Alternate Representations Project

[Pages:4]Alternate Representations Project

Photosynthesis/Cellular Respiration Life Sciences 11

In this project, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the biochemical processes that occur during photosynthesis and cellular respiration. You may select any creative format you desire, as long as it incorporates at least one non-verbal component (e.g. sound, picture, video), and is able to meet the project requirements listed below. This could include a spoken-word poem, animation, video, stop-motion, comic strip, or others.

Final Project Due Date: December 20 (Day 1), December 21 (Day 2) 1

Please come with your projects on Jan 7/8 (unless you have already submitted them) so they can be enjoyed by the rest of your classmates!!

Project Checklist:

Alternate representation in digital or physical form. o If you are submitting something like a skit or a spoken-word poem, you must make a recording of it so that Ms. Au can evaluate it.

Written explanation/interpretation of your project References List Self evaluation Peer evaluation if your project was done in groups of more than 1


- May be done in groups of 1-4 (groups of 3-4 recommended) o Proposals for groups of 5 or 6 must be accompanied with compelling reasons why a group of that size is required.

- The larger the group, the greater the expectation (raising the bar!)

1 Submissions will be accepted until January 7/8. If your project is submitted after this date, you will be penalized by receiving a 0 for the self/peer evaluation grade. If all group members are away this day, the project is due the first class you return.

Project Requirements:

You must incorporate the following overall concepts and vocabulary into your project.

Since creative work can sometimes be interpreted different ways, you must include a written explanation of what you have represented in your project, and how it incorporates each concept and vocabulary term included in the table below.

Should one or more given concepts/vocabulary terms be incompatible with your form of representation, you will include a written explanation of what the concept/vocabulary term is, and how it fits in with the other concepts. (Note: It is recommended that you resort to this for as few concepts/vocabulary terms as possible.)

Concepts to Include

Vocabulary to Include in Your Project and/or Written Explanation

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Light-dependent reactions

At each point: Where are the electrons? How does the energy of the electrons change? Where does the step take place? What are the inputs and outputs? o Are any protons moving? From where to where?

Photosystem II Photosystem I Chloroplast (thylakoid, stroma) Chlorophyll OR pigment Sunlight OR Light Energy OR Photon Electron Electron Transport Chain OR Electron Carrier H+ OR proton Water Oxygen NADP+, NADPH ATP Synthase ADP, ATP

PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Light-independent reactions

At each point: How many molecules? How many carbons in each?2 ATP/ADP and NADPH/NADP+ involvement

Overall cycle: What are the inputs? Outputs? How does the cycle sustain itself? o Where do the 5-carbon compounds come from? o Where does the ATP and NADPH come from?

Chloroplast (stroma) Carbon Carbon dioxide Sugar ATP, (ADP) NADPH, (NADP+)

2 You do not have to follow the exact `accounting' system followed in the powerpoint. E.g. see Khan Academy slide: their numbers are half that of the textbook publishers'. However, in general, no carbons should be created or lost during the Calvin cycle.


Glycolysis: ATP/ADP and NADH/NAD+ involvement How many molecules? How many carbons in each? What are the inputs? Outputs? o Where do they come from in plants vs animals? o Where does each output go?

Glycolysis Glucose Pyruvic Acid OR (3-carbon molecule) ADP, ATP NAD+, NADH FADH+, FADH2 Electron Electron Transport Chain OR Electron Carrier Krebs Cycle Carbon dioxide Mitochondrion (matrix, intermembrane space) ATP synthase H+ OR proton Oxygen Water

Extra Credit:

For extra credit, you may:

- Go more in depth about any topic discussed in class (additional research) and/or - Integrate concepts from other sections of the powerpoint or other things we have learned

about in this course (e.g. fermentation, cell structure and function) - Create a project that is particularly creative or has high entertainment value.

You are free to do so in any way you choose. It is recommended to accompany your extra credit work with a written explanation of what you chose to include and its significance.

Written Explanation Criteria

Spelling and grammar Project components thoroughly explained and connected to course content Point form or paragraph form is acceptable Optional: include pictures/timestamps/transcripts/etc in your explanation so it is clear

what you are referring to

References List:

Citing sources becomes ever more important when it comes to creative pieces. Not only must we cite all sources we use directly (e.g. images, information), but we must also cite any key sources of inspiration, since it is so easy to be influenced by pieces we see on the internet. Ms. Au takes plagiarism very seriously. Any projects deemed to have been plagiarized will receive a 0 and a letter home and need to be re-done. List of references must include:

- All sources of information o Links to websites are acceptable o Credit authors wherever possible

- All media used directly (e.g. images3, information, music tracks, video clips) o Links to websites or images are acceptable o Credit authors wherever possible o For longer video clips or music tracks where you only used a small portion, please include the approximate time range used in your project (e.g. 3:40-5:20)

- Key sources of inspiration that your work is based off, if any

Self and Peer Evaluation

- To be uploaded separately on website.

3 Ms. Au understands that in the creative process, some image citations may be lost. Do your best to cite, but do not stress out if you cannot find a few images again. Leaving out one or two image citations is ok, as long as the images are basic and not central to your project. (E.g. apple is ok; entire Calvin cycle diagram is not)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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