AP Biology - Brighton Central School District

AP Biology

Biochemistry and Cells Review- Answer sheet

I. Biochemistry

a. Functional Groups

b. Macromolecules

i. Carbohydrates

1. components


2. poly structures


[pic]Dehydration synthesis

ii. Protiens

1. components


R group can be polar, non-polar, or ionic

Primary structure is the a.a. chain

Secondary structure due to hydrogen

bonds between R groups

Tertiary structure due to disulfide bonds

Between R groups

Quaternary structure are 2 or more

Proteins bonded together

iii. Lipids

1. components


iv. Nucleic acids



c. Enzymes

i. parts


ii. regulation

competitive inhibition

[pic] [pic]

allosteric inhibition

d. Isomers

i. Structural

[pic] [pic]

ii. Geometric

[pic] [pic]

iii. enantomers


II. Cells

a. Organelles

b. Cell Membrane

i. Structure


ii. Transport

1. Passive

a. Osmosis/diffusion

Diffusion=high concentration to low concentration until equilibrium w/o using energy

Osmosis= diffusion of water

b. Tonic solutions


c. Gated Channels


d. Facilitated


2. Active

a. Na/K pump


b. Endo/Exocytosis


iii. Cell Communication

1. messenger systems


2. Cell junctions

[pic] [pic]

3. membrane receptors

a. G proteins

G protein-coupled receptors are transmembrane receptors. Signal molecules bind to a domain located outside the cell. An intracellular domain activates a G protein. The G protein activates a cascade of further compounds, and finally causes a change downstream in the cell.

G proteins function as molecular switches. When they bind guanosine triphosphate (GTP), they are 'on', and when they bind guanosine diphosphate (GDP), they are 'off'.

G proteins regulate metabolic enzymes, ion channels, transporters, and other parts of the cell machinery, controlling transcription, motility, contractility, and secretion, which in turn regulate systemic functions such as embryonic development, learning and memory, and homeostasis.[2]

(From: , 5/4/11)

b. Receptor kinase

Kinases are proteins which add phosphates to other molecules, this changes the conformation of the target (enzyme) often activating them.

c. Ion channel receptors

-gated ion channels

4. Steps of Communication


iv. Cell Cycle


v. Meiosis


**** Prophase 1 = crossing over & Anaphase 1= independent assortment****


AP Labs

1) AP Lab # 1 – Diffusion and Osmosis

a. Objective

i. Determine the effects selectively permeable membranes (tonic solutions)

ii. Concept of water potential

iii. Molarity vs osmotic concentration

b. Results

i. Water moves freely through the membrane and salt does not

ii. As molarity of cell increases, cell gains mass (water)

iii. Water potential has a direct correlation to diffusion, water moves from an area of high water potential to low water potential

1. an increase in pressure raises the water potential

2. an increase in solute decreases the water potential – adding solute to the solution will force water to leave the cell into the solution

2) AP Lab #2 – Enzyme Catalysis

a. Objective

i. Function of enzymes

ii. Factors affecting enzyme activity

b. Results

i. pH, temperature, and salt concentration affect enzyme activity

ii. catalase (from cells) is the enzyme (catalyst) that breaksdown hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into oxygen and water

iii. sulfuric acid denatures enzymes and stops the reaction from proceeding

iv. potassium permanganate is decomposed by peroxide, you can measure the remaining peroxide by titrating with permanganate


3) AP Lab # 3 – Mitosis and Meiosis

a. Objective

i. Steps of meiosis and mitosis

ii. Gametogenesis and alternation of generations

iii. Determine map units

b. Results

[pic] [pic]

Map units are determined by counting the number of normal (4:4) and crossing over (2:2:2:2 or 2:4:2) asci. Determine the percentage of crossing over and divide by 2 (due to the extra mitotic stage in Sordaria.




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