ERIC MARTIN PIETRAS - School of Medicine

Eric Martin Pietras, PhD Curriculum Vitae


Chronic inflammation due to obesity, autoimmune disease and aging is emerging as a worldwide health problem. An embedded issue is the increased risk for lethal blood malignancies like acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in these patient populations. The focus of my independent research career is to understand how chronic inflammation impairs the capacity of blood-forming hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to maintain a healthy blood system, leading to a devastating array of leukemias and inflammatory disease-related hematological comorbidities. My goal is to use multidisciplinary, cutting-edge approaches in mouse and human settings to identify specific mechanisms triggered by inflammation that interfere with, or even promote, normal HSC function. My mission is to lead a research program that establishes a new therapeutic paradigm in which bone marrow inflammation is targeted, thereby preventing and/or delaying disease onset.


University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology

Boettcher Investigator

Cleo Meador/George Ryland Scott Chair of Medicine in Hematology

Program Affiliations

Secondary faculty appointment in Department of Microbiology and Immunology

University of Colorado Cancer Center, CCSG Full Member

Charles C. Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine

Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome


Knox College Galesburg, IL USA

BA, Biochemistry, magna cum laude with College Honors 1997-2001

• Mentor: Janet Kirkley, PhD

• Honors thesis: Regulation of murine macrophage function by hypothermia

University of Chicago Chicago, IL USA

Research Technologist I 2001-2003

• Mentor: Marcus Peter, PhD

• Research focus: Regulation of pro-apoptotic CD95 signaling in cancer

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles, CA USA

PhD, Microbiology, Immunology, Molecular Genetics 2003-2008

• Mentor: Genhong Cheng, PhD

• Thesis: MyD88-dependent regulation of immune cell recruitment in response to systemic and local bacterial infection PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) San Francisco, CA USA

Postdoctoral Researcher 2008-2015

• Mentor: Emmanuelle Passegué, PhD

• Research focus: Role of chronic inflammation in regulating HSC function


1997-2001 Hermann Mueller Scholarship, Knox College

1997-2001 Theatre Scholarship, Knox College

1997-2001 Dean's List, Knox College

2000 Ford Foundation Research Fellowship

2001 Phi Beta Kappa

2004 NIH Institutional Research Service Award GM07185

2007 UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship

2009 NIH Institutional Research Service Award T32AI007334

2010 NIH Institutional Research Service Award T32CA1083462

2010 UCSF Postdoctoral Research Award

2011 NIH Individual Postdoctoral Research Service Award F32HL10698

2014 NIH Mentored Research Scientist Development Award K01DK098315

2015 Sandra Saffer Endowed Chair, Division of Hematology

2017 Boettcher Investigator, Boettcher Foundation

2018 Cleo Meador/George Ryland Endowed Chair of Medicine in Hematology

2019 CU Department of Medicine Outstanding Early Career Scholar


2006-2009 Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB)

2013-present International Cytokine and Interferon Society (ICIS)

2015-present American Association of Immunologists (AAI)

2015-present International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH)

2016-present American Society of Hematology (ASH)


2009 Becton-Dickenson LSRII Flow Cytometer Operator Course

2014 UCSF Scientific Leadership and Management Workshop

2017 BESST Project Management Workshop

2017 BESST Preparing Your Trainees for Non-Academic Careers

2017 CCTSI K to R Transition Program

2017-2018 Dept. of Medicine Career Cornerstones Workshops



2016-2017 Organizer, Division of Hematology Journal Club

School of Medicine

2017-present Member, UCCC Flow Cytometry Shared Resource Internal Advisory Board

2018-present Member, Department of Medicine PhD Task Force

Graduate School

2016 Co-Chair, Cancer Biology Graduate Retreat Committee

2017 Chair, Cancer Biology Graduate Retreat Committee

2017-present Interviewer, Cancer Biology, BSP and Immunology Graduate Programs


2016-present Member, ISEH New Investigators Committee

Committee is responsible for development and execution of trainee-focused scientific and career development events at annual ISEH meeting and in year-round webinars.

2017-present Member, ISEH Junior PI Task Force

Task force is responsible for development and execution of junior faculty-specific career and grant pre-review events at annual ISEH meeting.

2017-present Organizer, 'Stem Cells on Fire' Informal Hematopoiesis Meeting

SCOF is an informal invited meeting of seven inflammation and hematopoiesis- focused junior faculty held at the annual ASH conference.

Developed meeting concept, attendee list and format for yearly meeting.

2018-present Co-organizer and host, Junior PI Hematopoiesis Meeting

Inaugural annual 2-day meeting brought 16 invited junior hematopoiesis faculty from across the USA to Anschutz Medical Campus.

