All professional materials are provided: water-soluble oil paint, oil painting

paper and brushes. The instructor provides examples from nature, and helps you capture your own ideas from your

photos. Step-by-step demos for beginners; problem solving and direction for experienced painters. Cost is $120 for the

three-month session ($20 per class). To register, email irillaswanson@, or call 503-285-4399.

Senior Art Media Sampler - Wednesdays 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (55+). Art Media Sampler introduces participants to art

medium each class with just enough time to sample the technique in a project. This class is exclusively for those 55 and

older. $12 per class or discounted multiples; all materials provided. Call April 503-929-4088, email april@,

or register online: .

Forest Grove Camera Club - Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., September ? May. The Forest Grove Camera Club is a member of

the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs. The club participates in a variety

of competitions, evaluations and provides programs as well as field trips. To join, contact Carol Berget at cberget@msn.

com. Cost is $25 annual membership / $5 students / $10 associate memberships.

Team Art: Creativity by Association ? 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 10 a.m. ? 12 p.m. Have FUN and bond with other Valley Art

members/artists. Gather together with like souls to work on art or craft projects you bring, pros or beginners. Come to

the back door and ring the bell. (Front doors open at 11 a.m.) There's a yearly cost of $15 for a Valley Art membership.

All help and inspiration is free! You will make new friends and learn new techniques. To register, email education@val-

. Questions? Call 503-341-9701.

Watercolor with Jullane Rich - 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Each class learn to paint a variety of objects

such as flowers, fruit, glass floats, and crabs in this fun watercolor class. $30 with supplies included, or $20 with own

supplies. Once the class is paid for, you will receive a list of supplies. Register with Jullane Rich 503-324-5141 or cell


Quilting Studio - Fridays, 9 a.m. ? 12:30 p.m. This is an ongoing class and may be joined at any time. All levels, from

beginning to advanced, are welcome. This is the time to do your own work, get expert advice on a special project, and

meet with other local quilters. Join the fun! Register in person at the gallery on Friday. Cost is $28/year for Valley Art

members and $43/year for non-members.

Continued on next page

4 March/April 2018

Monotype Mondays ? Join artist April Hoff for printmaking without a press, creating monotypes using rich non-toxic Akua inks. All materials provided, but feel free to bring your own stencils, textured surfaces, and porous papers. $30/ person/class or $25 for Valley Art members with code. First Mondays, 10:30 a.m. ? 1 p.m. and evenings 6 - 8:30 p.m. Other Mondays available; please ask. Ages 12+. Space is limited; register at or email april@. Forest Grove Camera Club ? Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., September - May. The Forest Grove Camera Club is a member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) and the Columbia Council of Camera Clubs. The club participates in a variety of competitions, evaluations and provides programs as well as field trips. To join, contact Carol Berget at cberget@msn. com. Cost is $25 annual membership / $5 students / $10 associate memberships.


"Tree Frog" Friday Wine & Paint Nights Watercolor with Jullane Rich ? March 9, 6 - 9 p.m. Lots of individual attention, step-by-step instruction, and all levels welcome. Other dates available: March 23, April 13, and April 27. Each class will have different subjects to paint. If you have never tried watercolor, you are in for a joyful experience. Sign up with a friend, you will have a great time! $45 includes all art supplies, a glass of wine, some hors d'oeuvres and your finished painting. Register with Jullane, 503-703-5884 cell, 503-324-5141 home, or email artbyjullane@. "Baby Robin" with Susan Curington ? Saturday, March 17, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Paint a hungry spring robin chick. Learn to create depth and feather texture with paint stippling. You'll meet your new best friend, the fan brush. Explore glazing with warm & cool colors. Using acrylic paint, you'll be guided step-by-step. No experience necessary. Non-painters and painters welcome. All art materials are provided and you'll take home a completed painting. $60 + $15 materials fee. To register or for questions contact Susan Curington, 503-357-4844, or susangrace@. "Heart of the Rose" with Susan Curington ? Saturday, April 28, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Learn to create variegation and soft color changes in rose petals. Explore using analogous colors from tangerine to orchid to purple. Using acrylic paint, you'll be guided step by step; no experience necessary. Non-painters and painters welcome. All art materials provided (canvas, paint, mediums, brushes, etc.). Take home a completed painting. $60 + $15 materials fee. To register or for questions contact Susan Curington, 503-357-4844, susangrace@. See other painting options under "Ongoing Classes"


Tuesday Life Drawing ? We've had a few inquiries about life drawing sessions. If you are seriously interested in attending or modeling for life drawing, please email education@. Please include whether your interest is in drawing or modeling, and what you would be willing to pay each class, or your modeling charge. If we receive enough committed individuals. we will proceed with putting this offering on the calendar.


Monday Adult Pottery ? with Christine Hurayt, March 12 - April 30, 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Tuition is $125 for members

and $135 for non-members. Clay and tool kits are an additional fee. Bring cash or check to pay for these items at the first

class meeting ($20 - $35). Class is designed for all skill levels. Learn to throw pottery on the wheel and hand build with

clay slabs. Contact Christine at 971-200-0843 or huraytc@.

Tuesday Pottery Classes (Intermediate+ pref.) ? with Bob Hackney, April 3 ? May 29, 6 - 9:30 p.m. Cost for each session

of classes is $140 for Valley Art members, $150 for nonmembers. No production work allowed. Students will throw on

the wheel. Clay is $10-$20 per bag and tool kits are $15. Bring an old towel for clean up, wear old clothing and closed

toe shoes, and be prepared to discuss the work. Fee prorated and late enrollment upon instructor approval. Contact Bob

at 971-331-3094 or bobalouche@ to register.

Thursday Pottery Classes (ages 16+) ? with Bob Hackney, March 1 - April 26, 6 - 9:30 p.m. Cost for each session of classes

is $140 for Valley Art members, $150 for nonmembers. Beginners and all skill levels welcome. No production work al-

lowed. Students will throw on the wheel and handbuild. Clay is $15-$20 per bag ($10 if recycled) and tool kits are $15.

Bring an old towel for clean up, wear old clothing and closed toe shoes. Fee prorated and late enrollment upon instruc-

tor approval. Contact Bob at 971-331-3094 or bobalouche@ to register.

Kids Clay ? 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Fridays, 4 - 6 p.m. Kids aged 7+ will make hand built clay items, then glaze their creations with

education chair, April Hoff. Second class may include wheel if students show proficiency during first class. Fired projects

available approximately two weeks after last class of the month. $60 mo., details and registration online .

Spring Clay Break for Kids ? with April Hoff, Wednesday - Friday, March 28-30, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Kids will get tactile with

clay, making projects and engobes to color stain their creations before firing. Sign up for one day, or all three for a dis-

count. $20/$50. Register by March 25, .

Continued on next page

Valley Art Association

March/April 2018 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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