Guided reading for Chapter 9 – Cellular Respiration

Guided reading for Chapter 9 – Cellular Respiration


9-1 Chemical Pathways

1) One gram of sugar burned in the presence of oxygen can yield ____________ calories of heat energy.

2) What is the definition of a calorie?

3) Write the chemical formula for Cellular Respiration…..

4) The splitting of glucose to yield pyruvic acid is known as ___________________________.

5) Where does glycolysis take place? – What does it yield?

6) Compare and contrast the differences between glycolysis and fermentation.

7) What does the term anaerobic mean?

8) What chemical substances enter the Krebs cycle?

9) Where does the Krebs cycle take place?

10) Copy the picture of the electron transport chain on page 228 and label structures.

11) Show the production of water, ATP

12)What is the total amount of ATP one molecule of glucose generates?


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