Developed meeting concept, attendee list and format in collaboration with co-organizer at University of Washington

Obtained funding from Boettcher Foundation, Crnic Institute and UCCC for inaugural meeting in October, 2018


Grant Review Panels

2015 Medical Research Council (UK); Ad Hoc Reviewer

2017 NIH Molecular and Cellular Hematology (MCH); Early Career Reviewer

2018 NIH ZDK1 GRB-G(J3); NIDDK RC2 grant review panel; Discussant

2019-Present NIH/NIDDK Kidney, Urology and Hematology (KUH) Fellowship Application Review Committee; Regular Member appointment through 2023


2015-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Scientific Reports

2016-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Blood

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Blood Advances

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Cell Stem Cell

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Cell

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Cell Reports

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Nature Communications

2017-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of Experimental Medicine

2018-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Cell Metabolism

2018-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Haematologica

2019-present Ad-hoc reviewer for Science Translational Medicine

Editorial Advisory Boards

2018-present StemJournal (IOS Press, Amsterdam, NL)

StemJournal is a companion peer-reviewed journal to the StemBook online resource. Editor-in-Chief: Chad Cowan (Harvard).

Scientific Conferences

2016-2017 Abstract Reviewer for International Society of Experimental Hematology (ISEH)



2016 Pro-inflammatory cytokines as critical regulators of hematopoietic stem cell function. University of Colorado Micro/Immuno Seminar Series. Feb. 26

2016 Inflammatory signaling: firing up normal and leukemic hematopoietic stem cells. University of Colorado Cancer Biology Seminar Series. Mar. 10.

2016 Inflammation: a critical regulator of normal and leukemic hematopoiesis. University of Colorado 2nd annual Hematology Retreat. May 2.

2016 How to make someone’s blood boil: inflammatory pathways and hematopoietic stem cell fate. University of Colorado Molecular Biology Seminar Series. Jun 6.

2016 Inflammation and leukemic stem cell biology. 17th Annual Colorado Immunology Conference. Sept 2.

2016 Role of inflammation in regulating hematopoietic stem cell function in chronic disease and transplantation. Aspen Research Conference. Sept. 18.

2016 Inflammation and hematopoietic stem cells: re-examining disease from the root of the blood system. DOM Research & Innovation Seminar Series. Sept. 22.

2016 Unraveling inflammation-induced fate reprogramming in hematopoietic stem cells. Molecular Biology Program Annual Retreat. Oct. 27.

2017 Role of U2AF1 in HSC inflammation response and MDS. University of Colorado RNA Bioscience Symposium. Oct. 9.

2018 IL-1 as a regulator of HSC function and clonal hematopoiesis. University of Colorado Cancer Center Grand Rounds. Feb. 6.

2019 Impact of chronic inflammatory disease on blood system function: lessons from hematopoietic stem cells. Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Initiative Translational Immunology Seminar Series. Feb. 20.

2019 Pilot project presentation: Do hematopoietic stem cells listen to their gut? Uncovering a gut-blood system regulatory axis. GALIIP Symposium. April 18.


2013 Type I interferons induce transient proliferation and antagonize HSC function by altering interactions with the bone marrow niche. Keystone Symposium on Hematopoiesis, Steamboat Springs, CO, Jan. 15.

2013 Interleukin-1 drives HSC differentiation and myelopoiesis via a PU.1-dependent molecular program. Cytokines 2013, San Francisco, CA, Oct 1.

2014 Myeloproliferative neoplasms remodel the endosteal bone marrow niche into a self-reinforcing leukemic niche. 22nd International Molecular Medicine TriConference: Targeting Cancer Stem Cells Symposium, San Francisco, CA, Feb. 13.

2014 Interleukin-1 drives hematpoietic stem cell differentiation via a PU.1-dependent circuit. 10th International Workshop on Molecular Aspects of Myeloid Stem Cell Development and Leukemia. Cincinnati, OH, May 5.

2015 Interleukin-1 drives myeloid differentiation in hematopoietic stem cells at the expense of self-renewal. Keystone Symposium on Hematopoiesis, Keystone, CO, Feb. 25.

2015 Interleukin-1 drives myeloid differentiation in HSC at the expense of self-renewal. ASH 57th Annual Meeting and Exposition, Orlando, FL, Dec. 7.

2015 Inflammation: a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell fate and function. Bayer Life Sciences Workshop: Hematopoiesis. San Francisco, CA, Nov. 17.

2016 Interleukin-1 is a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell function. ISEH Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Aug. 28.

