BIO 315: Invertebrate Zoology

NAME: ____________________________Integrating Concepts in Biology IIInstructions for Instructors: This sample exam covering Chapters 19-21 of ICB can be used as a guide to building your own assessment. Depending upon your goals and coverage, you may need to rearrange images and questions. This set of questions is too long for a single exam; you will have to select a subset of questions. You can reduce the size of the data galleries or keep them the same length. The Data Galleries do not contain every figure from these three chapters, but contains at least the ones necessary to answer the questions. See the ICB approach to assessment guide in the Instructor Resource area for more information Instructions for Students: This exam is worth 15% of your course grade and will be due in class on Wednesday, __/__/____. No exceptions; late reviews will result in a 10%/day deduction. You may not consult any notes, old tests, internet, texts or any other person while working on this review. Do not discuss the test with anyone until all exams are turned in. Your signature at the bottom of this page signifies that the work is yours alone and is pledged under the Honor Code. Once you begin you will have four hours to complete the review. There are __ pages in this test, including this cover sheet. You may use a calculator and/or ruler. The answers to the questions must be typed into the space after each question. For each question or part to a question, limit your answers to the constraints given. I have given you sentence limits so be concise. Any part of your answer beyond those constraints will not be graded. Save your work often, renaming this file “lastname_review1.docx.” Send it to me electronically when finished with the exam. Alternatively, you may print it and handwrite your answers, and turn in the hardcopy, if you prefer. If you do this, staple all pages and print legibly; I can only grade what I can read. There are several “Data Galleries” in the form of numbered figures and tables after the questions. Move appropriate figures from the galleries and incorporate them into your answers or cite the figure or table number in your answer. Do not assume that all figures will be used, or that you will only use a figure once. Simply placing data near your answer is not sufficient support: you must explain the significance of the data and how they support your written answer. Please do not write or type your name on any page other than this cover page. Name (please type or print):Read the pledge and sign if you can do so with honor:Pledged: ___________________________ (typing your full name here counts as your electronic signature)"Every student shall be honor bound to refrain from cheating (including plagiarism). Every student shall be honor bound to refrain from stealing. Every student shall be honor bound from lying about official college business. Every student shall be honor bound to report immediately all violations of the Honor System that come under his or her observation; failure to do so shall be a violation of the Honor System. Every student found guilty of a violation shall ordinarily be dismissed from the college."How long did this exam take you to complete?(CH22) What differences do you observe in the fingerprint tracings of normal and sickle-cell hemoglobin? Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answer.(CH22) Show how scientists reconstructed the peptide sequences for normal and sickle-cell hemoglobin. Once you reconstruct the sequences, describe the difference between the two peptide chains in terms of the positions and amino acid substitutions that were observed. Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answer.(CH22) What are the conditions under which hemoglobin precipitates out of solution, and how are normal and sickle-cell hemoglobin different in that regard? What do you predict will happen to red blood cells if hemoglobin precipitates out of solution and crystallizes? Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answer.(CH22) Sickle cell disease was the first disease for which anyone had found the molecular cause. Answer the following questions using data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answers.What causes the red blood cells to change their shape? Limit your answer to a maximum of two sentences.What is the specific difference between wild-type and the sickle cell protein? Limit your answer to a maximum of two sentences.(CH22) If homozygotes do not live long enough to reproduce, how is it that the mutated hemoglobin gene persists in a population? Why would evolution not lead to elimination of the mutation? Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answer.