Chapter 4 Section 1 Worksheet - PC\|MAC

Chapter 4 Section 1 Worksheet

1. Scientifically, we would say that when particles move from areas of greater concentration to areas of lower concentration ___________ has occurred. This process does not require energy expended by the cell.

2. _____________ is the process by which water disperses from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

3. Embedded within the cell membrane, you will find some _________ that act as passageways into and out of the cell.

4. In __________ ___________, the particles travel from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration by way of the embedded protein. This does not require the cell to expend energy.

5. In ___________ ____________, the particles flow in the opposite direction of diffusion. In other words, the embedded proteins transport the particles from lower concentration to areas of higher concentration. This requires the cell to expend energy (ATP).

6. _______________ has occurred when the cell membrane surrounds the large particle and encloses it to form a vesicle. The vesicle is “pinched off” inside the cell to be used.

7. ________________ has occurred when a large particle must be removed from the cell. In ______________, the vesicles are formed at the endoplasmic reticulum or the golgi complex to carry the particles out of the cell.

Review on your own:

1). what is diffusion? 2). what is Osmosis? 3) How do cells take in large materials into the cell? 4). How do cells remove large particles from the cell? 5). Explain passive and active transport.

Chapter 4 Section 2 Worksheet

1. Nearly all the energy for all life comes from the sun. Plants and some algae are able to capture this light energy and convert it into food through the process of _______________.

2. Plants have molecules that are able to capture the energy of sunlight. These special molecules are called ___________. ________________ is the molecule that can capture the sun’s energy and use the energy in the production of ATP. The chlorophyll is located in structures called ______________.

3. 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy -( C6H12O6 + 6O2 is the chemical equation or formula for __________________.

4. When our cells are consuming food in the form of glucose and breaking it down into carbon dioxide and water and releasing energy, _______________ ______________ is occurring.

5. Glucose + Oxygen ( Water + Energy (ATP) is the formula for _______________ _______________.

6. The partial breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen is a type of cellular respiration better known as _______________________.

7. ________________ is also used to produce alcohol products. Yeast is added to some form of sugar and as the yeast break down the glucose they give off carbon dioxide and produce ethanol.

Chapter 4 Section 3 Worksheet

1. Before cells can divide to produce new cells, they must make copies of their _________.

2. The DNA is in the form of structures called ____________________.

3. Recall that bacteria do not have a __________ and the _____ is in an oval pattern and is not complex.

4. The process by which bacteria cells divide is known as ______________ ________________.

5. The first stage of eukaryotic cell division involves the cell _____________ and copying ______________ and chromosomes.

6. The second stage of eukaryotic cell division involves the __________ separating.

7. When the chromosomes separate, the process is known as _________.

8. During the third stage of the cell cycle, the cell divides and forms two ________________ cells.

9. This is the phase before mitosis begins. During this phase, all of the DNA and organelles are copied and the cell is preparing itself to enter the mitosis phases. _______________________

10. Mitosis Phase 1: During _______________, the DNA begins to “twist” together and darken within the cell. (Imagine tiny, thin fibers twisting. These fibers will become thicker, shorter and more visible. This is similar to what the DNA or chromosomes are doing during prophase). The nuclear membrane breaks apart and organelles known as centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell. A “spindle” made of protein fibers is formed between the two centrioles.

11. During ________________ (phase 2), the chromosomes line up on the spindle of the cell and are located at the equator of the cell.

12. During ____________(phase 3) the spindle fibers begin to shorten and the chromosomes attached to the spindle begin to move away from the equator with one pair of chromosomes moving toward the poles or to the centriole location.

13. During ___________________ (phase 4) the cell begins to divide into two cells. Close to the equator of the cell, the cell begins to “pinch inward. This area is called the cleavage furrow. This is the location where new cell membranes will be forming for each cell. Now mitosis has completed and we must discuss the last phase of cell division.

14. During ________________, the cytoplasm divides and the new cell membranes completely form and the result is two identical cells called daughter cells. These cells are genetically the same as the original cell that we started with. At this point the new cells are starting their life cycle or cell cycle.

15. Recall: Plant cells have a cell wall and a cell membrane. During ________________ in plant cells, instead of a new cell membrane forming at the cleavage furrow, a ________ ___________ is formed. The cell plate will form the cell membrane of the two new plant cells. After this, a cell wall will form between the two membranes to complete cell division of the plant cell.


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