2017 Chronic inflammation as a key regulator of HSC fate and function. Baylor Medical College Stem Cell Therapy Program. Houston, TX, Mar. 21.

2017 Inflammation as a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell fate and function. Harvard Medical School/Boston Children's Hospital Transfusion Medicine Program, Cambridge, MA, Apr. 7.

2017 Inflammation as a key regulator of hematopoietic stem cell fate and function. Northwestern University Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Seminar Series. Chicago, IL, Apr. 20.

2018 IL-1 as a critical regulator of HSC fate and function. Albert Einstein Medical College. Bronx, NY, Aug. 17.

2018 IL-1 as a regulator of HSC function and clonal hematopoiesis. Novel Therapeutics in Heme Malignancies. Providence, RI, Oct. 12.

2018 Chronic inflammation as a regulator of hematopoietic stem cell function and fitness. St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Hematology Seminar Series. Memphis, TN, Nov. 16.

2019 Chronic interleukin-1 reduces HSC fitness via PU.1-dependent growth arrest. Keystone Symposium on Cell Competition and Disease. Tahoe City, CA, Feb. 24-28.

2019 Understanding chronic inflammatory disease: lessons from hematopoietic stem cells. Penn State University Bortree Lecture Series. State College, PA, April 24.

2019 Chronic inflammation as a regulator of HSC function and fitness. NIDDK workshop: Hematopoietic Response to Stress. Bethesda, MD, April 29.


2016 There will be blood. Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Medicine authors' meeting, Bremen, Germany. Oct.

2018 How HSCs survive chronic inflammation: lessons from rheumatoid arthritis and chronic IL-1. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 7.


Graduate Program Affiliations

2016-present Immunology/Microbiology

2016-present Cancer Biology

2016-present Molecular Biology

2016-present Biological Sciences Program (BSP)

Graduate Course Lectures

2017 Cancer Biology Graduate Student Journal Club. Facilitator for student discussion for one journal club session per course year.

2017-Present Lecturer, IDPT 7810. Lecture title: Inflammation and Cancer

2018-Present Lecturer, CANB 7600: Lecture title: Hematopoiesis and Cancer

2016-2018 BSP Graduate Student Journal Club. Content selection and facilitation of student discussion for one journal club session per course year.

Current Mentees

2016-present Jennifer Rabe, Graduate Student, Molecular Biology PhD Program

• NHLBI F31 Individual Predoctoral Fellowship awardee, 2017

• Presenting author on one scientific abstract to 2017 ASH meeting

2017-present James Chavez, Professional Research Assistant, Division of Hematology

• Hematology Research Employee of the Year, 2018

• First author on Cell Stem Cell commentary article

2017-present Taylor Mills, Graduate Student, Immunology PhD Program

• NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program awardee, 2018

• Presenting author on two scientific abstracts to ASH meeting (2017-2018)

2018-present Zhonghe Ke, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Division of Hematology

Past Mentees

2010-2011 Ranjani Lakshminarasimahn, CIRM research intern. Current position: senior scientist, DxTerity

2011-2012 Sarah Fong, undergraduate research intern. Current position: PhD student, Vanderbilt University

2013-2014 Cristina Mirantes, PhD student, University of Lleida, Spain. Current position: Medical Scientific Liason, Novartis Oncology.

2016-2017 Giovanny Hernandez, Professional Research Assistant, Division of Hematology. Current position: English language instructor, Japan

• First author on article in press at Haematologica

Trainee Oversight Committees

2017-2019 Taylor Soderborg, MSTP Graduate Student, Friedman Lab

2016-present Kelly Higa, MSTP Graduate Student, De Gregori Lab

2016-present Kelsey Wuensch, Cancer Biology PhD Graduate Program, Tan Lab

2017-present Jennie Mae Samson*, Cancer Biology PhD Graduate Program, Fujita Lab

2017-present Rachel Ancar, Molecular Biology PhD Graduate Program, Hesselberth Lab

2018-present Marlie Fisher, MSTP Graduate Student, Di Paola Lab

2019-present Orlando Esparza, MD*, Pediatric Heme/Onc Fellowship Program

*Committee chair

External Thesis Examiner

2018 Kelly Mitchell, PhD Student, Albert Einstein Medical College, Aug. 16th.

Other Teaching Activities

2017 Moderator and task force member, How to Start a Lab from Scratch. ISEH Career Development Webinar, Dec. 13

Co-organized and moderated webinar session that featured presentations from four successful mid-career scientists on how to start a new laboratory.

2017-2018 Written cirriculum development for academic trainees. Making the Leap, Parts 1-6. Simply Blood: The official ISEH weblog.

