Ms. Doran's Biology Class

Recommended Study Schedule for Biology Keystone Exam: Study the topics listed for at least an hourSunday, May 10thMonday, May 11thStudy Biochemistry + Basic Bio StuffMaterials to use:1: Bio Boot Camp: Biochemistry packet2. Biochemistry FAQ’s PPT3. Biochemistry Podcast4. Biochemistry Terms – Quizlet5. Basic Bio Stuff Terms - Quizlet6. Crash Course Biology Videos #1-37. Basic Bio Principle Practice Questions8. Biochemistry Practice Questions9. Biochemistry Review Interactive WebsiteTuesday, May 12thStudy Cell StructuresMaterials to use:1. Bio Boot Camp: Cells Packet2. FAQ’s for Cell Structures PPT4. Khan Academy-Parts of a Cell Vid5. Cell Organelles Quizlet Terms/Pics6. CELLS Alive interactive7. Crash Course Biology Videos #4 and 68. Cell organelles project (flashcards)9. Cell Organelles Interactive WebsiteWednesday, May 13thStudy Cell TransportMaterials to use:1. Bio Boot Camp: Cells Packet2. FAQ’s for Cell Transport PPT3. Cell Transport Podcast4. Homeostasis and Transport Terms-Quizlet5. Crash Course Biology Video #56. Khan Academy Videos for Human Body Systems7. Cell Membrane Interactive Website8. Homeostasis and Transport Practice QuestionsThursday, May 14thStudy Cell Growth and ReproductionMaterials to use:1. Bio Boot Camp: Cell Processes Packet2. Mitosis/Meiosis Quizlets3. Cell Growth and Reproduction Podcast4. Cell Growth and Repro Flash Cards5. Crash Course Biology Videos #12-13 6. Cell Growth and Reproduction Practice Questions7. Mitosis + Meiosis interactive websiteFriday, May 15thStudy Photosynthesis and RespirationMaterials to use:1. Bio Boot Camp: Cell Processes Packet2. Bioenergetics Questions w/ Answers3. Photo/Resp Review Handout4. Cellular Energy Podcast5. Bioenergetics Terms - Quizlet6. Crash Course Biology Videos #7-8Saturday, May 16thStudy GeneticsMaterials to use:1. Bio Boot Camp: Genetics Packet2. Genetics Questions w/ Answers 3. FAQ’s for genetics PPT4. DNA and its Processes Podcast5. Mendelian Genetics Podcast6. Genetics Terms - Quizlet7. Crash Course Biology Videos #9-118. DNA, Inheritance and Biotechnology interactive websitesSunday, May 17thStudy EvolutionMaterials to use:1. Keystone Biology Review Guide: Evolution 2. Evolution Questions w/ answers3. FAQ’s for Evolution PPT4. Evolution Podcast5. Evolution Terms - Quizlet6. Crash Course Biology Videos #14, 15, 18 and 207. Evolution Interactive WebsiteMonday, May 18thStudy Ecology1: Keystone Biology Review Guide: Ecology2. Ecology Practice Questions w/ answers3. FAQ’s for ecology PPT4. Ecology Podcast5. Ecology Terms - Quizlet6. Crash Course Biology Video #407. Crash Course Ecology Playlist8. Interactive Ecology WebsiteTuesday, May 19thNo schoolStudy topics you know you are struggling with, try keystone practice questions under General ResourcesAlso look over the “Keystone Biology Quick Review” for an overview of all the topics in one packet.Wednesday, May 20thSTUDY MODULE 1:This includes:-Biochemistry-Cells-Cell Transport-Photosynthesis and Respiration (see materials for those days)In addition (General Resources):-Keystone Module 1 Practice Test-Keystone Module 1 review PPT-Keystone Review Help class in A208 afterschoolThursday, May 21stModule 1 ExamSTUDY MODULE 2:This includes:-Cell Growth and Reproduction-Genetics-Evolution-Ecology(see materials for those days)In addition:-Keystone Module 1 Practice Test-Keystone Module 1 review PPT-Keystone Review Help class in A117 afterschoolFriday, May 22ndModule 2 ExamITS OVER!!!!! Enjoy the long weekend, you earned it!!! Helpful tips:STUDY IN GROUPS/WITH FRIENDS-You’ll be less stressed. Also, the best way to learn something is by teaching it to someone else. In addition, you’ll be there to help each E IN FOR HELP CLASS. I’ll be available every morning and most days after school, just check in with me.These materials are all found on my website, msdoranbiology. under the tab Keystone Resources ................

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