PDF The Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday 26th May 2019


The Sixth Sunday of Easter Sunday 26th May 2019

Welcome to St Mary's. If you are a newcomer please make yourself known to the clergy/reader team. Do come and join us for coffee in Church House (opposite the North Door) after the 9.35am service.

The Collect God our redeemer, you have delivered us from the power of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of your Son: grant, that as by his death he has recalled us to life, so by his continual presence in us he may raise us to eternal joy; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

8.00am ? Holy Communion


The Revd Melanie Crowley

9.35am ? Sung Communion

President & Preacher: The Revd Hilary Oakley


Rose Norris



Processional Hymn: 595 Be thou my vision - Slane

Lesson Readings:

Acts 16:9-15 read by Tony Read

Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5 read by Rosemary Read


Psalm 67 (see page 4)

The Gospel:

John 14:23-29 read by Pauline Sadler

Prayers are led by:

Derry Charman

Offertory Hymn:

710 Lights abode celestial Salem ? Regent Square


If ye love me ? Tallis (words page 4)

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Communion Hymn: Final Hymn:

566 Put peace into each other's hands ? St Columba 477 Go forth and tell! ? Woodlands

11.15am Mattins

Officiant & Preacher: Introit: Hymn:

Offertory Hymn:

The Revd Hilary Oakley 595 Be thou my vision - Slane 710 (omit *) Lights abode celestial Salem ? Regent Square 477 Go forth and tell! ? Woodlands

6:30pm Evening Prayer with hymns

Officiant & Preacher: Andrew Parr

Processional Hymn: 649 God of mercy, God of grace - Heathlands




126 & 127

Old Testament Lesson: Zephaniah 3:14-20 read by the Officiant

Office Hymn

11 As now the sun's declining rays ? St Peter



New Testament Lesson: Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20

Offertory Hymn:

23 Sun of my soul thou Saviour dear - Abends

2 Please take your bulletin home

Prayers for people

We pray for all those who are to be married, including: Louise Ramsden & Peter Brown; Rachael Foy & Mark Teece; Pippa McAndrew & Matthew Stafford; Natalie Cannon & Michael Varcoe We pray for all who are ill, and by name for: Rosemary Wilson, Mark Vincent, Michael Allison, Grahame Hodges, Gill Shinkins, Grace Igwe, Alan Ayres, Jen Lynch, Ron & Bertha Walters, Christopher Smith, Sarah, Ewa Maria Beurskens, Bob West, Glynis Rogers, Hayley Robinson, Sarah & Chris Parkinson, Margaret Clarke, Paul Darley, Emma Lacy. ...and we pray for all who love and care for them. We also pray for church members at home or in residential care: Pam Barber, Margaret Beddard, Mavis Bird, Charlie Boydon, Brigitte, Dorothy Chamberlain, Helen Cotton, Lesley Crisp, Jill Eve, Craig Hamil, Jean Harris, Heidi, Helen, Brian Jones, Hanna King, John Lee, Lewis, Margaret Lysons, Angela McNally, Michael Mansie, Jose Perry, Fraser Pincock, Lona Pope, Jack Suslak, Tokoni, Cherry Thurstan, Bill Shinn. ...and we pray for all who love and care for them. We pray for those suffering addiction of any kind. We remember before you O God, those who have died: Aaron Lovell, Sheila Richards, Muriel McCallum, Andrew Fell-Gordon.

...and we pray for those who mourn.

3 Please take your bulletin home

Psalm 67

Choir: Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you. All: Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise


Choir: All:

God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known upon earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you.

Choir: All:

O let the nations rejoice and be glad, for you will judge the peoples righteously and govern the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you.

Choir: All:

Then shall the earth bring forth her increase, and God, our own God, will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. Let the peoples praise you, O God, let all the peoples praise you.

Sung Communion Anthem

If ye love me ? Tallis

If ye love me, Keep my commandments, And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another comforter, That he may `bide with you forever, E'en the spirit of truth. John 14:15-17

4 Please take your bulletin home

Future Events

TODAY! 26th May 12.30-5.00pm. The annual Open Gardens Day in the village of Preston, just ten minutes' drive from Hitchin. Includes sale of plants, Village Hall Teas, and displays of flowers in St Martin's Church. All proceeds go to the church.

8th June 2pm Calling ex-Wives' Group Members of St Mary's. We have planned a get-together Afternoon at Wyevale Garden Centre. We will have tea/coffee and cake; Afternoon tea is available, 2 persons for ?14, but this will need to be booked and paid for in advance. We look forward to seeing as many as possible for a chat. Brenda Wiseman 01462 671608

8th June 7:30pm "Last Night of the Proms" Concert by Cambridge Wind Band in Church. The music will consist of popular classical favourites including the traditional Last Night of the Proms. Tickets ?10 adults / ?5 for under 16s available: online event/470715 , from the Hitchin Information opposite the Church, or at the door. Proceeds will go towards Church funds. Volunteers are needed for this event ? see notice.

13th June Mothers' Union Outing.