Conceptuaized, wrote and published a detailed six-part web series for post-doctoral trainees on transitioning from postdoctoral to academic faculty positions.

2018 Moderator and task force member, New Investigator and Junior PI Career Development sessions, ISEH Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA. Aug. 25-28.

Moderated two large-group panel discussions with three academic journal editors and six early-mid career faculty, respectively.


Current Awards

Webb-Waring Early Career Investigator Award (PI) 06/01/2017-05/30/2020

Boettcher Foundation $80,000 per year

Blood system dysfunction as an early driver of rheumatoid arthritis

The goal of this project is to identify the mechanisms and impact of deregulated blood system function in the pathogenesis of chronic autoimmune diseases, particularly rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

R01DK119394-01 (PI) 2/1/2019 – 1/31/2024

NIH/NIDDK $243,500 per year

Impact of IL-1 signaling on HSC function and emergence of clonal hematopoiesis

The goal of this project is to identify mechanisms by which chronic IL-1 suppresses blood production by HSC via a PU.1 gene program, and how HSC bearing oncogenic mutations circumvent these effects to preferentially expand in the bone marrow.

Pilot Award (Co-PI w/Angelo D'Alessandro, PhD) 10/1/2018-9/30-2019

Golfers Against Cancer $45,000

Interleukin-1 as a metabolic regulator of AML pathogenesis

The goal of this project is to identify metabolic changes in hematopoietic stem cells that negatively impact their function and assess whether IL-1 blockade can reverse these effects, thereby preventing and/or delaying leukemia expansion.

Awarded and Awaiting Funding

Grand Challenge Grant (PI) 9/1/2019-8/31/2020

Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome $50,000

Interferons as a trigger of hematopoietic chemotoxicity following DS-ALL therapy

The goal of this project is to investigate the link between chronic interferon signaling in Down Syndrome with chemosensitivity to methotrexate in the treatment of DS-ALL. We anticipate these investigations may implicate IFNs in increased apoptosis, leading to impaired blood system function.

Outstanding Early Career Scholar Program 07/01/2019-6/30/2022

University of Colorado Department of Medicine $75,000 per year

Inflammation-induced hypoxia as a metabolic trigger of leukemogenesis

The goal of this project is to initiate a new research program to understand how chronic inflammation triggers hematopoietic stem cell suppression, and the potential for this mechanism to drive leukemia development.

Past Awards

F32HL106989 (PI) 05/01/2011-04/30/2012

NIH/NHLBI $44,304

Regulation of normal and leukemic hematopoiesis by type I interferons

The goal of this project is to identify the impact of acute and chronic type I interferon (IFN-1) signaling on hematopoietic stem cells and the function of IFN-1 in chronic myelogenous leukemia treatment.

GALIIP Pilot/Feasibility Award (PI) 09/01/2016-08/31/2017

University of Colorado GI and Liver Innate Immune Program $25,000

Control of blood system function via gut-microbiome signaling axis

The purpose of this project is to identify whether commensal microbiota in the gut can alter HSC fate, and assess whether dysbiosis primes development of disease-causing cells.

RNA Bioscience Project Award (Co-PI w/Daniel Pollyea, MD) 10/1/2016-9/30/2018

University of Colorado RNA Bioscience Initiative $50,000

Role of RNA splicing factor U2AF1 mutations in regulating hematopoietic stem cell inflammation response and myelodysplastic syndrome.

The goal of this project is to assess the role of inflammation in driving hematopoietic dysregulation and MDS progression in the context of aberrant HSC pre-mRNA splicing.

Team Science Award (Co-PI w/Kristen Demoruelle, MD) 1/1/2017-12/31/2018

University of Colorado Dept. of Medicine $40,000

Blood system dysfunction as a detectable early driver of rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis

The goal of this project is to identify deregulations in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and their progeny that may drive progression to clinical arthritis.

K01DK098315 (PI) 07/01/2014-06/30/2019

NIH/NIDDK $151,000 per year

Pro-inflammatory cytokines in hematopoietic stem cell function

This project will define how specific pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines regulate HSC fate choices and whether chronic exposure to these factors irreversibly degrades HSC function.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

1. Algeciras-Schimnich A*, Pietras EM*, Barnhart BC, Legembre P, Vijayan S, Holbeck SL, Peter ME (2003). Two CD95 tumor classes with different sensitivities to antitumor drugs. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 100, 11445-50. PMCID: PMC208777

2. Barnhart BC*, Legembre P*, Pietras E, Bubici C, Franzoso G, Peter ME (2004). CD95 ligand induces motility and invasiveness of apoptosis-resistant tumor cells. EMBO J 23: 3175-85. PMID: 15272306