(CH22) Answer the following questions regarding Lyme disease using data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answers. Limit your answers to a maximum of two sentences for each part.What cellular function does the pathogen disrupt to cause the terrible consequences? Why does Lyme disease cause so many different symptoms given your answer to part A above? (CH22) Describe briefly what the three treatments in the table below represent, and what conclusion you come to regarding the data obtained by this experiment. Write up to 5 sentences and incorporate at least one of the themes of the Cell Big Idea, that structure relates to function and cells communicate with other cells, into your answer.Table 22.5(CH22) Examine the cells in Figure 22.6. Using the descriptions of color coding in the text and figure legend to locate cell nuclei, describe the distribution of FUS/TLS in the cells for the familial ALS patients and for the control individuals. Does FUS/TLS distribute similarly?Figure 22.5 Figure 22.6 (CH22) Answer the following questions about Giardia in one (1) sentence each. Be sure to reference one piece of supporting evidence for each question from Data Gallery #1.What is at least one non-human animal that Giardia can infect, and what is the advantage of having multiple hosts? Which life stage might be involved in transmission from host to host? What might be the function of the other life stage?DATA GALLERY #1Figure 22.2Figure 22.3Figure 22.4Table 22.2Table 22.1Table 22.4Table 22.3Table 22.7Table 22.5Figure 22.7Figure 22.7Figure 22.8Figure 22.11Figure 22.14Figure 22.19Figure 22.20Figure 22.13Figure 22.12Figure 22.23Figure 22.22Figure 22.15Figure 22.18Table 22.8Table 22.11Table 22.10Table 22.9(CH22) Answer the following questions regarding infection of rice plants by a fungal pathogen. Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answers. Limit your answers to each part to no more than 2 sentences.Describe the effect of incubation time and external pressure on cell collapse. What is the relevance of this to fungal infection?Describe the effect of increasing external pressure on infection cells’ ability to penetrate substrates of various hardness (1 to 6). What is the relevance of this to fungal infection?(CH22) Answer the following questions regarding Giardia. Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answers. Answer each question in no more than 2 sentences.What is the significance of Giardia having two life stages? Which life stage might be involved in transmission? What might be the function of the other life stage? How do these life stages relate to the fact that this pathogen can infect multiple host species? (CH22) Below are data from a 2007 cholera outbreak in one city in southern Sudan. Cholera is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium that causes severe watery diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if untreated. Based on what you know about determining disease transmission and your ability to interpret new data, answer the following questions. Given the rapid spike in the number of cases, hypothesize as to the route of transmission. Answer in one (1) sentence.What additional data are required in order to test your hypothesis? Provide a list (do NOT write sentences).Figure not in text:(CH22) Reported Lyme disease cases in the US have more than tripled since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began recording cases in 1991. One conclusion we could make about these data is that the number of cases is actually increasing. Another is that doctors are just getting better at detecting and diagnosing Lyme disease. Can you think of a way to distinguish between the two alternatives? Answer in no more than three (3) sentences.Figure not in text:(CH22) Is the coronavirus in animals the same coronavirus in humans that causes SARS? What evidence supports that conclusion? Use data from Data Gallery #1 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three sentences.(CH22) What do the data below tell you about how SARS is transmitted to uninfected people? How does the transmission mechanism relate to the global distribution of a disease? Answer in no more than two (2) sentences.Figure 22.23(CH23) Describe an experiment that helped elucidate the function of parietal cells? How does this experiment help you understand how parietal cells function? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. (CH23) Answer the following questions regarding glucose transport in the small intestines. Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. What is the effect of the sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter (SGLT1) on glucose accumulation in epithelial cells? In the blood?What is the effect of glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) on glucose accumulation in epithelial cells? In the blood?Where do the sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter (SGLT1) and glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2) localize on the epithelial cell membranes relative to the lumen of the small intestine? (CH23) Is there a period of time after blood feeding in R. prolixus where the head is necessary for molting? Is there a period of time after blood feeding where the head can be removed with no effect on molting? What do you conclude from this? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer.