Name: KEY Introduction to Cellular Respiration Crash ...



Introduction to Cellular Respiration Crash Course Viewing Guide As you watch the following video, answer the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the equation for cellular respiration? C6H12O6 + O2 H2O + CO2 + Energy

2. Why is ATP called the "currency of biological energy"? All food gets converted into ATP for the cells to use as energy.

3. How is energy released from ATP? The bond between the second and third phosphate group are broken, releasing energy.

4. How many ATP's can one molecule of glucose yield? 38 ATP's

5. What are the three stages of cellular respiration? 1. Glycolysis 2. Kreb's Cycle 3. Electron Transport Chain

6. What are the products of Glycolysis? 2 Pyruvates, NADH, and ATP

7. What happens when no oxygen is present in the cell? When no oxygen is present, fermentation occurs.

8. Where does the Kreb's cycle take place? In the Matrix of the Mitochondria.

9. What are the products of the Kreb's cycle? NADH, FADH2, and CO2

10. What ion allows for ATP synthase to create ATP from ADP and a phosphate group? Hydrogen Ions


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