Schurz High School

AP Biology- Cellular Respiration/Photosynthesis Take-Home Test for X-mas Break 2011 – 2012 Due- Monday January 9, 2012You may work with any other students that you wish. My goal for you guys is to discuss the questions and learn the information so you will do well on the AP test! The first 13 questions are the ones that you guys created but unfortunately, I did not receive questions from everyone. Thus, I had to supplement the test with questions from the textbook resources. If you did not submit a question, you will lose points on this test!In order to save paper and ink, you do NOT have to print the test out- just type the answers on a blank sheet and turn it in. Please do NOT write the whole answer out unless it’s needed. For the multiple-choice questions, just type out the correct letter.What is the main difference between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells? A) Prokaryotic cells lack a cellular membrane that eukaryotic cells have. B) Eukaryotic cells consist of Bacteria and Archae.C) DNA in Eukaryotic cells are contained within the nucleus.D) Prokaryotic cells are much larger compared to eukaryotic cells.What are the three main steps in cellular respiration?What carries high energy electrons to the Calvin Cycle in photosynthesis and where is it produced?During which metabolic stage is glucose broken down to pyruvate? A) Glycolysis B) The citric acid cycle C) The electron transport chain D) Oxidative phosphorylation 5- Respiration that occurs without oxygen is classified as which of the following A) Chemotrophic B) Phototrophic C) Aerobic D) Anaerobic 6- What is the starting material of the citric acid cycle? A) Acetyl-CoA B) Glucose C) Pyruvate D) NADH 7- The starting molecule for glycolysis is ___________. 8- The Calvin Cycle is a major component of photosynthesis as it converts carbon dioxide to sugar. From where does this process receive its: energy electrons 9- Plant cells have certain parts that animals do not have like chloroplasts, central vacuole, cell wall, and plasmodesmata. Explain what each function is capable of doing and why. 10- In the absence of oxygen, fermentation prevents the build-up of NADH in what part of the cell?11- What is the difference between cellular respiration and photorespiration? 12- what is the process that occurs if no oxygen is present in cellular respiration? 13- Which of these phrases are not pertaining to non cyclic light dependent reactions in photosynthesis ? (A); inputs are light & water (B); light strikes photosystem II (C); the carbon of the sugar product comes from CO2.(D); oxygen produced comes from H2 O(E); three products of light reactions are NADPH, ATP, & O2 . 14) Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration is true? A) Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts, and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria. B) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria, and cellular respiration occurs in chloroplasts. C) Photosynthesis occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. D) Cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria and in chloroplasts. E) Neither cellular respiration nor photosynthesis occurs in either mitochondria or chloroplasts. 15) Chlorophyll b and carotenoids A) are best at absorbing the energy of green light. B) are found at the reaction center. C) are located on the inner membrane of the chloroplast. D) pass absorbed energy to chlorophyll a. E) catalyze the incorporation of carbon atoms into RuBP. 16) Peter Gabriel was the original singer in which band-a) Little Featb) ABCc) The Cured) Simple Mindse) GENESIS!!!17) Which of the following colors contributes the least energy to photosynthesis? A) blue B) red C) violet D) orange E) green 18-1) Why are most plants green? A) Chlorophyll a reflects green light. B) Chlorophyll a absorbs green light. C) Chlorophyll b primarily uses green light as the source of energy for photosynthesis. D) Green helps plants blend into their environment as a sort of camouflage. E) All photosynthetic pigments are colored green. 18-2) The enzyme Rubisco (which is probably the most abundant protein seen on Earth) is seen in which part of the Calvin Cycle?19) Carbon fixation A) occurs when carbon and oxygen from CO2 are incorporated into an organic molecule. B) powers the process of glucose synthesis by supplying the cell with ATP. C) occurs during the light reactions. D) provides the cell with a supply of NADPH molecules. E) uses noncyclic electron flow to capture energy in glucose. 20) Which of the following is part of the light reaction? A) carbon fixation B) reduction of carbon C) addition of electrons and protons to carbon D) regeneration of NADP+ E) formation of waste products in the form of O2 21) Which of the following statements regarding photosynthesis is false? A) ATP is not produced during photosynthesis, but only during respiration. B) Photosynthesis is ultimately powered by light energy and respiration by the chemical energy of fuel molecules. C) Photosynthesis consumes CO2; respiration consumes O2. D) Photosynthesis produces O2; respiration produces CO2. E) The principal electron carrier in photosynthesis is NADPH; the principal electron carrier in respiration is NADH. 22) The oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis comes from A) water. B) glucose. C) carbon dioxide. D) chlorophyll. E) mitochondria. 23) To produce one glucose, the Calvin cycle needs to be run through ________ time(s). A) one B) two C) four D) six E) eight 24) Muscle soreness associated with strenuous exercise is at least partly due to A) an excess of ATP that builds up during vigorous exercise. B) the presence of lactate produced during fermentation in muscle cells. C) the large amount of carbon dioxide that builds up in the muscle. D) the accumulation of alcohol from anaerobic respiration. E) the excess buildup of carbon monoxide due to inefficient respiration25) Some friends are trying to make wine in their basement. They've added yeast to a sweet grape juice mixture and have allowed the yeast to grow. After several days they find that sugar levels in the grape juice have dropped, but there's no alcohol in the mixture. The most likely explanation is that A) the mixture needs more sugar, because yeast need a lot of energy before they can begin to produce alcohol. B) the mixture needs less oxygen, because yeast only produce alcohol in the absence of oxygen. C) the mixture needs more oxygen, because yeast need oxygen to break down sugar and get enough energy to produce alcohol. D) the mixture needs less sugar, because high sugar concentrations stimulate cellular respiration, and alcohol is not a by-product of cellular respiration. 26) Yeasts can produce ATP by either fermentation or oxidative phosphorylation; thus, they are A) strict anaerobes. B) strict aerobes. C) facultative anaerobes. D) facultative aerobes. E) producers of lactic acid. 27) How do cells capture the energy released by cellular respiration? A) They produce ATP. B) They produce glucose. C) They store it in molecules of carbon dioxide. D) The energy is coupled to oxygen. E) They store it as thermal energy. 28) According to this figure, how do H+ ions make their way from the stroma to the thylakoid interior? A) through photosystem I B) through photosystem II C) through an electron transport chain molecule D) through the ATP synthase E) directly through the phospholipids of the thylakoid membrane 29) The oxygen released into the air as a product of photosynthesis comes from A) water. B) glucose. C) carbon dioxide. D) chlorophyll. E) mitochondria. 30) Which of the following is part of the light reaction? A) carbon fixation B) reduction of carbon C) addition of electrons and protons to carbon D) formation of waste products in the form of O2 ................

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