Exercise 16 Nervous Tissue Using Your Knowledge ... - Weebly

Exercise 16TABLE 16.1Schwann cells – PNSEpendymal cells – CNSMicroglia – CNSAstrocytes – CNSSatellite cells – PNSOligodendrocytes – CNSFig. 16.1OligodendrocyteMicroglial cellsAstrocytesEpendymal cellSatellite cellSchwann cellFig. 16.2ProcessesCell bodyDendriteAxonAxon hillockCell bodyNucleusFig. 16.3Axon terminalsSchwann cellNode of RanvierAxon collateralAxon or somaDendritesCell bodyAxon hillockTrigger zone (initial segment)Myelin sheathFig. 16.4ProcessSatellite cellsNucleusNeuron cell bodyAxonDendritesNeuron cell bodyFig. 16.5UnipolarMultipolarBipolarSensory neuronInterneuronMotor neuronFig. 16.6MyelinatedAxonMyelin sheathSchwann cell cytoplasmNode of RanvierUnmyelinatedAxonsSchwann cell cytoplasmFig. 16.7NeurolemmaMyelin sheathNode of RanvierAxonFig. 16.8White matter in brain and spinal cordGray matter in brain and spinal cordBEFORE GOING TO LABAxoaxonicAxodendriticAxosomaticDendrites on postsynaptic neurons receive neurotransmitters at synapseGraded potential sent toward trigger zoneAction potential started on postsynaptic neuronAction potential travels down axonAction potential reaches axon terminalExercise 16 Nervous Tissue Reviewing Your Knowledge Answers A.????? Organization of Nervous System1.?????? receptors2.?????? afferent3.?????? peripheral4.?????? motor5.?????? efferent6.?????? effectorsB.????? Nervous Tissue Cells1-2. satellite cells; Schwann cells–3-6.????astrocyte; ependymal cells; microglia; oligodendrocytes–7-8. oligodendrocytes; Schwann cells–9-10. astrocytes; satellite cells11.?????? neuron12.?????? ependymal cells13.?????? microgliaC.????? Structural Classification of Neurons1.?????? multipolar neuron2.?????? bipolar neuron3.?????? unipolar neuron4.?????? bipolar neuronD.????? Functional Classification of Neurons1-2. motor neuron; interneuron3-4. motor neuron; interneuron5. sensory neuron6. interneuronE.????? Myelination of Axons and Gray and White Matter1.?????? b. white matter2.?????? a. gray matter3.?????? c. myelinated fibers4.?????? d. unmyelinated fibers5.?????? e. nodes of RanvierExercise 16 Nervous Tissue Using Your Knowledge Answers 1. dendrite2. cell body3. axon hillock4. trigger zone5. axon6. axon terminal7. synapse8. second neuron or effector9. Demyelinated neurons of the brain and spinal cord10. Neurons of the brainC. Overview of Communication within the Nervous System1 – 5 – 2 – 8 – 7 – 4 – 6 –3 Practice Question AnswersANSWERSD8. E15. C22. ED9. D16. D23. CC10. C17. C24. BB11. E18. C25. EC12. C19. DE13. B20. CA14. A21. B ................

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