Biol 212 Worksheet:Exam Review IIISupplemental InstructionIowa State UniversityLeader:Ema MCourse:Biology 212Instructor:KukdayDate:10/24/2019Plasmids are naturally found in what type of organism?PlantsAnimalsVirusesBacteriaWhich of the following does not make plasmids useful for gene cloning?They are self-replicating.They are essential for cell survival.They can integrate into the bacterial genome.They contain antibiotic resistance genes.A bacteria cell was found that did not have any restriction enzymes. What is a likely consequence of this absence?The bacteria will be unable to replicate its DNA.The bacteria will be unable to synthesize proteins.The bacteria will be susceptible to viral infection.The bacteria will undergo apoptosis.Which of the following does not make restriction enzymes useful for gene cloning?They are able to “cut” DNA at specific sequences.They create sticky ends, which are useful for recombination.After cutting DNA, they serve as a catalyst for replication.All of the above make restriction enzymes useful.A group of scientists attempted to clone a gene using bacteria cells. However, the group forgot to add DNA ligase. What is the most likely direct effect of this omission?The bacteria will be unable to take up the recombinant vector.The recombinant vector will not be able to fully form.The transformants will not have antibiotic resistance.The restriction enzymes will not be able to cut the DNA.Overall, the main purpose of PCR is what?DNA purification DNA amplificationDNA identificationDNA modificationWhich of the following is not a component of a typical PCR sequence?2 different primersTaq DNA PolymerasedNTPsAll of the following are components of a PCR sequence.What is the correct order of a PCR sequence?Denaturation, annealing, extensionInitiation, elongation, terminationPromotion, extension, terminationInitiation, denaturation, extensionScientists running a PCR cycle accidentally set their thermocycler to only cool down to 75C for the second phase instead of the normal 45-70C. What is a possible consequence?The DNA will not fully separate into two single strands.The primers may not be able to fully anneal to the DNA.The polymerase will be unable to add nucleotides.The DNA will take on more secondary structures (ie. Hairpins and loops)Which of the following is true regarding gel electrophoresis?Smaller strands of DNA will migrate the farthest.The strands of DNA run from the positive end to the negative end.Electrophoresis separates molecules based entirely on their charge.Electrophoresis can only be used to separate DNA.One liver cell communicating with another liver cell is _______ communication, while a liver cell communicating with a kidney cell is ________ communication.Intracellular; intracellularIntercellular; intercellularIntracellular; intercellularIntercellular; intracellularWhat is one reason cell surface receptors are necessary?Being received at the surface allows for much greater amplification of the signal.Some signaling molecules are too small to enter cells.Signaling molecules exist at such high concentrations that if all of them were received inside the cell, the cells would lyse.Some signaling molecules are hydrophilic and cannot enter cells.Which of the following is not a type of cell surface receptor?G-Protein coupledATP drivenEnzyme linkedLigand gated46672518478500The picture above shows a protein kinase (phosphorylation) cascade. This is indicative of which type of cell surface receptor?G-Protein coupledATP drivenEnzyme linkedLigand gatedThe figure above illustrates signaling through the EGF receptor. Which of the following would represent a gain-of-function situation for the EGF receptor? A mutation in the EGF receptor that binds ligand, but does not allow the receptor to dimerize. Deletion of the gene encoding Erk Increased cell division due to the inactivation of a tumor suppressor Deletion of the ligand binding domain of the EGF receptor so that it becomes ligand independent None of the above All of the abovecAMP activates other signal transduction components. cAMP is an example of what?Second MessengerEnzymeG-ProteinHormones 46672518923000The picture above shows estrogen reception. Which of the following is false?Estrogen binds to receptors inside the nucleus.Estrogen is unable to cross the membrane on its own.Estrogen binding activates target genes in the nucleus.Estrogen receptors activate by forming a dimer.What would most likely happen if the death receptor was able to bind any signaling molecule instead of just the target ligand to form the death domain?The cell would be unable to undergo the rest of the pathway.The cell would proceed through the rest of the pathway.The signaling molecule would not start the pathway, but it could dissociate, which would allow the target ligand to later bind and start the pathway.The cell would undergo uncontrollable growth (a tumor would form).A certain stem cell is only able to form different types of blood cells. What type of stem cell is this?TotipotentPluripotentMultipotentUnipotentWhat causes cells to be different from each other?Each cell possesses a unique copy of DNA.Although each cell starts with the same copy of DNA, the cell discards the portions it does not use.Each cell contains the whole genome, but only expresses certain genes.It is currently unknown how cells differentiate.Regarding the bicoid protein, which of the following is correct?An oocyte with a high concentration at both ends will fail to develop a head.An oocyte with a low concentration at both ends will develop two heads.Typically, an oocyte has a concentration that is even throughout.Typically, one side (the head region) will have a high concentration, while