3. Barnhart BC, Pietras EM, Algeciras-Schimnich A, Salmena L, Sayama K, Hakem R, Peter ME (2005). CD95 apoptosis resistance in certain cells can be overcome by noncanonical activation of caspase-8. Cell Death Differ 12, 25-37. PMID: 15499374

4. Miller LS, O'Connell RM, Gutierrez MA, Pietras EM, Shahangian A, Gross CE, Thirumala A, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin RL (2006). MyD88 mediates neutrophil recruitment initiated by IL-1R but not TLR2 activation in immunity against Staphylococcus aureus. Immunity 24, 79-91. PMID 16413925

5. Saha SK*, Pietras EM*, He JQ, Kang JR, Liu SY, Oganesyan G, Shahangian A, Zarnegar B, Shiba TL, Wang Y, Cheng G (2006). Regulation of antiviral responses by a direct and specific interaction between TRAF3 and Cardif. EMBO J 25, 3257-63. PMCID: PMC1523175

6. Miller LS*, Pietras EM*, Uricchio L, O'Connell RM, Hirano K, Rao S, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin, RL (2007). Inflammasome-mediated production of IL-1beta is required for neutrophil recruitment against Staphylococcus aureus in vivo. J Immunol 179, 6933-42. PMID: 17982084

7. Oganesyan G*, Saha SK*, Pietras EM, Guo B, Perry AK, Zarnegar B, Cheng G (2007). IRF3-dependent Type I interferon response in B cells regulates CpG-mediated antibody production. J Biol Chem 283, 802-808. PMID: 17925397

8. Kayagaki N, Phung Q, Chan S, Chaudhari R, Quan C, O'Rourke KM, Eby M, Pietras E, Cheng G, Bazan JF, Zhang Z, Arnott D, Dixit VM (2007). DUBA: A deubiquitinase that regulates type I interferon production. Science 318,1628-32. PMID: 17991829

9. Peacock JW, Palmer J, Fink D, Ip S, Pietras EM, Mui ALF, Chung SW, Gleave ME, Cox ME, Parsons R, Peter ME, Ong CJ (2009). PTEN loss promotes mitochondrial dependent Type II Fas-induced apoptosis via PEA-15. Mol Cell Biol 29, 1222-34. PMID: 19103758

10. Cho J, Pietras EM, Farzam DM, Monroe HR, Garcia NC, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin RL, Miller LS (2010). IL-17-producing epidermal gamma-delta T cells are required for innate immunity against Staphylococcus aureus. J Clin Invest 120, 1762-73. PMCID: PMC2860944

11. Pietras EM, Miller LS, Johnson CT, O'Connell RM, Dempsey PW, Cheng G (2011). A MyD88-dependent IFNgammaR-CCR2 signaling circuit is required for mobilization of monocytes and host defense against systemic bacterial challenge. Cell Research. 21,1068-79. PMID: 21467996

12. Reynaud D. Pietras E, Barry-Holson K, Mir A, Binnewies M, Jeanne M, Sala-Torra O, Radich JP, Passegué E (2011). IL-6 controls leukemic multipotent progenitor cell fate and contributes to chronic myelogenous leukemia develoment. Cancer Cell 20, 661-673 PMID: 22094259

13. Schepers K, Pietras EM, Reynaud D, Flach J, Binnewies M, Garg T, Wagers AJ, Hsiao EC, Passegué E (2013). Myeloproliferative neoplasia remodels the Endosteal bone marrow niche into a self-reinforcing leukemic niche. Cell Stem Cell 13, 285-299. PMID: 23850243

14. Pietras EM, Lakshminarasimhan R, Techner JM, Fong SL, Flach J, Binnewies M, Passegué E (2014). Quiescence protects hematopoietic stem cells from the killing effect of chronic exposure to type I interferons. J Exp Med 211, 245-262. PMID: 24493802 71 citations to date (CrossRef)

15. Flach J, Bakker ST, Mohrin M, Conroy PC, Pietras EM, Reynaud D, Alvarez S, Diolaiti ME, Ugarte F, Forsberg EC, Le Beau MM, Stohr BA, Méndez J, Morrison CG, Passegué E (2014). Replication stress is a potent driver of functional decline in aging haematopoietic stem cells. Nature 512,198-202. PMID: 25079315

16. Pietras EM*, Reynaud D*, Carlin D, Calero-Nieto FJ, Kang YA, Leavitt AD, Stuart JM, Gottgens B, Passegué E (2015). Functionally distinct subsets of multipotent progenitors control blood production in normal and regenerative conditions. Cell Stem Cell 17, 35-46. PMID: 26095048. 86 citations to date (CrossRef)

17. Pietras EM(, Mirantes-Barbieto C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Kovtonyuk, LV, Zhang, S, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner JM, Will B, Nerlov C, Steidl U, Manz MG, Schroeder T, Passegué E( (2016). Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cells towards precocious myeloid differentiation at the expense of self-renewal. Nature Cell Biology. 18, 608-617. PMID: 27111842.