(CH23) which is the key experiment in the table below demonstrating the source of molting hormone in insects? What do the data suggest about the source? Answer in two (2) sentences. Table 23.6 (CH23) If a mutation were to lead to a deficiency in the gene that produces both p16 and p19 proteins, what would you predict would occur to stem cell self-renewal based on the schematic on the left? Which set of data best addresses this deficiency and how does your prediction relate to the data? Answer in no more than three (3) sentences. Figure 23.18 Components of cell cycle regulation in tissue-specific stem cells. Figure 23.15 Effects of loss of Bmi-1 on stem cells.Figure 23.16 Effects of loss of p16Ink4a on stem cell(CH23) If a mutation were to lead to a deficiency in the Bmi-1 protein, what would predict would occur to stem cell self-renewal based on the schematic on the left? How does your answer relate to the data on the right, and which panel(s) in that figure is (are) important to drawing that conclusion? Answer in no more than three (3) sentences. Figure 23.18 Components of cell cycle regulation in tissue-specific stem cells. Figure 23.15 Effects of loss of Bmi-1 on stem cells.(CH23) Which of the following is (are) the key experiment(s) in the table below demonstrating that there is a juvenile hormone produced in 1st through 4th stage juvenile insects (rather than a metamorphosis hormone produced by 5th stage juvenile insects)? Answer in two (2) sentences. (CH23) What effect does loss of Bmi-1 have on expression of p16Ink4a and p19Arf? What would you predict these changes in expression would have on self-renewal, based on the scheme in Figure 23.14? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences.(CH23) What effects did the loss of p16Ink4a have on adult mouse neural stem cells? Did you predict this based on the scheme in Figure 23.14? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences.(CH23) Which treatments in Figure 23.17 (in Data Gallery #2) are significantly different from the control, the normal mice? Does the loss of p16Ink4a restore self-renewal in mice that have also lost Bmi-1? Answer in no more than three sentences.(CH24) Explain how you can use data regarding dividing cells to estimate the growth rate and the doubling time of the population of cells. Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences. (CH24) What differences do you note between the distributions of dividing times of the species shown in Figure 24.2B? Answer in no more than two (2) concise sentences.Figure 24.2(CH24) In the following formula, where t is in hours, explain how to determine both doubling time and growth rate: x = 8 x 22t.(CH24) Do blooms of algae lead to negative effects on other creatures? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences.(CH24) Why might there be a lag phase in cultures of single-celled organisms that are grown from individuals transferred from cultures already in the exponential phase? After a period of growth, why does growth rate of populations decline from the maximum exponential growth rate? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three sentences.Data Gallery #2Figure 23.3Figure 23.5Figure 23.4Table 23.1Table 23.2Figure 23.6Figure 23.7Figure 23.8Figure 23.10Table 23.4Table 23.3Table 23.5Table 23.6Figure 23.17Table 23.7Figure 23.15Figure 23.16Table 23.8Table 23.9Table 23.10Table 23.11Figure 24.1Figure 24.3Figure 24.4 Figure 24.2Figure 24.6Figure 24.8Figure 24.10Table 24.1Table 24.2Figure 24.11Figure 24.13Figure 24.14Figure 24.15 Figure 24.18Figure 24.17Figure 24.20Figure 24.19Figure 24.21Figure 24.22(CH24) Explain how environmental conditions can support algal growth and ultimately facilitate algal blooms. Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three (3) sentences.(CH24) Are toxic algal blooms related to deposition of any nutrients? If so, which ones? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three (3) sentences. (CH24) Use data from Data Gallery #2 to illustrate how one connection in the nitrogen cycle, depicted below in Figure 24.12, was determined. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences.Figure 24.12(CH24) Use data from Data Gallery #1 to illustrate how different conditions affect the growth of populations of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Answer in no more than two (2) sentences. (CH24) Explain the data that show legumes grown in the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer as non-legumes. What conclusions do you come to regarding their growth? Also explain the data that show that legumes can grow in the absence of nitrogen. Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three (3) sentences.(CH24) What are the effects of rhizobia in comparison to fertilizer on growth, nitrogen content, and nitrogen fixation of chickpeas or other legumes? Use data from Data Gallery #2 to support your answer. Answer in no more than three (3) sentences.(CH24) Both of the figures below graph the same model [Pt+1 = Pt + r Pt (1-Pt/K)]. Explain which term in the formula, when different, leads to the differences observed in the two figures. If these two graphs represent the growth of two species, or of one species under two different sets of environmental conditions, what is the biological interpretation of the comparison between the two species? Answer in no more than three (3) sentences. ................

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