Holy Saviour Patronal Festival. On Ascension Day, Thursday May 30th Holy Saviour Church are celebrating their Patronal Festival with a Sung Eucharist at 8pm, followed by refreshments in the church hall. All are welcome.

Hitchin Food Rescue Hub ('Hitchin FRESH'). This is now up and running each Thursday morning from 10am to 1pm at Church House. Food that would otherwise go to landfill is collected from supermarkets and other shops and caf?s then brought to Church House. It is available throughout the morning on a `pay as you feel' basis and the aim is that nothing is wasted. During the morning, coffee/tea and biscuits/cakes are served. It has got off to a good start and all are welcome to come and see what happens - and go home with some great food! For further information go to its new website

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A few days ago we passed through Bristol and arranged to meet Michael Roden at the Cathedral. It was a pleasure to see him; he showed us around the Cathedral and we attended an evening service. Greetings and good wishes were exchanged. You will be pleased to know that his bicycle familiar to us all has its own slot in the Cathedral car park. Jimmy and Christa Dawson

Notes from the Church Wardens: Update on the search for our new vicar and team rector: Following the closing date for applications on 18th April, the Interview Panel was unable to shortlist. We will be re-advertising late May, with the closing date for applicants being 12th June. Shortlisting will take place on 19th June and the Interviews on 1st July. At Bishop Michael's suggestion, there have been some updates to the profile, primarily to the Team's and St Mary's Visions, and to the opening letter from the Bishop and Jane. The updated profile is on St Mary's website.

The 'Last Night of the Proms' concert by the Cambridge Wind Band on 8th June is in aid of St Mary's, and the Fundraising team need help with running a bar in Church House for the interval, and with selling raffle tickets before the start and during the interval. Anyone who is able to attend for this event can contact one of the Church Wardens for more information, any help will be much appreciated and it should be a really entertaining evening.

Christian Aid at St Mary's For those who were not able to donate to Christian Aid Week (12th to 18th May) through their house-to-house collectors, or may prefer to donate at St Mary's, we have Christian Aid envelopes in the church. If you wish, you can put a donation into the envelope, and either hand it over after services to collectors with their buckets, or insert it into the ancient black chest near the back. We shall keep this option open till the end of May. Wendy Sternberg 01462 684588

6 Please take your bulletin home

Forthcoming Services

The Prayer Group meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month at

10am in church.

Tuesday 28th May

10am Holy Communion

Celebrant: The Revd Ginni Dear

Wednesday 29th

11am Holy Communion at Elmside


Thursday 30th May

7:30am Tower Service

Ascension Day

12:15pm Holy Communion

Celebrant: The Revd Dan Drew

8pm Holy Saviour Patronal Festival (See


Sunday 2nd June

8am Holy Communion

The Sunday after

9:35am Sung Communion


11.15am Storyteller Service

6:30pm Evensong

Tuesday 4th June

10am Mothers' Union Corporate Communion

Celebrant: The Revd Fizz Gibbs

Thursday 6th June

12:15pm Holy Communion with prayers for healing

Celebrant: The Revd Dan Drew

Sunday 9th June

8am Holy Communion


9:35am Sung Communion

11.15am Holy Communion

6:30pm Choral Evensong

Readings for 2nd June

Morning Services: Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-16, 20-

21; John 17:20-26

Evening Service: Psalms 68; Isaiah 44:1-8; Ephesians 4:7-16

7 Please take your bulletin home

St Mary's Contacts

Team Rector and Vicar ? Vacant Part-time Curate ? The Revd Dan Drew 07738 553264 Other Clergy: The Revd Fizz Gibbs, The Revd Hilary Oakley Acting Team Rector: The Revd Jane Mainwaring Parish Office 432951 email: hitchinparishoffice@ Team Rector's Secretary - Dorothy Grieves 432951 Churchwardens ? Warwick Wiggen 674172, Anne Senechal

641745, Elizabeth Cranfield 423948 Director of Music ? Alan Childs 01582 883420

email: a.j.childs@ Verger ? Dawn Cope dawnjoycope@ Dawn's days off are

Wednesday & Thursday. For access on these days and outside normal hours please contact a Churchwarden. Home Communion Requests: Pauline Sadler 434350 St Mary's Facebook Page: StMarysChurchHitchin

St Mary's, through its Charitable Giving Group, supports AquAid Lifeline Fund's Philip Veale Children's Centre in Malawi caring for over 150 orphans in Gomani. AquAid can provide a whole month's child care for just ?10. Ask Robin Sternberg 684588 for more details.

All communicant members of the Christian Church are welcome to receive the bread and the wine at a celebration of Holy Communion. Others are welcome at the altar rail to receive a blessing. If you wish for a blessing please ask.

For very young churchgoers: Please feel free to be in church during the services. There is a children's area supplied with toys which you are welcome to use.

Words and music printed under CCL Licence No 224366 Details of future notices are needed by Wednesday and should be sent by email to stmarys.bulletin.hitchin@ or, if this is not possible left in the "Bulletin Editor" pigeon hole at Church House. The e-bulletin If you wish to be included in the email distribution of this bulletin, please send an email as above. Tracy Watson

8 Please take your bulletin home


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