(Co-corresponding author on this publication. 76 citations to date (CrossRef). Altmetric internet activity score of 562 (Ranked 99th percentile-609th of 276,527 similar-age articles). Featured in Colorado Cancer Blogs, Apr. 25, 2016.

18. Intervertebral disc/bone marrow cross-talk with Modic changes. Dudli S, Sing DC, Hu SS, Berven SH, Burch S, Deviren V, Cheng I, Tay BK, Alamin TF, Ith MA, Pietras EM, Lotz JC (2017). Eur Spine J. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 28138783.

19. Herault A, Binnewies M, Leong S, Calero-Nieto FJ, Zhang S, Pietras EM, Chu H, Barry-Holson K, Armstrong S, Gottgens B, Passegué E (2017). Regenerative and leukemic myelopoiesis share similar features of myeloid progenitor cluster formation in the bone marrow niche. Nature, 544, 53-58. PMID: 28355185.

20. Fleenor CJ, Arends T, Lei H, Åhsberg J, Okuyama K, Kuruvilla J, Cristobal S, Rabe JL, Pandey A, Danhorn T, Straign D, Espinosa JM, Warming S, Pietras EM, Sigvardsson M, Hagman JR (2018). Zinc Finger Protein 521 regulates early hematopoiesis through cell extrinsic mechanisms in the bone marrow microenvironment. Mol Cell Biol. 38, pii: e00603-17. PMID: 29915154

21. Pollyea DA, Harris C, Rabe JL, Hedin BR, De Arras L, Katz S, Wheeler E, Bejar R, Walter MJ, Jordan CT, Pietras EM, Alper S (2019). MDS-associated spliceosome gene mutations enhance innate immune signaling. Haematologica, doi:10.3324/haematol.2018.214155 PMID: 30846499

22. Hernandez G, Mills TS, Rabe JL, Kuldanek S, Chavez JS, Kirkpatrick G, Noetzli L, Jubair W, Zanche M, Myers JR, Stevens BM, Fleenor C, Adane B, Ashton J, Dinarello CA, Jordan CT, DiPaola J, Hagman JR, Holers VM, Kuhn KA, Pietras EM (2019). Pro-inflammatory cytokine blockade attenuates myeloid expansion in a murine model of rheumatoid arthritis. Haematologica, doi:10.3324/haematol.2018.197210. PMID: 31101752

23. Hemmati S, Sinclair T, Tong M, Barthody B, Okabe RO, Ames K, Ostrodka L, Haque T, Kaur I, Mills TS, Agarwal A, Pietras EM, Zhao JJ, Roberts M, Gritsman K (2019). PI3 kinase alpha and delta promote hematopoietic stem cell activation. JCI Insight, doi:10.1172/jci.insight.125832. PMID: 31120863

*Equal contribution by authors

Review and Commentary Articles

1. Pietras EM, Saha SK, Cheng G (2006). The interferon response to bacterial and viral pathogens. J Endotoxin Res 12, 246-50. PMID: 16953977

2. Pietras EM, Cheng G (2008). New tricks for old NODs. Genome Biology (2008) 9, 217. PMCID: PMC2643928

3. Pietras EM, Cheng G (2008). A new TRADDition in intracellular antiviral signaling. Science Signaling (2008) 1, pe36. PMID: 18664658

4. Warr MR*, Pietras EM*, Passegué E (2011). Mechanisms controlling HSC functions during normal hematopoiesis and hematological malignancies. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine 3, 681-701. PMID: 21467996

5. Pietras EM*, Warr MR*, Passegué E (2011). Cell cycle regulation in hematopoietic stem cells. Journal of Cell Biology 195, 709-720. PMID: 22123859

6. Pietras EM, Passegué E (2013). Linking HSCs to their youth. Nature Cell Biol 15, 885-887. PMID: 23907190.

7. Mirantes C, Passegué E, Pietras EM (2014). Pro-inflammatory cytokines: emerging players regulating HSC function in normal and diseased hematopoiesis. Exp Cell Res. 329: 248-254. PMID: 25149680

8. Pietras EM (2017). The importance of tying up loose (DNA) ends. Blood. 129: 2457-2458. PMID 28473409.

9. Pietras EM (2017). Inflammation and hematopoietic stem cell function in health and disease. Blood. 130: 1693-1698. PMID: 28874349.

