Cell Biology and Neuroscience at Lycoming College

Cell Biology and Neuroscience at Lycoming College

Some useful web sites:

Green Fluorescent Protein links for teachers:

Howard Hughes Medical Institute interactive web resources for teachers:

includes simulated immunology, bacteriology, cardiology, neurology labs

Society for Neuroscience: lesson plans, free classroom CD-ROMs, meeting information

Teaching about how the brain works, and helping students learn to memorize:

Cell Biology Education journal: ideas for lessons, electronic resources

Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience: ideas for lessons for AP Bio

American Society for Cell Biology resources for teachers:

American Society for Microbiology resources for educators: includes podcasts

good images of microbes; lessons

National Science Foundation educational resources:

National Center for Biotechnology Information:

International Mind, Brain, Education Society:

Neuroscience for kids:

Neuromart: inexpensive neuroscience teaching tools and fun stuff

Dr. Mary E. Morrison

Biology Department

Lycoming College

700 College Place

Williamsport, PA 17701




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