the other side (posterior region) will have a low concentration. Which of the following is true regarding gel electrophoresis?Smaller strands of DNA will migrate the farthest.The strands of DNA run from the positive end to the negative end.Electrophoresis separates molecules based entirely on their charge.Electrophoresis can only be used to separate DNA.Which of the following statements regarding polymerase chain reaction is FALSE?Human DNA polymerase is used because it is most accurateA primer must be prepared with a complementary sequence to part of the DNA of interestRepeated heating and cooling cycles allow the enzymes to act specifically and replace helicase.Each cycle of the polymerase chain reaction doubles the amount of DNA of interest.cAMP amplifies the signal by activating other signal transduction components. cAMP is an example of what?EnzymeG-ProteinSecond MessengerHormoneEstrogen (a steroid hormone) is attempting to carry out a response. Which of the following is false?Estrogen binds to receptors inside the nucleus.Estrogen is unable to cross the membrane on its own.Estrogen binding activates target genes in the nucleus.Estrogen receptors activate by forming a dimer.Hormones are found in the body in very low concentrations, but tend to have a strong effect. What type of receptor are hormones most likely to act on?Ligand gated ion channelsEnzyme linked receptorsG-protein coupled receptorsBoth B and CAll of the aboveHistone acetyltransferase and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes convert the chromatin from the closed conformation to the open conformation. What effect does this have on transcription? Splicing is increased Transcription is shut down RNA elongation is repressed Small effector proteins are excluded from the genes RNA polymerase is able to bind and initiate transcription of the gene The initiation of transcription in eukaryotes involves: assembly of preinitiation complex that includes GTFs (General Transcription Factors) and RNA polymerase II. assembly preinitiation complex that includes GTFs only. assembling preinitiation complex that include RNA polymerase II only. None of the above. An enhancer region is located far away from the promoter region and the basal transcription factors, however it is unable to communicate to form the complex needed to start transcription. What is a crucial molecule that is needed?SilencerRNA polymeraseMediator complexAnticodonA Drosophilia with an antenna growing out of its abdomen segments most likely has a mutation in its ________ genes.a.Pair-ruleb.Segment-identityc.Gapd.MorphogenWhich of the following is true regarding p53?It is an oncogene.Activation of this gene is highly correlated to cancer formation.P53 serves to prevent apoptosis.P53 serves as a G1 checkpoint protein.What is the likely mechanism by which an enzyme-linked receptor might transduce and amplify a signal intracellularly? By activating a protein kinase cascade. By degrading a repressor. By upregulating the expression of a transporter.With reference to the above diagram from your textbook. The G-protein is activated ….finish the sentence when theβ/γ dimer associates with the α subunit. when ATP concentrations are high enough to activate adenylyl cyclase. by the dissociation of the β/γ dimer from the α subunit. by the exchange of ATP for GTP. All of the above None of the aboveTumor suppressor genes are most likely to result in cancer through:Loss of function mutationsGain of function mutationsOverexpressionProto-oncogene formation A molecule that during development provides positional information via a concentration gradient is known as a transcription factor exon morphogen endocrine signal G- protein coupled pathway Drosophila embryos have 15 segments, the identity of which is determined by: Bicoid Gap genes Pair-rule genes Segment-identify genes A transcriptional hierarchy of Bicoid/Gap genes/Pair-rule genes/Segment identity genes A mutation in which an early stop codon exists is:NonsenseMissenseSilentFrameshift A neurotransmitter must travel across a synapse to get to the next neuron to keep transmitting its signal. In order to do that, the molecule binds to a channel protein and the conformation change opens up that channel to let in the neurotransmitter to carry on that signal. What type of cell signaling is this?G- protein coupledLigand- gatedEnzyme-linkedAfter transformation, a bacteria is plated on penicillin (antibiotic) and no growth is present. What does this tell you about the bacteria?Transformation was not successfulTransformation was successfulXGal was not createdXGal was createdCardiac and intestinal epithelia cells differ mainly because:a.intestinal cells have deleted DNA for cadiac-specific genes.b. they express different genes.c.they use different genetic codes.d.they use different ribosomes.e.they contain different chromosomes.Fas (death) receptor is an example of what type of receptor?pRb is a:i) signal ii) signal receptor iii) transcription factor iv) pathway inhibitorAt what checkpoint in the cell cycle does pRb function? With respect to cancer, p53 is considered what type of protein? Oncoprotein or tumor suppressor protein? At what checkpoint in the cell cycle does p53 function? p 53 is a : i) signal ii) signal receptor iii) transcription factor iv) pathway inhibitorHow does the cyclin-CDK complex work?What impact would a gain-of function mutation in a cyclin or CDK gene have on the cell cycle?What impact does a Fas receptor mutation have on the growth of cancerous cells?Is the cancer-causing mutation in the Fas-receptor gene a gain-of-function or loss-of function mutation? ................

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