10. Pietras EM (2018). Ezh2 spares KitL from the cutter. Blood. 131: 2180-2181. PMID: 29773542

11. Chavez JS, Pietras EM (2018). Hematopoietic Stem Cells Rock Around the Clock: Circadian Fate Control via TNF/ROS Signals. Cell Stem Cell. 23: 459-460. PMID: 30290172

*Equal contribution by authors

Book Chapters

1. Jalbert E, Pietras EM. Analysis of murine hematopoietic stem cell proliferation during inflammation (2018). Methods Mol Bio. 1686:183-200. PMID: 29030822

2. Pietras EM*, DeGregori*, J. Haematopoietic System (2019). Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Medicine. In press.

*Equal contribution by authors


1. Pietras EM*, Saha SK*, Cheng, G. Critical role for TRAF3 in Cardif mediated antiviral signaling. TOLL2006. 4-7 March, 2006. Salvador, Brazil.

2. Pietras EM*, Saha SK*, Cheng, G. Cardif activates the type I IFN response through a direct and specific interaction with TRAF3. SLB/IEIIS Joint Meeting. 9-11 November, 2006. San Antonio, TX, USA.

3. Pietras EM*, Miller LS*, Uricchio L, O'Connell RM, Hirano K, Rao S, Cheung AL, Cheng G, Modlin, RL. IL-1beta and the inflammasome but not IL-1alpha mediates IL-1R-dependent neutrophil recruitment and immunity against Staphylococcus aureus skin infection. 2nd Annual Conference on the Crossroads Between Innate and Adaptive Immunity. 17-22 June, 2007. Aldemar Knossos Royal Village. Crete, Greece.

4. Pietras EM, Miller LS, Cheng, G. Role of Myeloid Differentiation Factor 88-dependent cytokines in activation of host defense functions against bacterial infection. Cytokines 2007: 15th Ann. Meeting of the International Cytokine Society. 26-30 October, 2007. San Francisco, CA, USA.

5. Pietras EM, Schepers K, Reynaud D, Lyubynska K, Braun B, Passegue E. Role of inflammatory cytokines in the initiation and progression of myeloproliferative disease. FASEB Hematological Malignancies Summer Research Conference. 2-7 August, 2009. Saxtons River, VT, USA.

6. Pietras EM, Passegué E. Complex functions of type I interferons in modulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell biology. ESH-ICMLF 12th International Conference. 24-26 September 2010. Washington, D.C., USA.

7. Pietras EM, Lakshminarasimhan R, Techner JM, Passegué E. Role of interleukin-1 in hematopoietic stem cell differentiation during normal and leukemic hematopoiesis. FASEB Hematopoietic Malignancies Summer Research Conference 31 July-5 August 2011. Saxons River, VT, USA.

8. Pietras EM, Lakshminarasimhan R, Passegué E. Complex functions of type I interferons in modulating hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell biology. Keystone Symposium on Hematopoiesis. 27 March-1 April 2012. Big Sky Resort, Montana, USA.

9. Pietras EM, Lakshminarasimhan R, Techner JM, Fong S, Flach J, Binnewies M, Passegué E. Type I interferons induce transient proliferation and antagonize HSC function by altering interactions with the bone marrow niche. Keystone Symposium on Hematopoieisis. 14-19 January 2013. Steamboat Springs, CO, USA.

10. Pietras EM, Fong S, Loeffler D, Lakshminarasimhan R, Techner J-M, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cell differentiation and myelopoiesis via a Pu.1-dependent molecular program. Cytokines 2013: Inaugural Meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society. 29 September – 3 October 2013.

11. Pietras EM, Mirantes-Barbeito C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Lakshminarasimhan R, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cell differentiation via a Pu.1-dependent molecular circuit. 10th Annual Myeloid Workshop, 4-7 May 2014. Cincinnati, OH, USA.

12. Pietras EM, Mirantes-Barbeito C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner JM, Will B, Steidl U, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cells towards precocious myeloid differentiation at the expense of self-renewal. Midwinter Conference of Immunologists, 25-27 January 2015. Asilomar Conference Center, CA, USA.

13. Pietras EM, Mirantes-Barbeito C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner JM, Will B, Steidl U, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 drives hematopoietic stem cells towards precocious myeloid differentiation at the expense of self-renewal. Keystone Symposium on Hematopoiesis, 22-27 February 2015. Keystone Resort, CO, USA.

14. Pietras EM, Mirantes-Barbeito C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner JM, Will B, Steidl U, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 activates precocious hematopoietic stem cell differentiation at the expense of self-renewal. FASEB Hematological Malignancies Science Research Conference, 26-31 July 2015. Saxtons River, VT, USA

15. Pietras EM, Mirantes-Barbieto C, Fong S, Loeffler D, Kovtonyuk, LV, Zhang, S, Lakshminarasimhan R, Chin CP, Techner JM, Will B, Nerlov C, Steidl U, Manz MG, Schroeder T, Passegué E. Interleukin-1 drives myeloid differentiation in hematopoietic stem cells at the expense of self-renewal. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 4-8 December, 2015. Orlando, FL, USA.

16. Davizon-Castillo P, Ashworth K, Higa K, Hernandez G, Acharya S, Campbell RA, Rondina M, Collins CB, Donato A, Lesiniewski L, DeGregori J, Holers VM, Banda N, Di Paola J, Pietras EM. Pro-inflammatory cytokines drive the development of a prothrombotic platelet phenotype in inflammation and aging. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 3-6 December, 2016. San Diego, CA, USA.

17. Jones CL, Kirkpatrick G, Fleenor C, Seth W, Noetzli LJ, Forsmire S, Baturin D, Liang X, Hernandez G, Pietras EM, Jordan CT, Rowley JW, Di Paola J, Hagman JR, Porter CC. ETV6 Regulates Pax5 expression in early B cell development. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 3-6 December, 2016. San Diego, CA, USA.

18. Hernandez G, Kuldanek S, Rabe JL, Kirkpatrick G, Noetzli G, Acharya S, Adane B, Jordan CT, DiPaola J, Holers VM, Banda N, Pietras EM. Altered HSC fate underlies aberrant blood phenotypes in rheumatoid arthritis. International Society for Experimental Hematology 46th Annual Meeting, 24-27 August 2017. Frankfurt, Germany.

19. Davizon-Castillo P, Jones KL, Aguila S, Bark D, Ashworth KJ, Higa K, Pietras EM, Campbell RA, Shih SC, Saunders N, DeGregori J, Rondina MT, Di Paola J. Aging-associated inflammation due to elevated levels of TNF-( increases activation if the integrin (IIb(3 and the procoagulant potential of platelets. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 9-12 December, 2017. Atlanta, GA, USA.

20. Mills TM, Hernandez G, Kuldanek S, Rabe JL, Kirkpatrick G, Noetzli L, Severs E, Ir D, Acharya S, Adane B, Jordan CT, Di Paola J, Frank D, Kuhn KA, Holers VM, Banda N, Pietras EM. Altered HSC programming drives aberrant blood output underlying RA pathogenesis. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 9-12 December, 2017. Atlanta, GA, USA.

21. Noetzli L, Rowley JW, Davizon-Castillo P, Kirkpatrick G, Ashworth KJ, Aguila S, Porter CC, Pietras EM, Weyrich AS, Di Paola J. A CRISPR-Cas9 generated Etv6 mutant mouse exhibits decreased platelet counts and functional platelet defects. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 9-12 December, 2017. Atlanta, GA, USA.

22. Rabe JL, Hernandez G, Pietras EM. Identification of a hematopoietic stem cell fraction that retains normal function following chronic inflammation. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 9-12 December, 2017. Atlanta, GA, USA.

23. Rabe JL, Higa K, Chavez J, Mills TM, Nemkov T, Dinarello C, Nerlov C, D’Alessandro A, DeGregori J, Pietras EM. IL-1 drives clonal hematopoiesis via selective induction of growth arrest in normal HSC. ISEH 47th Annual Meeting, 23-27 August, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

24. Mills TM, Hernandez G, Rabe JL, Kuldanek S, Chavez J, Kirkpatrick G, Noetzli L, Jubair W, Zanche M, Myers JR, Stevens BM, Fleenor C, Adane B, Ashton JM, Jordan CT, Hagman J, Di Paola J, Holers VM, Kuhn KA, Pietras EM. Rheumatoid arthritis causes hematopoietic stem cell reprogramming to maintain functionality. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 1-4 December 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.

25. Majumdar D, Pietras EM, Stumhofer J, Pawar SA. Investigating the role of C/EBPdelta deficiency in radiation-induced bone marrow failure. American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Conference and Exposition, 1-4 December 2018, San Diego, CA, USA.

26. Nash MJ, Soderborg TK, Janssen RC, Pietras EM, Friedman JE. Maternal high-fat diet persistently alters bone marrow immune cell proportions and function in a nonhuman primate model. American Diabetes Association 78th Scientific Sessions, 22-26 June 2018, Orlando, FL, USA.


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